April 9, 2024

Ambila Nath ”You Are Not The Only One” | EP081

Ambila Nath ”You Are Not The Only One” | EP081

In this episode Ambila talks how she was brought up in a British/Indian culture in England. Her parents had expectations of her that she knew she could never follow through on which left her feeling like she was a failure to them. Ambila could never identify with these expectations as she had her own dreams and goals. Ambila's inspirational story talks about how her persistence and following her inner guidance has broken down the generational barrier and cultural difference with in her family.

Ambila's Information:

Ambila Nath is known for her Straight-Talking Spirituality. She loves using analogies and stories to make complex spiritual/energy ideas relatable and easy to apply. 

She is an award-winning certified coach & magazine editor, a serial entrepreneur, spiritual leader, international speaker and an avid follower of her passions. 

Ambila is a British Asian who defied the expectations of her Asian roots for women to carve out her own path. She knows what it's like to switch from a high-flying corporate career to a spiritual one because she did it herself. She left behind a 6-figure corporate job to follow her calling.

She now teaches business owners and entrepreneurs from all over the world to open up and connect with their inner guidance system to grow their business. She uses spirituality and strategies to help them align their energy, shift their mindset and create positive daily habits that support their goals.

She knows that the most incredible journey you can take is the one where you connect with yourself. We all have access to this powerful source of wisdom and guidance. We just need to be open and willing to tap into it.

You can connect with her via her Coaching Programmes, Webinars, International Speaking and Social Media


Guide to Why Manifesting Isn’t Working For You - Freebie www.ambilanath.com/manifesting-made-easy

i: www.instagram.com/ambila_nath

l: www.linkedin.com/in/ambila-nath

f: www.facebook.com/ambilanathcom


Website: https://shannanmondor.com

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fulfillment-in-faith/id1653165886

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shannankmondor/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shannanmondor

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shannanmondor

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Xe944cXwD-HFPFQnwnRcQ

Book: https://www.amazon.ca/How-Hell-Did-Get-Here/dp/0228871220

Email- info@shannanmondor.com 

When you have faith in yourself you will have fulfilment in all areas of your life!

See you next week and blessing to all!!!