Today we are digging into a question we get all the time from our Luscious Hustlers, who want to start a business, build a course, or launch a blog, but don’t have any money. We’re sharing the practical steps we took to go from broke as a joke to...
Today we are digging into a question we get all the time from our Luscious Hustlers, who want to start a business, build a course, or launch a blog, but don’t have any money. We’re sharing the practical steps we took to go from broke as a joke to a six-figure business in 12 months.
What it actually means when you tell yourself you’re broke [ 3:53 ]
How to stop feeling broke [ 8:13 ]
Why it’s important to redefine what’s possible [ 11:38 ]
Are you looking to take your business to the next level?
The Luscious Mastermind is a unique coaching experience, helping you to bust through your limiting beliefs, release your fears and create your dream business, all while being supported by other influencers, go-getters and heart-centered business owners who GET IT. Head on over to for more information.
Here are some great episodes to start with.