Jan. 14, 2025

2025 Energy Trends: Power of Your Brilliance

Step into the energy trends of 2025 and unlock the power of your brilliance. Danielle explores the significance of this pivotal "9" year in divine numerology, emphasizing themes of momentum, transformation, and completion. Positioned as a quarter through the century and halfway through the decade, 2025 amplifies opportunities for spiritual leaders to embrace their divine genius and fully embody their unique gifts. Through multidimensional communication, sacred geometry, and aligned relationships, leaders can decode the patterns of this transformative year and harness its energy to elevate their purpose and contribute to global consciousness.

Thoth and the Council of Light build on this vision, describing 2025 as the culmination of past efforts and a time to embody “the power of your brilliance.” They highlight the number nine as a symbol of completion, urging individuals to release outdated patterns, deepen telepathic communication, and fully embrace their unique gifts. The year’s sacred geometry and divine numerology are presented as tools for creation and alignment, helping spiritual leaders integrate their past work and move boldly into a new era of fulfillment and global consciousness. Together, these insights inspire leaders to trust their brilliance and step into their divine roles with confidence and clarity.

Do not miss these highlights:

00:36 - An introduction to the focus on divine numerology, relationships, and multidimensional communication for 2025.

02:45 - The numerological significance of 2025 representing completion, momentum, and fulfillment.

08:30 - How sacred geometry and divine patterns provide tools for aligning with the year’s transformative energies.

14:10 -  The importance of stepping into unique gifts and addressing challenges like imposter syndrome to fully harness the year’s potential.

18:25 - The rising importance of telepathy and higher-dimensional communication as tools for spiritual evolution in 2025.

23:08 - Thoth and the Council of Light introduce their channeled message, emphasizing "the power of your brilliance" as a central theme for 2025.

28:50 - An elaboration on the "9" year’s energy, highlighting themes of releasing old patterns, embracing divine purpose, and integrating past efforts to elevate consciousness.

Resources Mentioned

Explore these life-changing masterclasses with the Guides at https://danielleramahoffman.com/store/masterclasses/

Vibe into our 2025 Heart Opening Journey to Egypt: https://daniellehoffman.com/egypt/

For your free gift, visit http://DanielleRamaHoffman.com/gift for INSTANT ACCESS to The Spiritual Leader’s Treasure Chest! 

About the Host:

Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, and infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine. 


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© 2025 Danielle Hoffman


Danielle Rama Hoffman: Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman, your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. If you'd like to my support, pm me on Facebook at Danielle Rama Hoffman, and let's explore together, if it's an aligned match we know fulfilling your highest level mission, what you came to earth for, is non negotiable for you, and we're here to show you exactly how to achieve this, the high vibe and multi dimensional way. Now let's dive into today's episode.


