In this enlightening episode of "Collaborators Unite," host Chuck Anderson sits down with Lorna Sherland, a renowned coach for female entrepreneurs, to explore the profound connection between personal consciousness and business success. They delve into the importance of awareness, patience, and integrity as essential components for meaningful growth, both personally and professionally. Throughout the conversation, Lorna shares insightful analogies, strategies for evolving beyond business challenges, and her personal journey from corporate dissatisfaction to empowering others.
Guest Bio:
Lorna Sherland is an accomplished real estate broker turned leadership coach, known for guiding driven female entrepreneurs through pivotal business decisions. With 23 years of experience in real estate and a deep commitment to personal and professional growth, Lorna left corporate America to create impactful change. Her work focuses on consciousness and awareness, helping individuals find their path to success with integrity and mindful effort.
5 Key Points Discussed:
1. The Role of Energy in Business (10:45):
Lorna discusses how everything is energy, emphasizing that business challenges cannot be solved by strategy alone without addressing underlying consciousness.
2. Consciousness and Integrity (15:00):
The conversation highlights the need for awareness, acknowledgment, and integrity in finding genuine solutions to business problems.
3. The Oak Tree Analogy (23:30):
Lorna compares personal and business growth to the patience and effort required to cultivate an oak tree, stressing the importance of consistent action.
4. Triggers as Opportunities (32:15):
Sharing personal experiences, Lorna explains how "trigger" moments are opportunities for profound personal and professional evolution.
5. Embracing Silence (45:00):
Lorna encourages listeners to find moments of silence to gain clarity and insights for both their personal lives and business ventures.
Main Quote:
"Awareness and integrity are keys to unlocking success in both your business and personal life."
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Until next time, keep moving forward!
Chuck Anderson,
00:00 - Recording Started
Hello, everybody, and welcome back. This is the Creative Collaboration Show.
Chuck Anderson here, and this is the show where we help you on
your business journey to help you on
that, whatever that is, that big mission, that big vision that
you have. And, you know, the show tends to attract
a lot of coaches and consultants and people
who do work not only obviously to make money,
but to make the world a better place and
to elevate, people and to help
them live better and more happier
fulfilling lives as well. And so today is no
exception. I have a guest here today who who does work
with, people to, figure out what
is next. And you might find yourself,
wondering that, from time to time. Or sometimes
we, come up with obstacles or we're faced with
obstacles and and, things come up where it's
like, I don't know. I don't know what to do next.
I'm I'm not sure what my next steps are. And so we're gonna talk
about that. It's a good, it's a good conversation to have.
If you have any sort of unclarity over, you know,
what direction you want your business, to go in, this is gonna be a
great conversation. So today, I have Lorna Sherlund here with me
today. And, Lorna, go ahead and say hello, and,
we'll dive in. Hey. Hey. Hey, Chuck. Thank you for
having me here to speak to your audience about the next
step. And, I love, love, love to help driven female
entrepreneurs define that next right step. Right? You know? Like,
we, as women, we love to sit in
or don't know what to do. I don't know. I don't know.
And, I find it so fulfilling to support, driven female
entrepreneurs to find that next right step to make more money, make a
big life, get the time and money freedom that they're looking
for, all the things that they know they have inside
of them, but they're not quite sure which is the next step
before the next step. Right? So many times we do
as entrepreneurs, we take the the next the next wrong step.
It's out of order. I'm the one who helps them to put it
in order. So super excited to be here. Thank you. Oh,
that's incredible. Well, that is something
that, you know, female or not, on the
entrepreneurial journey, it all starts with this
idea of, hey. I'm gonna start a business that
does x. And sometimes we start that without a
plan. We're just following, intuition or
following that idea. And, yeah, like you said, we
don't always do things in the right order.
