Nov. 3, 2021

You’re Getting My Goat

You’re Getting My Goat

If you ever visit my house for any length of time, you are likely to hear my daughter say “you are getting my goat.” While that phrase can often mean to irritate or upset someone, in our house we use it to describe someone teasing you. The joke has always been that my husband has a goat farm, that’s how many goats he gets. In fact, my husband has so many goats, my daughter announced the other day that she no longer has goats. If she doesn’t have goats, then he can’t get her goat. She now has unicorns and her dad can’t have them. Can she really just change the game like that? Can she make her goats into unicorns? What if we approached our own problems like that? What if we refused to play the game others forced us to play? What if we took the goats others gave us and turned them into unicorns?

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