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Excellent Insights
Few people create a podcast that adds this much value to the world. Michelle Hays has knocked it out of the park. She keeps it simple, to the point, and relevant. Each of her episodes give golden gems of insight on how to keep your relationship vibrant

Cheers to Michelle and her Podcast
I had an opportunity to be a part of a couple of episodes on her Podcast. Her understanding of marriage and relationships is very evident. Her approach is compassionate, empathetic and non-judgmental. Her Podcast provides a valuable platform for those looking to cultivate healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Her listeners can greatly benefit and get empowered by it. The way she shares her personal stories, it’s easy for others to relate and understand. I love her advocacy for LOVE. As a fellow Relationship Coach, I understand people’s challenges so I highly recommend Michelle to anyone seeking guidance in their marriage or relationship.

Concise and to the point! I hope it’s going to inspire a number of couples to analyze their relationships and… Who’s always room for improvement. Bravo both Michele and Bryan.👏🏻

Great Relationship Tips
I enjoy listening to this podcast. Love the guests and especially hearing a man’s point of view. I love the positive vibes and personal stories!

Love this podcast! 10/10!!
I love this podcast! It helps me with my relationship, from how to be patient to how to listen, seek to understand him. This is a podcast I look forward to hearing and sharing with my friends and family.

10/10 recommend
as a recent newly wed, i have been relying on “monarch for love” throughout my whole wedding process. the honesty, wisdom, and beliefs that michelle talk about have truly opened my eyes and helped make major changes to my relationship! i cannot recommend this enough. michelle speaks from her heart and genuinely wants all of us to choose love!

Monarch for love
Michelle is so inspirational and inviting. The advice I have taken away from her wisdom has given me the ability to have healthier relationships in all aspects of my life. I truly recommend this podcast for all. It’s like changing.

What do money
Apparently a lot! I had the honor of being in the studio and interviewed by Michelle. I wouldn’t call it an interview as much as it was a great convo around relationships and the effect money can have on them. If you’re in a relationship or plan to be in one, married or not THIS episode is for you. Many couples struggling talking about money to their significant other. Michelle helps to break down that barrier and open up the dialog for a deeper conversation around money and trust. This is a MUST listen to podcast if you want a deeper connection with your partner.

Love your podcasts more need to hear!
Thank you for sharing this wisdom and your vulnerability. “There is a big difference between I want and I will”. Also “you have to choose love” The insight you have is so needed. ❤️❤️

Should you stay or should you go
Thank you for sharing Michelle. We wish we knew these things when we were young. But we are working on our new relationship and love.

SO many truths packed into this 19 minutes. I cannot wait to hold myself accountable to working on these concepts Michelle speaks to. Thank you for doing these podcasts. I cannot wait to listen to all of them and re-visit in the weeks/months to come and see if I have incorporated into my life and see how my relationships flourish because of it!