And and that's where some of the confusion
can come from or that's unclarity
of what is what's working,
what's not working, what should I be doing next, and and I like how you
describe that. So well, let's dive deep into that,
conversation, and I think this is, super helpful. No matter
what time of year you're listening to this episode, you know, come back and maybe
listen to it a a few times. Lorna, I wanna ask you. Like, what
is tell me a little bit of your origin story. How did it come to
be that you're doing this work? Wow. So,
I've been in business for, oh my gosh, 23
years as a real estate broker. I think we're still listed and selling. My last
call was scheduling an appraisal for a property
that we have on a contract. And for me, it it
I came into real estate, because I was stuck in
corporate America. Right? And I didn't know what
to do. So the thing I did was I just left,
right? I just left because the pain was so much that
I could not stay another day in the environment that I was
in. And that led me into real estate And real
estate has been a joy for me, which is why I've been doing it for
over 23 years. And even in real estate,
ups and downs of the real estate industry
led me to getting into transformation,
coaching, leadership, all because, again,
I was stuck. You see, success is
progressive. And the same thing that took you to
the success that you have today may not be the same thing that's gonna take
you to the next level. So each time you get to
uplevel, you're gonna feel stuck. So I
felt that way. And I am now on a journey,
on a mission to help driven female because I'm a driven
person. I love, love, love to support others, and
I love, love, love to get results. And so for me,
to support others like myself who may not understand what's
happening in their space, I'm here to guide them
through to that next step and help them to figure
out, okay, what's next? What's what's the thing that's gonna fulfill
you for the next season of your life? Because that's why we're all
here, to experience life and to evolve. And at every level,
as they say, it's another devil. Right? So
You know, in so many ways, I can relate to what you're saying as a
former executive who in a soul
sucking job. Right?
Where it just felt like my whole life was to serve a
company, and I wasn't serving myself or
my family, or or really others in in
a big, big way. It was really just, you know,
fulfilling obligations, and it was, you know
so what what was the turning point for you where you decided,
you know what? Enough is enough. I'm gonna go I'm gonna go do something
else. Alright. So the I'm gonna share the 2 turning points
in in the two businesses that led me here. So the first one and like
I said, I was in corporate America. Right? And, my boss
actually, back then, took me from another company because that's what we do.
We, you know, he and I, he was a CFO, I I was a
controller, we go into companies and fix them. Right?
And he brought me from the last company, he was at as
my boss. He got another job, a bigger job, brought me into
that company to help fix this new company he was at. So
we're there, we're working, we're doing, we're fixing, doing all the things, and then all
of a sudden out of the blue, they fire him. I'm going, what is going
on? And they brought in instead of a CFO,
they brought in a COO, who in my mind does not have anything they don't
have any concept of money. Right? So as things
progressed, you know, the communication was off. I didn't have the leadership
I have now. Communication was off. Things were
just not sinking, and they were doing things that I didn't agree
with. And one day, I I was like, you know what? And it
the the stress level was unbelievable. Right?
So imagine you're in a job that you're unhappy,
there's no communication with with the the leadership, and you get to
go there every day. That just wasn't working for me. And that was my
tipping point when I said no more. And I literally went
into human resources and I told them, listen, today's my last
day, sign my unemployment, I'm out. And I
did not have a clue, Chuck, what I was gonna do
next, but I knew that I could not stay there anymore.
And I also told them, guys, you have 2 years
max before this company goes out of business. And so said so
then that was 6 I left there 6 days before 911.
Oh, wow. Yeah. 6 days before 911.
And, within a year, that division went out of
business. Right? It was a company that had 4
offices across the country. That specific one in Manhattan
got folded because we told them you key just can't keep doing
what you're doing. Right? That was one pivotal moment that led me into
real estate. The next one
was, for me in real estate, I do a lot
of, valuations for banks when 2,008,
when, you know, this country was going to hell in a handbasket.
I had to figure out what I was gonna do to
keep my house. You get what I'm saying? To keep
my house. That was a pivotal moment.
And I I literally had to come up with a new
business to sustain income coming into my household.
That was another pivotal moment. So you you I I hope you see the trend
here. I do. And in doing so, that new
business that I created, still in real estate,
it was so strenuous. And I remember one day I was driving, I
think I was doing 15 hours worth of driving that day and I
almost ran the car off the road. And
I literally caught myself falling
asleep behind the wheel. I caught myself just in time to pull
over. Just in time. Otherwise, I was
going on a 2 lane road. Otherwise, it would have been a head on collision
because I was falling asleep behind the wheel. And I pulled over and I said
to myself, good lord, Lorna.
This this isn't working. I didn't come to this country to work
so hard to almost kill myself. And that was
a major pivotal moment for me that I
decided something had to shift.
I had to figure out what was going on with me inside,
create a new vision for my life, and make that change, take
the steps towards making that change. That brought me into
leadership coaching, leadership transformation, and all things,
transformation since then. And that was 2,017.
