Embodying Human Design in Your Business (Part 2)

Welcome to part two of our series on integrating Human Design in business! Make sure to listen to part 1 before you dive into this episode.
This is an honest and deep conversation about identifying and integrating what is true for you and how that can make you feel more in alignment with your path, personally and in business.
I can’t even summarize this one. It’s so good and you should listen!
NOTE: This is not an “intro to Human Design” conversation. If you are unfamiliar with Human Design, please check out more of Mia’s resources here.
Mia Poulsen is a Human Design expert passionate about helping soul-led entrepreneurs unlock their authentic potential. With years of experience guiding clients to integrate their design into life and business, Mia empowers people to align their energy, make decisions with confidence, and create success on their own terms.
Follow her podcast, The Blue Sofa, for all things Human Design and business.
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Can we please do it in a way that doesn't drain our energy and that doesn't, like burn us out and make crazy sacrifices, but still gives us results? That's like the golden spot I'm always looking for. It's not either or, it's both. You
Kelly Sinclair:
This is The Entrepreneur School podcast, where we believe you can run a thriving business and still make your family a priority. This show is all about supporting you, the emerging or early stage Entrepreneur on your journey from solopreneur to CEO while wearing all of the other hats in your life. My name is Kelly Sinclair, and I'm a brand and marketing strategist who started a business with two kids under three. I'm a corporate PR girl turned entrepreneur after I learned the hard way that life is too short to waste doing things that burn you out on this show, you'll hear inspiring stories from other business owners on their journey and learn strategies to help you grow a profitable business while making it all fit into the life that you want. Welcome to entrepreneur School. Welcome back. This is the second half of a conversation in progress that I wanted to bring to you on the show with my dear friend Mia Polson, who is so many amazing things, and one of those things is a expert in human design. And as I preface the last half of this, this is not an entry level conversation. We will give you resources below to learn, if you are like, I don't even know what human design is. I don't know what the five energy types are. I don't know what like centers are like, because it is basically a whole other language. We are referencing it in that way. But you can look at some of that entry level information below in the show notes. And I wanted to have this conversation in two parts, because it's on both of our podcasts. So make sure that you connect with Mia if you want to learn more about human design, if you're interested in exploring it for yourself, I highly recommend. It's been an amazing journey for me, and I'm so glad to share Mia with you and share our stories with you as part of this incredible series. Enjoy.
Mia Poulsen:
I think this is like a very interesting conversation, and it's a little bit like, I think it's, again, like a language that we are developing, a skill set we are developing as we dive more into taking back our own power and taking back our own authority. Because for me, it's not like either or. It's first of all, like, start subscribing. For me was like, start subscribing to the reality that I have a choice and that I get to enjoy the process as much as I get to enjoy the result. So that shift was really huge for me. So it was not like the pressure of having to do things in a specific way, to get a specific result, and learning to not only to understand, but really embody, well, I get to make money in a way that feels good to me. Do you know what I mean? So it's all about balancing things out. So instead of feeling like when I have zero boundaries, I do nothing, then no, I would say this in another way, when we are teenagers, we want freedom, and we want to be able to do whatever we want, and we don't want our parents to say anything. We do not want any kind of restrictions on us as we grow up. We understand that restrictions is like it's part of life. We need to make money to pay the rent. We need to make money to get food on the table. And then what happens is that we get too focused on the results, and we forget about the freedom part. So if we kind of get stuck in the whole doing, doing, doing, doing, doing, doing, the process suddenly doesn't matter anymore. But when we were kids, when we were teenage, at the process was everything for us, because we wanted to be present in like, the fun we had, playing, the fun we had, being with our friends, and we didn't care about the result, right? We didn't care about the consequences. Then we grew up, and I was like, all we think about is the consequences. And at some point, I think we need to redirect the conversation into can we both have nice process as we launch as we are the. Those of our business, can we please do it in a way that doesn't drain our energy and it doesn't, like, burn us out and make crazy sacrifices, but still gives us results? That's like, the golden spot I'm always looking for. It's not either or, it's both, and it kind of going back to what we talked about just before, like either doing nothing is a trauma response, being too flowy and not having any structure, it's a trauma response, and doing too much is a trauma response. And I feel even our you know, creativity, intuition, brilliance, need a structure to be born into the world, you know? So it's again, back to, how can we combine things yin and yang? How can we combine both being a being well organized enough to make results, but still have enough space so it feels good for us in the process. And can we create a paradigm and a truth where both of those can co exist?
