Jan. 5, 2023

Kat Phelps Overcomes Life’s Challenges And Finds Happiness In Teaching

Kat Phelps Overcomes Life’s Challenges And Finds Happiness In Teaching

Listen to how Kat Phelps finally found happiness in teaching.

About the Guest: Livemore.net/Katphelps 

I always knew I wanted to be a teacher! I grew up playing teacher in my bedroom with my stuffed animals all seated in a row. After spending a decade in the traditional classroom with various roles, I discovered I loved leadership and being a mentor, but the traditional classroom was not the right outlet for me. When I decided to leave teaching, I felt so stuck! Where could I go with an education degree? What else was there for me to do? There were many tears of frustration, feeling helpless, and grief of losing a large part of who I felt I was. After doing lot of research, and some divine intervention, I began my journey entrepreneurship and am blessed to still be able to teach! I note not only teach the basics of how money works, but how to change your mindset around money. I’m a firm believer that knowledge isn’t power, applied knowledge is power! I’m here to help people apply the knowledge they learn by fixing the root cause of their limiting beliefs. 

About the Host: I am Saylor Cooper, Owner of Real Variety Radio and host of the Hope Without Sight Podcast. I am from the Houston, Texas area and am legally blind which is one of the main reasons why I am hosting this show surrounding this topic, to inspire others by letting them know that they can live their best life and reach their highest potential.

 Website: https://realvarietyradio.com/

About the Co-host:

My name is Matthew Tyler Evans and I am from the Northeast Texas area. I am blind like Saylor is and we have the same retinal condition. I decided to join Saylor‘s podcast because I have a strong interest in teaming up with him and I think together, we can inspire the world with others with disabilities.

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Saylor Cooper:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of

Saylor Cooper:

health without sight with your host, Saylor Cooper and Tyler

Saylor Cooper:

Evans. That's why we're doing episodes back to back today. By

Saylor Cooper:

the end of our trip, we're going to be at episode 20. But yeah,

Saylor Cooper:

this is episode 18 featuring Kat Phelps. So yeah, sure Kat you

Saylor Cooper:

have some stuff to share about overcoming challenges in life.

Saylor Cooper:

And it's related to teaching by I saw your headshots and bio,

Saylor Cooper:

you said you've always wanted to be a teacher, you know, things

Saylor Cooper:

things. Were a little girl, you know, you. You would like, I

Saylor Cooper:

guess educate your stuffed animals. Barbie doll. So

Saylor Cooper:

whatever you had you were with a teacher? I was Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

And, and you became a first grade teacher eventually, then

Saylor Cooper:

you got stuck, right?

Kat Phelps:

Yes. I, I actually think that I realized sooner.

Kat Phelps:

Like I think in college, when I was student teaching, I realized

Kat Phelps:

that I was already feeling burnt out. And I was just really hard

Kat Phelps:

to admit to myself, because, as you mentioned, I had dreamed of

Kat Phelps:

being a teacher my entire life. I didn't entertain any other

Kat Phelps:

options. Teaching was what I was going to be doing with my life.

Kat Phelps:

And so when I like, accepted and realized, like, this is not it.

Kat Phelps:

That was really a hard challenge to overcome. And, yeah, I felt I

Kat Phelps:

felt very stuck. Because where do you go with an education

Kat Phelps:

degree? You know, I felt like, sure, I might have some

Kat Phelps:

transferable skills. But if I go to the corporate world, I'm

Kat Phelps:

going to have to start from the bottom and work my way up again.

Kat Phelps:

And so I just felt like, absolutely stuck, where I was

Kat Phelps:

like, this is where I'm gonna have to end up.

Saylor Cooper:

Right, exactly. Yeah. So. So, how long did you

Saylor Cooper:

teach first grade four?

Kat Phelps:

I taught first grade for five years. And you just

Kat Phelps:

felt burnt out?

Saylor Cooper:

And so what? What did you do? Once you were burned

Saylor Cooper:

down? You push great environment? How'd you succeed?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, that's a great question. I think first I had

Kat Phelps:

to, had to come to terms with being okay with leaving the

Kat Phelps:

classroom. And I think that's why I stayed as long as I did.

Kat Phelps:

In total, I worked in the education world in some role or

Kat Phelps:

another for about a decade. And so first, I had to, like accept

Kat Phelps:

that it was okay, to move on. I think oftentimes, we get wrapped

Kat Phelps:

up in our job becomes our identity. And I had to kind of

Kat Phelps:

change that mindset, and realize that I am a lot of amazing

Kat Phelps:

things. And labeling myself as a first grade teacher doesn't have

Kat Phelps:

to be my identity. No. And so first, I had to overcome that.

Saylor Cooper:

Right, yeah, to overcome that.

Kat Phelps:

And so did you come? Some sort of specialty teacher

Kat Phelps:

after that? I will What? Yeah, that's a great question. So I,

Kat Phelps:

you know, thought about like, what are my transferable skills?

Kat Phelps:

What can I take with me outside of the classroom, and along the

Kat Phelps:

way, I realized that I can still be a teacher, just in a much

Kat Phelps:

different form. And so I actually still do get to teach.

Kat Phelps:

Now I am a money mindset coach, a financial planner. And so I

Kat Phelps:

teach people how to make money and how to save money. People

Kat Phelps:

need a lot of education about that. Because, yes, they

Kat Phelps:

absolutely do. Nobody really, I don't want to say nobody, but a

Kat Phelps:

lot of people don't really understand how money works,

Kat Phelps:

because it's not something that we're taught in school. No, no,

Kat Phelps:

especially not today. No. Yeah, exactly. So I was able to learn

Kat Phelps:

that for myself, and then teach other people. And so now that's

Kat Phelps:

what I get to do for a living, I still get to be a teacher. And

Kat Phelps:

if I'm being honest, I get paid a lot more for it. A lot more

Kat Phelps:

for so you like you're an entrepreneur, you're self

Kat Phelps:

employed, right? Yes. Yeah, I am. I've become a business

Kat Phelps:

owner. So I actually have 15 licensed agents that I that I

Kat Phelps:

oversee as well. And so it's been a really nice change. And I

Kat Phelps:

still get to be a leader. I get to be a mentor. And I think

Kat Phelps:

that's something that I realized in the classroom was I enjoyed

Kat Phelps:

being in that position of leadership. I did like the

Kat Phelps:

attention I like to be at the front of the room. I liked to be

Kat Phelps:

seen as a mentor. And now I still get to do that just in a

Kat Phelps:

much different way. And I'm in a capacity where I'm not feeling

Kat Phelps:

high strung. I'm not being feeling, you know, like

Kat Phelps:

overstimulated all the time. Yeah, cuz children can be

Kat Phelps:

difficult. And then thank God, you did teach high school

Kat Phelps:

because oh god, especially the middle school or high school,

Kat Phelps:

the kids are hormones. Right? Yeah, they're their SAS, I think

Kat Phelps:

would be a little too much for me. Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. And but, yeah, so. So I'm sure you've

Saylor Cooper:

heard of Dave Ramsey, and all them, they're well known

Saylor Cooper:

financial coaches.

