April 16, 2024

The Benefits of a 90-Day Goal for Women with Mia Moran

The Benefits of a 90-Day Goal for Women with Mia Moran

Imagine you have a big puzzle to solve. It's so big that it might feel overwhelming to finish it all at once. So, instead of trying to put all the pieces together in one go, you decide to break it into smaller parts — so smart!

That's what a 90-day plan is like! It's like breaking the big puzzle (a year)  into smaller puzzles that you can solve one at a time. In this minisode, I dive into why this is such a win for women.

Here's why it's super cool:

Less Scary: Just like solving a smaller puzzle feels easier, focusing on smaller goals for 90 days makes big goals feel less scary.

Flexibility: 90 days provides enough time to make significant progress, yet it's short enough to adjust your plans based on changing circumstances or feedback.

Easier to Focus: When you know you have 90 days to finish something, you can focus better because you don't have to worry about what will happen far in the future. As some, we hold so much.  Achieving goals within a shorter time frame boosts motivation and confidence, encouraging you to continue working towards your long-term objectives.

Feels Like a Game: It's like playing a video game with levels. Each 90-day period is like a level. When you finish one level, you feel awesome and ready to tackle the next one.

Learning to Plan: You learn how to make plans and stick to them. This skill is super important because it helps you achieve your dreams, just like beating levels in a game gets you closer to winning.

Makes Big Goals Possible: Sometimes, big goals seem impossible. But when you break them into smaller pieces with a 90-day plan, you realize that every step gets you closer to your big dream.

Evaluation and Adaptation: At the end of each 90-day period, you can review your progress, evaluate what worked and what didn't, and make adjustments accordingly.

So, a 90-day plan is like your secret weapon for making big dreams come true, one small step at a time!