Sunday Evening Episodes

Sept. 17, 2024

Enduring Tribulations: The Journey of Paul and Barnabas - Evening Service - September 15, 2024

Steadfast in Mission: Lessons from Paul's First Missionary Journey In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh discusses the conclusion of Acts 14 and Paul’s first missionary journey. Despite being …
Sept. 10, 2024

Authentic Church Through Scripture: Continuing the Mission - Sunday Evening - September 8, 2024

Authentic Church Through Scripture: Persevering in the Face of Opposition In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh continues the study in the book of Acts, focusing on chapter 14. He discusses th…
Sept. 3, 2024

Proclaiming Holiness: A Study on Paul's Message - Sunday Evening September 1, 2024

The Necessity of Holiness and Preaching Jesus Pastor Josh shares a message from Acts chapter 13, emphasizing God's holiness above all attributes and encouraging believers to adopt this perspective. He revisits themes from hi…
Aug. 27, 2024

Acts 13: Paul’s Missionary Journey and Gospel Message - Sunday Evening - August 26, 2024

Proclaiming the Gospel: Focusing on Jesus and the Great Commission In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh explores Acts 13:13-37, highlighting the missionary journey of Paul, Barnabas, and John…
Aug. 20, 2024

Acts 13: The Mission of the Early Church - Sunday Evening - August 18, 2024

The Mission of God: Lessons from Acts 13 In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh delves into Acts chapter 13. He emphasizes the importance of being an authentic church through scripture and disc…
Aug. 13, 2024

Persecuted but Not Defeated: A Study in Acts 12 - Sunday Evening August 11, 2024

Faith Amidst Persecution: Peter's Miraculous Deliverance in Acts 12 Pastor Josh from Middletown Baptist Church delves into Acts chapter 12, discussing the persecution faced by the early church and the miraculous deliverance …
Aug. 6, 2024

Peter's Escape and the Power of a Praying Church - Sunday Evening August 4, 2024

Peter's Imprisonment and the Power of Persistent Prayer In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh delves into Acts chapter 12 to discuss the early church's trials and triumphs. He examines the mar…
July 30, 2024

Wisdom and Faith in Action: Lessons from James - Evening Service July 28, 2024

True Faith: Lessons from the Book of James In this script, the speaker dives into an in-depth study of James chapters 3 and 4, drawing parallels between the authentic Christian life and the superficial persona that some may …
July 23, 2024

Authentic Church Through Scripture: A Study of Acts 11 - Evening Service July 21, 2024

Authentic Church Through Scripture: Lessons from Acts 11 In this episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, Pastor Josh delves into Acts chapter 11, explaining the challenges Peter faced for ministering to Gentiles an…
July 16, 2024

Navigating Contention in the Early Church - Sunday Evening July 14, 2024

Navigating Contention in the Early Church - Sunday Evening July 14, 2024 Unifying Through the Gospel: Lessons from Acts 11 This sermon delves into Acts chapter 11, highlighting the significance of Peter's ministry to Corneli…
July 7, 2024

Breaking Traditions: Peter's Journey to Cornelius - Sunday Evening July 7, 2024

Peter's Vision and the Inclusion of Gentiles: A Reflection on Acts 10 In this episode, the speaker continues the series on the book of Acts, focusing on Peter's vision in Acts 10 which symbolizes the inclusion of Gentiles in…
June 23, 2024

Authentic Church Through Scripture: Cornelius's Story - Sunday Evening- June 23, 2024

The Power of the Gospel and the Church's Mission: Lessons from Acts 10 Pastor Josh from Middletown Baptist Church discusses Acts chapter 10, exploring key themes like the importance of proclaiming the gospel, maintaining gos…