Rapid Fire Questions About CBD

In this episode, we fire some of the most frequently asked questions at our expert Rick Anson. Discover the answer to these questions and so many more!
· CBD vs. THC
· Is CBD Legal?
· Can I drive after taking CBD?
· Can my children/pets take CBD?
· What Does CBD stand for?
· Why don’t doctors prescribe CBD?
About Rick Anson
Rick Anson is an International speaker, Cannabis expert, and thought leader. Owner of Wellness Labs, cbdbrainiq, cbdwellnessiq, co-owner of Rob Floyd CBD, podcaster, YouTube producer, and host.
Wellness Labs specializes in advanced absorption CBD products, helping people and pets live a healthier life through CBD and Cannabis. Rick Anson and his team have produced over $10 million in revenue through wholesale CBD and are now launching DTC sales, educational platforms, and mobile stores.
Rick has been sharing his passion, mentoring MLM companies and consumers on CBD, and cannabis since 2012! Rick is a Professional educator and loves hiking, playing soccer, and spending time with his two kids and wife of twenty-three years.
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Do you suffer from stress and anxiety? Have trouble sleeping or need some pain relief but not sure if CBD is for you? Then welcome to the world of CBD wellness. Your host Rick Hansen is an international speaker, cannabis expert and owner of wellness labs, CBD brain IQ and CBD wellness IQ. Each week, Rick and his guests will explore the effects of CBD and other healthful cannabinoids on your mental and physical well being. Discover how you can restore your balance from within with plant based healing and live a happier and healthier life. Now let's make the shift into wellness.
Michelle Abraham:Hey, Rick, how you doing today?
Rick Anson:Hi, Michelle, then great, thanks. Good.
Michelle Abraham:Oh my gosh, I'm super excited for this show. We guys, we wanted to bring you a rapid fire questions about CBD with Rick, because you want there's so much information out there. And it's confusing. I know. I'm just trying to get the grasp on it. And we thought this would be really helpful for you to understand a little bit more about CBD. And while we have Rick, our total expert here, I was gonna give him some rapid fire questions. So bear with us. This is going to be fast and furious, but it's gonna be fun. And I think you'll have a much better understanding about CBD and all its uses at the end of this. What
Rick Anson:do you think? Yeah. 100%. Michelle, it's this demystify, right, some of the things out there that companies are marketing and saying there aren't true and get down to the facts and why it's you know, you should be using this every single day.
Michelle Abraham:Absolutely. Okay. Let's have question number one. THC versus CBD. What the heck yeah.
Rick Anson:So let's start there. So CBD and THC are both plant compounds, right? They're both cannabinoids found but they're found from two different generally two different species of plants, right? THC comes from a cannabis plant that sometimes also yield CBD. Pure CBD comes from a hemp plant. Right? So you have a hemp plant everybody knows hemp hemp has been around for 1000s of years and you know the best sailors ropes or hemp ropes right right him clothing. Porsche is even coming out with a hemp car now because of the durability and the the many great proxy hemp so CBD comes from hemp. THC Johnny comes from a cannabis plant a corpse CBD, the pure fine CBD does not get you high, right? It has all these amazing health and wellness benefits for stress, anxiety, pain, inflammation, seizures, and you know, hemp is also loaded with antioxidants, vitamin C's, things like that. Of course THC. People take THC mainly for one reason right? psychoactive, it gets people high it alters your state of mind and they use it for some you know why people use it for recreational use if some people use it for medicinal use, but does the difference between CBD and THC?
Michelle Abraham:Okay great. Awesome. So is CBD legal.
Rick Anson:So in the United States CBD is legal in all 50 states and get this even in all 50 states you can still even have point zero 3% THC in your CBD products in all 50 US states now of course we have zero THC in our products right and make them safer makes them safer people peace of mind that you're not can be tested for with with THC and you really don't need that small amount of THC in your CBD products. Anyway, so in the United States, it's all in all 50 States Canada is legal Mexico is legal, and almost every single month now there's an emerging country. I just last month, Singapore and Taiwan the Asian countries now becoming Yeah, yeah, so almost every single month around the world, CBD hemp CBD has become illegal.
Michelle Abraham:Now is that the same as hemp CBD and cannabis illegal or now I'm just gonna take that question a step further.
Rick Anson:Well, so but most countries right I have Nick you proof right that contains that the hemp CBD contains zero THC. So there is a big distinction between hemp grown plants for CBD purposes. And cannabis grown plants that have THC that can also contain CBD. And that's where right that Canada and US Israel have really been the leading in the world, in experts and in cultivation and in you know, the learning of CBD and the benefits of other cannabinoids so that countries like Mexico, countries like Singapore, Asian countries that are now can understand and the benefits to have those safety protocols in place.
