Dave and Aaron couldn't connect this week so Aaron went back through the raw files of season six to pull some of the cut conversations. Some were cut for time, others... well it's pretty obvious once you hear them. Listen car...
Co-Hosts Aaron and Dave took the week off to focus on their day jobs. Enjoy a compilation of the tangents, distractions, and strange takes that just didn't make the cut for a "normal" episode. This episode features the vocal ...
For our podcast's "proof of life" during this extended holiday season, enjoy some bloopers and outtakes from the first six episodes of Season Five. Special features include: technical difficulties, general distractions, tired...
Though originally cut for time, this boardgame conversation seemed to interesting to leave on the cutting room floor. So during this extended winter break My Bad Poetry decided to drop this special bonus mini Boardgame episod...
Feeling nostalgic and a little crunched for time after 100 episodes, Aaron gives up on a blooper reel and finds a whole host of oddities in the uncut recording of "My Bad Poetry- Introductions" from Season 1. A promo that end...
Dave and Aaron were unable to find the time to record this week. So Aaron dug through the back catalogue of late Season 3 and the first half of Season 4 to compile this random collection of outtakes and bloopers. This episode...
Start of 2023 with a new blooper reel! Or maybe don't... We won't judge. Aaron and Dave continue to struggle with all things recording in this collection of gaffes, tangents, and conversations cut for time. Want to enjoy a r...
When life got in the way of recording this week, we dove into the crypt of cut pieces to Frankenstein together something "new" for our October 31st episode. While the bloopers aren't necessarily frightening, we hope you enjo...
With Dave in Ohio (!) of all places and the season nearly wrapped, it seemed as good a time as any to drop our Season two outtakes reel. This time with guests!! Enjoy a mix of laughter and insight found from the cutting roo...
Buddies bumbling through baby care, busy seasons, and a bout of brain pain (migraine) were unable to work on this side project. Enjoy this B-side material from the cutting room floor! We will be back strong next week! My Ba...
Sorry for the delay.. but really the title kinda sums it this one up. Life got in the way of recording this weekend... and we couldn't be happier for the reason! Congrats Co-host Dave and co. Correction: Outtakes are outtake...
A "Season One: Thoughts of a Misunderstood" bonus episode with a some cut stuff from the second half of the year. Hopefully you can enjoy and laugh along the stuff that wasn't good enough or too tangential for the edited epi...
With no new episode being recorded this week, here is some leftover content from the first batch of episodes. Extended cuts from conversations too-off-the-rails or nerdy for the streamline, concise, and always on-point conver...