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, absolutely. It's funny that the company that

Kat Phelps:

I started working for, so my journey kind of started. Because

Kat Phelps:

I needed help with my own finances, like I had to up to my

Kat Phelps:

eyeballs, I had too much month at the end of the money. And I,

Kat Phelps:

you know, like, I had no emergency fund saved. And so I

Kat Phelps:

kind of this brokerage just kind of fell into my lap. And my

Kat Phelps:

brother actually invited me to a meeting and said, Hey, like,

Kat Phelps:

they, you know, they run these meetings every Wednesday, and

Kat Phelps:

they'll, you know, kind of give you some financial tips you

Kat Phelps:

should come. And so I did, and I realized, you know, at the end

Kat Phelps:

of the presentation that they ran, the, the owner of the

Kat Phelps:

office was, like, you know, if you don't make a change now, for

Kat Phelps:

the next five years, be the same as your last five years? And is

Kat Phelps:

that what you really want? And that scared me? Like, no, this

Kat Phelps:

is not what I want. I don't want to be a teacher for the next

Kat Phelps:

five years. Because if you look at the people, and your

Kat Phelps:

position, you know, if you're at a job, and you look at people

Kat Phelps:

who've worked there five years longer than you, that's the same

Kat Phelps:

trajectory that you're headed. And there was no like, for me,

Kat Phelps:

there was no room for improvement unless, like, I

Kat Phelps:

became a principal. And I knew I didn't want to do that. So I was

Kat Phelps:

really just stuck where I was, I had to make a change. And not

Kat Phelps:

only in my career, but in my finances. And so they were

Kat Phelps:

hiring for part time agents. And so I learned how to manage my

Kat Phelps:

own money through that, and actually, the company that I got

Kat Phelps:

started with Dave Ramsey started there as well. And then he broke

Kat Phelps:

out and you know, started his own business as well. And so you

Kat Phelps:

know, we were a little bit similar, like we do teach the,

Kat Phelps:

we call it debt stacking, where you, you know, Snowball your

Kat Phelps:

your debt payments, and you're able to eliminate that and so

Kat Phelps:

very familiar with Dave Ramsey. I don't think we're quite as

Kat Phelps:

extreme. But, yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

And, yes, I see. So what I know about money

Saylor Cooper:

management is when

Saylor Cooper:

I do that, why don't I know a basics like how to budget. So

Saylor Cooper:

what you do is you make categories, you make categories

Saylor Cooper:

of all your ability to pay for like your, your rent, food,

Saylor Cooper:

utilities, what you do is you put them all together, you, you

Saylor Cooper:

put your income, so you, you subtract your income minus,

Saylor Cooper:

perhaps go out to see what you have left, to see what have you,

Saylor Cooper:

if you're gonna have a shortfall, you're gonna have a

Saylor Cooper:

surplus, right? There's much more than that to show, right?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, that's exactly. You know, on track. So

Kat Phelps:

I see budget as just, you know, another word for plan. So, what

Kat Phelps:

I like to teach people is that, you know, I do this on pen and

Kat Phelps:

paper every single month. And instead of, I guess, this is a

Kat Phelps:

little bit of a backward budget, but I pull up my bank statement

Kat Phelps:

from the last month and I see like, exactly down to the penny,

Kat Phelps:

where did I spend my money, and it just brings more money

Kat Phelps:

awareness. And so I dropped four categories on a piece of paper,

Kat Phelps:

and I do one, my bills. The next category is my grocery costs,

Kat Phelps:

and then my needs and my wants. And so and I just any

Kat Phelps:

transaction that I spent money on goes into one of those four

Kat Phelps:

categories, and I see Where did my money go this last month, and

Kat Phelps:

when you after you do it for a while you realize like I'm gonna

Kat Phelps:

have to become accountable, and you start realizing very quickly

Kat Phelps:

what category things are gonna go into. And so it just kind of

Kat Phelps:

helps you have more of a plan. But yeah, absolutely. And when

Kat Phelps:

you realize that you have a shortfall, I always tell people

Kat Phelps:

that there's a couple of options, right? We can either

Kat Phelps:

decrease our goals to match our income, or we can increase our

Kat Phelps:

income to match our goals. And so which would you rather do?

Saylor Cooper:

Wow, yeah, yeah, I would. I will never save up

Saylor Cooper:

for the long term goal. Like honestly, I am becoming an

Saylor Cooper:

entrepreneur I am with the purpose of this podcast is not

Saylor Cooper:

just inspired, but to also make money with it, which is why I'm

Saylor Cooper:

here in PVR. We've been working with The Fabulous podcast coach,

Saylor Cooper:

her name is Michelle. In fact, we're gonna meet with her again

Saylor Cooper:

today, this afternoon and a great group of group a couple of

Saylor Cooper:

guys who've been not only helping us, but helping us

Saylor Cooper:

financially as well. They've raised some quite, quite a bit

Saylor Cooper:

of funds last last to, like develop our website. And because

Saylor Cooper:

of them, I'm here down in Mexico, learning so much and

Saylor Cooper:

getting so much recorded, like so. Yeah. Are to learn how to

Saylor Cooper:

budget I guess, for business to do mainly personal financing,

Saylor Cooper:

coach, finance, financial coaching, or also business

Saylor Cooper:

financial coaching as well.

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, we can definitely do both. Because it's

Kat Phelps:

all at the end of the day, it's very similar. It's just

Kat Phelps:

dictating, you know, where your money is gonna go. I just

Kat Phelps:


Saylor Cooper:

Have you ever. So all your budgeting, you just do

Saylor Cooper:

it on paper? Or do you use like Excel? Also, I've heard Intuit

Saylor Cooper:

has an app called mint. I don't know if you've heard of it.

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, I definitely I've dabbled with. I've tried

Kat Phelps:

all sorts of different apps. I personally, just the way my

Kat Phelps:

brain works. I like the pen and paper best. But there's tons of

Kat Phelps:

great apps out there for especially for business. They

Kat Phelps:

have tons that you can, you know, take pictures of your

Kat Phelps:

receipts. I definitely do that for business. I have an app for

Kat Phelps:

that. But for my personal I just like the pen and paper just

Kat Phelps:

seems to work best for me.

