Season 2

Sept. 3, 2024

Lower Your EMF and Radiation Exposure NOW with Veronica Ciandre | S2E074

In today's world, invisible environmental stressors like wireless radiation and EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) can have a significant impact on our well-being. But you don't have to feel powerless. Join us for an insightful c…
Aug. 20, 2024

How To Create Inner Peace Even When Life Feels Chaotic | S2E073

I had the pleasure of joining Brenda Jasmin, on her podcast She Flourishes, to explore cultivating inner peace and attracting positivity in a chaotic world. As the host of A Call for Love , I shared insights from my journey …
Aug. 6, 2024

Worry vs Wisdom: Navigate Uncertainty With More Ease

Worry vs Wisdom: Navigate Uncertainty With More Ease Change and uncertainty can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. In this episode, you’ll learn how to recognize your fears and anxieties and shift your mindset toward grea…
July 23, 2024

The Sufi Path of Love with Ayeda Husain l S2E071

In today's episode, my guest Ayeda Husain sheds light on Rumi's poetic genius and the heart-awakening practices of Sufism, including whirling and chanting, aimed at emptying oneself of ego to become a vessel for divine inspi…
July 9, 2024

Women's Health and Endometriosis with Lexi Burt l S2E070

Let’s dive into women’s health with my guest, Lexi Burt, from the “A Quest for Wholeness” podcast. We’ll be exploring our bodies, our health, and especially the topic of endometriosis. Lexi bravely opens up about her decade-…
June 25, 2024

Savour Summer Meditation l S2E069

As summer is upon us, settle into a gentle, summer-softening meditation here and on YouTube . Relax and release tension while envisioning a golden light filling your entire being. Breathe in universal love and send out waves…
June 11, 2024

The Power of Father Figures: Influence, Presence, and Emotional Healing l S2E068

In today’s heartfelt episode, Linda takes you on a deep exploration of the significant role fathers play in shaping our lives. Linda offers a balanced look at the joys of fatherhood and the challenges of father wounds. Under…