Aug. 28, 2024

What Am I as A Spirit Being with Ray Hurst

What Am I as A Spirit Being with Ray Hurst

In this illuminating episode of Mastering Life's Adventures, we welcome back our special guest, Ray Hurst. Ray brings a profound and unique perspective on the meaning of spirit, the importance of personal mastery, and the role of attachment. Ray delves into the ways to maintain a spiritual connection and what can sever this bond with your Higher Source, as well as his perspective on the importance of Jesus.

Our conversation takes an intriguing turn as we explore the controversial topic of counterfeit spirits and the journey of reconciling with our true selves. Ray emphasizes how emotional reactions can create attachments. He highlights the significance of fostering a spiritual connection with the Source, which is the one and only Jesus Christ for him. Ray passionately shares that the spirit holds more power than the emotional and mental self. It refers to five simple steps or elements to maintain this vital spiritual connection, which we wish to refer back to Part 1 episode.

Join us for a captivating discussion that promises to enlighten and inspire you toward deeper spiritual understanding and growth.

About Our Guest

Ray Hurst is a husband married 38 years to the same incredible woman, a father of two exceptional children, and a grandfather. He is a successful personal transformation coach, international speaker, trainer, writer, published author, poet, pastor, missionary, and business owner.

He now works full-time as an accelerated mental and emotional performance coach. His goal is never to leave anyone the way he found them.