Get Known Get Paid Mentor Nancy Juetten transforms speakers, experts and authors into sought-after podcast guests who speak their way to 6-figures and beyond -- without hiring an expensive booking agency Nancy combines her years of public relations agency success, proven online marketing strategies honed since 2009, and velvet boot of accountability to kick clients into an empowering and sustainable gear of performance and profits. In addition to being an Amazon #1 best-selling author and a consistent content creator, Nancy speaks up on 40+ podcasts and virtual stages each year with her sassy sound bites leading the way.
Reach out to Nancy Juetten if you're ready to spell out your greatness and broadcast your brilliance so you can get known and paid for your winning ways.
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Bye Bye Boring Bio Preview
Get booked, speak up on the right shows & smile all the way to the bank with your brilliant business bio & door-opening media one sheet leading the way! >>
Media One Sheet Template
Open the door to podcast guesting opportunities on top shows with this FREE Media One Sheet Gift Template.
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Members of this highly engaged group of speakers, experts, and authors are not satisfied with love, legacy, admiration, FB likes, and applause if they aren’t also making money every step of the way >>