Michelle Abraham:Okay, that's great. Yeah. So can I drive a car after having CBD do You can see with me in any form
Rick Anson:with our CBD can if pure fine CBD that contains zero thc 100% make you feel better. It'll help with a whole host of health and wellness benefits. And you can absolutely drive a car or a truck tractor. wherever you like.
Michelle Abraham:Okay, and now what about my kids and pets? Can they have it too?
Rick Anson:Yeah, absolutely it CBD should be given to young children as well. If again, if it's safe, right, it has been proven with zero THC and it's proven through third party testing through good good quality products we'll have on the on the label will have a QR code that you scan with your phone. Oh, wow. And that you pull it straight up, you can see the test results in that product that has zero THC, no herbicides, no pesticides, no heavy metals, you can see it you know, it contains the purity amount of CBD it has. That's the proof, you know, say well, how do I know that's the proof a good quality product will be loud and proud out there and say this is who we are. And we're proud of it. And this is the testing that we ensure that say for you.
Michelle Abraham:Okay, yeah, well, that's great to know that the you can find the test results somewhere. Now, why are millions of people everyday taking CBD?
Rick Anson:Well, it's interesting, you know, July 2022, with you, Michelle and I can speak about the US first. It's about you know, 10th you know, larger than Canada and population THC is on the decline, I mean rapidly on the decline because of the cost of THC. When you go purchase products. You go into say, certain County and say California or Nevada or Florida, that they're you're putting this 25 30% tax on top of THC products for people. So THC is on the decline. But the good news is, you know, safe pure CBD is booming. I saw report is up 27% in 2022 A lot of that Michelle is because people understand now the benefits of CBD they know you know, as we mentioned, stress anxiety. A lot of people are taking it for mood support and for depression, because it's safe. It's a plant based product, right? It's organic, God's gift or mother nature's gift to us. And also that it's much cheaper to take in a daily basis right without having the psychoactive effects or the harmfulness or the fear factor of THC. Interesting. Yeah.
Michelle Abraham:So what exactly does CBD stand for?
Rick Anson:So CBD is one plant compound right cannabinoid of about 112 115 known cannabinoids THC is one of them also, CBD stands for cannabidiol oil cannabidiol. See, that's what CBD stands for. And now they're coming out with CBG CBN, CB V, and a host of other types of CBD CB cannabinoids that they're putting into products. It's really important for people understand what we're talking about this. So CBD can be an isolated meaning it's the one single ISO ISO isolated means one, the one single cannabinoid. Then there is broad spectrum, which is multiple cannabinoids minus THC. So it could be CBG CBN CBD all together that's considered broad spectrum. And then you have a third category which is full spectrum. Now the full spectrum is broad spectrum plus THC. See if isolated, full split broad spectrum and full spectrum and then those that's the difference.
Michelle Abraham:Okay, and then Kevin I I always mess up that word can you know it can be a hard one for me. What exactly are cabinet? Yeah, cannabinoids
Rick Anson:are plant compounds, right? So they're, they're, I like to say they're plant vitamins. They're these compounds are found in naturally occurring, you know, hemp plants or cannabis plants. Okay, so it's referred to as a cannabinoid, which is just the compound found in the plant. It's that simple just like aloe vera has compounds right? Even those aloe vera or some flower extract, right like that. So that's what's considered is not this voodoo, this magical term out there. This is a plant cannabinoid is a compound if you say it's a plant vitamin.
Michelle Abraham:Okay, now another word I've heard around the explanation or CBD is a CBD nootropic what exactly is that
Rick Anson:me? So we are you know, we're always pioneering right our company well in the slabs with our two brands, CBD brain IQ, and CBD wellness IQ. We have created my knowledge the first ever right two years in, in in formulation, a CBD niche tropic that has clinicals behind it, meaning that you get all the benefits of and we use broad spectrum so we have 25 milligrams, which is very powerful but completely safe because it doesn't have THC, broad spectrum CBD for all the benefits and we've married that with three different nootropics that have clinicals behind it for brain nutrition for focus for memory support for energy so it's really like it's like a natural safe Adderall vitamin Yeah super vitamins like Adderall but safe it's not addictive. It's not drug right. And I mean, we have gamers we have stockbrokers we have professionals. We have children and college students they're taking brain IQ for all those quick you know, memory support in focus.
