Don’t be a Date Night Scrooge | LQ035

“Bah, humbug” to boring date nights! This week, I’m channeling my inner Dickens as we explore the ghosts of date night past, present, and future. Together, we’ll dive into how those magical early days of trying to impress each other can inspire a fresh spark today—and keep our relationships thriving tomorrow. Because let’s face it: the ghost of date night present might be stuck in pajamas on the couch, but the ghost of future connection has so much more in store!
From romantic childhood throwbacks like roller skating to quirky, creative activities like building Lego sets together, there’s no limit to the Mega Moments of Love we can create. I even share my latest favorite: tackling the Italian language using Duolingo with my LOL. So grab your love, ditch the humdrum, and let’s make date nights a celebration, not a chore. Tune in for laughs, stories, and inspiration to keep love alive and kicking into 2025! ❤️
About the Host:
Meet Crystal, your relationship and social health coach. Crystal is the founder of Sparked Forever Relationship & Singles coaching. She started her journey supporting the neurodiverse community in navigating this, sometimes frustrating, neurotypical social world. Lessons and inspiration from her earlier work drives Crystal’s passion for bringing couples and singles together through acceptance, understanding and big picture thinking to grow vibrant relationships. Crystal understands that the foundation for our social health and well-being starts with making connections to others. When Crystal is not working with couples, she loves to be out on adventures with her partner and bonus kids or spending time connecting with friends over good food and fun music.
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Welcome to our love space today, if you are listening to this as it drops, and thank you for sharing your december 24 with me. If you are listening from the future, Hello, future. You from past me. And I hope wherever you're joining from today that you are excited to be here too. So I'm a huge fan. Since when this is dropping, it'll be the holiday season, and so I'm going to be a bit cheesy today, and I am really a huge fan of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. That's probably not where you thought I was going with this. And so, you know, in another life, long ago, I used to have to read it several times, or I chose to read it several times over the holiday season. And last year, I think it was last Christmas, I was feeling a little bit nostalgic, and I suggested to my LOL, my love of life, like maybe, what would be fun to do with my bonus kids would be for us to all take turns reading loud sections from Charles Dickens, the Christmas Carol, you know, while we hang out after Dinner in December, leading up to Christmas and yeah, and then we could all watch, you know, one or two or five versions of A Christmas Carol, because that's how much I love it. I love the Muppets version. I love Scrooged with Bill Murray. I love the Disney version. I love all So, anywho. So that's so I'm going to take us on a little cheesy, you know, a date night Carol, if you will, through some date night ideas with the spirits, with the three ghosts of a date night past, date night present and date night future. So thank you for indulging me on this journey. And you know, as you know here, we call date nights mega moments of love, because that really helps us refocus the energy and the idea of what we really are supposed to be doing and thinking about and focusing on when we're on a date night. And not just that. It's like, I'll just means, like, once we are in a long term relationship, you have to force yourselves to go out to fancy dinners with each other so many times a month or a year or whatever. Now we're throwing that old idea out the door right at that is no longer applicable. That's why people don't really love a date night anymore. Or that's why when you go to counseling and they're like, Oh, well, you need to, you know, maybe go on some more date nights. I don't know how many couples I've talked to professionally and friends who are like, Oh yeah, well, you know, we're just going to go on some date nights. That's our first step, and it can be a first step, but not if you're just thinking about it as a date night, and you're not really changing your perspective, you're not really reframing it, and you're not really, you know, putting your energy or your effort into any particular new things on this date night. You're just like, Ma, well, we maybe we only went on date nights