July 6, 2022



What is healing? How do we do it? What does it take to heal?

About the Host:

Michael is a Canine-Partnered Energy Coach, Energy Healer, and Author on a mission to help single men with dogs find love in their lives again. He is building a community of like-minded men through his app; Dogs and Men. You can find it in your favorite store. Download and Let Your Dog Lead you back to love.



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Michael Overlie:

Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the dogs admin podcast. I am glad you're here. This is the show where you learn to let your dog lead. Lead you back to love. Heal Heal Heal, Heal Heal, Heal Heal Heal shit. How's that working out for you? Every time I would drain one of my dogs a Heal Heal Heal, Heal , you said the command like 10 times they're looking at you like, yeah, dummy. You're not healing, are you? Oh, let's get into that concept, man. Healing. What does that mean? It's not a cut on your finger. This is deep shit. What is that scares the hell out of me? See, I didn't know I had anything to heal. I just thought life was the way it was. So yeah, once I realized that I had some healing to do. And I'm still doing. Yeah, I had to, I had to commit, I had to commit for the long haul. I know what that actually meant. So I was able to stay curious. And I got more curious and more curious and more curious. And I read books, and I trained in energy healing, and I, you know, join groups and I got vulnerable and shared stuff and open more and open more. And it for me, it keeps going. And that's fine. This is not everybody's path. Not everybody's journey. But I want to get to this place that is so free from stagnation, from feeling stuck from, ah, feeling trapped. I want to flow. I want to have room to move in my own body and mind. But you know what, you have to create that I have to create that for me, you have to create that for you. It doesn't come on its own. So what do I mean by that? What do I mean by you have to create that? Well, let's keep it super simple. No one can force you to want to change, right? Nobody can force you to want to heal. I have trouble taking advice from folks. Specific People moreso. But until something comes along, that resonates with me, or sounds like oh shit, I want some of that, then I'm less likely to change, I'm less likely to make any modifications in my life. That's okay. That's just where I'm at at the time. So wherever you're at, guess what? That's okay. That's where you're at at this time. But if you want something different, then yeah, guess what? It's up to you to make it different. It's up to you to pick another way. So what does that look like for you? And everybody's got a different way about him. Everybody's got different personality experiences. So what works for you? You could just start with spending time with your dog, literally just hanging out with your dog. So here's one. Have you ever spent just 10 minutes? I mean, a solid 10 minutes, petting your dog not doing anything else? Just 10 minutes of petting your dog? I bet not. People give them a little scratch a little scratch maybe pattern for 1030 seconds. But try 10 minutes. Right? Do it when nobody else is around just hanging out, turn off the TV, stare out the window and pet your dog for 10 minutes. It's bad ass. I'm not kidding. Home. What does this do? For me, this opens space, this creates space. Because in that short timeframe, I'm able to be super present. And I'm not working on a bunch of stuff. I'm not going through all these problems in my head. I can either stare at the trees outside or just close my eyes and I feel every piece of further my hand runs over it. It's freaking fascinating. Oh, what that does is the same thing that meditation does without sitting on a pillow and staring at a candle. This just creates this being right here right now moments. And it's amazing what comes from that. There's peace. There's inner peace outer peace, inner, quiet, outer quiet. So you're you're making room for other things to come. It's absolutely wonderful. So I would highly recommend that. So what about outside of that? Some people don't mind doing talk therapy. Going to a therapist, guys. There's nothing fucking wrong with talking to a therapist. If that's what you need to go do it stop dicking around not gonna get happier by being pissed off all the time. Okay, what else? There are men's groups, right? Some guys are actually okay with talking about some deep shit with their friends and you I applaud you guys. Fantastic.

Michael Overlie:

Can you take it a step further? What else can you do? Right? Well, think about a garage full of crap you've got, you can't park a goddamn car in there because you got so much shit stacked up. Well, all of a sudden you get this brand new fancy car, you want to park it in the goddamn garage? Well, you can. Why? Because you got too much shit in there. So what are you gonna do with all the crap? What do you do with all that crap? Well, you can't move it all at once. But you can start to move pieces of it. Right? You can start to work on you can start to create some space, maybe you start giving some of that stuff away, right? Maybe you start selling some of it, whatever the case is. Anyway, the analogy is the same. You need to make room to allow other things to come in. Right? Does that make sense? All right. So let's say you get enough room to squeeze the car in there. That's okay, that's good enough for now. You don't have to do all of it at once. And this is hugely important. Healing won't happen overnight. Right? Let's say you break a leg takes a freakin while for that to heal doesn't happen overnight. Well, matters of the heart take even longer typically, some people do a quick outstanding, not me, that's for sure. So how do you give yourself time for that? By taking away the expectation that you're going to have it all figured out tomorrow? It's not going to happen, guys. So give yourself a little break. All right, what does that mean? What does that look like for you? You know, most of us are so good at shaming and blaming ourselves, beating ourselves up for not being as good as Johnny down the street, whatever, we need to give ourselves a little break. So stop this man up bullshit, stop comparing yourself to everybody and get to get to work heal on yourself, because it's worth it. I swear to God, it's worth it. All right, so next point, we're making some space, we got the car in the garage. Oh, that's nice, right, you got the car in there, but it's packed in are so tight still that you can enjoy it, you can kind of see it. But you can't really admire it. Sure as hell can't wax it and do other things on it. So after a while you decide, okay, I'm going to make some more space. So then you do a little more work, you clear a little more crap out of that garage. Before you know it, you got a whole big, beautiful garage. So admire that beautiful car, you know what that car represents? That's you know, don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying that a car equals love. Because that's exactly what we've been doing to ourselves, using money to try and buy love, fill our little holes in our hearts with all this stuff and things. My point is that you've made room for this other thing in your life, you've made room for this thing that you can take care of right? You can take care of your love, you can take care of your heart. You can nurture this, you can grow this, but you need space to do it. So I hope that makes sense. All right. So what do you do then? Well, maybe you don't do anything right then. Maybe you just sit with that for a while. You don't have to act on every little thing. In this society, we think we have to act respond, act, respond, act respond, freaking emails, text messages, notifications, Jesus Christ, I need a break. Try and turn it off, try and turn it all off. Just for a little bit, and admire, admire what you've done. It's okay to be proud of the work that you've done. It doesn't matter if anybody else understands. It doesn't matter if anybody else really knows they're gonna see the change in you, they're gonna feel a change in your energy. That's amazing. Yeah, you want to do this for you? Not because of someone else, right? You do this because you want something different. Don't worry about what other people think. If you're worried about being judged, don't worry, you probably will be by somebody at some point. Wherever it doesn't matter. You know, whatever. Whatever anybody says about you is none of your business. Truly. That's their stuff. You know, their their responses, their conditions to their own lives, their ideas of how everyone else should be. Don't worry about it. If they want to heal someday, that's up to them and there's nothing you can do about it. So heal, guys, H E. A. l it's time to start healing all the crap that no longer serves you. Okay. How can I help? Is there something you need for me? You want to have a conversation, you can reach out to me all right. emails should be in the show notes. If not, it's Michael@dogsandmen.com Take care. Love you guys. Bye. I want you to sit just for a minute. Do you hear the call to call back to love Is it time to let your dog lead?