July 3, 2024

Curiosity Is The Secret To Doubling Your Clients - ENCORE

Curiosity Is The Secret To Doubling Your Clients - ENCORE

We are excited to bring you this encore presentation of one of our most popular episodes. We hope you enjoy!

Welcome to another episode of Kickstart The Conversation, where we dive deep into the art of attracting high quality leads, building lists and leveraging relationships.

In this episode, we explore the transformative power of curiosity and how it can help you double your clients. Join us as we unravel the significance of asking questions and the impact it has on our relationships, understanding clients' needs, and attracting ideal customers.

Episode Highlights:

  • The Role of Questions in Starting Conversations: All great conversations begin with a question. Discover why asking questions is the fundamental building block of meaningful interactions and how it sets the stage for fruitful business relationships.
  • Assumptions vs. Inquiring: When starting a business, there is often a tendency to make assumptions rather than genuinely asking questions. We examine the importance of understanding our clients' specific problems and situations, as well as how well they align with our solutions. Is it enough to assume that anyone with a problem we solve automatically becomes our client?
  • The Power of Listening: By taking the time to ask questions and actively listen to our clients' responses, we unlock the magic that can transform our solutions into perfect fits for their needs. Discover how effective listening allows us to serve our ideal clients in the most precise and impactful ways.
  • Educating Ideal Clients: Asking questions not only helps us understand our clients but also presents an opportunity to educate them about our expertise and solutions. Find out how curiosity allows us to create deeper connections with our audience and establish ourselves as trusted authorities in our respective fields.      
  • Curiosity as a Client Attraction System: Explore how curiosity serves as a catalyst for doubling your client base. Learn how adopting a curious mindset and regularly asking questions of your ideal clients can enhance your client attraction systems and enable you to attract the best-fitting clients while letting go of those who may not be the right fit.

Actionable Steps: 

  • Flex Your Curiosity Muscles: This week, challenge yourself to ask questions of your ideal clients. Start with a simple inquiry like "How are you?" Remember to respect your clients' time and actively listen to their answers. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised by the insights you gain.
  • Example of Questioning: Visit Quiz For My Biz and witness how questions are utilized to offer personalized client attraction solutions. Discover how inquisitiveness can fuel your business growth while understanding your ideal clients' needs.

Join us on this engaging episode of Kickstart The Conversation, where we delve into the transformative power of curiosity and how it can help you double your client base. Embrace curiosity and unlock the key to building meaningful relationships, understanding client needs, and attracting ideal customers. Remember, curiosity is thesecret ingredient to your success! Cheers to curiosity!

What is the Best Quiz for Your Biz?

Take this FREE 60-second Quiz to Find Out: quizformybiz.com.

About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.


