Ways to work with me!



Hello! I'm Nicole, the host of Multitudes. Multitudes came from Walt Whitman's, Leaves of Grass: “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” This concept of containing multitudes for me relates to the idea that human beings are multidimensional and paradoxical.

We can desire many things and change our realities over the course of our lifetimes, and in a most expansive way that we are limitless in our potential outcomes and possibilities. Yet those potential outcomes and possibilities can be challenging to imagine if your reality doesn't mirror what you want to create - whether that be in spirituality, health, wellbeing, your career, or leading a life beyond what you traditionally thought was possible.

We are currently in Season 2 of Multitudes, with a new guest episode released every other Tuesday. I'm currently offering ways to work with me especially within the realm of podcasting and career coaching. Feel free to connect with me at themultitudespod@gmail.com, would love to hear from you!