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How Are You?
How Are You?
What can you do to be more relational with God, your church, and others? Happy Friday! We are so thrilled that you've journeyed with us thr…
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Aug. 23, 2024

How Are You?

How Are You?

What can you do to be more relational with God, your church, and others?

Happy Friday! We are so thrilled that you've journeyed with us through another week of devotionals. Today’s episode, “How Are You?” delves into the importance of being relational in all aspects of our lives, following the example of Jesus. We'll explore the essence of the three R's – relationship with God, our church community, and those beyond our church walls.

Let's challenge ourselves to put love into action today. 

Grab your coffee, settle in, and let's get started!

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We're so glad you're here!

We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in a church in Miami, FL, and we're so blessed to partner with the My Morning Devotional community and continue the great work done by the show's creator and our friend, Alison Delamota.

Here’s how to join our community!


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You're listening to the my morning Devotional podcast, episode 1080. Today's Devo is called how are you? Hey there. We're the Alessis, a ministry family working together in our church in Miami, Florida.

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And if you're like us, when days get busy and to do lists get longer, it can be hard to find devotional time. That's why we've partnered with our friend Allison to produce a five minute daily dose of heaven. This is the my morning Devotional podcast.

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Good morning, everybody, and happy Friday. We have made it to the weekend. My name is Stephanie, and we've had just a wonderful week of devotionals. I pray that they have blessed you.

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I pray that they have uplifted you and encouraged you. That is just our wish for all of these devotionals, that in five minutes, we can make your day a little brighter and we can encourage you to spend time with Jesus. So I'm going to dive into this. My title is how are you? And I am reading from the NIV version, Philippians two, three, four, which says, do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility, count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. That's one of my favorite verses. And, you know, at our church, Metrolife church here in Miami, at my church here, we say that we're about the three r's. We're about relationship, relationship, relationship, relationship with God, relationship with our church community, and then relationship with the people outside of our church community.

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And I love it because it's a challenge to me every day, because it helps me analyze if I'm being relational in all three areas of my life. Am I being relational with God? Am I being relational with my church community? And am I being relational with others? But am I being actively relational with those people? Am I pursuing my friendships? Am I putting others first?

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Am I putting my church community first? That challenge of being relational, I have to ask myself if I'm doing it actively in my actions, not just talking about relationships and talking about how much I love people, but am I doing it with my actions? And something that I've put into practice recently, and I've learned lately, is one of the best ways for me to pursue relationships is to slow down and to ask those around me, how are you? And then I listen. I just sit there and I listen. I don't judge. I don't boss them around and tell them how they can get better at their life or how they can fix their situation. I don't overanalyze. I just listen. I ask them how they're doing, and then I listen to what they are going through. You know, how amazing would it be if in the middle of our busy days at work, of our busy days at home, of our busy time with the kids, with our schedule, how amazing would it be if we just slow down and ask the people around us, how are you? You know, when was the last time that you asked your spouse that question? We spend over almost every minute with our spouses. Do you know how they're doing? What about our coworkers? We come in and out of the workplace every single day. We spend almost more time with our co workers than we do our family. Do you know how they're doing?

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You know, Jesus, he was the most humble man to walk the earth. He was the son of God. He could perform miracles. He could raise people from the dead. But he even counted others problems more significant than him. He took the time to heal.

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He took the time to pray for others. He took the time to uplift others. He took the time to love others, to listen and to speak truth. So now our challenge today is to do the same exact thing Jesus did. To take a minute and to count others problems more significant than ours. Take the minute today to just sit with your friend, to sit with your spouse, to sit with your coworker, to sit with your children and ask them, how are you? That is how we really put relationship in action. We put it to action by asking those around us, how are you doing? How can I pray for you? How can I encourage you today? So do that today. That is my challenge to you. Take a minute and ask your friends, how are you doing? And then just listen. And then ask the Holy Spirit, how can I uplift them and encourage them. Let's pray. God, we thank you for our friendships. We thank you for our relationships.

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We thank you for the people that are in our lives, for our spouses, for our children, for our co workers. So, God, show us how we can be relational. But in action, how can we love people with our actions? How can we love our spouses? How can we love our co workers? How can we love our children and our friends? In action, you know, love is a verb, and you put love to action in the best way possible. God, so show us how we could do that today in small ways or in big ways.

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How can we be relational? Maybe, God, it just starts by asking our friends, how are you doing? And when we ask our friends, that Holy Spirit, come in that moment and show us how we can put your love into action. Give us the words to speak, to encourage and uplift our friends so that we can show them not just any worldly love, but a godly, spiritual love. A love that is patient, a love that is kind, a love that does not envy, and a love that puts others before ourselves. And in Jesus name we all pray.

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Amen and amen. So there you have it. Your five minute daily dose of heaven. Thank you so much for tuning in today.

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We pray these devotionals empower you to take on your day. If you found value in this devotional, share it with a friend, leave a comment or review for us on the app you're using right now. Until tomorrow, we pray that your latte is strong, but your love for Jesus is stronger.