Sept. 29, 2021

Greatness is your Birthright with Dr Sue Carter Collins

Greatness is your Birthright with Dr Sue Carter Collins

How can spirituality give you self-empowerment? How do we deal with imposter syndrome and the demons in our lives? These are just some of the questions posed and answered by Dr Sue Carter Collins as she joins Katherine as this week’s guest on My Dead Dragon. Hear Dr Sue’s incredible life story of a convict father, joining one of the first integrated schools in America, alcoholism, and finally finding spiritual empowerment and sharing that empowerment with others.



  • Dr Sue was one of just eighteen black students in her entire High School. She went from one of the top students in her old all black school to feeling like she was behind and didn’t have the opportunities compared to all the white students.
  • It was the luck of getting in trouble that she spoke to her school’s guidance counsellor and was presented with an opportunity to go to university.
  • After the loss of her mother, Dr Sue was in a low period and says that she wouldn't still be here today if it wasn’t for her son.
  • If you can connect with the “I am” that’s within you then you can connect to the “I am” that’s within anybody else.
  • Until we take our last breath we will always be evolving and becoming more and more. With every new thought, you are evolving.
  • Dr Se grew up believing in failure, and that she was a failure. By thinking this you set yourself up for pain. You haven’t failed, you’re just still learning.
  • Your smile is energy, the person you’re smiling at could have not had a smile from someone in a while. We all have the ability to raise other people.



‘I cared more about what other people thought of me than what I thought of myself’


‘You have to love yourself first’


‘I drowned my loneliness in alcohol’


‘It is my purpose to heal through the spoken word’





Dr Sue Carter Collins is an author, speaker, and Greatness Life Coach. She speaks on a variety of topics related to self-empowerment, spirituality, spiritual resilience, and the Imposter Syndrome.

She is an ordained metaphysical minister, an intuitive channel, and a Master Synergistic Energy Healer. She is certified in multiple healing modalities including Reiki, Pranic, and Mindfulness Meditation.

Dr Sue is the author of Return to Self: 5 Steps to Emotional and Spiritual Freedom and the owner of the Synergistic Healing Center of Atlanta, where the mission is “Empowering Women and Transforming Lives One Spirit at a Time.”

Dr Sue’s story is this. She is the daughter of a convicted felon—her father--and of an uneducated maid—her mother, both of whom are now deceased. She was born into a family of 10 children who were thought least likely to succeed because of their socio-economic circumstances. She was on the cutting edge of the Civil Rights Movement in education being one of the first African Americans to integrate a high school, two universities, and a law school. Against all odds, she completed five academic degrees—BS, MS, JD, PhD, BMsc—and was the first Police Legal Advisor for a major metropolitan police department in the Deep South. She also was the first African American to be tenured and awarded Associate Emeritus Professor status by the Georgia State University Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

Despite her accomplishments, Dr Sue lived with a big secret. She never thought she was good enough or smart enough for the things she achieved and often felt like an imposter. To the outside world it looked like she had it all together but inside she lived in constant fear that she would fail. As a result, she began to shrink her career ambitions and play small in the game of life.

It was by divine intervention that one day she found herself in a conversation with five other high achieving women from different professions who shared that they each were experiencing the same thing. That conversation ignited her passion and fed her commitment to research and understand this phenomenon.

Today Dr Sue assists high-performing professional women to connect with their true self, master their mindset, and release limiting beliefs that stop them from attaining their next-level goals. She strives to make the invisible visible and coaches around spiritual insights. As a result of working with her women feel empowered to break through mental barriers that have held them back and successfully pursue their goals.


Transformational Life Coach and founder of Katalyst Coaching, Katherine Loranger asserts to the bold and determined that life is theirs for the taking.

For over 25 years, Katherine has been driven to spark lasting, heartfelt transformation for fearless and fierce souls in progress… working to research, study and implement results-oriented principles and programs to incredible success. Through her evocative and expertly guided series of vision building and life mastery classes and workshops, heart-centred entrepreneurs, organizational leaders, and dreamers learn to realign their efforts and energies with their soul’s purpose to design, build and realize their wildest fantasies… igniting a world of limitless possibilities and changing the trajectory of their lives, their businesses, and their relationships for the better.


October 16, 2021 – Vision Ignition Immersion


Join me on this transformational journey of self-discovery, exploration and enlightenment.

 Through this live, virtual full-day Vision Ignition Workshop, you’ll learn how to break through self-imposed boundaries, unleash your full abilities and draw deeply from the magic of the universe to manifest all desires, potentials and possibilities in your personal and professional life. 

Together we will ignite your spark and reinvigorate your passion and lust for life.

Vision Ignition 


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Katalyst Coaching on YouTube



Are you looking to learn how to:

  • love yourself?
  • increase your sense of self-worth?
  • discover your purpose in life?
  • create authentic success and abundance in all areas of your life?

Would you love to hear inspiring stories from women like you who did just that? 

The My Dead Dragon podcast brings you conversations and coaching with women who woke up one day and realized that no one or nothing was riding in to save them so they become the heroine of their own life and the main character of their story. 

Get ready to feel inspired, hopeful, motivated and ready to take charge of your own life.

Discover what to do with your dead dragon as transformational life coach for souls in progress, Katherine Loranger interviews women in all stages of the journey to find out how we can all create and live a life we love!

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