Updates on Porn in the Muslim Community

📢 Pornography is a silent but pervasive issue in American Muslim communities.. We’re breaking that silence with Alaa Shareef of The Family and You Institute. She brings data-driven insights on who’s watching, why consumption happens, who's at risk, and what we can do about it—because ignoring it isn’t an option.
đź“Š Who is consuming porn in our communities, and what does that mean for our relationships and faith?
⚠️ Who’s at risk? It’s not just who you think.
🛑 How can families, parents, and partners approach this conversation with love, faith, and practical solutions?
We’re here to talk about real, shame-free solutions for prevention, intervention, and healing. If you’ve ever wondered how to protect your children, support a loved one, or unlearn toxic cultural taboos around this issue, this episode is for you. Key pearl from Alaa on this episode is "compassion not condemnation."
🎧 Tune in now and join the conversation—because the first step to solving a problem is talking about it. Then share this episode with a loved one who may be experiencing porn in some capacity that's harming their imaan, someone who may not know how to get help otherwise.
1. The Family & Youth Institute
2. Our last episode on porn with TheFYI
3. Pornography in the Muslim Community
4. Premarital Sex & Muslim Youth
Did you know you can send us a text? Feedback, questions, or recommendations welcomed!
1. Web: www.mommyingwhilemuslim.com
2. Email: salam@mommyingwhilemuslim.com
3. FB: Mommying While Muslim page and Mommyingwhilemuslim group
4. IG: @mommyingwhilemuslimpodcast
5. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrdKxpBdBO4ZLwB1kTmz1w