Dec. 23, 2020

The Ruins - Wild is Plus #20

The Ruins - Wild is Plus #20
Natural Geekery Podcast

The Ruins - Wild is Plus #20

December 23, 2020

In our extended holiday episode - the two  heroes finally enter the ancient ruins and begin exploring.  They wander into a surprise attack and  an unexpected discovery.  What they find could change everything!  Then, as part of our holiday special, Dr. Hipp and I sit down to talk a bit about the last 20 episodes and what we have learned so far.

Link to our page on Podpages

Check out the show's Patreon.  If you would like to learn more about the different support tiers and would like to support the show please visit -

If you would prefer to not do a monthly payment like Patreon and just want to help with  a one-time payment, here is a link for the show:

If you have any comments, questions or would like to be interviewed on the show, please email me at

Contact us by good ol' fashioned courier!
PO Box #7651
Bloomington In. 47401

New Logo Design by Tatianna!  Check out her work at
And on her Instagram - Tatianna's Instagram @yasminetatiana


Our Trello board for the game!
Trello Plot Board

Mythic GM-less Gaming from Word Mill Games
Mythic GM Emulator
Mythic Variations I
Mythic Variations II

Fate Resources
Fate Accelerated from Evil Hat
Fate SRD - A great resource for all things involving the Fate RPG!
Dungeons of Fate by Mike Shea
Auto Compelling Dice by Rob Donoghue

Another way to support the show - our Ko-Fi page -


Natural Geekery Home and Blog -

You can also find us  on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook:
Twitter -  @NaturalGeekery
Instagram - Natural Geekery
Facebook -  Facebook page

Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!

In our extended holiday episode - the two  heroes finally enter the ancient ruins and begin exploring.  They wander into a surprise attack and  an unexpected discovery.  What they find could change everything!  Then, as part of our holiday special, Dr. Hipp and I sit down to talk a bit about the last 20 episodes and what we have learned so far.

Link to our page on Podpages

Check out the show's Patreon.  If you would like to learn more about the different support tiers and would like to support the show please visit -

If you would prefer to not do a monthly payment like Patreon and just want to help with  a one-time payment, here is a link for the show:

If you have any comments, questions or would like to be interviewed on the show, please email me at

Contact us by good ol' fashioned courier!
PO Box #7651
Bloomington In. 47401

New Logo Design by Tatianna!  Check out her work at
And on her Instagram - Tatianna's Instagram @yasminetatiana


Our Trello board for the game!
Trello Plot Board

Mythic GM-less Gaming from Word Mill Games
Mythic GM Emulator
Mythic Variations I
Mythic Variations II

Fate Resources
Fate Accelerated from Evil Hat
Fate SRD - A great resource for all things involving the Fate RPG!
Dungeons of Fate by Mike Shea
Auto Compelling Dice by Rob Donoghue

Another way to support the show - our Ko-Fi page -


Natural Geekery Home and Blog -

You can also find us  on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook:
Twitter -  @NaturalGeekery
Instagram - Natural Geekery
Facebook -  Facebook page

Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!