Nov. 18, 2020

Exercise for the Mind's Eye - Interview with Patrick Kelly

Exercise for the Mind's Eye - Interview with Patrick Kelly
Natural Geekery Podcast

Exercise for the Mind's Eye - Interview with Patrick Kelly

November 18, 2020

Join me as I talk with martial artist Patrick Kelly about his love of roleplaying games, combat resolution in them and a deeper dive into narrative.  There are also just some fun stories along the way.  As he says, "Movement forward is narrative."

Patrick Kelly's Bio at Indiana University

Video of Patrick - 2018 UCLA Martial Arts and Wellness Symposium Sword Workshop

If you have any comments, questions or would like to be interviewed on the show, please email me at

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PO Box #7651
Bloomington In. 47401

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Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!

Join me as I talk with martial artist Patrick Kelly about his love of roleplaying games, combat resolution in them and a deeper dive into narrative.  There are also just some fun stories along the way.  As he says, "Movement forward is narrative."

Patrick Kelly's Bio at Indiana University

If you have any comments, questions or would like to be interviewed on the show, please email me at

Natural Geekery on Patreon
Join the Patreon for bonus episodes and more on the Natural Geekery Community.

Contact us by good ol' fashioned courier!
Natural Geekery
PO Box #7651
Bloomington In. 47401

Natural Geekery Webpage

You can also find us  on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook:
Twitter -  @NaturalGeekery
Instagram - Natural Geekery
Facebook -  Facebook page

Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!