Hello and welcome to this episode on the energy trends of 2025 I am delighted to be here with you. Thank you so much for tuning in. We're going to begin this episode by geeking out on the divine numerology of 2025 and then later on the episode, I am going to be bringing in the guides for them to share a channeled message about the energy trends of 2025 so super juicy to be here and excited to dive in. So I want to start us off with a galactic view of the 2000s the the 2025 is a quarter of the way through the 100 years to go from 2000 all the way up to 2025 2050 2075, 2099 all the way up to 2100 so that looking at it from the the century level, and from the perspective of us being a quarter of a way through 2000 to 2100 and that when there's a quarter energy, right, like a 25 years into that century, there's a certain level of momentum that starts to build in that in that century and and so by us starting out with kind of the Galactic view of 2025, and Looking at the 20 part of that, looking at what, what the 20 part of that is bringing forward from the perspective of our divine numerology, body of work that the guides and I have brought in through Divine Light activation, that the two as as you know as well it it has a lot to do with creating momentum partnerships. You probably heard that, that saying, when two or more are gathered, the sum is larger than its parts and and there's a real kind of momentum, acceleration, leverage, positioning, repositioning, within the two and within the 20 and the zero. If we look at the zero, uh, zeros, zeros are very powerful. If you put anything to the power of a zero, it's it's the unique signature energy of the thing. The difference between 100 and a million is zeros. If you multiply something by a zero, it nullifies it. So the zero also has a lot of magic in it. It has a lot of the word that's really coming is, is momentum. So this century is really like putting the gas in, putting the rocket fuel in, the rocket of this transition that we've been in, in a larger level, right? We're not talking about the the 2000 year. We're talking about the 100 Year, which is already pretty good, you know, yet, yet that there's that there's even more positioning in this decade and in this century and in this 25 years. So if you just kind of do a snapshot of 2000 right, like you may remember 1999 and 2000 and where you were and where your life was, and and then 2012 had a very like big rite of passage, kind of an energy where there was a lot of things moving around and the end of the mind, count it up. And and then 2024, was also like another 12 years into that. And so then when we get to 2025 there's, there's a larger resource of the last 25 years to kind of allow greater clarity about. What this century is about. And so also, when there's a repeating number like 20 and 2020 like 2020, what was there's a big there was a big thing going on in 2020, right? Like it was a there was a global recalibration. There was a lot of energy around security, around health, that that was brought to the surface. There was really a reprioritization of is what it is that you're up to, what matters most to you, asking some of the bigger questions. So when you also look at the year, like 2020, it and what was happening in in 2020, is a line of the hologram it. It can also bring you more awareness of 2000 to 2100 and so what? What's really amazing about the 20s, 2025, and the all the 20s, is that there, there really is again, this, this momentum, energy, the the momentum to create worlds, the the positioning of the optimal individuals, experiences to to be really in, in that right place and at the right time, individually, and then also in terms of the the global expansion and the larger evolution and Consciousness. Now it may not always feel like that, right? Like it because of duality, things have gotten more transparent, where that which was hidden, it is now more on the surface, so you can see it. And sometimes when you see it, you go, seems like or there can be an interpretation that things are getting worse, that that duality is is worse than ever. Yet there is that the wholeness that's happening as the slower vibrations come up to the surface to be included into that, into that wholeness, into that the zero, the the full cycle, the the divine order. So, so just wanting to kick off 2025 with an awareness that, especially because it's a a 25 year, there's, there's like, uh, being able to use the rocket that's in the rocket, the rocket fuel that's in the rocket. So whatever we're going to be up to in 2025 there's more power behind it. Is probably the simplest way to say what the synthesis of of bringing up the year, the century and and it can be fun to look at the Century, you know, maybe depending on your age, right? If you if you knew somebody that was born in the early 1900s or even if you just look kind of what's happened in your lifespan this far, or your parents lifespan, or your grandparents lifespan, or their great grandparents lifespan, there's a lot that happens in a century from 1900 to 1991 there's a lot that happened in that century. A lot that changed in that century. 2000 to 2100 there's also a lot of evolution in a century. So, so when we get to again, 25 years in, it's almost like the power that's been building in the first quarter of the century gets to be used. There's a little bit of a like a monopoly, you know, do don't stop, uh, pass go, collect $200 like, there's that kind of an energy where a building of power, a building of momentum, a building of rocket fuel, uh, then gets to be, gets to be applied, or gets to be utilized, like it needed to stabilize more to be able to utilize it. So that's kind of the first thing that I want to share about the divine numerology of 2025 is that there's going to be a lot of fuel, a lot of power that can be accessible in 2025 that's been building, building, building, building, building, and that's where our mastery really is required. So let's look in the in the 25


