July 29, 2024
Sunday 11:30 Monday Eternity & Oncology (w/ Kellie Scott-Reed)

Kellie Scott-Reed brings a whole lot of laughter and joy to the show, even when her poems were less than happy. An aversion to ernesty in her old poetry leads to some strange twists and turns of phrases, and Aaron and Dave enjoy every moment of the ride.
My Bad Poetry Episode 6.4: "Sunday 11:30 Monday Eternity & Oncology (w/ Kellie Scott-Reed)"
End Poem from a Real Poet: "Canidae" by Kellie Scott-Reed
Kellie Scott-Reed is the Assistant Editor-In-Chief of Roi Faineant Press and host of their interview show "A Word?". Her poetry is found throughout the internet along with songs she has written for FiveHead and so much more! You can keep up with all her activities through her handle: @KellieScottReed