Kelly Sinclair:
You know, I feel like I had to ask that question, because that's a question that's always been, that's been my big but, but like, oh yeah. Like, let's manifest. Let's lean into flow and human design, but I need to make money, like I need to, but like, that'll be great when I don't have the feeling like I have to, I have to, and I'm, I'm noticing these are the words, have to, should, etc. And if I can even just like, unpack my own experience in all of this and how human design has shifted the way that I'm showing up and the results that I'm getting. It's proof that not doing that part is actually affecting your results. Yes, like an ironic thing, like, Oh, I'll I can't do that because I have to just follow the strategy, do the thing, implement stuff, etc, and but if that's not working, it's because you're probably missing this. You're missing this, like, authentic connection to yourself and your design, and being able to make the choices about how you implement the strategy and follow the steps and do all of that, because that's the guiding that's like, Oh, I'm lacking an analogy. You're so good at analogies, you know, it's like you're missing the good one isn't connected, or something exactly.
Mia Poulsen:
I have a friend, she says, Before I was trying to run a marathon on one leg. Now I understand I have two legs, and I get to, I get to use both legs to actually get to the, get to the finish line. And I really love that way of seeing it, because that's how it feels. It's how it feels when you start, you know, leaning into your feminine energy as well, and leaning into softness, leaning into intuition and leaning into your own authority, right? It feels like, Oh, I just got an engine more amazing. And it's not like, oh, then I'm not gonna make money. That would be again, that would be a trauma response of being too much in, like the manifestation and all that good stuff, instead of we want to embody so we fully present in both energies, and that is going to look different from person to person. It's not like this is how it's going to look like for everybody. It's going to look different from person to person.
Kelly Sinclair:
Oh my gosh, okay, okay, so I think you've officially taken the microphone at the podcast host. Now that's okay. This may be weird experience for people listening, because it's gonna be such a it's such a deep conversation, but like, you know, get your cup of tea or your glass of wine and enjoy this one, because we're, like, deep into this already, but I wanted to have you hear Mia on my show to to share about human design, but not have a generic conversation about it, because it's like, yeah, I understand that people don't know what that is like. There's lots of resources. We'll make sure that you know. You can hear me giving some of those more general explanations, but we're talking about a a system and a language that you can apply to yourself, it's a self reflection tool to help you be your most authentic self in your life and in your business, exactly, right, exactly. And so this conversation is really about like, I don't know, for me it was like something I sought out when I was like, at the ultimate of frustration, I'm like, I can't just keep following any more strategies or having more coaches, or, like, get asking someone. Else's opinion on what I should do now, I need to figure out how to ask myself,
Mia Poulsen:
Yeah, and I feel that's a place in life where a lot of people enter Human Design myself too. I'm always very hesitant calling myself like a human design coach or human design business coach, because for me, as you said, Human Design is an invitation. It's an invitation to get back into alignment and starting to empower yourself, basically, and take your authority back into you, and set yourself in the throne like the queen CEO that you actually are and start making decisions that are completely in alignment with you. I don't feel it's a it's a tool to it's not like a how to get more clients make more money, but it's definitely like the feminine response to get back into alignment that enables you to go out there and be full of yourself and be your own magnetic self and contribute in a way that's true for you, and that's like, again, I'm hesitant being that's because it's not about money, but the money and the clients and the business success is a result of that. So it's kind of like applying the law of contribution into our life, because we understand that we have a purpose as a person, right? We have a purpose here, and if we are drawn to entrepreneurship, that purpose is definitely channeled into a contribution in our business in some capacity. And when we take that super serious and we start doing that in our business, the law of contribution will help us get things, you know, material things, back into our life, because we contribute, we share, we share mission, our voice, we help our clients. We make sure that whoever needs our help can hear us. You know, marketing, we make sure that we invite people into our program. Selling. All of that is part of the path that we need to take to make sure that our business works. But human design helps us with help us so we work, so we work so we're not like, constantly seeking confirmation outside of ourselves and constantly