If you have suffered heartbreak, are troubled by anxiety, depression, loss, grief, if you question your self-worth, or are caught up in addiction or obsessive/compulsive behavior - all of these struggles share a common theme: They reflect a broken relationship to the core of your being, your own 'healing heart, sacred heart.' But how do you reconnect to the innate wisdom and truth of your heart, when all you can feel is pain? My special guest on Empowerment Radio this Thursday, August 15th is Lee McCormick, co-author of The Heart Reconnection Guidebook. Learn how through guided self-exploration you can move toward clarity, emotional freedom and self-acceptance; and how through refocusing on the truth of what the heart reveals, you can leave behind the chaos of the mind. Tune in at 9AM PT / 12PM ET. If you have questions in advance, please feel free to reach out on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.