once a month, so now that we're having relationship difficulties, we're going to go on them four times a month. No, that makes no sense. Okay, so if you right, it doesn't. And if you want to know how to put some more cake in to your date night, because we'll be touching a little bit on a different vibe, do go back and check out my episode. Oh gosh, I think it's even episode two. It's a very early episode called put some cake into your date nights. Go check that out, because that gives you kind of the big picture thinking ideas that I love to talk about on how to revamp your date nights, okay, and make them into mega moments of love. Because date nights, yuck. Okay. So the first ghost that we have, obviously, is, is the ghost of date nights past. And I will use the word date nights for this. This spirit is going to remind us of how so, you know, this is always like the ghosty looking one, like the ghosty, girly looking one. So this spirit is going to remind us of how we used to have wonderful date nights, right? Of how we used to be when we were falling in love. So that means that, like, you know, think about it. I want you to pause and really just pause for a moment right now and think about you and your love of life, and what it looked like when you were first meeting, when you were first on your date nights, right? Really going back and thinking about where your relationship came from is a super important step in being able to figure out where is going to go in the future, and it really helps you reconnect and realize why you're together, right? It's a very important step. So again, you know, I always encourage couples. This is actually part of my my online course that we go through this idea of like, how did you start? Where did you start? How did you connect? What were the things that you loved about each other? Because really going back and kind of, you know, really thinking about those things and emphasizing them and reliving them, that helps us move forward in our problem solving and our tweaking for how we're going to move through into the future and create a new shared vision. So it's a really so I want you to take a moment right now and really think about, you know, what those date nights needs to look like. So maybe it was taking that time to get dressed up for your time together, right, making those reservations, right? Taking time of your day or your week to be like, Hey, what are we doing on Friday, or what are we doing on Saturday? Oh, and remember that? Actually, remember that fact that probably when you got together, the best night of the week or the best days of the month were saved for your new, budding relationship, right? They weren't saved for your office happy hour. They weren't saved for friends of friends, you know, get togethers. They weren't saved for, you know, going to Costco, although Costco can be a fun date night, or if I make a moment of love, but they weren't the right. You saved those special moments, those special days, those special times for each other, right? And it was really about, you know, being creative. You're probably trying to impress each other, right? And so you probably did put some more creativity and some more time in to doing that. And I can remember so when me and my lol sort of were first dating, and we did a trip to Vegas, we did a Vegas pool party together, and we, you know, accidentally, I spent more money than in 10 days. So when I got the bill, I was like, Oh, wow. And so my LOL, because we're trying to we're still in that impressing each other's day shows, like, even though this wasn't where I was at financially, I was like, No worry, no problem. I'm I'm spoiling us today. And so his problem solving brain, because he was also at the trying to be impress, you know, trying to impress me. Stage, his problem solving brain went instead, too, instead of me just giving you some cash to put towards the bill or insisting on it, he's like, Do you know what? I'm gonna take it, I'm gonna spoil us and take us out for a special dinner. So we got out of the pool party. I don't know if you've ever been to Vegas Pool Bar. They're super fun, especially if you like listening to DJs. A really good time, at least a once in a lifetime, I recommend. So we get out of the pool party. We're still in our bathing suits, like I have shorts over my bathing suit, but I'm using, like, the top of my bathing suit as my top, and he is in his swim shorts. They're dry now, but he's using those as, like his regular shorts, and, you know, has like, a button up shirt. And so we go down. He's like, You know what?
