Sept. 11, 2019

Navigating Your Way Through IEP

Navigating Your Way Through IEP

Nicole Hepburn is a high school counselor and educator holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and has a Masters in Education with a focus on counseling.
In this episode, we talk about the relationship that kids and parents have (or can develop) with school counselors and the school-based support systems that exist. She teaches us about what questions to ask counselors of your children, and how to see if your kid is “normal”. Hint: They are!
She quells fears about how our teenagers are reaching out to people that are not us, and tactics to work through the tough parts of growing up that a lot of kids face.
Along with all of that, Nicole walks us extensively through navigating IEP (Individualized Education Programs), counselor meetings, and what information to be receiving and learning from those interactions.
We touch on so much in this episode, and she reminds us that counselors are extensively trained in mental health, and they do have our kids best interests and feelings in mind. We end the episode on the often calming and positive space that simply getting outdoors with our family can get us to, and a book recommendation that supports that.
If you ever wondered how the whole school counselor deal really works, you will love this episode!

The Last Child In The Woods - Richard Louv

Song: episode 2.

Artist: Ashleigh Tolliver

Album: Parenting That Kid

Composer: Saxby Podcast Solutions

Genre: Podcast, Parenting

Year: 2019