May 17, 2023

The Unspoken Affection: A Mother's Reflection on Love and Appreciation

The Unspoken Affection: A Mother's Reflection on Love and Appreciation

In Season 2, Episode 13 of "Mommy Needs a Moment," I grappled with the unexpected emotional rollercoaster that my one-year-old son put me on. An experience that, surprisingly, had me questioning my own ways of expressing love and appreciation. I invite you to join me as we delve deeper into this, or if you prefer, you can listen to the full episode here.

The Silent Love of a Child

In the episode, I shared the humorous yet heart-tugging incident of my son saying "Mommy" for the first time, only to replace it with "Daddy" in all subsequent attempts. Despite being his primary caregiver and enduring a challenging pregnancy, all I got in return was "Daddy." It was a moment that, despite its surface-level humor, made me reflect on how we express appreciation.

Beyond the Episode: The Silent Language of Love

While my son's word choice might have stung, I know he loves me. One day, he will express his love in words, but his actions are enough for now. This experience made me ponder:

How often do we express our love and appreciation to those who mean the most to us? How often do we tell them how much they matter? 

Taking a Step Towards Expressing Gratitude

In a world filled with negativity and hardship, expressing gratitude and love is essential. Yes, it might feel uncomfortable or even awkward, but the joy it brings to others makes it worth it. We all need to hear good things about ourselves, to know that we make a difference. A word of encouragement can be a beacon of light in someone's day.

Reflections on Motherhood and Appreciation

Being a mother has taught me countless lessons, but this was a particularly poignant one. Back then, my son may have called me "Daddy," but I knew I was his world. I've learned that love isn't always about the words spoken; it's also about the unspoken bond, the shared moments, and the heartfelt actions. You'll be happy to know that two years later, he actively calls me "Mommy" with a tone of love and a voice that melts my heart.

Spreading Love, Appreciation, and Kindness

So, join me in this conscious effort to express love and appreciation more freely. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Make someone's day with a kind word or act. And remember, if you're a mother questioning your worth because your child hasn't expressed their love in the way you expected, know that your role is invaluable, and you're doing a great job. You are loved.

Please share this with a mommy friend and tell her how much her friendship means to you. Let's remember to express our love and appreciation for each other. 

That moment was for you. Now, go make someone else's day.