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Let's take a limo. I'm like, what? So we get in the limo, and he asked limo driver, because, again, you know, he's trying to impress me. And these are the funny things we do when we try to impress each other, but they make these great memories and these great stories. So he asked the driver, like, hey, I want to take this, this girl up for lobster. Where can we go? And he goes, Oh, there's a great restaurant in Caesar's Palace, right in the mall area, very famous from from New York. They have a transplant here. We're, like, cool. And so he drives us to Caesar's Palace. Now we were, if you're familiar with Vegas at all, we were at the Venetian so literally, he drove us like across the street. And I don't even know how much Loma was, but it was a stupid, dumb decision that you make when you are falling in love. And then we yeah, we got to the restaurant, we had a lovely lobster meal. They did not notice we were in bathing suits, because, literally, when we walked to the door, it said, No swimwear allowed. But we got in and we had a wonderful time, but, right? But it's that creativity, that trying to impress each other, that when there's any opportunity to treat that, that person that you're falling in love with in a special way, you take that opportunity, right? Like, do you get? Did someone you know couldn't go to a hockey game? And they're like, Hey, do you want to have the tickets? And you go, yes, and then you call that new person, right? You call that person that you're dating, and you say, hey, you know, my buddy gave me tickets to the hockey game. I would love for you to come. You are my for first choice in coming, right? We really want to impress each other. We really want to make that other person feel special. That is what the Ghost of Christmas Past is going to show us. And I want us to think about that, about how we go from wanting to impress each other to maybe what's going on now. And Oh, knock, knock, knock. That means that we must be getting our visit from the ghost of, oh, I think I said Christmas from the ghost of date night present. So the ghost of date night present is here to show us what our date nights are looking like now. So remember, we went from, you know, the ghost, the ghost of date night past is showing us how, you know, we might have laughed, and we might have tried to spoil each other, and we might have been tried to be more creative, right? Like, even if we don't. Have that much cash, we were probably trying to be more creative with how to spend our time with that person, and we were prioritizing our time with that person and giving that person our best days and our best times. And now the ghost of date night present is going to show us how we are feeling right now and that we are probably feeling like we can't be bothered to impress each other. Oh my gosh, right? How many of you, right? You are probably sitting there being like, ah, you know what? Like every night is pajama night. As soon as I get home from work, especially, I think post COVID. I think we're still in a COVID Hangover. So be a little bit gentle with yourself about that. But also think about like even just a few years ago, right? So if you've been dating for longer than before COVID, right? Or you've been together for longer than before COVID, even pause and think about that. There's like, your new relationship when you first started dating and going out and being connected to each other, and then there's like, what was your relationship looking like before COVID? And then what's it looking like now? Because I bet there is a difference, right? It was a big impact, and I think socially, the world is still feeling this impact. We can still give some space for that, but we do want to think about how we're going to move forward from it, right, and not necessarily how to recover, because recover has this idea of like we have to go back to exactly what we did before for us to be at a good place, but that's not necessarily the case. We can do something different to move forward, to be in a great place, but it could be a different great place than the great place we were at before. So you know, maybe we're feeling now right that we can't be bothered we are dragging ourselves out to these stupid, boring dinners. Things are no longer curious and creative. They are mundane. They're repetitive, right? They have lost that curiosity, that creativity, that excitement, right? And even if you try, this is the annoying thing I find, at least living in the Vancouver area, the Lower Mainland, as we call it out here on the West Coast, that's one of the things that I really feel, that I can actually find annoying about trying to find new mega moment of love things to do and fun things to do is like, you see things on Tiktok and Instagram, you're like, That looks fun and amazing, and then you get there, and I don't mind there Being lots of people enjoying the vibe and the time, right? Like, I don't mind going to a crowded concert or to, like, a crowded pub or restaurant, if people are there actually enjoying the beer and the food and the whatever, I guess, because it's not my vibe. I do get a little annoyed when we line up for like, a million hours and there's a million people there and no one's really in a good mood or vibe, because everyone's just anticipating, but not in a positive way, to take all these Instagram pictures and like, We're just there to have like, one beer, or where we look like we're going for a hike, but we're not really, we're just, you know, taking pictures at the beginning of the forest and then leaving, right? So, yeah, I find that annoying, because I feel it does clog up a lot of things around here. People trying to get all those tick tocky Instagram photos and videos in and not actually enjoying the thing that they're at. I think that's probably what, what gets me about it. So, so maybe it's fine being