July 4, 2024

Major Mistakes Series (Part 2) - Creator Letdowns

Major Mistakes Series (Part 2) - Creator Letdowns

In part 2 of the major mistakes series, we dive deep into the critical phase of course creation, addressing the most common mistakes that hold creators back.

Building on the discussion from last week about planning pitfalls, we now focus on the actual creation process where the rubber meets the road.

These are the 3 major creator letdowns:


  • Many creators delay launching their courses because they believe everything must be perfect.
  • The danger of striving for perfection is that it often leads to procrastination and missed opportunities.
  • Embrace the "done is better than perfect" mindset. Your course doesn't need to be flawless; it just needs to be out there helping people.
  • Understand that courses can evolve. Launching a beta or pilot test allows for feedback and improvements over time.


  • Not allocating specific time to work on the course can lead to indefinite delays.
  • Busy schedules and other commitments can push course creation to the back burner.
  • Set aside dedicated time on your calendar to work on your course. Even small, consistent efforts can lead to significant progress.
  • Recording videos or audios in short, manageable sessions can make the process feel less overwhelming and more achievable.

Ignoring Feedback

  • After creating your course, seeking feedback is crucial for improvement.
  • Running a paid beta test or pilot program provides valuable insights from real participants.
  • Use feedback to make necessary tweaks, remove unnecessary content, and ensure your course meets the needs of your audience.
  • Testimonials and success stories from your beta testers can also help in marketing your course effectively in future launches.

Stay tuned for next week's episode, where we'll discuss post-launch letdowns and how to avoid them. If you missed last week's episode on planning pitfalls, be sure to check it out for valuable insights on setting a strong foundation for your course creation journey!

Get the Words to Wealth guide (7 ways to monetize what you already created)

About Donna Ashton

I'm Donna Ashton, sorceress, course expert and host of Mystic Mic: Turn Words into Wealth podcast.

I built a multiple 6-figure business entirely with courses and programs while working about 15 hours per week so I can have 4-Day weekends every week.

I wave my magic wand and reuse content (book, presentation, workbooks, etc.) of overwhelmed thought leaders, authors and speakers who want to monetize what they've already created into a program to make more income and impact.

Which course is best for your business? Take my quiz.