In this episode, Betsy and Laura discuss a fundamental shift values that they believe is underway in the collective consciousness and how Human Design explains the changes that are happening. Tune as they share their take on how we can better...
In this episode, Betsy and Laura discuss a fundamental shift values that they believe is underway in the collective consciousness and how Human Design explains the changes that are happening.
Tune as they share their take on how we can better measure success in our lives going forward and where the making and spending of money is rooted in your Human Design chart.
STAR STRATEGY SESSIONS are Human Design readings designed to bring clarity to your business & your life. Learn how to tap into your innate strengths and unique superpowers so you can take action with increased confidence and clarity.
STAR STRATEGY SESSIONS are perfect for anyone who is looking to gain deeper insights into who they are and why they do what they do.
Whether you are brand new to Human Design or have been studying it for a while, we have two levels of readings that give you the tools you need to lead an authentic, fulfilling life as your true magnetic self.
New to human design? Get Your Human Design Chart HERE.
Own Your Aura: ~ How to Build Your Business using Human Design Grab your ebook: Click HERE
Before You Decide: How to Make Better Decisions Based on Your Human Design. Join the Workshop Click Here
Here are some great episodes to start with.