seeking validation out outside of ourselves and constantly seeking another person to be our authority. And I feel for me anyway, when I met a human design. I was like, I don't want another thing. Another like, I don't want another coach, another thing, another framework to tell me who I am. I need a conversation starter. I need a framework that helps me reflect and helps me really dive deep into the transformational process of understanding who am I, and when I met human design, we had just had our fourth kit, and I was back into business again, and I was just like, everything I have done before with three kids just didn't work anymore, because I didn't Have a lot of time. I had, like, so much responsibility being like a mom of four kids obvious. That's like, that's the face of life you are in at that point. And I could feel my old habit of burning out, like doing too much was kind of eating at me one more time, and at that point, I remember having conversation with my husband, and I was very sad, like, basically thorough, like, deep seated sadness, because I said to him, you know, I don't think I can have my own business, because I I can't manage it all. It's just too much for me to be both a mom, have a toddler and have like a small child and and in a business, and he's always been like and he is and have always been super supportive. And I don't if you have, Kelly, if you ask your husband, he will say, I'm gonna take care of you. Don't worry. Like, just close your business. Don't worry, it will be fine. I'll take care of you. So that's like, stuff like that, my husband says to me, and over the years, I found out that that's bullshit. Like, honestly, He only says that, make sure that I feel good. It's not like he's not trying to help me go through, go through any challenges and find new resources. He wants me to feel good, basically, which is adoring, but not always the best advice, you know. So he said that to me, and then I was like, I realized I had this shift where it's like I could actually. Do that, that could be a choice for me, that could be a choice. And then I was like, but I don't want to like, I really don't want to. I need to figure out, how can I be in business and be like a woman and a mom and a lover and a girlfriend and all that good stuff at the same time and and that's where, where I found human design, and I found out I'm a projector, and it was like, I remember being so disappointed, because I was like, the project that's like, the most shitty type. Like, I don't want to be a projector. I want to be like a manifesting generator, or at least a generator, because that's the funny, funny types. And I used, so I think, honestly, I think I used, like, six months being disappointed and rejecting it, and it just, it just kept coming back like a boomerang.
Kelly Sinclair:
And it's different from projectors. I like, though I'm also a generator. Who wishes I was a manifesting generator, yeah, of course, for a projector, because you get to be a leader, you're supposed to lead. Like, awesome,
Mia Poulsen:
Yeah, I had like, zero interest in being a projector, but then I was like, I surrendered. And I was like, fuck it. I'm just going to Okay, I'm going to embrace it, give it a try. And so I did, and I I was like, Okay, I'm just whatever. Do you know where you're like, you don't even care anymore. You just, you're just like, I'm just gonna do whatever this system says I have to do, because I'm just so, so annoyed and being right here, frustrated of being right here. So I'm just gonna do whatever the system says. I'm not even I don't even know if I believed it at that point, I was just whatever. It just kept on coming back. And I was like, Fine, I'm gonna do it, whatever. And then I completely do into it and started integrated. And at some point I understood I was like, this is this is explaining all of the things that I'm feeling. It explains all of my insecurities. It explains all my lack of results, and it explains why I keep on burning out. When I realized that was like, no going back. So no, you see something and you cannot unsee it is like, can't be done. So
Kelly Sinclair:
I was gonna ask, like, what was the thing that made you like when we were talking in our other conversation, I said one of the things that stood out the most to me, as far as like, the tool for integration, was learning how to respond, like learning how to create something that I can respond to, and learning what responding looks like as my strategy, what was was yours, just like an awareness of your energy,
Mia Poulsen:
