Sept. 15, 2021

Hey Girl Hey

Hey Girl Hey

My daughter got the sweetest note from a friend. It made me cry. It was loving, encouraging, and everything a friend should be. It reminded me that we all need to slow down and pour into others. Words (written or spoken) matter and have the ability to impact others deeply. We should all spend time speaking powerful uplifting words to our friends. What a lesson for us all! Another dose of encouragement coming your way.

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Being a mom is hard. Bring a little calm to the chaos and take a moment to fill up your own cup. It doesn't take long. Make a coffee, put the kids down for a nap, and tune in. Most importantly -- take a moment for yourself. Join Sarah every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for your daily encouragement.



My daughter recently got a note from a friend at school and that note made me cry. Coming up, I'll tell you what was in the note and what it's got me thinking about.

My daughter got a note from a friend at school, and I was struck with this note so much so that it made me cry. This note was full of so much love and support for my daughter. It went something like this. Hey girl, you're unicorn own your uniqueness. Embrace who you are. You are special. You are loved. I'm so glad you were born.

This was a birthday note for her and what a special gift. I wish you could see the smile on my daughter's face. When she came home from school, that note meant the world to her. I cried. See, I love my children. I think the world of them, but for someone else, another child to see my child, the way that I see them.

Well, I was moved to tears shouldn't we raise our kids to encourage others with strong, powerful words. Shouldn't we teach them to go out of their way and encourage others. I told the little girl's mom about this note and what it meant, how sweet it was and how it spoke volumes of how her daughter was raised.

And it reminded me of something. We shouldn't only encourage our children to speak this way to each other, but we should do the same. We should check in with our mommy friends. We should say, Hey girl, Hey, how you doing? And we should mean it. We should take time to really listen to them. And we should speak powerful words into their lives.

I have a friend that does this for me. It shocks me and humbles me every time she does. I have a hard time receiving these words and that is something I'm working on. And if you don't have a friend that does this for you, Let me do it for you. Now you've got this. The fact that you worry about your child is proof that you are loving mom.

You give your time and energy in small and big ways. Every day. You take time to listen to them. You care deeply that sometimes it hurts. You worry about them at night, you lovingly listened to their concerns and yes, it is hard and you don't always do it perfectly, but the small things you do every day, how you persist, even when it's hard.

That's what moms do. That's what good moms do. And you, my friend are a good mom. You're a great mom. So, Hey girl. Hey, you've got this. You're a unicorn own your uniqueness. Embrace who you are. You are special. You are loved. I am so glad you were born. I'm so glad you became a mom. You know, you've got to share this with a mom friend who needs to hear these words today.

We all need to take more time to encourage each other. That moment was for you. Now go make someone else's day.

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