2017, 2018, somewhere around there. And so from there
on, this that's what I've been doing, you know, and helping
people to do the same thing because I've been through I've been there. I know
what they're going through. I know what it feels like, and you
don't have to stay there. There's support and there is a
way out. Yeah. And I believe
because I've gone through similar things and I and I've had so many
conversations with entrepreneurs. It's like there's this moment. It it's kinda
I asked the question without really knowing the answer, but I always know there's
a tipping point. Right? Like, I've been there where I almost
lost my house and, did lose the car. It got
repossessed for about a month. It's like you do have to
pay. And so, you know, the these are the
things that we go through, but it it's a trigger. It's
like Mhmm. You know, do I want to
continue like this? Most likely no. And so
and and then we start to, you know, question, well, what
do I need to do different? Or, you know, how can I get to
hear? It's actually I love that you said it's a trigger
because it is a trigger. But the the key to this thing, though,
is it's a trigger for what? Right? It's
a trigger for, I believe, you're awakening.
Remember how I said before, next level. Right?
I believe that we are here to evolve. You know, I was
talking to somebody the other day and they were they were we're talking about, oh,
there were 40 years in marriage. I I believe me, I was
40 years in a marriage, so I get it. And
what would it look like for for people to be 40 years
in a relationship that is evolving, right, as opposed
to just be in the relationship just to say you're in the relationship for
40 years. You see the difference? It's it's it's an evolution. It's the
same thing in business. You can be in business for 50 years,
but has your business evolved? Have you gotten
to the plateau where you're just okay with the
status quo? Right? Or are you
in that business for 40 years and evolving at at
different levels during the 40 years to make create more impact
and therefore more income in the business. There is a a
distinct difference in the 2. Right? So
I encourage people to look at it and how you do one thing
is how you do everything. The reason why I said marriage was because
you get to do the same thing there too. Right? How do you
make it spicier? How do you, you know, make it juicier? How do
you make it more adventurous to keep it young to the
point where, oh, at 50, 40 years, you still feel
like when you just met and you went on those crazy trips, you
did all those crazy things. Not that they get to be crazy now, but they
get to be different. Right? Different in the sense that it's empowering
you to be a better version of yourself, a bigger version of yourself.
Right? Yeah. Absolutely.
And I know for me, that was part of my journey, and I've talked to
so many people who it all starts somewhere. And
then, like you say, like, really, you know, really
drawing out, you know, something amazing. I mean,
there's there's taking action because of necessity, and then there's
Yes. You know, which which which that's where a lot of trigger
points I find are. But then, like you say, it doesn't
have to stay there. It can it can be something amazing. And a lot
of times, it might be that, that person doesn't
know what to do with it, which is kind of the
work that you do. What are you hearing for so what are you
hearing from people as they they they meet you or maybe they're
just starting to work with you? What, describe kind of where they're
at at the beginning of that. What are some of the questions they're asking? What
are some of the frustrations they are experiencing,
at this moment? Yeah. Thanks for that question because it's a it's
a really good question and a powerful one as well. The first
the one thing I always hear is I don't know what to do. I've
done this before, but I just feel like I'm stuck.
Right? I just feel like I'm stuck. Now
stuck is is that's the only thing that they they can,
they can relate it to. Stuck can be, you
know, with money. Stuck can be with relationships.
Stuck can be with, family. It it it
it can be with anything. It's all related
is what I want people to understand as well. It's all related, but that's what
the first thing they come to me with is. I feel stuck. So
within the conversation, it will unfold
as to which one is the biggest challenge.
Right? So people who come to me, they come to me with
with, I'm stuck. I can't I can't
move past this income ceiling. Right? I can't move past this income
ceiling, or I'm stuck. I don't know. My
business is working, but my my relationships aren't
working. Same thing. I had a dentist
client who she was stuck in her health.
She couldn't figure out what was going on with her body.
Right? And in her mind and her body was telling
her it was because, she didn't like,
standing around because she's a dentist. She does a lot of standing.
She she couldn't figure it out. But what was really going
on was she was really unhappy with her
relationships at home with her son and her husband.
Right? But it all showed up in her body as,
oh, the job is giving me a hard time. I can't stand this
job. Right? It takes a a different,
perspective for for people to to actually relate the
2 together. Because nobody would have related relationship with
husband and children to pain in her
body at work. You get what I'm
saying? No nobody can put that together. Right? Unless
you're somebody like me who understands and have been trained to see
it. Right? And as she as we work together,
she she created we started with a 5 year plan. We've cleaned that
up, started with a 5 year plan, and she created 50% of the 5 year
plan in 4 months. Who does that? Right? She wanted a new
house. She had no clue how she was gonna get it. Right?