Mine was immediately understanding that I am not created to do do all The things. And I think the biggest thing for me was to actually, I'm i remember i i created a chart for my parents and for my siblings, and they are all generators, or manifest actually, my mom and dad and one of my sisters is a manifesting generator, and my other sister is the generator. So I immediately understood why doing doing doing doing doing doing doing was like the standard that was like the golden standard of my home and my upbringing. So for me, I understood it's a trauma response. Basically, I'm being something I'm actually not, and I'm burning out my energy by doing, doing, doing, doing doing doing doing doing all the time. So that was the first thing I changed. I'm like, I'm not supposed to do it all. I have, like, the overview for sure. But I can ask my husband to do stuff. I can ask my au pair at that time to do stuff. I can ask, you know, whoever to do stuff and start organizing and leading basically instead of doing. And it completely, utterly changed my life like that. One thing completely changed my life, and the other thing immediately was listening to my body so my authority is spleen. It's the instincts. And what I understood really fast was that that voice is not going to I can't hear it if I'm not present in my body. So being present and just being alone a lot of time I had like I was actually feeling guilty and shameful of wanting to be alone so much as I did. Like, because, again, I'm raised around extroverts, yeah. So realizing I. I really, really need to be alone. Otherwise, I can't. I can't even hear my authority. I can't can listen to my body if I'm not alone. So that that like completely shifted. I gave myself time every day to be alone until this day, today, I'm never hurt the kids in the morning, I never start my day with the kids. My husband take the kids so I have alone time every freaking single day, because otherwise I go out of my mind. I deplete my energy, like two seconds and it's gone so stuff like that. We just started integrating, and it just gave results immediately, like immediately I shifted from, and this is the, this is the thing about, about human design, or any like internal work, it's going to shift your nervous system. As soon as you start integrating, you will shift your nervous system. So my nervous system shifted from fight, flight, freeze, basically all the trauma responses, bite. We do too much, we freeze, we do too little. We fly or flight like we we don't want to see whatever's going on, right? And it's shifted into the place we really, really want to be, and that's in tune with our creative mind, in tune with the solution oriented mind in tune with the place within us where we feel competent and we have resources inside of us, like we know we have confidence, right? So we know whatever situation I'm built, I can handle it because I have resources. I have more than enough inside of me, so it doesn't matter, I can I can handle it. Whatever life's gonna bring. I can handle it. So that was like an immediately shift for me. And if you are any kind of just like, if you have a business, basically, you know, if you are in that headspace, you can do anything. If you are in the other headspace, it's like you are basically stuck all the time.
Kelly Sinclair:
Yeah, and so interesting too, because stuck looks different for different energy types, right? It does. My stuck is like doing things that aren't working and keeping doing things that keep not working and stuck in the like not being able to get past a certain, you know, marker, and maybe yours is more like, literally not doing stuck.
Mia Poulsen:
My stock is definitely being, you know, paralyzed, basically, yeah, not being able. And I know, if I'm like, feeling, you know, my my energy is starting to deplete. I just know I need to rest. Now. My kids are like, Oh, Mom, you like an iPhone at some point there's no more battery on, and you need to get into the charger. And I'm like, exactly, exactly,
Kelly Sinclair:
Great that they recognize that like that you're able to have that conversation. And you know, I think what I love about having this conversation with you in particular is that awareness that we are all different, like this is like you may be part of there's the five energy types, and you're one of those five that doesn't make you the same as anybody else, either. And also that the whole point of human design is to help you to show up as your best self in the world. And that is what makes the world better, right? That's what creates the great stuff that you want to be part of. And so that means that you have to, like, go and sit in the room by yourself, like you know that, that you're so comfortable in that that that means that you're going to show up, you know, later for your family, your kids, yeah, the day you're about to go on.
Mia Poulsen:
Yeah, exactly, time, exactly. And it's all about, essentially, it's all about knowing who you are and fearlessly being that person you know, without shame, without judgment, without like criticizing yourself or feeling like the cards that I have been built are not very nice really, like understanding what cards do you have and play them like a pro, you know? And I feel that's what human design really helps us to do. And the thing that's interesting and fascinates me is that the moment we start being more of who we truly, really are, there's a part of us who recognize ourselves. There's a part of us, just like, Oh, there you are. There you are. I've been waiting for you to show up in life. You know? There you are. And I want to say it's your soul, right? So when you human and your soul connects, it's just, that's where the fun begins. That's where you're like, I got this crazy idea, let's do it. I mean, yes. Stewards. You know, that's where all the fun starts. So instead of being so caught up in being in the human or being in the soul, like the moment, we combine those two, it's like, it's like a homecoming, like, there you are.
