Sept. 13, 2021

Toddling Like T-Rex Through Life

Toddling Like T-Rex Through Life

We have a toddler on the loose. Don’t you love the toddler phase? It is full of cute chubby legs running and wobbling with joy. My son is so proud of his wobbling mobility. Sometimes I feel like a wobbling t-rex as a parent, roaring and toddling my way through motherhood. He reminded me I need to be reminded to find the joy in life and approach my wobbles with enthusiasm like my son. Another dose of encouragement coming your way.

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Being a mom is hard. Bring a little calm to the chaos and take a moment to fill up your own cup. It doesn't take long. Make a coffee, put the kids down for a nap, and tune in. Most importantly -- take a moment for yourself. Join Sarah every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for your daily encouragement.



Mommy, I'm so glad you're here coming up. I'm going to share with you the toddling wobbling. T-Rex who's been disrupting our lives lately. Stick around.

My son is walking. And when I say walking, I really mean wobbling. He looks like a baby T-Rex, running around arms close to his chest, toddling and wobbling his way into all kinds of trouble. He falls a lot, but he gets right back. And you know what, he couldn't be more proud of what he can do, what he can get into and all the things he finds that he probably shouldn't.

I kid you not. He's a rolling, lost and found. He's found multiple items that we thought were lost forever. I'm not quite sure where he's finding these things, but baby T-Rex can find anything. He's not very good at walking, but that doesn't stop him. It also doesn't take away the joy in what he can do. He is so proud.

I cannot express to you the joy. He feels in his wobbling mobility. I kid you not. It's all over his face. Just like, he's not very good at walking don't we all sometimes feel like we're not very good at parenting. We all feel like that T-Rex wobbling and toddling full of commotion, disturbing the balance of life around us.

I mean, sometimes I'm convinced the actually roar like T-Rex. I often look at other mothers with grace and style and energy. And I think I'm a lost cause, but she know what I'm not. And neither are you. You're toddling and wobbling ways are enough. And that's what I'm here to tell you today. They are what your kids need.

Your commotion is the balance in their life. You are their constant, no matter how awkward it feels to you, to them, you are everything they need. They don't need the Instagram mom down the street. They need you, regardless of all your perceived fault. Remember mothering isn't one size fits all. It's unique.

You come with your own unique flair, just like your kids approach life with their own unique flair. You were meant for each other. Sometimes I think we forget about the joy of mothering, just like my son toddling and wobbling his way through life. He often will fall down. But that doesn't take away his joy.

He laughs through it and he gets back up waddling just as fast as before. So here's my challenge to you be a toddling T-Rex approach, life with joy rather than perfected poise. And you know what? You should really share this podcast with another T-Rex mom, do life together, support each other through all the wobbles that may come your way.

We all need a mom friend, someone that we can share the joys with and the wobbles. That moment was for you., now go make someone else's day.

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