My Bad Poetry

My Bad Poetry

Aaron and Dave dive into an old private journal to read poems written in high school. Along the way the two have found themselves joined by some incredibly amazing people, all willing to share some of their own bad poetry. Experience a mix of self-reflection, humor, self-deprecation, great conversations and just maybe a half decent poem!

Recent Episodes

Sept. 9, 2024

Windowless Room, Taos Court, & Algebraic Hymn (w/Adam Shaw)

This week co-host's Dave and Aaron find themselves talking to a person working in the Twin Cities, who has never been to the Twin Cities. And if that isn't a riddle enough, they have to try and figure out his old poems! Adam…
Sept. 2, 2024

The Seaman's Stray, Minotaur, & Almost (w/Jenny Qi)

After nearly two years of DMs to work out a time, the co-hosts of My Bad Poetry get to chat with Jenny Qi... and it was worth the wait! Jenny brings three poems from three distinct times in her life so one can see the progre…
Aug. 26, 2024

SONNET DCLXVII & Obfuscatory Exegesis (w Jay Parr)

Jay Parr brings their tinkerings with poetry to the show, demonstrating the fun of self referencial poems. While none of them would be considered high art... they really aren't trying to be. A string of bad haiku's bring it …
Aug. 19, 2024

HftRR & Dimestore Shaman (w/ Lasara Firefox Allen)

Lasara Firefox Allen brings work from their April 30 in 30 project (30 poems written in 30 days). These hastily written poems may blow most of the stuff Aaron and Dave brings to the show out of the water in quality, neverthe…
Aug. 12, 2024

Hello Best Wishes, (w/william erickson)

To say this experience was surreal would be... partially true? william erickson brings some bad poems from an old chapbook manuscript. Three poems confuse and bewilder Dave and Aaron, but Will's closing poem brings it all fu…
Aug. 5, 2024


The co-hosts forgot to book a guest for this episode. Unfortunately that means Aaron had to dig for another failed poem in his life. This poem comes from an abandoned reflection written for a church worship service circa 201…