Kelly Sinclair:
So, like, kind of a funny example I was saying, and you saw this because it's December, and December has been absolutely bonkers for me, and I've never felt so aware of how overwhelming all of the things are as I have this year, and in a different way, not in a way where I'm like, Oh, I'm drowning, I'm dying, but I'm like, I'm aware, and so I'm making the choices of like, what, what do I want to continue to execute on, implement, be part of, etc, like, where do I have to say? No one, and I decided to, it felt like I needed to say something out loud for the sake of, but I'm having this personal reflection, and I want to share it because it might be helpful to someone else to hear that. You know you actually don't have to do all of these things in December that you think you do.
Mia Poulsen:
Yeah and agree, by the way.
Kelly Sinclair:
When I did post on my Instagram Stories, first of all, so much response, like more conversation than anything I've ever created ever in my life, which is
Mia Poulsen:
crazy, but I
Kelly Sinclair:
just felt so like I just felt so like I want to live in a world where we can all share our feelings openly. It's not in a way where I'm trying to change anybody else. I'm not telling anybody what to do, like I was so okay with that. I'm just saying this for me, and you take it how you take it, you know. And that just felt like that homecoming of like, Yeah, she does have thoughts and opinions, and she is okay to, like, say them out loud.
Mia Poulsen:
It's such a funny example. I was reflecting about it the other day because I I was thinking about how to, you know, when we are in business, we are in the business of influencing other people, basically. And I was thinking about how to do that in a way that was, you know, here's my truth and there has to be your truth as well. Because the thing is, like we get to have our truths, but other people get to have their truths as well. So I feel my style of being in life has, over the time, changed a lot from being somebody who was like, Oh, we are discussing everything and I want to be right, to being someone who's like, like you say, I want to share this spark, this voice inside of me, and I want to share it in a way where I hope somebody can reflect or like mirror themselves in it and then use their authority and their inner voice to figure out what is truth? What is the truth for them, without all the judging and without all the I'm right? No, I'm right. This is the truth. No, this is the truth, you know. And I feel by doing that, you get to inspire and you get to contribute with you know, and you get to, like, put all of your observations into this huge mastermind that we have, like, going on, on Instagram or, you know, wherever we are, and people can take away what they want. And I think it's just, it's just such a, such interesting philosophy of life, right?
Kelly Sinclair:
Yeah, well, I mean, I think that's why I even have this podcast exactly like dictate you the way. It's just to share my journey so you can see how that helps you.
Mia Poulsen:
Yeah, and I love that. I think it's such a nice, I want to say empowering, way of running a business, rights, yeah,
Kelly Sinclair:
Yeah. And like to be able to bring in people like you again, not to just be like, this is the way. Like, everyone needs to know their human design, and then you need to start following it. It's like, oh, I didn't know that existed. I feel called to explore that. I want to learn more and hear more and kind of, I don't know, like, overall, just empowered to that whole phrase of, like, take what you need and leave the rest.
Mia Poulsen:
Yes, yes, I love that. You know I love
Kelly Sinclair:
We're constantly looking for inputs, and we're constantly eating a lot of content, like we're just consuming, like it's even if we didn't go there, it's like this forced buffet. It's coming down your throat, no matter whether you asked for it or not. It's just there. And so like to be able to digest and figure out what you're tasting. Such a weird analogy.