annoying, like, I don't even know if I want to go to that thing, because maybe this is going to be the vibe, instead of just like a fun time, right? And so, you know, maybe you're saying to your LOL, the ghost or the ghost of date night present is showing you, you know, saying to your LOL, hey, like, we need to plan a date night, and your LoL is saying humbug. That's gonna fit that in there somewhere, right? So, and as you know from the Charles Dickens classic, that if we keep going down this path, our relationship is going to end up in the graveyard, right? There's that creepy. No, he usually looks like the Grim Reaper, the ghost of date night future, Christmas future usually looks like the Grim Reaper. And he's going to show us that. You know that if we keep going on this path of our Mo, our supposed moments of connection, that if they're mundane, you know, mundane, repetitive, boring, have no affection or kindfulness or energy in them, we're not excited to talk about them, right? We don't have the communication piece that if we're not excited to talk about them, right, we're not communicating about them, that our relationship is going to end up in that graveyard, right? Our relationship is whether that's the graveyard of breaking up, divorcing whatever, or whether that's the graveyard of just being in a miserable, unhappy coupledom. If we don't have these moments of connection that keep us moving forward and growing together, right? That keep us bonded and connected, when we say connected, that's really what we mean, like bonded, right? If we don't have that, then. But the Grim Reaper is going to come for us, right? And I, you know, I laugh because I it's so shocking to me that we can let ourselves get there, and it just seems so silly to do it. So that's not what we want, right? You don't want that. I don't want that. That's not what we want. So what if the ghost of a date night present shows us what these mega moments of love could look like, so that the ghost of a date night future will also show us doing these things. Will show us getting, you know, to a future where we are having a wonderful shared vision together, where we are sharing laughs, where we have each other's back, where we are each other's collaborators and support team. That's what we're getting to I think if the ghost of date night present showed us really what these mega moments of love are going to look like, that they're going to bring back our creativity, that they're going to bring back our communication, they're going to bring back our affection, they're going to bring back our positive energy to our relationships. Because that's how mega moments of love work, that's how they work, different than just your plain old date night, right? That's how mega moments of love work because they refocus us back on making love and connection our priority, just like when we started falling in love, right? That's what the ghost of of date night past was showing us, just like we started falling in love, we were making each other feel valued, right? We were refocusing our time together, back on making our love and our connection a priority, just like when we started falling in love, right, and when we try to impress each other, right? That's how it looked like in the beginning of our relationship, as impressing each other, as you grow and mature and develop deeper bonds and deeper connection, that trying to impress each other be grows into that feeling of being valued. It grows into that feeling of know, knowing that you're being heard, that impressed part goes from you know, just trying to impress each other to you know, to make that connection, to make that other person curious and want to connect and be with you, to really being able to encourage
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the best out of each other, right? So that's kind of like when you're trying to impress someone. If you think about in the beginning, you're trying to show them your best side. You're trying to show them that you're super fun or super easy to get along with, or super pretty or a super whatever, right? That's why we get all dressed up and we do all these things. But as you grow and mature as a couple, that becomes like, Ah, you actually bring out the best in me. I want to work on this, or I want to do these things, or I want to participate with you, or I want to support you because I want to be the best person I can be, right? That's That's where I'm trying to impress people that that feeling, that's what that grows into valuing each other and wanting to be your best for each other, and also our mega moments of Love gives us, really that time which so many of us don't have right now, but when we prioritize it, it gives us that time to slow down with each other, to really pause and to get to be humans together, right? So often we just rush and we don't get to be humans together, and that's what we need more of. We need more of getting to be a human together. All right? So again, if you want more info on kind of those big picture pieces of how to tweak your date night, go back to that episode. I like I said, I think it's episode two, putting some cake into date night. Because right now what I want to do to inspire you for 2025
