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Monarch for Love

Welcome to Monarch for Love. I'm Michelle Hays and I'm a relationship coach who believes that love is the most important aspect of our lives. I believe love is life's greatest gift. I have spent decades researching and studying how relationships that are once fun, passionate, and happy can become heartbreaking, unfulfilling, and hurtful. I was an unhappy wife. Twice! I know that choosing love is always the path to true happiness, a fuller life, and a passionate partnership.

Love is a decision! It's a decision we must make every day. Love is meant to be cultivated yet it is too often dismissed and ultimately destroyed because we lack the skills and knowledge to nourish it. We are here to change all that. Join me as we learn how to create loving, lasting relationships and open ourselves, our pasts, our hearts, and our dreams, and discover what it is we are all truly looking for…love.

Follow us now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, IHeart Radio, or wherever you enjoy your shows.

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Recent Episodes

Sept. 3, 2024

Ep. 7 - The Up Side to Divorced Parents

Kristen Adams (aka KO) and her son Dylan dive into a heartfelt conversation as they reflect on the unique perks of having divorced parents. They chat about their experiences with sports, generational differences, and the shi…
Sept. 3, 2024

Ep. 122 - What Does God Want For Us in Our Marriages?

Does your faith ever get shaken? Mine does! In this week's episode, I'd like to welcome my cousin, Kathryn Ferritto back to the show! Today we are discussing faith, commitment, conflict, what God wants for us in our marriage…
Aug. 27, 2024

Ep. 6 - Back to School Basics

Kristen Adams aka KO breaks down the basics of back to school tools for success. Each one of us, whether you have 1 kiddo or 5, will face the daily challenge of juggling schedules, homework, sports and everything in between.…
Aug. 27, 2024

Ep. 121 - What to Do When You Feel Triggered By Your Spouse

We all get triggered by our spouses! In this weeks episode, we are discussing the involuntary response to the things that happen in our past that cause us to be triggered by our partners. Being emotionally reactive is detrim…
Aug. 20, 2024

Ep. 5 - Breaking The Silence of Fear

You will NOT want to miss this episode! Kristen Adams (aka KO) dives into her own painful journey as a survivor of domestic abuse and even being kidnapped away from her family. It has taken her over 30 years to share her sto…
Aug. 20, 2024

Ep. 120 - Why Do Marriages Fail?

Have you ever wondered why so marriages fail? Do you ever feel like giving up on your marriage. In this weeks episode, we are discussing why love is so challenging and why so many marriages fail. You will learn how to turn t…