that again, there's a repetition. So if we look at the the decade of. Of from 2020, to 2030, with the twos repeating. There's, whenever there's a repetition in a in a year, or numbers, maybe you see 1111, or those kinds of things. It's, it's so it's like putting it in bold or big font, or highlighting it, or underscoring it, or to the power of two, there's, there's an amplification of that number. So in from 2020, to 2029, there's, there's, in that decade, the two of the 20 is repeated. It's, it's amplified. There's, there's a deepening into that, into that theme, or into that focus. And so the the two, again, like I've talked about it in terms of of momentum and positioning, yet it also the two has a lot, a lot a lot a lot to do around relationships, around partnering and and that is a larger wink or nod to also what this decade is. And so we're halfway through in 2025 we're halfway through this decade of of 2020, 20 to 2029, 2030, and so again, there's more of that like, Okay, so we've got we're 25% through the century, and we're 50% through the decade, and the two is repeating it, And the two is repeating and so pay attention to your relationships in this decade. From 2020 to 2030, is going to be paramount to and key to this this decade, and to maximizing the energy trends in this decade. And so in divine transmissions, we do talk about relationships in a lot of different ways. Maybe you've done or want to do, our visionary heart activation on relationships, we also have our visionary heart activation, which is number one in the in the divine numerology with which has a lot to do with that relationships and recalibrating relationships, we have the birthright of love activation from the Magdalene codes that has a lot to do with your relationship with yourself. And so there's, there's relationships everywhere, and what it is that we're doing in divine transmissions, and also a primary theme in 2025 now I know that sometimes relationships can be kind of pushed to the side, as an afterthought, or as like, you know, like I'll get to my relationships when, when I have time on the weekends, or survival consciousness, in the old paradigm, again, it may be depositioning relationships. And yet, in the new paradigm, relationships are, are really not only a phenomenal area of spiritual evolution and advancement, because there's a lot of slower vibrations that can come up to the surface as we really come into a greater alignment with with Relationships. There's there's also this expansion energy to to relationships. So really being simultaneously open and discerning in your relationships. And so there may be, in 2025, where you notice, and you've already been noticing this, where some relationships come to a place of completion where you're no longer going to settle for what might have been acceptable previously, like just a holding of a higher standard when it comes to relationship with yourself, relationship with others, relationship with source, relationship with your guides, relationship with your Energy, relationship with your like relationships are everywhere. They touch everything. And so your consciousness and relationships is always going to make is going to make a big difference in what it is that you're up to in 2025 so we've talked about the century of 2000 to 2099 and that we're a quarter the way through. We've talked about the decade of 2020 to 2030 and we're halfway through. And then then let's talk about the 25 and then we'll add it all up together. And then I'm going to bring the guides in so and as as we're talking about this, right? It's, yes, it's information, yet it's also, there's an energetic. A transmission to this. There's a, there's a an aspect of of the numbers that really become keys and codes and and signposts for us along the way. And so the energy trends, as I'm talking about it, and as the guides are bringing them in as well. There's, there's also a transmission that you receive from this that is supporting your energy to come into greater alignment with what's what's on the altar, universally, for 2025 for us to focus on, so that it doesn't feel like a surprise, or you're not going like, oh, how come? It seems like the this is, this is coming up to the surface when I wasn't aware of it. There's just a greater consciousness to it. So the 25 really has a lot to do with genius. And 2024 if we add it all up together with an eight number, in 2025 we add it all together as a nine number, and from the Divine numerology that that we use the eight, it already had a big focus on being in your divine genius, what we talk about the Ascended masteries, or your highest contribution. And we do have as a as a free offering where you can download your divine design type in this lifetime, that really is the number between one and nine that you can that you can access, that really shares a lot about the Ascended masteries that you carry, or your divine genius. And so 2024 was very much about also your capacity to choose, really choosing to be in your level of divine genius. And 2025, has a lot to do with, let's just say it this way, embracing even more of your galactic genius, embracing even more of of the genius that you carry that is beyond the Central Sun, the genius that you carry that is from higher states of of consciousness, and that there's a real pleasure in that. There's a real pleasure in that the guides that are associated with the number 25 are the path of the Venus light, beings of light. So I'm curious if they're going to come in in the channeling here, and the when, the when the path of the Venus light, Beings of Light came in. It was probably around 2012 when I, when I first started partnering with them, and and they just kind of come in at certain times, and they come out and that they're not like the main guides that I partner with. However they they are present and and they're going to be even more present in 2025 because from their Galaxy, their their origin, what, what is given in their in their environment, is that everybody comes in knowing who they are, what their highest gift is, and and they just share it full out. There's no caring what somebody else thinks. There's no diluting it. There's no holding back. There's no take trying, trying to, to do, be a jack, a Jackie of all trades. There's, there's a real specialization in the path of the Venus light that, again, when we look at the larger century, is going to be even more important, because as we're unhooking from separation consciousness, even though the new paradigms already here, and we're unhooking even more from survival consciousness and being motivated by survival consciousness D, there's a lot of uncoupling or deconditioning to one size fits all, or trying to fit in, or flying under the radar and, and there's a lot of perceived safety in that and and that the 2025 there's that galactic genius, or that unique genius that is really here to shine. So the path of the Venus light, Beings of Light, talk about, if you're a strawberry, be the most Sun ripened, juicy strawberry that you can be, and that the strawberry isn't secretly wishing that it was a cantaloupe.


And so really letting your unique flag fly, like letting your weirdness shine, daring to be different, daring to you already are different. You're daring to to just be like, This is it? This is. This is how this is who I am. This is how I operate. This is how I see things, without any of that kind of Holding, holding back. And there is, you know, a big part of my divine mission in in this lifetime, in this incarnation, it has to do with bringing innovative and an ancient heart wisdom to the planet for the evolution in consciousness, and especially as we're each in our seat of our divine genius. Then Then things flow and and work together. So much more so one of the one of the illusion lies that's going to be pretty present in 2025 is the imposter syndrome syndrome. And the imposter syndrome is like, who am I? Or somebody else could do this better or like that sense that if you're really in your divine genius, that it can be so easy that you just go, like, am I, can I really get paid for this, or am I taking advantage for of others, for being in my divine genius there? There's just going to be some kind of a amplification of the imposter syndrome in 2025, so if you know that, if you know that, because it's it's one thing to just be, you know, kind of sharing your your levels of competency or your levels of even excellence, but really to be in your your divine genius, and shining your light freely and fully, without apology, without playing by somebody else's rules. There's a there's a deeper level of vulnerability with that, there's a deeper level of visibility with that and and so the survival consciousness can come up, and especially imposter syndrome. So if you already make a decision, I'm going to bring the guides in here, as we're kind of winding down, if you already make a decision at the beginning of 2025 that you're really going to dedicate or any time. If you listen to this, in 2026 there's you're going to garner more for from it. If you already make a decision in 2025 that you're when you notice imposter syndrome coming up, that you're just going to see that as a sign of being on the right path, that you're not going to let that stop you and again, that there's a it's like everybody's in in the right relationship with who they are and why, why they incarnated and sharing their highest contribution. And just imagine how much power and potency that that can bring into the world. So I've talked about the century of the 20, and then we're quarterway through in the 25 I've talked about that. We're halfway through the decade of 2020 to 2030 I've talked about the 25 and what that's about. And then I'm going to bring in the guides and let them wrap us up here and talk about the nine.