Mia Poulsen:
No, I. It, and it's true, because that's how the world is right now. That's how entrepreneurship is. Like, there's so much going on all the time, and we need to be able to discern, like, what's for me, what's not for me, yeah, what do I need to bring into my life to make my life better? And what can I kind of release and let go off, and I think it's the same with human design. Human Design is definitely not for everybody, and it shouldn't be. It should be something you feel called to. Should be something you feel like. I want to explore this as a way of making better decisions in my life and my business and showing up in a way that's way more true to who I am. Instead of, instead of trying to do, do all the things and and also with human design, it's like your story is such a good example, and my story too, it's very different. What kind of create that transformation? It's very different. It's not like you need to know everything, but there will be some things that sticks out, and it stands out, and you'll be you'll be one, wanting to explore them. And it's fascinating to hear how, how yours was like, how to respond, and mine was like, figuring out my type and how that felt for me, and I know for other people, I have a lot of, obviously, projector clients, and what often, the question I get a lot is like, because a projector strategies, wait for the invitation, yeah. So they're like, Am I just supposed to sit around and wait then, right? And for me, that was never, it never resonated like that, and I understood very fast that waiting for an invitation is not a passive act. It's a respectful act of not giving advice to anyone who didn't ask you. It's a respectful Act of in your business being the light beam like the one that like shares the message and invite people to to join, but only when they say yes. Like, not hunting people down, not like, oh, please join me. Join me. Join me. Join me, right? It's not about that. It's about sharing your message and attract people and then invite them to join, and they get to say yes to you because they know you and they trust you, right? So it's not like a passive act. It's just like, because projectors are very our energy is very like piercing so we often see through things, but people need to be ready to talk to us, right? And if they're not ready, it will just be like a waste of energy that we don't have. So for me, it was that was never the big thing for me, it was like understanding I don't have unlimited resources and I can do all the time, even though I would really love to
Kelly Sinclair:
That's so interesting too, because I also had the same reaction to the idea of responding that felt passive and very against my like generator ness and also like my doingness and like so, so that's why I came up with that hack to, like, figure out a way to get something to respond to all the time, like doing more, like reaching out and asking for input. One of the things I did inside of my Black Friday campaign was actually just create, like, an interest form. It's like, I feel like I want to do an event, but do other people want to come to this event? Yeah, and what would that look like? And so, yeah, I put out that as some as a response for them, and now I have feedback that I can look at for you know, if we, we make this happen.
Mia Poulsen:
And also, I feel like, if you are, I guess this is like, also, like, one of those universal truths, but especially, you know, being in a world of responding, it invites you to go out into the world without an agenda, without wanting to control the the narrative, right? Just being there and feeling your body and be like, could this person is interesting. Let's go that way, like this event is interesting. Let's go that way, and allowing yourself to let your inner authority guide you a little more. And I feel it takes a level of trust to do that, and it also takes a level of being okay with failure, being we have to redefine failure. That's a whole nother talk, right? But being okay with going places without knowing what the outcome is, and it's also like a very feminine way of being in life, instead of like, I need to control every step of the process, right?
Kelly Sinclair:
You're reflecting something so important back to me, because I always talk about taking one small visibility action a day, and not knowing what that's going to lead to. And some people don't like not knowing. But that's going to lead to, they want to know, like, what's going to be the most effective thing that I could do? And, like, the most effective thing I did this year was attend an event that I sat in the audience of, like, Who knew that was going to happen? Nobody. No. And
Mia Poulsen:
so that is exciting. That is exciting. And again, it's we are inventing a new language, right? We inventing a new paradigm of being, not, not doing, being in business, and a new way of thinking. So instead of being so hung up in the results, we are more interested in, you know, following, following our inner guidance, and taking the steps and letting, let us be surprised by the result. Be curious. Be, you know, more open and receiving to see what kind of results will this bring us?
Kelly Sinclair:
Yeah, this is like coming full circle to, I don't know where we were having the conversation in the previous episode or this one. But whoever's listening is listening to both of them around like that, that yearly planning, or that quarterly planning. And like, wanting to map things out and wanting to implement your plan. And like, I love plans, I sell plans, I make plans. I also erase them. I also know that part of the purpose of the plan is to get moving exactly make momentum and to be able to then adapt as that momentum builds. So like feel true value of taking action is the lessons that you learn along the way. It's not that, like you had, like you felt confident, like the plan gave you the confidence to go out and start, and now that you're moving, you're like, oh, that plan doesn't make sense anymore. But does that mean it's bad? No, because you wouldn't have done anything if you didn't have it to begin with. So it's like, it's just like, the gateway tool into, like, what you really need.