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, cool. Yeah. And so I know, of course you did

Saylor Cooper:

you. Did you buy jigging? Do you also do financial planning such

Saylor Cooper:

as stocks, 401, k's and even life insurance and all that

Saylor Cooper:


Kat Phelps:

Yes, absolutely. We were licensed to do it all,

Kat Phelps:

which I really take pride in, because there's a lot of people

Kat Phelps:

who just don't quite have the licensing that we do. And so

Kat Phelps:

yeah, we're licensed to do it all and definitely can help. And

Kat Phelps:

more than just, you know, a budget is just the point of

Kat Phelps:

service. Right. So when it comes to financial planning, I always

Kat Phelps:

tell people that, you know, knowledge actually isn't power,

Kat Phelps:

applied knowledge is power. And so I can teach you the basics of

Kat Phelps:

how money works all day long. But until we apply it, things

Kat Phelps:

aren't going to change. And so we actually have to open that

Kat Phelps:

investment account, you know, have that money be pulled out

Kat Phelps:

before, you know, just like with your, you know, it comes out the

Kat Phelps:

first of the month before you even see it so that way you're

Kat Phelps:

automatically saving, doing things like that, and also

Kat Phelps:

changing your mindset around money. Money is a relationship.

Kat Phelps:

And so if you think about like, is it? Does it feel welcome with

Kat Phelps:

you? Or as soon as you get it? Are you spinning? It? Is your

Kat Phelps:

you know, are you are you in an abusive relationship with money?

Kat Phelps:

If you are, it's never gonna feel welcome with you, and it's

Kat Phelps:

never going to stick around. And so we also have to change our

Kat Phelps:

mindset around money as well. And so I work with my clients on

Kat Phelps:

all of that.

Saylor Cooper:

Wow, and how. So, another thing we want to share

Saylor Cooper:

with you, of course, me and Tyler blind and Tyler, I'll give

Saylor Cooper:

you the mic to show more that I'm sure you may not be familiar

Saylor Cooper:

with. So you may I don't know, because it's very new. A lot of

Saylor Cooper:

people aren't well, first, as you know, a lot of people have

Saylor Cooper:

disabilities depend on government benefits for income,

Saylor Cooper:

health care, and housing. And often times those benefits are

Saylor Cooper:

means tested where they can't save up over $2,000. And so with

Saylor Cooper:

that being said, Tyler, if Kat if you if you don't know what

Saylor Cooper:

I'm talking about, tell Kat about the ABLE accounts. Go

Saylor Cooper:

ahead. So

Tyler Evans:

Oh, yes. The ABLE accounts is a game changer. This

Tyler Evans:

Tyler by the way. Yeah, the Public Council is a game

Tyler Evans:

changer. And Congress passed this law. It's the achieving a

Tyler Evans:

better life experience act of 2014. It was passed and signed

Tyler Evans:

into law in 2014. And basically people who are on Supplemental

Tyler Evans:

Security Income, Medicaid, SNAP benefits, they no longer have to

Tyler Evans:

worry about saving up just $2,000 anymore. Now, that being

Tyler Evans:

said, they have they have to make sure not to save over

Tyler Evans:

$2,000 in their primary bank account, or they won't be

Tyler Evans:

eligible right but in the ABLE account enable account in the

Tyler Evans:

ABLE account they can saves up to $100,000 Just for

Tyler Evans:

Supplemental Security Income, or SSI. And not only that, if

Tyler Evans:

you're on Medicaid, you can save even more up to like three

Tyler Evans:

$400,000, potentially, in this particular account, and

Tyler Evans:

basically the account is designed to pay for qualified

Tyler Evans:

disability related expenses. It's basically stuff that you

Tyler Evans:

would need from assistive technology to transportation to

Tyler Evans:


Saylor Cooper:

Yes, it's a game. Yeah. Yeah.

Tyler Evans:

And what's amazing is the first $15,000 of a non

Tyler Evans:

employed person is not taxable at night, but if you're

Tyler Evans:

employed, the first $27,000 Give or take is not taxed.

Saylor Cooper:

Now that well, if you employ it's like an

Saylor Cooper:

additional 12,000. For me, like, unless it's changed, I guess to

Saylor Cooper:

be inflation. I honestly I haven't looked yet. Very. Uh,

Saylor Cooper:

yeah, Kat. I don't know if you're familiar with what these

Saylor Cooper:


Kat Phelps:

Yeah, I've definitely, I don't know the ins

Kat Phelps:

and outs of them. It sounds like you guys are way more

Kat Phelps:

knowledgeable than I but I have definitely heard of them. And,

Kat Phelps:

and I think that it's a great resource. I would refer to

Kat Phelps:

something like that is like a Murphy's Law insurance, right.

Kat Phelps:

Murphy's Law states. Anything that can go wrong? Well, and so

Kat Phelps:

we need some protection against Murphy. So that's awesome that

Kat Phelps:

you're able to increase that savings. Yeah, what's

Tyler Evans:

amazing. What's amazing is you can it's a 529 a

Tyler Evans:

savings account? You've heard of the you've heard of the 529

Tyler Evans:

savings accounts out of the US? Is that right? Yes, or whatever?

Tyler Evans:

Well, it's the same thing. But it's 529. A added to the ABLE

Tyler Evans:

account. And parents actually pushed for it, parents pushed

Tyler Evans:

for it for years to pass. And it was actually monumental. It was

Tyler Evans:

like the most What do you call it the most dramatic piece of

Tyler Evans:

legislation since the Americans with Disabilities Act passed

Tyler Evans:

because it actually empowers the disabled to save and to actually

Tyler Evans:

provide for themselves?

Saylor Cooper:

I put some information in the chat for you.

Tyler Evans:

Exactly. So yeah. So I just had a quick question

Tyler Evans:

for you cap. Are you still teaching?

Kat Phelps:

Not in the traditional classroom anymore? I

Kat Phelps:

get to teach financial education. So yes, I'm still

Kat Phelps:

teaching. But I'm not an elementary school teacher

Kat Phelps:


Saylor Cooper:

So now now, do you feel Do you feel fulfilled?

Saylor Cooper:


Kat Phelps:

you know, I do. I think I think for teaching in

Kat Phelps:

the traditional classroom, you know, I don't regret doing it.