Michelle Abraham:Wow, that's so now I have hemp seeds in my in my daily diet. What what is the hemp versus CBD? What's the difference between the 2am I still getting CBD if I got hemp seeds
Rick Anson:you may well you know so that's another great question. There's we have hemp powder we have hemp seeds we have a hemp all kinds of stuff. And Partha hem cars right? You don't get any CBD and hemp car because a lot you generally you get CBD right with your hemp products in general and this has been extracted. So in general, you're getting those hemp, you know, CBD benefits. Again, there's another category that is the cannabis CBD, which generally you get THC with as well, which most people I would say, you know, 90% of population that was obviously taken on a daily basis, right moms are bringing into the house for their family to use for paying inflammation for beverages. And it's a huge application, Michelle, for the oil drops be put into mocktails and cocktails, juices and smoothies every single day. It's a huge category. Those are ones that you want without the THC.
Michelle Abraham:Got it. Okay. And so why all of a sudden now is just becoming illegal. Like this seems like it's such a wonderful product. But why is it taking so long to become illegal? Yeah,
Rick Anson:yeah, that's a great question. And there's lots of theories behind it. In the United States CBD has been legal now for for probably about five years, right? But in cannabis is legal in Canada as well. They it takes a while for you know, the tipping point takes a while for education, right? And when they first launched, it was a wild wild west, right? Everybody came out CBD is gonna cure cancer, it's gonna do all these things. So make use of you know, anti aging, right? And you can buy at a gas station.
Michelle Abraham:We talked about that earlier. Right? Not that I don't mind that.
Rick Anson:Not that one. Good quality, fine, you know, CBD, it takes anything, right? You have to understand it, you have to grow it, you have to process it, and you have to test it. We're now finally five, six years into that process where people can understand that CBD is safe and natural and should be used on a daily basis. For years. It was not legal. And one of the big theories that I can't believe you know, honestly, is that the federal government in the United States couldn't find a way to tax it right. Can't make money from it. Right? There's a great story we go this is a whole nother podcast but very quickly back in like the 1920s, early 30s. There was some very wealthy families United States right and him by the way, Michelle is a biofuel source. Oh, Kemp is the best biofuel natural source of biofuel energy you can possibly use, right? We talked about being used and ropes and cars now that there's some very, very wealthy families, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, a few other extremely wealthy families that did not want that product to be used as a biofuel source because they had investments in energy and gases, etc. and petroleum. So it was illegal for several years. So that's a whole nother topic.
Michelle Abraham:But it's a whole other kind of awareness. You can open up
Rick Anson:but now it's legal and people don't understand in fact, show United States just like three three weeks ago, the Major League Baseball oh wow, professional sports league 32 us teams came out said we fully endorse them back professional teams and our sports organization to use CBD and to endorse teams with CBD. That's,
Michelle Abraham:that's gonna open a lot of doors. Oh, it's amazing. It's amazing. That's great. And so why do doctors still not prescribe it?
Rick Anson:Yeah, so a lot of doctors can recommend it right? And homeopathic doctors and stuff. But that's a great question. I mean, this might be the best question, this whole talk this whole series here. You people understand that you want your CBD to be over the counter. You want your people walking to a very premium CBD store or online shop and have that confidence and and credibility to purchase that product, because it's gonna cost you a lot less money. If doctors were prescribing it, if it was FDA approved in certain categories, it would be considered a drug. Right? And then your pain, some people are paying 1000 $2,000 a month for that same thing you could buy for $200 a month. So we're grateful it's it's a good thing that's not you know, in that category because a lot of people wouldn't have and and animals right, our pets couldn't could never afford it.
Michelle Abraham:Interesting. So that's not something we ever would have thought or not something. I would have thought that we don't want it to be prescribed. Yeah, Doctor. Yeah, absolutely. So now we have the gummies. And we have tinctures and we have hackers. We have all beverages. beverages. So let's go first. gummies versus tinctures.
