On an early Christmas special of MITM Laura is joined by Steve Stockton and Sysco Murdoch. They are life long paranormal experiencers, investigators, authors, podcasters and youtubers. Laura, Steve and Sysco discuss their first paranormal sightings as young children. They get into the holiday spirit by reminiscing on Christmas visitations from past loved ones. Sysco reminds us to remember and honor loved ones, especially around this time of the year. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!find Sysco Murdoch on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClIXOoXYqgvOvQDeZrR5AegInstagram: @journeythroughthegatepodcastfind Steve Stockton on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcIn3MfsO48kbmVGoy2CXoQhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaUCzPRX1bKUwz7a2aJgIDQ Instagram: @13pastmidnight