Kat Phelps:

It was my lifelong dream. And I fulfilled it. I yeah, I, I

Kat Phelps:

taught for five years and first grade. And, but I think, for me,

Kat Phelps:

the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. You know, like, I

Kat Phelps:

discovered a lot about myself that, you know, people are like,

Kat Phelps:

Oh, my gosh, she must have so much patience. I really didn't

Kat Phelps:

like I got overstimulated so quickly, so easily. And I was

Kat Phelps:

suppressing a lot, because of course, it's not fair. You know,

Kat Phelps:

like, because I'm feeling agitated, like, I can't take

Kat Phelps:

that out on, you know, first graders. And so I was

Kat Phelps:

suppressing a lot. And that really affected my mental

Kat Phelps:

health, it affected how I treated the people around me

Kat Phelps:

when I got off of work, like my, you know, relationship with my

Kat Phelps:

family, you know, my husband, I was just physically drained all

Kat Phelps:

the time. And so I needed another avenue for my own

Kat Phelps:

health. And it took me a while to discover what was that going

Kat Phelps:

to be? You know, because, of course, finances are a big

Kat Phelps:

concern. Like, I felt like, teachers don't get paid a lot,

Kat Phelps:

you know, in general, but I felt like I was going to have to take

Kat Phelps:

a pay cut, to leave teaching and then work my way up the

Kat Phelps:

corporate ladder, like, that's really the only option that I

Kat Phelps:

saw for myself. And so I had to do a lot of research, I had to

Kat Phelps:

get licensing in place, you know, and I had to really change

Kat Phelps:

my mindset, like I said, about, like, who I was, you know, being

Kat Phelps:

okay with giving up that identity of being an elementary

Kat Phelps:

school teacher. But now I definitely feel fulfilled. I

Kat Phelps:

believe that I get to make an income while making an impact.

Kat Phelps:

And, and I also get to work from Wi Fi. Oh, yeah. You know, just

Kat Phelps:

work from home. I can like, like, you can.

Saylor Cooper:

You can be Yeah, you can be a PVR with us right

Saylor Cooper:

now. Yeah, well, Tyler's not here. He's back home. He didn't

Saylor Cooper:

want to come but you know, so I just came, he's back home. So.

Kat Phelps:

Oh, next. You gotta come. It sounds like it was an

Kat Phelps:

amazing experience.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah. Well, you know, I had other plans. So

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, yeah. So I Hear you what you're saying.

Saylor Cooper:

That's why me and Tyler pursuing entrepreneurship because

Saylor Cooper:

corporate America just has so many like bureaucratic politics.

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, yes. No, it goes so high. Yeah. Boss, you have unlimited

Saylor Cooper:

potential your self directed, you know? That's right.

Kat Phelps:

Exactly. Yeah, I'm sure you're, you're familiar

Kat Phelps:

with the Cashflow Quadrant, when I learned that man, my mind was

Kat Phelps:

so expanded. And you know, even the difference between being

Kat Phelps:

self employed and being a business owner, you know, self

Kat Phelps:

employed, it's up to you. And as you know, very respectable

Kat Phelps:

physicians, like even a doctor, because they have their own

Kat Phelps:

practice, they might be self employed. But if they don't

Kat Phelps:

work, they don't eat, right. And so you have, you either have a

Kat Phelps:

lot of money and no time, or you have a lot of time and no money.

Kat Phelps:

But if you switch over to being a business owner, where you have

Kat Phelps:

employees working for you, now you can leverage your time, you

Kat Phelps:

have unlimited control of your time, unlimited control of your

Kat Phelps:

money. And that's, that's a really nice place to be. That's

Kat Phelps:

where time freedom and money freedom comes in. And, you know,

Kat Phelps:

I was never gonna be able to afford that as a teacher.

Saylor Cooper:

You say that, again, whenever I'm a business

Saylor Cooper:

owner and have employees working for me, that what you said,

Saylor Cooper:


Kat Phelps:

So think about this, like, if I was self employed,

Kat Phelps:

there's only so many hours in the day that I can physically

Kat Phelps:

work, right. But if I have a team of 100, licensed agents,

Kat Phelps:

and they all work one hour a day, my business collectively

Kat Phelps:

worked 100 hours. And I didn't have to work any of them if I

Kat Phelps:

didn't want to. And so my time becomes, then the leverage of my

Kat Phelps:

time becomes exponential.

Saylor Cooper:

I see. So are those other agents? Are they?

Saylor Cooper:

Are they a W two employee like value? Are they contractors just

Saylor Cooper:

like you as part of like, your network? You know?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah. They're 1099 employees

Saylor Cooper:

that 1090? Yeah, so I see. So like, I guess, are

Saylor Cooper:

they like, are they business? Or are they like business partners

Saylor Cooper:

with you, for example, say or what are they?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah. So our structure is very similar to

Kat Phelps:

real estate, where there's a broker who, who owns the office,

Kat Phelps:

right, and agents who work within that office. And so our

Kat Phelps:

structure is very similar, where any agent at any time could go

Kat Phelps:

in and open up their own brokerage and have agents work

Kat Phelps:

under them as well. That's, that's how we're structured.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, cuz honestly, I tried some financial

Saylor Cooper:

work as well, I'm sure you've heard of primerica, they're very

Saylor Cooper:

popular out there. I got, I got, I got licensed for the Texas

Saylor Cooper:

life insurance license is expired. But I did try it. And

Saylor Cooper:

it seemed good. At first, it seemed like, oh, I can make a

Saylor Cooper:

lot of money. But it was a pyramid scheme. And I don't know

Saylor Cooper:

what you can, I don't know what you can say about pyramid

Saylor Cooper:

schemes. But they can be, they can be kind of sketchy, you

Saylor Cooper:

know. And so I, I just gave that I just, I just scaled that up,

Saylor Cooper:

you know, because I had to recruit people under me, you

Saylor Cooper:

know, and they had to pay. And so I mean, what, what, what,

Saylor Cooper:

what could you say about that?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, I can notice you're where you're coming from

Kat Phelps:

there. I want to give you a little pushback, though. Because

Kat Phelps:

any business is actually in the shape of a triangle, right?

Kat Phelps:

Where you have the most employees at the bottom. And the

Kat Phelps:

higher up, you go in that employment. The smaller that

Kat Phelps:

layer gets, right. There's not as many managers as there are

Kat Phelps:

employees. And there's only one guy at the top there's only one

Kat Phelps:

CEO, there's only one CFO, right. So when you boil it down,

Kat Phelps:

in business model is actually in the shape of a triangle. Now a

Kat Phelps:

pyramid scheme is designed where people can't make money, right?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, where are like even an MLM is one of the main definitions

Kat Phelps:

of what makes an MLM an MLM is that they have to pay so much in

Kat Phelps:

product. And that's where most of the company's profit comes

Kat Phelps:

from, versus outside sales. And so, you know, in also with that,

Kat Phelps:

like, everybody recruits who doesn't recruit the army

Kat Phelps:

recruits, Oh, are they a pyramid scheme? Yeah, college football

Kat Phelps:

teams recruit, are they a pyramid scheme? No. Right. You

Kat Phelps:

see it now hiring sign outside for Costco? Are they a pyramid

Kat Phelps:

scheme? No. And so I think sometimes we get caught up in

Kat Phelps:

that because, you know, there have been some legitimate

Kat Phelps:

pyramid schemes that have given everybody a bad rap. But, um,

Kat Phelps:

You know, not every company is and I would say primerica

Kat Phelps:

doesn't fall under that. You know that level. They do recruit

Kat Phelps:

they hire agents to fill their agency. But you can it's all

Kat Phelps:

about your mindset you can earn as much money there as you want

Kat Phelps:

the potential is definitely there. I know that primerica has

Kat Phelps:

more six and seven figure earners than any other company

Kat Phelps:

in the world.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. Because I don't know. Like, I mean, I just

Saylor Cooper:

felt like I was just getting the runaround, you know, and I guess

Saylor Cooper:

just the agent who I was with, he was just too pushy, you know?