Rick Anson:Yeah, so look, we are episode right. We talked about like 57% of all CBD sold, the United States are still gummy bears. And that's we're talking billions of dollars in gummy bear sales, right? It's candy and it's easy. We like it, we can share it right. So I'm all for gummy bears. But there's you know, you should try CBD and we talked about this general person, the average person for overarching health and wellness. He has some mild pain and stress, anxiety, inflammation should be taking 30 to 50 milligrams a day. If you have acute pain, acute inflammation, or high stress levels in society, you should be taking more maybe 100 to 150. But there's different ways to take it right. A lot of people just love topical creams, because you just obviously you've topical your roll on with a roll on, you apply a you know somewhere on your neck or lower back. And it absorbs into the five different layers of the skin and works in general. It's a general purpose product. And people like that because a lot some people still don't like to ingest CBD products. A lot of people like the oil tinctures because it's a drop underneath your tongue, like 30 seconds, right and absorbs through the mucous membrane and goes directly into your bloodstream. So it's a much it's faster than topical application. And then you go into edibles like gummy bears, or there's gonna be you know, suckers, there's all kinds, there's food products, right? But people cook food with CBD, that is a much slower absorption process, you get that benefit maybe an hour or so an hour and a half afterwards versus maybe 10 minutes. And also when you take as an elbow, your body processes if you understand processes through the stomach first than the upper intestine and you lose through the edible you lose a lot of the CBD because it's flushed out through your body versus going directly into your bloodstream. And one of the fastest growing category by far is CBD beverages, right because you can drink a beverage right? It goes directly into your bloodstream. So it that's by far the fastest growing but those are different ways you can use it they're all good. It's just how you want to take it take your CBD for your pets it's usually an oil tincture in their mouth or in their water and they just drink it
Michelle Abraham:right so then how is it dose so we would add more oil than to have a higher dose is that how that would work?
Rick Anson:Yeah, so you know like when we sell our our you know best on gourmet gummy bears right?
Michelle Abraham:We have for me gummy bears, gourmet
Rick Anson:gummy bears the best give me a me CBD wellness IQ. The best gummy bears obviously many of those. We have a bag of 30 right there. 10 milligrams Ah 30 Gummy Bear says 300 Total milligrams right three a day. You and I would go through a whole bag. There are five flavors tropical flavors, is inspired from Tulum, Mexico, like these are amazing. But you eat, you would eat the whole bag, you should have about five or so that's like 50 milligrams, right. And you take those that way. If an oil an oil tincture, if you take an oral dropper and you feel it, you completely fill it, that's about 30 to 33 milligrams of CBD in that oil tincture, which is a great daily dose. And then of course, if you drink your drink with a water or something, or you take your tincture and you drop into your coffee, or your smoothie in the morning, you're getting another roughly 33 milligrams. So you know, again, the average person should be 30 to 50 milligrams if they're, you know, generally healthy without acute pain or acute you know, stress runs
Michelle Abraham:like that's like one of the best things for stress like That's amazing. The benefits you can get we have is stress and we live in a high stress, constantly stressed everyone's
Rick Anson:got right now in this world, right? We got high inflation. We have skyrocketing, the stock market's not doing well no pandemic still have a pandemic, you have a pandemic. We have fires raging in the United States right now. Shootings everywhere shootings. I mean, it's you know, my my stress is my daughter has gone off to college. So it's all different kinds of we all have our personal right and it's really cool. It's a great point, Michelle, are animals right? Are our pets pick up on that daily stress? They feed they see it they feed off of it, they need the same wellness benefits as we do in their lives as well. And you know, we all took to our pets
Michelle Abraham:lately. So you've mentioned in the previous episode, safety, purity and consistency are, you know, the three major things you need to look out for when you're looking into products? How do you ensure that your CD products have that?
Rick Anson:Yeah, so you know, obviously safety, right? It is. The label claims the websites testimonials, it's really that that labels and that proxies say contain zero THC, the website should have information on that. And again, you can actually hold the product up, take your phone and scan with with your phone and that QR code that should be on every product there certainly on our products. And they'll pull up a whole laboratory report digitally from the laboratory showing the purity zero THC and all the analytical testing right herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, because remember, we're this is a plant you they fertilize the plant, they grow things with different things like Roundup, right, all kinds of things are going into that soil. And a lot of these in some companies, not all some, they want to turn that harvest quickly turn harvest, turn, harvest turn harvest. So that ensures the QR code and the label claims ensure that safe, right the purity also that it shows that there's a high level of CBD right and milligram content without the pesticides and herbicides and heavy metals and all that all those things. And then ongoing if it's a reputable company, ongoing cuz you know the consistency that I'm gonna buy this today. And next week, I'm gonna get the same product I'm gonna ever use it every single day, every single month for my ultimate health and wellness. That is the credibility of the company through the testing and through you know, through their, their brand.
Michelle Abraham:Alright, well this has been fantastic. I mean, I feel like I'm slowly becoming as CBD expert. So thank you guys for joining me along this journey as I discover more about CBD products. And Rick, thank you for being our experts. And you know if you guys have any more questions, feel free to reach out to us ask us what your questions are. So we can do another Rapid Fire question and answer the Rick. All right. Talk to you later guys. Have a great day.
Rick Anson:Thank you.