She created that. The relationships she wanted to create in her
marriage, she created that. Relationship with her children, she
created that. But again, her body,
you know, I have a I have a mentor who always tells reminds
us, you know, the body is a conduit of consciousness.
Whenever you have you're feeling something in your body, it's it's it's
just a symptom. We love to go to the doctor. We don't take a take
time to actually figure out what is actually happening.
That was that case scenario. But, you know, she came to
me because she she thought, you know, I want a new
job. I want a new business. I wanna create a new
business. That wasn't it. So You know,
that makes me think of every single entrepreneur I've
talked to in the last 2 decades who said, you know what?
I'm I'm tired of what I'm doing. I wanna do something new.
And, and then the number of them where when
you get through, you know, exploring that ends up
not doing something new, but doing what they're already doing
better because it turns out that I mean, I think we all start with
an idea and a vision in our mind of how awesome it's going to
be. And I always tell the people in my group, you know, it's,
a lot of times we start businesses because of an idea that we have,
not to make the millions or whatever, but because we want a better life for
our family. Right? And so the relationships
and, the outcomes and the environment
in our business are directly related, I believe. Because Mhmm.
A, if I started my business because I wanted a better life for my family
and my relationships with my family are not going well,
then how could I expect my business to go well?
Yeah. Absolutely. It's all interrelated. Everything is
energy. So we go I go deeper into all that in
in all my programs and kind of, you know, support them in figuring out,
okay, what is the thing that we get to work on? A lot of
people come. It's business. It's money, and we
have strategy. Here's the other thing I'll I'll say,
and this is a big one. So if you're listening to this, write it down,
frame it, put it in your bath bathroom, put it in your kitchen, put it
in your office, put it everywhere. Strategy
will never trump consciousness. Strategy
will never trump consciousness. So if
you're not aware of why you're feeling the way
you're feeling or why things are happening and you try another
strategy, it can tell you it's just gonna
repeat until you figure out the root.
Awareness is the first step of transformation. If
you're not aware, I talk about it all the time. I talk about 4 things
all the time, awareness, acknowledgment, responsibility,
and integrity. Those four things are paramount
in in in building a business and overall in building
life. So if anything is off with any of those
areas, there's gonna be a challenge. And don't get me wrong. You
know, we all have challenges. Right? I have challenges too. I'm
not saying I'm not standing sitting here standing sitting here saying,
I figured it all out. I figured out a lot of
it, right, just by experience and by training.
And I'm here to tell you that a lot of things that you think are
the problem is not the problem. Something else,
but we gotta figure it out so that you get the results that
you want, that you really want. That's what you want,
not what somebody else wants. Not what your
husband wants. Not what your wife want. Not what your kids want.
What do you want? Right? And
now is the time. Today is the it's the best day to
figure that out because then you can create a different
result for tomorrow. So That is extremely
powerful. And I love so
so consciousness does or or so strategy does
not trump consciousness. I love that.
And it just makes me think of all the people
who, we've ever worked with that, you know, they
they want a new strategy or a new tactic. And I I
even know consultants who are all about strategy. You can go and pay
them $20,000, and they'll do a big strategy,
session. But you still bring yourself to it.
Right? Yeah. All the beliefs that are the actions and
the, you know, all the biases and just, the
fears, the worries, the concerns, like, all of it. We just
bring all of it. And and unless something
there changes, we're still bringing ourselves to it. So, like,
that we I I always relate it to, like, the hamster wheel. It's
like, oh my gosh. It's like this happening again. Right,
or moving the furniture around. You start a new business, but you bring
your old self to it. It's just it's just the same
thing, but in a different order. Right? And so Yeah.
That is so powerful. One of the I wanted to
ask you, since you this is the work that you're doing,
because I think that there is a
belief that if I just do this one new tactic or if I just
do this one new strategy and I know that marketers are probably the blame
for that because we we we write copy.