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is, normally, I tell you, I give you the big picture pieces, and you fill in the details, but I want to give you a little bit of details to start getting your inspiration going for 2025 and what your Mega moments of love are going to look like. And again, if future you is listening, 2025 is already started, maybe it's 2026 now, I'm not sure what year it is future you, but whatever year you are listening in, this is here to inspire you. Okay, so let's get in to some ideas that you can do. So I'm going to share one of my newest favorite ideas, and what that is, is doing Duolingo together on one screen. So the main account now, I do know a little bit French from kindergarten, so, or like, I went to French school for a few years when I was very young. So I can speak French, kind of like a kindergartner, but, you know, some of the vocab and things like that, and I've learned a little like, you know, resort Spanish as. I call it. So right now we're learning Italian, so I'm a little ahead in the language learning than my lol. So that's why the main account that we share and do together is on my phone, because that learning speed is good for me. He does have a secondary account where he studies up in his own time on previous lessons. Because again, like I said, you know, if you've already learned about at like, a quarter of another language, learning a second language that's in the same, you know, romance grouping, or whatever, it's going to be easier. So I knew who, but this is my new favorite thing to do, or our new favorite thing to do together. And this actually is more like mini mega moments, but it, you know, sometimes we spend an hour on it together, but it gives us, you know, a daily activity to do where we can be like, Hey, we only have five minutes today. You know, do that while we're driving to go meet friends or whatever, and we're just kind of doing it so we don't lose our streak. But a lot of times, we're like, hey, instead of watching two shows tonight on the Netflix or on the whatever, we're watching it on like, hey, let's do some of the Duolingo, and then let's, you know, watch our show to kind of wind down, or instead of scrolling at night in bed, which is something we kind of like to do again, we're doing it on one screen. But still, it's sometimes a little zombifying. Any who's even though we're sharing then, you know, like, let's do that for a few minutes and kind of tie our outer brain at night time. So that's one of the that's all that's my little secret for you. And actually was so adorable. I love, I love my, my love of life. Um, because he was very excited. He is very excited because he thinks if we are able to come become even a little bit fluent in it, then we will have a secret, couple's language to talk, right? Because we don't really know we're learning Italian. I don't. Can't remember if I said that, but we don't really know anyone in our friend group, or, you know, we don't really know anyone who speaks Italian. So he's like, you know, when we want to say something privately in front of other people, we have a secret language. I'm like, well, that's kind of rude, but he is very excited about our secret couples language that is developing another very fun, mega moment of love idea. And I think I've shared this on here before, but is to get a Lego set to do together now again, one mega moment I can be just having like, you know, making a dinner together, and being like tonight is the night we're going to choose an order our Lego set. There you go. We can, we can make this a twofer, and then you and then what you can do is you can either build your Lego set normally, or you can do it the sparked forever way, the love quirks way. And I love to do it this way, because it makes it into an amazing communication activity. Is that when you build your Lego set together for each bag, or maybe half a bag, of pieces, I don't know if you're familiar with Lego, but when you get brand new set, the pieces are kind of divided up into numbered bags. And as you go through the instructions, it will tell you, you know the you like. You go through all of the pieces in bag one, and then I'll tell you to open up bag two. So when we have done this in the past, when Mima LOL, have done this in the past, we typically do one bag, you know, per night or per session that we're doing, maybe for making it more into a longer, mega moment of love, like a full, you know, evening together, we might do two, right? We always love food. So there's always going to be dinner or some sort of food in there, or, you know, going out to brewery or something, but anywho. So what you're going to do is one person gets the pieces, one person gets the bag of pieces, and one person gets the instruction. And if you're the person with the pieces, you cannot look at the instructions, and the person with the instructions has to figure out how to tell you what pieces you need and how to put them together. And they are not allowed to point or touch any of the pieces. So one person is really having to use their listening, and they're clarifying questions like, Oh, do you mean here? Do you mean this piece? Is this how it goes? Could I put it? Where could you tell me to put it right and then the other person's gonna go, No, it actually needs to be, you know, two little bumps over, two little studs over, actually needs to go on top of the other gray block on the other side. Or you actually need to rotate it 90 degrees, right? It actually is very interesting, because you can see the different language that you will each use to try to describe these things to each other. And it does take some patience, and it takes some time, but it's also really fun. And I feel like, once you've gone through an activity like this, that you really realize in the moment when you're having a more serious discussion, or we're trying to make plans with each other, really what the other person's style of communication is and really what their word choice is telling you or meaning to you, it's great. So and then, you know, if you get a set that you'd like to display, and you put on display, and then when people like, Oh, that's a cool Lego set, you can be like, well, let us tell you how we made it, and you can share your adorable little couple story. Um, another idea is, because we all know I love food, so I'm going to share this one. And again, this is just to inspire you, so if you'll. I hate food, then don't do this. But this may inspire another idea where you could do something like this. So I think it'd be super cool to make a list