Sept. 17, 2021

Making Hard Decisions

Making Hard Decisions

Everyday we have to make hard decisions. Being a parent is hard right now. I often find myself frustrated with the changing information and contradictory information. I worry I am making the wrong choices. But you know what, I am doing the best I can and so are my friends. We may not make the same decisions, but we are making the best decisions knowing what we know right now.  And that is all we can do. Another dose of encouragement coming your way.

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Being a mom is hard. Bring a little calm to the chaos and take a moment to fill up your own cup. It doesn't take long. Make a coffee, put the kids down for a nap, and tune in. Most importantly -- take a moment for yourself. Join Sarah every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for your daily encouragement.



Every day I feel like I'm forced to make hard decisions for my kids coming up. I'm going to tell you how I have peace with those decisions.

What a world we live in. It is hard right now. Being a parent is hard every day. I feel like I'm faced with decisions, hard, complicated decisions that I didn't have two years ago. They keep me up at night. They concern me. I always wonder, am I doing the right thing? How can I keep my kids safe? I don't have the answers.

There are times where I worry that I'll look back at these moments at these decisions that I make and I will cringe, but you know, that's the problem. How often do we look back and assess our decisions? We agonize over the choices that we make. We criticize them. We wonder how we could have been so stupid, but hindsight's 2020.

It's so easy to critique our decisions. It's harder to make them because in the moment it doesn't seem as simple as it does years down the road, every day. I'm making decisions based on the best information that I have. And I know you're doing the same. And at the end of the day, we have to say that is okay, we're doing what we can with what we know.

And when we look back a couple years down the road at the decisions that we made today, we have to keep in mind the context of when we made them. We have to remember how we felt in that moment. We have to remind ourselves of what we did not know. Indecision right now, as a parent is not a choice. We're faced with hard questions and we have changing information and contradictory information.

We have to constantly be readjusting the risk of life, and we have to make decisions for our children that we don't want to. That aren't fair, but we have to make these decisions boldly and we have to do the best with what we know. And we have to remember that others are doing the same. I have friends, close friends that I love to death who make different decisions for their children than I do.

And you know what that's okay, because they're doing the best with what they know and I'm doing the best with what I know. We have to remember that we have to remember in 2, 3, 4, 5 years, when we look back at the decisions that we made at this time in our life, that was so hard that we did the best we could with what we knew.

And that's the comfort that I take at the end of the day, knowing that I'm doing the best that I can. And I know you're doing the best you can. And my mommy friends, while they're doing the best they can too, but we're in this together. We can support each other, even if we don't make the same decision. I know you've got a mommy friend that needs to hear this.

So go ahead, share this with her today and support each other. Even if you don't make the same decisions. That moment was for you. Now go make someone else's day.

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