Saylor Cooper:

And so, you know, that, Oh, well, that's the past. You know,

Saylor Cooper:

we're here now. And of course, with this podcast, I'm starting

Saylor Cooper:

a business which is why I'm, I've been here in PVR. Like I

Saylor Cooper:

said, I'm gonna meet with my coach Michelle, this afternoon.

Saylor Cooper:

We're gonna meet a couple of other guys tomorrow. Tyler,

Saylor Cooper:

we're in the podcast success blueprint with Chuck, right.

Saylor Cooper:

Sure. Yeah. And we're gonna figure out how to make money

Saylor Cooper:

with his podcast, I still have an internet radio station. It's

Saylor Cooper:

on the air. It's called real variety radio. And, except it's

Saylor Cooper:

off the air now, because there was an outage at my apartment

Saylor Cooper:

back home, it's back on but I guess like, because I have a

Saylor Cooper:

computer that it's always on. It's running the automation. But

Saylor Cooper:

I guess, even though the Internet came back on, the

Saylor Cooper:

computer didn't reconnect. So like, I have no way of I have no

Saylor Cooper:

way of restarting it remotely. If that computer's not online.

Saylor Cooper:

Makes sense. So when I get home tomorrow, I hope I'll be

Saylor Cooper:

restarting it. Yeah. plays all sorts of music and help without

Saylor Cooper:

sight lives on there as well. So gap, that's my business plan.

Saylor Cooper:

And that's our business plan that Tyler's gonna be under me

Saylor Cooper:

and Kat, I'm sure you have faith in us that we're gonna be

Saylor Cooper:


Kat Phelps:

I do. Absolutely. I'm very excited about that. It

Kat Phelps:

sounds like a great, great start. So I can't wait to see

Kat Phelps:

where you guys go. I'll definitely give you a follow on

Kat Phelps:

social media. Yes.

Tyler Evans:

And also, and also, we were wondering, I don't know.

Tyler Evans:

Like, I was wondering, like, Would you be interested in

Tyler Evans:

potentially in the future, maybe being an affiliate? Potentially?

Kat Phelps:

I don't have to look into that. I would have to do

Kat Phelps:

some research.

Saylor Cooper:

Of course, yeah. What? We're still structuring it

Saylor Cooper:

as well. I mean, we're, we're still figuring all this out as

Saylor Cooper:

well. But I mean, step by step. Right. I know you exactly that

Saylor Cooper:

you had to take steps and look where you are now.

Kat Phelps:

Yeah. Yeah. Send me over some, like if you can shoot

Kat Phelps:

me an email or give me a phone call about what that would look

Kat Phelps:

like. But yeah.

Tyler Evans:

Because we would love to have you as part of our

Tyler Evans:

team if you want it or whatever. Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. Yeah. Maybe we can offer you some premium,

Saylor Cooper:

you know, content that you normally wouldn't get. And we're

Saylor Cooper:

working on that as well. And so yeah, we're definitely we're

Saylor Cooper:

very excited. We're very, we're very excited. Yeah, and we can

Saylor Cooper:

do this. We can do it. Yes. This episode, the more business than

Saylor Cooper:

ever coming challenges in life, right.


That's part of it.

Kat Phelps:

I have I have lots of challenges, you know, to

Kat Phelps:

overcome, that I've overcome so we can we can switch gears?

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, so Yeah, what else do you want? So yeah,

Saylor Cooper:

what else do you want? What else? What other stuff do you

Saylor Cooper:

want to share besides being being first in elementary school

Saylor Cooper:

teacher of financial teachers? So yeah, you have before?

Kat Phelps:

I think with that, making such a large career

Kat Phelps:

change transition in your life like that, that comes with its

Kat Phelps:

own challenges, too. And, like, you know, becoming a business

Kat Phelps:

owner takes a whole different mindset. A lot of people, you

Kat Phelps:

know, have, we just have like, this employee mentality

Kat Phelps:

ingrained in us like, that's what we're so used to. And so a

Kat Phelps:

huge challenge that I had to overcome was changing my

Kat Phelps:

mindset, and developing within myself the right mindset and

Kat Phelps:

discipline, to get things done. When you become a business

Kat Phelps:

owner, it's up to you. There's a lot of work that has to be done

Kat Phelps:

and you have to take on that mentality of like, okay, it's up

Kat Phelps:

to me, and you're gonna have people quit on you. And that is,

Kat Phelps:

that's hard and it's hard not to take it personally. And so man,

Kat Phelps:

that has been something that I've I've been They had to work

Kat Phelps:

on overcoming as well. Like, you know, when you step into a

Kat Phelps:

leadership role, and you have people quit on you, it's hard

Kat Phelps:

not to take that personally. And so those are a lot of things

Kat Phelps:

that I've had to overcome. And I've had to, to really do

Kat Phelps:

research of my own. I was never someone who, when I was a

Kat Phelps:

teacher, I didn't read books for like development, like aside

Kat Phelps:

from, like, you know, if we were assigned a book at school that

Kat Phelps:

we had to read, like, you know, in the teaching realm, I never

Kat Phelps:

read books outside of that for myself, besides like books for

Kat Phelps:

pleasure. And so a huge shift that I had to make was I started

Kat Phelps:

just turning my car into a classroom is what I call it. And

Kat Phelps:

so I was I downloaded audible. And I started with, you know,

Kat Phelps:

books that some mentors recommended and really taking

Kat Phelps:

those, you know, in and applying those again, like I said,

Kat Phelps:

knowledge isn't power, we can know a whole bunch, but if we

Kat Phelps:

don't apply it, then you know, it's not it's of no use to us.