Mia Poulsen:
Yeah, and it's also, I think, a lot of about, you know, anything framework is like a plan is also to get you into the thoughts of and gaining you clarity, and getting you into the process of thinking in a different in a certain way, like thinking about, okay, so if I have this, if I want to go here, I need to do this, this, this, this, this, to get there, and the plane is not it's back to, like, the whole thing about what is controlling your life? Is the plane controlling your life? Are you controlling the plane? Right? Is like human design controlling your the way you see yourself, or are you controlling the way you see yourself so everything can become a new box that we want to fit into. And I feel like the reason why I want to talk about human design in business is because I want to start this conversation of setting ourselves free and being who we are authentically, and human design is a great way to do that, unless we use it as another jail that we can just like, pop into, oh,
Kelly Sinclair:
Yeah, right, and then that's just kick starts the cycle of frustration again, except you're like, Oh, but I'm supposed to be like that. Or, according to, I'm a four, six split. So that means this, well, it's all an interpretation. Everything is often about interpretation. Like even the law. There's the people argue interpretation of the law all the time. There's a whole yes justice system because of that, you know, no, everything is like, with a grain of salt. You get what you need because that's what you need right now, right? So maybe that's like, the key message to leave people with is that, you know, if you feel called, explore it, if you explore it, what is landing? Keep exploring that. Keep following. Yeah, you're building the path as you go. Like we do know this about entrepreneurship is that, yes, there are shortcuts, yes there are blueprints, yes there are frameworks, but that's still, like, I don't know, I'm so full of analogies that are weird this morning. But like, you're building your house, but you still get to change the paint color and the style of the baseboard, and if you want a window over here, like, it starts like that. I'm sure any I've never actually built a house, but I'm sure that it will change as you actually start building it, not even you know,
Mia Poulsen:
Yeah, and you get an idea, and you're like
Kelly Sinclair:
Look over here. Like, I want to put a painting over here. I want to change the faucet, like all of those things. And then you move into the house, and you still change it
Mia Poulsen:
Exactly, exactly, and you made it yours, like you made it yours. Your house is a reflection of who you are, and that's what. Human Design helps us. It makes your business yours. It makes your business a reflection of who you are, and it makes your business a catalyst for your and a facilitator for your contribution that you are here to share with the world. Basically, so beautiful.
Kelly Sinclair:
Okay, do you have any like last words of wisdom that you want to leave people with.
Mia Poulsen:
I would love to just end the conversation with reminding people who are listening here that if you dive into human design or any other more feminine inner world in our work, kind of a metal mythology, remember that it's an invitation to start conversations with yourself. It's an invitation to reflection, to figure out, what does it mean for me to be a projector in my client attraction, what does it mean for me to be a projector in my product development, in my marketing? So you take back the conversation instead of listening to others, but you really contemplate, and give yourself time to be in this space of contemplation. One of my teachers, he said to me, most mythologies in the world are like fire, like we want to lit the fire and we want it to burn. But human design and like these more inside out kind of metallurgy. It's like water you want to flow all the time and see where it takes us, instead of like, wanting this big epiphany, for example, or like, here is the result. This is how you do it. Like we want, we want to, we want it to flow. We want to contemplate. We want to constantly bring back our own awareness and be okay with that. There's not like an end goal. There's not like you should be here after 12 weeks. That's not how it works. It's an internalization of your own inner being, basically, and homecoming in that way?
Kelly Sinclair:
Yeah, an ongoing process,
Mia Poulsen:
Ongoing process, and that is how it is and how it's supposed to be.
Kelly Sinclair:
Yeah, that's my favorite thing that you always say, that is how it is, except it is. It's just how it is, right? It's trying to change and fix and control. That's the thing that I definitely fall into a lot. It's, it is this, this how it is this is.
Mia Poulsen:
It's an experience, you know. And I often think about process the way I think about food. So we want the rest of our life, we want to be able to enjoy amazing restaurants, amazing cuisines, different kind of food. It would be extremely boring if we got to eat it all today, and then we didn't have anything to experience the rest of our lives.
Kelly Sinclair:
Totally amazing. Well, on the note of April, I'm like, I'm trying to figure out what way to sign this off is, but that's it,
Mia Poulsen:
That's it, that's it, that's tooth. Let's do the food thing.
Kelly Sinclair:
It's what it is you need to go to the beautiful restaurant.
Mia Poulsen:
Kelly Sinclair:
So good. Thank you, Mia.
Mia Poulsen:
Thank you. That was amazing.