of new foods that you want to try. So these could be foods you want to try to cook, or you just want to go out for dinner or whatever, like you want to go have someone else make it for you, professionally. Go for it, right? So a new food to try, because it's a new food adventure. And, you know, try something that's maybe outside of all of your comfort zones, some sort of exercise to try that is really great. So one of the things with exercise is that it has a lot of benefits for our not just physical health so, but our emotional and kind of spiritual health, right? So when we go and exercise and we're feeling more in shape and we're feeling more active, and our bodies are feeling more limber and energized, well, that energy and that flexibility and that, you know, like limberness, that plays into other areas of our life, right? So if we're getting exercise, we do know that exercise creates more energy so you and it is mood boosting. So on your Mega moment of love, if you are boosting your mood, that is fantastic. We also know that if you're in slightly better shape, so this is more of a long term thing, but if you're you know if you pick a new weekly exercise or physical activity to do together, and you're doing it more weekly, like, kind of a built in, mega moment of love, amazing, or built in, you know, medium mega moment of love, medium moment of love, that as you're getting in better shape, it's going to have, you know, kind of it's filling up your physical Cup, which is going to run it over, right? And so in some of the research I was reading, you know, they were even talking about the fact that, you know, as you feel more fit, even if your waist line hasn't necessarily changed sides, like you haven't lost any weight, if you are feeling more fit and active and healthy, you will have a better body self image. And if your body self image is feeling better and boosted. You're going to feel sexier, you're going to feel more attractive. You're going to feel like being more physically affectionate with each other. So that's fantastic. And then, besides that, it's like a twofer. If you're picking a new exercise activity to do together, or active activity to do together, you maybe don't have to go the gym that day, right? Or maybe you're not a gym person. You're like, well, I'm going from no activity to a weekly activity with my lol. Fantastic. So some ideas I just came up with that you know, are out on the internet. Plus, you know, some couples I know are doing are things like pickleball dance. Dance is always a classic one. I don't know how many couples actually do it. But Pickleball is, like a very hot and popular badminton I know around me, there's a lot of rec centers that have pickleball or badminton or both. You know, go, go ice skating. What else could we do? We could just go on nature walks together. We could join a hiking club together. You know, out here on the West Coast, everyone loves hiking. It's like, probably the number one date suggestion, besides going for coffee, is to go to meet and somewhere like the grass ground, to go on a hike. Okay, so that's an idea. Pick a project that can last a few times. So this would be, so these would be for my DIY peeps out there. We don't tend to pick this in my relationship, because this is not our style. But, you know, go for it. So this would be, you know, it can, if it lasts a few times, that's good, because you can pick something. And you know, you can have one night where you go and get one mega moment of love, where you go get all the supplies and whatnot, and then maybe you have a few, you know, weeks of or, like, once a month, you're like, we're going to work on this one evening, and that's our mega mama of love. And we're going to, you know, pour, make some tea, pour some wine, whatever we're doing. And, you know, really just enjoy creating this thing together, finishing off this project together, practicing our teamwork, collaboration together, rather than it's like, Hey, you do this for two hours on a Saturday, and I'm going to do an hour on Sunday, and like, kind of, you know, doing shift work on it. No, do the project together. Alright, read a book together. I like to do this side by side, right? Because then you can get your physical affection, and you can get some snuggle time in. You get that quality time where you know you're engaged in the same activity together for the same time, and then this also allows you to chat about the book with each other, right? You could you're almost having like a little mini book club. Now, if you're a person who likes that, not everyone maybe has time to do all the reading. Or if you're a slower reader, you could do it a part where maybe you're both listening to it on audiobook, and you decide you're going to do, like, two chapters a day while you're commuting, and then you know, you can come home and chat about it. It's great. It's also great again, a two four, because it opens up that more conversation with each other. Ooh, create a couple's vision board for 2025, or for the next year, like year or two. Um. Um, this is great because it's fun, because you can spend time looking up pictures, printing pictures, you know, looking around the house for what you're going to use for symbols. Go to the dollar store, find something, make little drawings, and collage it all together, and then hang it in your bedroom, put it in your kitchen, wherever, so that you can see it and look on it and be excited for all of the things that can happen in the air. It could even be a mega moments of love vision board, like, here's our cool, mega moment of love plans for the next year. Like we're planning maybe 12 ahead of time. We don't know when which ones are going to happen. Maybe we have 15 or 20 up there. We'll see if we can get to all of them. Who knows? So that could be a fun activity. Do something that you think that I love this one that you both think could be boring.