Kat Phelps:

And so, you know, I started reading a lot of personal

Kat Phelps:

development books. I think I started with Mel Robbins with

Kat Phelps:

overcoming fears. And because any big transition in life,

Kat Phelps:

you're gonna have some fear. And so how do we overcome that? And

Kat Phelps:

then it just it spiraled right now I'm reading I just

Kat Phelps:

downloaded another book about Mindset by Carol Dweck. It's

Kat Phelps:

literally called mindset. I you know, the 10x rule from Grant

Kat Phelps:

Cardone is a good one. Another one of my favorites is take the

Kat Phelps:

stairs by Rory Vaden. So tons and tons of books that I really

Kat Phelps:

had to you know, I do believe that leaders are readers. And

Kat Phelps:

so, you know, it took a lot of work within myself to make that

Kat Phelps:


Saylor Cooper:

Wow. Yeah, you're right. I mean, I mean, I'll,

Saylor Cooper:

I'll confess or admit, like, I have, I liked what you shared

Saylor Cooper:

about applying the knowledge, not just letting it go in one

Saylor Cooper:

ear and out the other because I've tended to do that. I mean,

Saylor Cooper:

all all admitted. I do have ADHD is some degree you work with

Saylor Cooper:

students. That right, right, yeah. I do have ADHD. And

Saylor Cooper:

sometimes I would, I wouldn't just soak all the information,

Saylor Cooper:

and I wouldn't apply it. And you're right. It's not just

Saylor Cooper:

reading something. memorizing it. It's understanding the

Saylor Cooper:

concept and applying it to your situation. Am I correct?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, that's exactly it. Yeah. And starting with

Kat Phelps:

little with little baby steps, right. Like, for me, when I

Kat Phelps:

realized that I wanted to transition out of teaching,

Kat Phelps:

like, I honestly, once I came to that realization, like, the

Kat Phelps:

first two years, I didn't do anything about it. One because I

Kat Phelps:

was scared to I, you know, was just spinning my wheels. And I

Kat Phelps:

felt like I had nowhere to go. And I was looking at other jobs.

Kat Phelps:

And you know, just feeling like, I'm not qualified to do this, or

Kat Phelps:

my degree doesn't transfer there. And so I had to start,

Kat Phelps:

like really small by taking some baby steps. And so the first

Kat Phelps:

thing that I did was I started working for the brokerage that I

Kat Phelps:

work for now, part time. And so, and then, you know, slowly

Kat Phelps:

applying the skills that I learned until I could work

Kat Phelps:

myself out of teaching, and transition. And so what what,

Kat Phelps:

with whatever you're trying to overcome, whatever challenges

Kat Phelps:

you're facing, start by taking baby steps. I think that success

Kat Phelps:

is a whole bunch of small wins, that are built in, you know,

Kat Phelps:

building on top of each other. It's not just one big thing that

Kat Phelps:

happens that makes someone successful. It's a lot of small

Kat Phelps:

wins over and over and over again.

Saylor Cooper:

Exactly, yes. Yes. It's a small Yeah, because

Saylor Cooper:

you right, like even me, like, of course, I've only worked in

Saylor Cooper:

the corporate America for a few years. I have two years college

Saylor Cooper:

it in black light, but I do have some college I've worked in

Saylor Cooper:

corporate America and in even me, you know, to become a

Saylor Cooper:

business owner. And yeah, it's a lot more freedom, but it's more

Saylor Cooper:

paperwork show like more paperwork on taxes. bookkeeping,

Saylor Cooper:

accounting, oh, gosh, all that. It's kind of overwhelming for

Saylor Cooper:

me, but at the same time, yeah, I'm just taking just baby steps

Saylor Cooper:

and just figuring it out as I go, which have got a lot of

Saylor Cooper:

people supporting me, which is awesome.

Tyler Evans:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. So yeah, um, so it seems like you

Tyler Evans:

overcame a lot of challenges in life, and you're better for it,

Tyler Evans:

which is really awesome. Because, you know, they always

Tyler Evans:

say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. There's even a

Tyler Evans:

song by Kelly Clark. There's even a song by Kelly Clarkson

Tyler Evans:

about that. And I really liked her. So yeah, So the question we

Tyler Evans:

always ask toward the end whenever we wrap up, is

Saylor Cooper:

that first of all, before you before you do

Saylor Cooper:

that, Tyler, do you have any Kat? Do you have anything else

Saylor Cooper:

you want to share? I don't think so I think Okay, today. All

Saylor Cooper:

right, Tyler, go. Go ahead. Go ahead.

Tyler Evans:

So the question we always ask, I guess, at the end

Tyler Evans:

is what would you say to someone who feels discouraged? Who feels

Tyler Evans:

like they can't go on that? They just want to give up? And, and

Tyler Evans:

they just feel so discouraged right now?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, that that's a fabulous question. I know that I

Kat Phelps:

definitely felt that way. You know, I felt like I feel like,

Kat Phelps:

there are times, you know, life ebbs and flows, right. And so

Kat Phelps:

that we have, we might have multiple times in our life, but

Kat Phelps:

we're feeling discouraged. And so I think it's important to,

Kat Phelps:

you know, start changing your mindset about life in general.

Kat Phelps:

And what I mean by that is, we have something you know, called

Kat Phelps:

in our brain called our reticular activating system. And

Kat Phelps:

when you train your brain to look for negative things in

Kat Phelps:

life, that's all it sees, right? And so the RSC, think about,

Kat Phelps:

like, when you buy a car, you suddenly see that car

Kat Phelps:

everywhere, or like when you want to buy that car, like maybe

Kat Phelps:

you're dreaming of owning a Tesla, right, you're gonna start

Kat Phelps:

seeing Tesla's everywhere, because your brain is thinking

Kat Phelps:

about it, or, you know, really want a house with white

Kat Phelps:

shutters, you're gonna start seeing, you're gonna start

Kat Phelps:

noticing that, and the same thing works with your brain

Kat Phelps:

works that way with everything in life. So Oh, when you have a

Kat Phelps:

mindset of things are terrible, things don't go my way. Then

Kat Phelps:

anytime that you have a day where things don't go your way,

Kat Phelps:

that's all you're gonna be able to focus on. Whereas you

Kat Phelps:

probably have a lot of moments in that day where things did go

Kat Phelps:

your way. And so when you're feeling discouraged, it's really

Kat Phelps:

important to switch your mindset and start with some, some

Kat Phelps:

gratitude. You know, every morning, I write down five

Kat Phelps:

things from the previous day that I'm grateful for. And also,

Kat Phelps:

making sure that you no matter where you're at in life,

Kat Phelps:

everybody has no goals. So writing down goals, when you

Kat Phelps:

wake up in the morning, and when you go to bed, see them twice a

Kat Phelps:

day, write them down in present tense as if they're already

Kat Phelps:

happened. So your brain is focused on them, will help you

Kat Phelps:

kind of get out of that discouragement, because you

Kat Phelps:

still have something positive to focus on. And if we're focusing

Kat Phelps:

on that gratitude, we're not going to be so stuck in the bad

Kat Phelps:

things that happen, we're going to be more focused on what did

Kat Phelps:

go right for me that day. So that's when you're feeling

Kat Phelps:

discouraged. That is my number one piece of advice.

