Sept. 4, 2019

Trust at the Table

Trust at the Table
Natural Geekery Podcast

Trust at the Table

September 04, 2019

Let's talk about trust around the RPG game table and working with your other players.  This is a subject that is very dear to me.  Join me as I go on a ramble about the process of gaming "flow."

Blog post that I used as my trail markers for this episode - The Contracts on the Table.

Natural Geekery Home -

If you have any comments, questions or would like to be interviewed on the show, please email me at

You can also find me on Twitter - @NaturalGeekery and @Coyoteguy

Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!

Let's talk about trust around the RPG game table and working with your other players.  This is a subject that is very dear to me.  Join me as I go on a ramble about the process of gaming "flow."

Blog post that I used as my trail markers for this episode - The Contracts on the Table.

Natural Geekery Home -

If you have any comments, questions or would like to be interviewed on the show, please email me at

You can also find me on Twitter - @NaturalGeekery and @Coyoteguy

Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!