Curious about becoming a Human Design Coach? In this episode, Betsy and Laura detail what got them so obsessed about Human Design, how they incorporated HD into their coaching offers (beyond just readings), and how HD innately offers increased...
Curious about becoming a Human Design Coach?
In this episode, Betsy and Laura detail what got them so obsessed about Human Design, how they incorporated HD into their coaching offers (beyond just readings), and how HD innately offers increased integrity and individuality to the coaching industry.
New to human design? Get your free chart HERE.
THEN, learn how to use your Human Design to ignite your inner magnetism and start attracting more of what you desire with the OWN YOUR AURA free Human Design training.
LUSCIOUS HUSTLE ACADEMY: The Human Design Reader Certification Course
This 12-week live certification program will give you everything you need to integrate Human Design readings into your business.
Here are some great episodes to start with.