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, nice. Yeah, cuz we can't keep negative

Saylor Cooper:

energy, you know. So our brains or minds our space, we had to

Saylor Cooper:

get it out. Change our head. Yeah.

Tyler Evans:

That's right. And as I was, I was saying, I was on

Tyler Evans:

a prior call with someone else, just a while back. And I was

Tyler Evans:

saying to him that true success is when you keep trying even

Tyler Evans:

when you fail. Yeah. Fail true failure is when you stop trying.

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, exactly. I believe the same thing, you only

Kat Phelps:

fail when you've completely given up when you quit. And

Kat Phelps:

failure is just a tool for learning. Right? I can use it as

Kat Phelps:

a stepping stone. And we never, we never learned like, if things

Kat Phelps:

always go away. We're not really learning from that. We're just

Kat Phelps:

repeating things that happen well, right. And so, you know,

Kat Phelps:

like Thomas Edison, he always said that he, he, he found I

Kat Phelps:

think it was like, what was the quote, like 1000 ways not to

Kat Phelps:

make a light bulb. You know, like, his mindset was just just

Kat Phelps:

positive about that. And so I think that we can learn from the

Kat Phelps:

greats in that way. Is that Yeah, failure, see, see what we

Kat Phelps:

can learn from it and move on.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah. And, you know, I'm so blessed to have

Tyler Evans:

been born in the United States need to love this country. And

Tyler Evans:

it's not because of one politician, one person, it's

Tyler Evans:

because of the people's because of, I mean, a drive of the

Tyler Evans:

people what they want to do what they do in their lives

Tyler Evans:


Saylor Cooper:

We may not be in the best situation right now.

Saylor Cooper:

But here's how you know,

Tyler Evans:

there is always a period.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. You're born in US Kat, but

Kat Phelps:

I was Yeah. And I will stand by that just by being

Kat Phelps:

in the United States. Like I think a lot of people take it

Kat Phelps:

for granted that we're we are born privileged, no matter. You

Kat Phelps:

know where you're born. You know what Family you're born into,

Kat Phelps:

you automatically have a certain amount of privilege that, you

Kat Phelps:

know, people around the world in other countries don't

Kat Phelps:

necessarily have. And so people still see America as the land of

Kat Phelps:

opportunity. Oh, I didn't really realize that until I started

Kat Phelps:

traveling. My husband is from India, and we went to India last

Kat Phelps:

February. And my eyes were just really open to like working

Kat Phelps:

conditions there. And like, why people still want to go to

Kat Phelps:

America, because they have so many more opportunities than

Kat Phelps:

they ever would in their own country. And so it's important,

Kat Phelps:

like, I think that sometimes, you know, we kind of tune that

Kat Phelps:

out because we're so used to it. But why is on it? Right? Why

Kat Phelps:

don't we have the opportunity? Why we have the chance, you

Kat Phelps:

know, the there's no better place? Exactly.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah, can I let me say, I was gonna say real quick.

Tyler Evans:

I'm sorry. Okay. You know, our Declaration of Independence,

Tyler Evans:

doesn't talk about privilege. It doesn't talk about any of that.

Tyler Evans:

It says that we are in touch, we are endowed by our Creator with

Tyler Evans:

certain unalienable rights. In other words, these rights cannot

Tyler Evans:

be taken away by anyone. Except God. That's it, right?

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. Yeah, cuz, yeah, I was born in the US, of

Saylor Cooper:

course, to new Houston, Texas, but I also live in Mexico too,

Saylor Cooper:

but I live in both in the US and Mexico. But of course, Mexico is

Saylor Cooper:

great, but also the US, the US is the best I agree. As far as

Saylor Cooper:

opportunity. You know.

Tyler Evans:

It's, it's because we're except we're exceptional.

Tyler Evans:

We're different. We, yeah, we, we provide more freedom,

Tyler Evans:

liberty, than really anywhere. And it's not because of our

Tyler Evans:

government. It's because of the people because they're

Tyler Evans:

compassionate, add to that love one another. It's just amazing.

Tyler Evans:

And it's about We the People, that's what it's all about.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. And I want to take a step back to what you

Saylor Cooper:

were saying about teaching and affecting your family life. I

Saylor Cooper:

think that that was good, a good call. If a job is affecting, if

Saylor Cooper:

it's affecting your health, you know, pull your personal health,

Saylor Cooper:

your mental health. Don't never stay. Never stay in an

Saylor Cooper:

environment that's doing that to you, even though it may hurt you

Saylor Cooper:

financially. Always trust, it's gonna work out, you know, I

Saylor Cooper:

never I never would put your put your like, personal well being

Saylor Cooper:

first, you know?

Kat Phelps:

Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And that's so important. You

Kat Phelps:

know, I feel like people, people tend to get stuck feeling stuck

Kat Phelps:

in a job, I think is really common, like, you know, no

Kat Phelps:

matter what area of field that you work in, I feel like, you

Kat Phelps:

know, some everybody's experienced that where I just

Kat Phelps:

feel stuck. I don't know where to turn next. I don't know what

Kat Phelps:

to do next. But you're so right, like, you know, if it's taking

Kat Phelps:

taking a toll on on your mental health, then, you know, of

Kat Phelps:

course, a lot of that, you know, can come from like, let's, let's

Kat Phelps:

focus on our mindset, like what am I grateful for, and not

Kat Phelps:

always focusing on the negatives, but my, my job

Kat Phelps:

specifically, the environment just wasn't conducive to my

Kat Phelps:

mental health, you know, I was high strung all the time. And,

Kat Phelps:

you know, is, was a high stress situation, like, teachers make

Kat Phelps:

more decisions per minute than any other profession. And so it

Kat Phelps:

was, it was just physically and mentally exhausting, emotionally

Kat Phelps:

exhausting all the time. And what I discovered was that, you

Kat Phelps:

know, and it's more important, not necessarily how much money

Kat Phelps:

you make, but how you make your money. And so in, what that

Kat Phelps:

comes down to, you know, again, is I was really attracted to the

Kat Phelps:

idea of becoming a business owner, because if I can leverage

Kat Phelps:

my time, and I can have money coming in, and I'm not there,

Kat Phelps:

versus always having to be there to make money. I you know, I

Kat Phelps:

would take the latter.

Saylor Cooper:

That's what we want to do to with our podcast,

Saylor Cooper:

right? That Yeah. Yeah, they make money but oh, no, always be

Saylor Cooper:

there. Like, exactly. Yeah, we're gonna figure it out.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah, and not only not only for our podcasts, but

Tyler Evans:

for our radio station as well.

Saylor Cooper:

Exactly. Entirely. You know, we can we

Saylor Cooper:

can leech out. We're not make money. No.