And I I say we because I'm a I'm a marketer, so I'm probably
guilty of writing copy that makes it sound easier than it
is. But I wanted to ask you because,
the belief that, oh, if I I'm just one funnel away or
if I'm just this one tactic away or if I just did this in my
business, finally, I would get there. And
then, you know, to then instead of
that, turn the conversation to consciousness
and to look there first. What are you finding? Because
I find that so much of the focus is on the tactics. It
is on the strategy. How do you, approach
that conversation to say, well, wait. That's all well and good, but let's
take a look at this first. Well, first of all, it's
feedback. When we talk about triggers, it's all feedback. Everything is feedback.
So the next strategy so for for for
strategy, strategy is boring. Right? Strategy is
boring. So you gotta be conscious of the fact that strategy is
boring. The next strategy can be
the right strategy if you stay in
consistency with that strategy. Do you get what I'm
saying? That's the consciousness that you gotta get to. You gotta get to the consciousness
that this is a process.
I always bring the analogy to an oak tree.
Right? You have a oak an acorn in your hand,
the tree is still there. You're conscious that that's an
oak tree. Get what I'm saying? Mhmm. Consciousness
says it's an oak tree. But can you see the oak tree?
Not right now. Not not yet. No. Not yet because you didn't plant
the oak tree. Right? So now
you're gonna go plant the oak tree. Is the oak
tree still there? Yes.
Mhmm. But now you gotta water the
acorn. Right?
That's the strategy. The strategy is always gonna
work. It's your consciousness that gets to catch
up. Mhmm. Well and the impatience. It's
like wanting the acorn to become an oak tree in Tree over
there. Right? You get what I'm saying? So
consciousness means awareness when you
are aware of how the process work. Delete
Chuck, I spent a lot of money to to learn
this stuff. Right? And gone through all of these
processes. Right? And I'm still going through all the
processes because it's a process.
But the conscious awareness that it's a process
is the consciousness. Because if you're not,
that's why we spend a lot of money
going from coach to coach to coach to coach to the next strategy to the
next strategy to the next strategy. We're not working on the consciousness
of ourselves and the consciousness of the
process that it takes. Most people see the outcome
and admire the outcome of the gurus and be like, yes. It's
possible. That's consciousness as well.
Yes. You're conscious that it's possible. But who do you get to be
in order to bring forth that result
that you're looking at? Right? That's another conscious awareness
of who you are in the space, the time that you are.
Who are you now? And who do you get to become to create
that? Right? So
it's it's all a process, really. Mhmm.
Yeah. And it is a process. And so
sometimes we get impatient and we wanna get you know, we we talk
about, you know, instant, you know, attraction or manifestation. I
think it's largely misinterpreted, but we the the
universe needs a little time. Right? Like, an acorn is not gonna become an
oak tree in a day, but it will happen.
Success is guaranteed with it If Yeah. It when you do
the right things. And Yeah. Yeah. So there's also
I love that. We could unpack that all day long. And
so, before we run out of
time, Lauren, I wanna ask you, because this has all been
great. And I wanna give our listeners an opportunity to
connect with you because, you
know, if you feel stuck in your business or you could
relate to anything we've been talking about today,
then the next best step for you is to, you know,
get into Lorna's world, maybe have a conversation with her. So so,
Lorna, I just wanna ask you, like, what is the best next step for someone
listening in? Who, a, wants to take the
steps towards becoming, unstuck and also,
to connect with you? So two ways we can get
in touch with me. Well, if you're feeling that you wanna if you're feeling stuck
and you wanna get unstuck, I am gonna be holding a,
from stuck to unstoppable master class on January 23rd. So if you
wanna register for that, that would be great. And if you don't
wanna be in a group setting, you can schedule a 1 on 1 call with
me. We can have a conversation. I could see how I can support you. And
you can follow me online, Facebook and Instagram
at on Instagram
and Lorna Shirland official on Facebook. Lorna
Shirland official on Facebook. Well, we're gonna
put links to all of that right beneath this video. So if you're watching this
on video, go check there now. We've got all of Lorna's links there. If you're
listening to this on podcast, just take a look at the player
that you are listening to this on, and all of the links are
there as well. And so, now I
wanna ask you about your workshop. So so, it's
definitely January right now. Do you,
do you hold this regularly throughout the year? Yes. I
do. So this this would be a a continuum. So if you miss
1, don't worry about it. Masterclass is
once a month. No problem. Because what we wanna help to continue to
spread the word about the the the good work that you're doing.