Crystal Clark:
Now I'm sure you didn't think I was going to say that the reason why you want to think of something that you both might think would be boring, because it both pushes you outside your comfort zone to have a new experience, and hopefully you can find some positive things, right, like, maybe our I'm thinking of what we typically think of, a little bit slow paced and dolls like so a museum, you know, a forum Film Festival. If you're not into form film it can be hard to get into. Or a B movie film festival, or a whatever, yeah, an art gallery Museum, some sort of vendor show, right? Like a rock and gem show. Maybe you're not into rock and rocks and gems at all, right? Maybe geology is not your thing. But hey, you know it's on this Saturday afternoon. Let's take a walk and go take a peek and have a new adventure together. Let's see what this rock and gem show is about, right? Let's see what kind of things they have there. And you know, it's great because you can talk about, you know, whether it was as boring as you thought it was going to be, whether there were any surprises. What, you know, there's so many things that, again, it gives you something outside your comfort zone that you both ventured out to and gave it a try. And that's the fun part. Do something from your childhood together. I love this because, you know, so I'm thinking like, go roller skating. I know right now, kind of a little bit near me there's a pop up roller skating rink, like from the 80s, like we used to have. So, you know, that would be fun to go to, or go ice skating, or go karting. I'm thinking of like things from my childhood. Play, you know, play some old school Nintendo together, whatever was the video game console of of your childhood. Go cook some childhood food, you know, go on a date to McDonald's. I don't know something like that, right? Something from your childhood. Now, this is great because it gives you a topic of conversation on your Mega moment of love, right? And you can talk about how this was special to your childhood. What you remember about it? You wonder if it's going to be the same experience, right? Maybe you have some old pictures lying around from some of these childhood memories, even going to a beach or a restaurant or something, where it was a classic in your family growing up, but you haven't been there for, you know, 20 years or 10 years or 15 years, depending how old you are, right? And also, you can trade off, like, maybe there's something that you both have in common from your childhood and you want to go do, but maybe it's something separate, right? Maybe you can each plan a mega moment of love about something about your childhood and share that with each other. So it allows you to reminisce about your childhood to each other, and it allows you to create new memories together around those things that were close to one or both of you, right? But create those new memories as a couple. So those are a few ideas I've I hope, hopefully they are getting your little brain juices going for you to do your own brainstorm with your love of life, for to be spurred on with some ideas of how you're going to treat each other, spoil each other in two, 2025 right? So remember to treat yourself to some more cake on your date night, some more cake on your Mega moments of love this coming year, right? Remember to communicate your excitement beforehand for these mega moments of love, right? That's what kind of gives us that energy and that excitement for it, that curiosity that we used to have, that the ghost of date night past taught us or showed us right share in affection. Right? Share an affection. Touch. Have some PDA, during your Mega moments, go for it. Don't be shy. Be kindful to each other with these new experiences, with even trying to brainstorm these ideas together, with trying to step outside your comfort zone with each other that is so important, and prioritize this time, prioritize this time to spend with each other, prioritize this time for connection and love with each other, then that's really going to create your energy, that's going to keep your curiosity going, that is going to make you crave each other. And you'll be sparked.