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Catharine O'Leary: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Kickstart The Conversation on your host, Catharine O'Leary. And today, I just wanted to take a few minutes and talk a little bit about curiosity. I truly believe that curiosity is the secret to doubling your clients and doubling your sales. Let's take a step back. Curiosity is the desire to know, According to Webster's Dictionary, its inquisitive interest in others concerns, or intellectual interests leading to inquiry. It's, it's asking somebody who they are, or how they are, is asking somebody you know, where they live, or what they do for a living, or if they have kids, you know, how soccer went last night? You know, it's just, it's, it's a way to, for us to connect with people and show interest in what's going on in their lives. And I, I do believe that all good current conversations start with a question. It is what I truly believe. So, you know, when we, when we first meet somebody, we ask a bunch of questions, you know, where are you from? What do you do for a living? You go for a job, you ask things like, you know, what's the salary? What's the roles and responsibilities? Where's the lunch room? When we start businesses, we tend to skip over that very important get to know you, phase of our clients, we have the tendency to make assumptions, instead of asking questions, we are excited to get out there and be helping people and serving people and solving problems that we know we can help solve. So we make assumptions that everyone that has the problem that we as coaches or clients or consultants, as businesses as corporations, that, you know, everyone that has a problem that we can solve is automatically our ideal client. I'm curious, though, is that really true? Is every one that has the problem that, you know, we can solve really our ideal client? I mean, do we know enough about their specific problem and situation? Do they know enough about us and our product? And our solution to the problem? Does our solution even fit what they're looking for? Does it meet their expectations? Are they are they able to intake that solution? I mean, have we even asked, more importantly, a lot of us have longer programs? I mean, some programs are fairly, you know, quick, maybe four weeks, maybe six weeks, some of them can last a year, some of them can last three years? Do we know each other well enough to support each other? I mean, do we get along? are we aligned? In what the solution can deliver? And can we do business together? I do believe that sometimes we rush to serve our clients because, you know, we're out there, we're ready to go where we've we've developed these solutions, and we truly believe in them. And that's amazing. But we tend to miss a step of asking questions to know, an individual situation, you know, what our clients actually need in the moment? I mean, we all know that not every client is ready for our solutions when we show up in their lives. So do we do a good enough job of really understanding exactly what solution or what situation? Our clients are really in? You know, do we do we also miss the opportunity to educate our clients on our expertise and our solutions? I do believe that when we stopped to ask questions, and really listen, you know, when we when we ask those questions, even if it's a poll or a Ask Me Anything post, or even in a podcast, you know, when we're asking for feedback, are we really listening? And are we being, you know, true to replying to those answers and to listening to what our clients are telling us because that's, truth be told, that's where the magic happens. When we are able to meet our clients where they're at, in the situation that they're dealing with, with the problem that we solve. That's where we can really connect. That's where we can build out of the gate, the relationship and the, you know, the raving fans that we all you know, aspire to, to attract to our businesses. That's when our solutions are able to perfectly meet our ideal clients, you know exactly where they need us. Where we can attract the best and release the rest. So, you know, that's in that way if we can Make sure that we are understanding our ideal clients. 3am question. So what is that 3am question that our ideal clients are waking up are and you know, struggling with or maybe it's a desire, they just wish for, you know, a certain solution or a certain outcome that we can help them with, if we really understand the question that they're asking themselves at 3am. You know, what, you know, what is going on? And here's what's really important about that it has to be in their language, you know, are we curious enough to go back into the client's mentality, and, you know, the situation that they're in and understand how they are expressing themselves in their language. Nobody has ever woken up ever in the history have ever woken up and thought, oh, my gosh, I just, you know, need, you know, a client attraction system that attracts better leads or higher quality leads, nobody wakes up thinking that, right? They wake up thinking, I need more clients, or I wish I could make sure that when I get on the phone with people, they are the right clients, for me, and I'm the right solution for them. So when you really do understand that 3am question in, in your ideal clients language, that's when you can start a conversation with questions. That's when you can attract people into your world to say, Hey, I get you, I hear you, I understand you. And that's what you know, that's what everybody wants, they want to be heard. And they want somebody to help them with this, this challenge or this desire that they're trying to, to achieve. So when you start with their language with when you start with their 3am, question and go from there, you're already well ahead of the game. And then, you know, stop and think what's the coffee chat that we need to have? What's the next question? Right, it doesn't stop with just one question. You can't just say, you know, hey, do you want to go from from six to seven figures? Here's the solution, you haven't honestly earned the right to, to propose that solution. At this point in time, you don't really know exactly where the client is, in their, in their situation, you don't know, necessarily, you know, you know, what their journey is, what systems they have in place, what challenges they are, you know, currently facing? That's a big question around, you know, what's stopping you from going from six to seven figures as an example? There's a lot that can go on with that particular question. There's, you know, some mindset, challenges that might have to be overcome. There's systems that have to be in place, there's a team that probably needs to be talked about. There's some leadership, you know, conversations that likely need to be had, there's a lot going on with that particular question. So the way that your solution might fit the person that you're talking to, you know, have you had, do you know, enough about them to say, you know, what, I can help you with this, because I understand that you're going through this and you want help with, you know, maybe it's marketing, or maybe it's sales? Maybe it's it, whatever it is, but have you asked enough questions yet? Have you gotten curious, have you thought through, you know, where are you at, at this point in time, you know, ask them the questions of, you know, how long have you been in business? You know, what team do you have in place? What is your, you know, your sales process? What is your marketing challenges, you know, what are some of the struggles that you are currently facing? Because everyone's going to be a little bit different, I mean, every situation is going to be customized. And are you curious enough to kind of dig into that and have some fun with it and, and get to know your, your ideal clients a little bit better, so that, that, you know, they are able to express themselves, you are able to meet them where they're at, and you are able to then go forward with a solution. Like, you know, hey, you know, what, I've heard you, I understand the problem that you're going through, I understand the the situation that you personally are in, and, you know, like, let's talk because we can, you know, I you know, I