And so and I just you know, you know, you and I have not
known each other a long time, but it is, very
apparent to me that, we're that we
believe in a in a similar way, and, we
serve some of the same people but in different ways. And I just look
forward to seeing all the different ways that we can, collaborate
and support each other as as we continue on this
journey. Before we sign off, I just wanna ask
you, and we spoke briefly about this at the at the beginning of the
episode. I mean, the the theme of this episode is look.
You real and I say this to my group all the time. In order to
grow your business, you must be willing to grow yourself. And,
you know, this is this has been my journey, you know, 30
plus years, of because and I say 30
plus because once upon a time, I did not look at this at all. And
I remember getting my very first cassette tape,
which was an audio program, you know, about,
about success. I think it was Jim Rohn, and,
and then one of the very first books that, that
I had read, and that started a journey, of
self development and and and learning and so much
great from books. So I wanted to ask you, and I asked all my
guests, and I'm always fascinated by the answers, if you had
any must read book recommendations. And
Absolutely. I'm an avid
reader avid reader. If you ask me what
that's my highest value. Learning is my highest value.
I was sharing with my my brother. I was talking to him yesterday for the
new year, and we're we were reminiscing. And,
there's a purpose for this story. We're reminiscing and we remember
when we were kids, like 3 years old, we were listening to
Earl Nightingale on, you know, growing up in Jamaica on
the front porch with my grandfather. So,
number 1 book is the bible for me. Number 2 book is,
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. And number 3 that I
would highly recommend because it's such an easy read is The Go Giver.
A little red book called The Go Giver. The Go Giver.
But, yeah, we used to listen to Earl Nightingale when we were, like,
babies. We didn't know what was going on. And, you know, as both of us
have evolved over the years, we can now
remember that the seeds remember that acorn? That was my
grandfather planted those seeds in my spirit from back
then. Go figure. Right? Fan well,
and and just as you mentioned that, I can just hear his signature
deep voice in in and and, I remember
I had a program from his called the strangest secret, and I must have listened
to that thing a 100 times. Yep. Yep. It's so
fun. I actually got an opportunity last year to go to the
headquarters. Oh, wow. Yeah. And I met Don
Green and Russell Brunson and and because they
had all the stuff. And the first picture I wish
I brought it out. I didn't know we're gonna talk about it, but I actually
have a a a signed picture of Earl Lightenio from
that visit. So Oh, fantastic. Well, definitely envious of
that because I'm a huge fan. And,
well and based on this conversation, now a a new fan
of of your work as well. And and and I really look forward to us,
you know, getting to know each other and supporting each other's businesses as
we go along here. So, Lorna, thank
you. This has been amazing. And I truly hope, and, you
know, to our listeners, that this has inspired you
today. Look, entrepreneurship is not always the
easiest path. In fact, it's not in a lot of ways. But
it is a very fulfilling, path. And
you started your business for a reason. You have a
big mission. You have a big vision, for
the work that you do, but also for your life, your
relationships, and the ripple effect that the work that you do is
gonna have on humanity. And, most people
that we work with wanna see a positive impact,
and that impact is possible. There are moments
where it might not seem possible, and in those moments, we want you to
reach out. Lorna is a great person to reach out to
because she specializes in helping you figure out what's
next, getting unstuck, and really realizing
that vision. You probably don't have to start the new business. There might be just
something new that you have to do or, like
like we said, do things in a different order. And suddenly,
opportunities that you, didn't realize were there. They are
there, but you're not seeing them right now. And so
how can you start to see those? So, I want you to take an
action today. Hopefully, we've inspired you. Take a step. Maybe
something that you, been meaning to do or you've been afraid to
do, go and do that thing today. And if you're not sure what it what
your next step is, reach out to Lorna. She will help you to figure out
what that next step is. So, Lorna, thank you so much.
Any final piece of advice or words of wisdom for our audience as
we sign off? Well, what
came up is, be in the silence. Be in the silence.
Sometimes you gotta take a step back and,
be still, and something will come up
that you get to recognize, see for yourself, and the
action to take. That could be it could be as simple as that.
Yeah. And it has been that for me sometimes as well. I love that.
You know, there, there is wisdom in the silence
for sure. Thank you, Lorna. This has been amazing.
And to our audience, thank you as well. Go out there.
Keep moving forward in your big vision, your mission, and
the life that you wanna create for yourself. And, then come back and
join us for our our next episode. We, we're we're
continuing this mission here. In the meantime, this has been the
Creative Collaboration Show with Chuck Anderson, and, we'll see you on the next
one, everybody. Thank you.