Thoth; Council of Light: Hello, dear ones, this is an Expanded Council of Light moving more into the forefront of this divine transmission, we're taking a moment to stabilize the energy field that we are transmitting From and To, because this energy trends for 2025 broadcast is going to be reaching a lot of you who have been Looking for us and looking to be connecting even more to your own power and to your own brilliance. And these are two words that we would bring forward to encapsulate the energies of 2025. Is the power of your brilliance is the power of your brilliance, is the power of your brilliance. Is the power of your brilliance. Is the power of your brilliance, the power of your brilliance. And so now that the energy is stable and we brought forward also to encapsulate what Danielle is sharing thus far, of the power of your brilliance. We we do want to speak about the nine, because the nine is added up the two plus the two is the four plus. Five equals nine. So 2025 is a nine year. And when you get to 2026 if you it'll be a 10 year, yet it'll reduce back to a one. And so when there's a simultaneity of of larger cycles, like as was shared, 2025 is a quarter of the way through the century, and 2025 is halfway through the decade. And 2025 is actually at the end of the primary numbers in divine numerology, you're going to go back to a one. You're going to go back to a one and then a two, a, three, a, four, a, five, a, six, a, seven, an, eight, a, 920, 25 is the at the end of our 25 divine numerology in 2024 in Divine Light activation, it, it is, is really, Again, like the the full creation of the Divine Self. And 2025, is an is like sprinkles on that, sprinkles on that. And so there's a simultaneity of, like being 25% through something, 50% through something, and then pretty much 90% or 100% through something in this year, and that's going to bring a lot of the nine is traditionally associated in numerology with completion and and we agree with that from perspective that there's there's a lot that You are completing and completing in terms of of completing slower vibrations, or completing old patterns or completing habits that are outdated or completed completing feeding, living in the old paradigm. And yet we also mean completing by fulfilling that what you've been up to for a while in 2025 there's the energy to, the power to to have it be brilliant, to have it be fulfilled, to have it be completed. And and so you'll you probably sense some urgency, or some awareness, or some recognition of like, okay, what is it that is is really going to be important to to fulfill, to have fulfilled in 2025, now, the Nine in our divine numerology has a lot to do with, let's say, multi dimensional communication, and your capacity to amplify being able to communicate in the higher dimensions, multi dimensionally, with your own Higher Self, with your inner guidance, with with the divine, directly with guides, with one another, through what you could call telepathy, really honing your skill of multi dimensional communication. And we do focus a lot on this, in the Magdalene codes, and also, really in in all the things that we're up to. So the master classes are an amazing way to get started with the visionary heart activation, or the birthright of love activation. And then the nine also has a lot to do with numbers. And so 2025, will, will we're looking at the best way to say this, because when we first say numbers, your mind is going to to money and and, yes, 2025, is an amazing year to to be, to be very clear and empowering around your relationship with money. And yet it's more than that when we talk about divine numbers, numbers are everywhere, dates, time, money, there's there's numbers on your mailbox, your address, your your driver's license, your bank account, like you. Numbers are everywhere and and to be, and numbers, also they, they very much, are related to sacred geometry and the creation of things. And so when we look at 2025, and, and we're wrapping up here yet to recognize that it's like you're 25% into creating something, you're 50% into creating something, and you're pretty much 100% into creating something, all at the same time in the same year that the the sacred geometry of those numbers, of the patterns of the units of consciousness to create of the elements of the ATCG in your in your DNA, there's, there's A larger coding in a positive way that will be tapped into in 2025 so that may be something that you're not necessarily going to be having in your primary focus, as the energy trend of 2025 and yet we would invite you to be noticing numbers even more in 2025 and beyond. So the power of your brilliance, the power of your brilliance and that you have a lot of power built up over the last 25 years to empower the power of your brilliance. So as we're wrapping up here, extending our appreciation to your contribution to the elevation in consciousness, thank you for tuning in. All is light and love, and we are all.


Danielle Rama Hoffman: Thanks for tuning in today. Want to pass Go and take the fast track to partner with source to create your six or seven figure legacy business without overworking. Join in the conversation over at the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader Facebook group. Until next time, sending you much love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution and consciousness and.