Tyler Evans:

We like to joke about that. Particularly.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, we gotta Yeah, it's

Tyler Evans:

been a it's been a great discussion about your

Tyler Evans:

journey, where you've gone and how it's inspiring for us to do

Tyler Evans:

the same to just create our journey.

Saylor Cooper:

And also, what just questions did you do you

Saylor Cooper:

teach include, did you ever teach special needs children

Saylor Cooper:

like blind will physically like people on the autism spectrum?

Saylor Cooper:

Any of that?

Kat Phelps:

Yeah, that's a great question. I definitely did.

Kat Phelps:

have, you know some special needs students in my classroom,

Kat Phelps:

I never focused specifically on special education. But of

Kat Phelps:

course, you know, our education system has transitioned where,

Kat Phelps:

you know, students of all capabilities are being, you

Kat Phelps:

know, included in the same classroom. And so, while I

Kat Phelps:

focused my specialty wasn't in special needs, I definitely had

Kat Phelps:

kids in my classroom who were twice exceptional. And so that

Kat Phelps:

was a great experience.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, Tyler, you would attest to what your mom

Saylor Cooper:

did for you.

Tyler Evans:

Oh, yeah. She fought for me, like you wouldn't

Tyler Evans:

believe. When I was a baby, you know, I was three months

Tyler Evans:

premature. Like, yeah. And when I was in school, they didn't

Tyler Evans:

know how to teach me. They didn't know how to teach me

Tyler Evans:

like, you know, in general, like education because I was blind.

Tyler Evans:

And they thought I was you know, possibly, you know, a little

Tyler Evans:

challenged, like, because I would behave a certain way

Tyler Evans:

because of my blindness, whatever. And, of course, I'm

Tyler Evans:

still growing, and I was still a little kid. And so me and mom

Tyler Evans:

went to Austin, twice, where I live in Texas. And we rallied

Tyler Evans:

legislators to where anyone with a disability can be mainstreamed

Tyler Evans:

in school. And this organization that she worked for, loaded us

Tyler Evans:

up on charter buses and stuff. And we went to Austin, she had

Tyler Evans:

to drive to the Walmart, I believe it was a Walmart,

Tyler Evans:

something like that. And we loaded up on charter bus with

Tyler Evans:

this group, and we went, and we rally tax Texas legislators. And

Tyler Evans:

it was fun. I went there, I think and 96 and 97. I think it

Tyler Evans:

might have been 97 or 98. I'm not sure. But it might have been

Tyler Evans:

both in 96 or 97. I think it was 1997 when I went in like

Tyler Evans:

February or something. Or it might have been like a special

Tyler Evans:

legislative session that the governor called in October or

Tyler Evans:

something. But yeah, it was great.

Kat Phelps:

That is amazing. Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

And for me, like, as you know, I've lived in

Saylor Cooper:

Mexico as well went to elementary school. In Mexico,

Saylor Cooper:

New Cancun, private school, bilingual. I speak both English

Saylor Cooper:

and Spanish. I mean, yeah, people. I'm really helping a lot

Saylor Cooper:

of people here this week and PVR since since I know Spanish, I'm

Saylor Cooper:

sure that's a big help. Yeah, but uh, yeah, I went to school

Saylor Cooper:

and private school and from elementary to junior high. And

Saylor Cooper:

I, I, my mom had private instructors to assist me

Saylor Cooper:

throughout my day, since I couldn't see. And, of course, I

Saylor Cooper:

could see a little bit I could use the vision that I have, and

Saylor Cooper:

like my family wanted me to, and I could see why because they had

Saylor Cooper:

high hopes that there would be new developments where I could

Saylor Cooper:

get better vision. Even though Tyler has the same condition as

Saylor Cooper:

I do, like, of course, he can only see like, I could see the

Saylor Cooper:

screen a little bit of my lie and read Clintus grown up.

Saylor Cooper:

Anyway. And when I was 14, I wanted to go, I wanted to go

Saylor Cooper:

back here to the west to go to school, because like the US is

Saylor Cooper:

the greatest country in the world. Right? So I did, I went

Saylor Cooper:

to public school for a little bit near Houston. But

Saylor Cooper:

ultimately, I wanted to go to a school full of blind because

Saylor Cooper:

honestly, I thought it was the only place for blind people I

Saylor Cooper:

wanted to be around ever blind people like I did, which was

Saylor Cooper:

good. I mean, it was good there I went because I learned a lot

Saylor Cooper:

of valuable technology such as one like computer software like

Saylor Cooper:

NVDA and jaws. Thankfully with that I can I'm hosting a Zoom

Saylor Cooper:

meeting here. But also at the same time as you know, a lot of

Saylor Cooper:

because of the IDE a the whatever the act is called for

Saylor Cooper:

individuals with education with Disabilities Education Act,

Saylor Cooper:

whatever that is. Because Because of that, you know a lot

Saylor Cooper:

of a lot of public schools can provide their needs to students

Saylor Cooper:

with special needs. And because of that, like me going to the to

Saylor Cooper:

a school full of wine like during the school year. There

Saylor Cooper:

were a lot of level. A lot of level students there that had

Saylor Cooper:

additional challenges. I love them blindness, and I just

Saylor Cooper:

wasn't Challenges much. But at the same time, I did learn a

Saylor Cooper:

lot. You know, like I said, like more assistive technology and

Saylor Cooper:

whatnot. And so, yeah, I graduated in 2012 High School in

Saylor Cooper:

2012. And I went to college for a little bit. Wouldn't for me. I

Saylor Cooper:

was in corporate America and now here I am becoming self employed

Saylor Cooper:

like yeah, that's right. Yeah. So Well, yeah. I know. I know.

Saylor Cooper:

You're limited on time Kat. At Sea in just two hours. I'm gonna

Saylor Cooper:

get a nice massage here.


Oh, that sounds nice. Massages are amazing.

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, yeah, it's gonna be great. Hey, now, I have

Saylor Cooper:

a couple more recordings. Do I have we have we have another

Saylor Cooper:

session with Michelle? Right? This afternoon at 530 Tyler

Saylor Cooper:

before meeting with Kevin and Scott tomorrow night. We're

Saylor Cooper:

gonna have a final farewell dinner tonight. And then yeah,

Saylor Cooper:

we have breakfast tomorrow and and. And to say goodbye. We all

Saylor Cooper:

head for the airport.

Tyler Evans:

And then Thanksgiving break? Yeah. Yeah,

Tyler Evans:

it is Thanksgiving Brown students.

Saylor Cooper:

Kat. Thanks so much for being on hope without

Saylor Cooper:

sight today. This podcast has been this episode has been so

Saylor Cooper:

diverse from business to your own successes. So

Kat Phelps:

yeah, we've covered a lot today's thank you so much.

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, yeah. Give it up. The Kat stops everybody