have solutions that can help you. So, you know, my, my wish for you this this week, where my question to you is really, are you being curious enough, right, are you are you stopping to think what is this particular ideal client going through, it's great to have an avatar is great to know your target audience, it's even more powerful to be able to really get customized and be able to understand them, as you know, unique businesses and unique, you know, situations that you know, everyone's in. So, my wish for you this week is that you flex your curiosity muscles and ask some questions of your ideal clients, you know, make sure that you're understanding their 3am question, even just a hi, hey, how you doing? It's a great question to start. But, you know, here's some ideas for you to quickly check in with your clients, you can, you know, maybe respond to some frequently asked questions that you get on your solution so that you're building some of that know, like, and trust factor with your ideal clients that you know, you have answers to some of the questions that they probably have. Because you you're always asked these frequently asked questions, you can put that out in an email, you can put that out in a social post, you can talk to it and talk about it on a summit or a podcast, you can also you know, host an Ask Me Anything session, or post about ask me anything, and then answer those, you know, the questions that you get in DMS. And that builds up some a check in or some report, where you're able to do when you when you do these types of things, is not only connect with your clients, and get a better understanding of where they're at, and at this particular time, but you can also get an understanding of how they're phrasing things and how they're, you know, what language that they're using, to go through and discuss what's going on with them. I mean, you can put out a a poll and be able to, you know, ask, you know, maybe a topical question around, you know, your topic. So, if it's something like networking, you know, maybe it's a question around, you know, how many groups do you belong to? Do you belong to just one networking group? Do you belong to a few? Do you belong to many, or maybe networking isn't your gig, and you don't really like to do that, which is fine. But then based on those poll results, you can actually start a conversation around that around, you know, if 70% of people say that they've got a few networking groups, you can maybe start a conversation of great, you know, how do you find them? What kind of networking groups, you know, are most valuable to you? What agendas work for you? What type of you know, is it virtual? Is it live? What works best for you, there's a whole host of starter questions that you can go through, to better understand your, your ideal clients, if networking is something that you help people with, and you can do this for, for anything, if you, you know, are a dog groomer, and you want to know more about, you know, hey, Spring and Summer is here. What are you worried about with your pets? You know, is it? Is it grooming? Is it, how to keep them hydrated? Is it how to take them on vacation, you know, like, there's, there's a whole host of different, you know, ideas and, and questions that you can use to start conversations that are able to get you a little bit closer to your ideal clients and allow you to understand what they're challenged with right now and what they're what they're talking about, in the language that they're using, you'll you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you learn, if you just reach out, as long as you're being respectful. You know, don't ask a whole host of questions that make it look like it's a mortgage application, or make it look like you're fishing or that you know, it's immediately, you know, followed up by, you know, a sales call or a pitch of some sort. You mean, if if it makes sense to do that, that's fine. But if it's a little early in the conversation or a little early in your relationship to do that, then it's going to feel like you're proposing marriage on the first date. And that's just a little creepy. You don't want to do that. So what how can you, you know, be mindful and respectful of your ideal clients time and then listen to their answers. Have a plan, have a plan on you know, if you ask something like the networking poll, you know, have a game plan as to okay, you know, I'm going to respond to the results of this poll. And I'm going to, you know, start a conversations around you know, do you guys you know, do you all think that that's enough frequency of networking a few groups or is it better to maybe get with One group and really go deep with people or, you know, like, what, what do people? How do people feel about networking, especially coming out of the pandemic and all the virtual solutions versus the live solutions, I mean, there's just, there's a lot of meat to the bones, for starting those kinds of conversations and being able to better understand your ideal client. So it's when we stopped to ask those questions and really listen to what's being said, is where the connection is made, where we start to understand our ideal clients and better able to serve them, and better able to meet them where they're at, with the solutions that we have ready for them. And they're ready to buy because now they've, you know, they have built that knowledge, build that trust built that respect with us. They understand what we're delivering, they understand our expertise, and they know that, you know, we're aligned that we fit together and that they, you know, are able to trust us with the solution that we're promising. So this is a great way to start conversations is a great way to continue conversations. It's a fantastic way I believe, to actually connect with your ideal clients and ensure that you're aligned, that they're going to get the solutions that they need for the problems that they have at the time that you are offering them and that they're the right solutions for what they need at that time. As well as, you know, being able to offer them next steps. Right. So you know, the best next question is okay, well, what are our next steps? You know, what, what's next for us think maybe it's a sales call, maybe it's a webinar? Maybe it's a masterclass, maybe it's the hey, let's meet for coffee, or, you know, this is an invite to a summit that I'm, I'm hosting or that I'm on and it might be really great thing for you to, to come on to and learn some more. So lots of opportunities to kickstart conversations, lots of opportunities to really hone in on your ideal clients and get super curious about what's going on with them. And that's the way that curiosity can really double your clients and double your sales is by ensuring that through those questions that you're asking, you're listening. And through that process, you're able to meet your clients where they need you most and serve more people in a better way. So that's what I have for today. I hope that that is helpful for everyone. If you want an example of how to ask questions of your ideal clients, you can go to quiz for my biz.com. That's quiz for my biz.com. And you can see how I use questions to offer personalized client attraction solutions for my ideal clients, those people who like you are curious and want to know more about how to you know find their ideal clients while growing their business and, you know, being curious all along the way. So I hope that you enjoyed this edition of Kickstart The Conversation. Cheers to curiosity, and cheers to better conversations through questions. I'll see you next week. Bye.