Aug. 30, 2022

BONNIE CHOMICA - Content Creation Mentor

BONNIE CHOMICA - Content Creation Mentor

From corporate worker bee to discontented solopreneur, Bonnie found contentment when she learned to teach others how to unlock their own magic through one-on-one content coaching.

About the Guest:

Bonnie Chomica coaches her solopreneur clients to go from sporadically creating content to consistently producing compelling and engaging content so they can get more exposure, build their authority, and attract more clients.

Client-Attracting Writing Tips: []

About the Host:

Tammy Gross is a #1 international bestselling author of several books in fiction & nonfiction, & she is a multi-award-winning screenwriter who has been a script doctor for others since 2010. It's her mission to help difference-makers, like the guests on this podcast, turn their transformation stories into bestsellers & screenplays so the world can know their awesomeness. Because when we share our stories, we change lives.

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Tammy Gross:

Hi, I'm Tammy Gross, the Scriptprenuer. Welcome to Reel Life Stories where difference makers come to share their Hollywood worthy transformation stories. I love interviewing people who faced a mountain, overcome it the hard way, and figured out a solution to help the rest of us conquer that same mountain. Because when we share our stories, we change lives.

Tammy Gross:

All right, so I have a very special guest today. Her name is Bonnie Chomica And she is the content creation mentor, as the content creation mentor, Bonnie coaches, her solopreneur clients to go from sporadically creating content to consistently producing compelling and engaging content, so they can get more exposure, build their authority, and attract more clients. And that is what so many of us need, right? With as entrepreneurs, I am really looking forward to hearing more about Bonnie's story. But for right now, let me just welcome you. Thank you for being here, Bonnie.

Bonnie Chomica:

Hey, Tammy, that's so nice to be here. Thanks very much for the invite.

Tammy Gross:

Oh, my pleasure. And what I want to do is kind of go back to why you do what you do. You know, we're all on a mission in life as entrepreneurs. And as writers and as authors, and the people listening, you know, no matter what they're doing, I know that all of us, we, we all have some kind of a mission in life. And yours has brought you to what I just was talking about where you're the content creator, creation mentor, but you didn't start out that way, obviously. So I'm just wondering, what kind of what, what led you to this? What, Where were you at in your life? And what what was going on? That made you realize that you could help people and that you could help yourself? Where did you start out?

Bonnie Chomica:

Yeah, you know, as many entrepreneurs, I started out in the corporate world. And I worked for a large corporation, where I was in a marketing department of over 50 people. And I was there for over 15 years. So that was kind of my university education. And the majority of what I was doing, there was marketing communications. So I was I was a writer for brochures, and training and presentations, and all kinds of stuff. But I never thought of myself as a writer. And then I started working for startup companies, you know, 10 to 15 people. And then that introduced me to the entrepreneur world, and how you had to be more creative with less budget and getting involved in more aspects of a business as well. So so that was an interesting experience. But from there, my husband and I, all of those jobs were in big cities. And my husband and I moved to Vancouver Island. And we live in a semi rural neighborhood, and I work out of my home now. And to get there, there was no real marketing jobs here. And so I had to start something on my own. As do

Tammy Gross:

right, yeah. So it was like, I didn't necessity you had to figure something out.

Bonnie Chomica:

Yeah, that's, that's where it started. And, and I guess, I was at the time doing early on. I've been a business owner for over 10 years now. And so my first few years were, oh, mostly doing marketing for people, to content marketing for people. So they were wineries and restaurants and print shops, and you know, kind of local brick and mortar companies. And I was writing their website content, I was doing their E newsletters, I was posting on social media, and all that kind of fun stuff. But all of a sudden, I was getting these people that came to me who wanted coaching, they were starting their own coaching businesses, and they wanted to kind of get all their marketing ducks in a row. And that was kind of a new realm for me. And once I started doing that, I kind of surface that when I was doing marketing for people was still kind of like having a job, right. I was still doing tasks for people. And when I started coaching people, it was it was so different. It was just so, so much more rewarding, you know, to see individuals grow, you know, to learn new things, how they, how they could see, you know, moving into their business or how they would see their business Moving forward with this kind of newfound knowledge. And I built a deeper relationship with these people, many of them are, you know, our friends of mine now. And it was just it was just a wonderful transition to switch that business model.

Tammy Gross:

Yes, so cool, because it sounds like it suddenly was something that became more freeing for you, and more fulfilling for you. Because you're, you're, it's kind of a fish thing. Right? You know, you were, you're, you're feeding them fish before, but now you're teaching them to fish. Exactly. do for themselves. Yeah, I think that is really, really cool. So now, now you have some principles that kind of guide you. So do you have anything that you want to share with us that that like that we can kind of take home for ourselves so that we can get a little little taste of your coaching right now? Do you have anything there? Sure.

Bonnie Chomica:

I think marketing and content marketing, they're such big concepts for people, and they mean different things for different people. So So I really, you know, work one on one with people and come to them where they're at. Some people are doing marketing, some people are writing blogs, they've got an E newsletter, and other people are starting out just to get those, get those into their marketing strategy. And what what I recommend the most is really, it's about, it's about committing to that content, marketing strategy, whatever it is you choose to do, if it's blogs, or newsletters, or a specific social platform or videos, podcasts, you have to commit to something so that you can be consistent. Because if you're not consistent, you're going to stay invisible, and people aren't going to be able to find you, and therefore buy from you because they don't know what it is, you know, that you stand for that you offer. So so I really dig into, you know, their messaging, how they present themselves? Is it clear what they offer how they help people. So there's a lot of aspects to it, but it's very personalized, right? It's not something you can just read in any book, or, you know, a video training. So it's very hands on lots of cheerleading, lots of hand holding, depending on the person.

Tammy Gross:

Yeah, I love that. And I love I love the idea of, of, of getting that consistency and kind of choosing a path. And then sticking with it. Because we all know that there's many paths to to finding clients to doing marketing, to doing content and everything. And some people are really comfortable with social media, some people are really comfortable with email. And some people have other ways that they do it. And unless you kind of show some consistency and do it for a while, you can't see the real results that are happening. Because nowadays, so many things happen with algorithms, I would think so is that something that you sometimes get into is is like the strategy behind that part of it at all? Or do you stay pretty much on on the mindset of the person doing it?

Bonnie Chomica:

Well, yeah, you mentioned a couple of things there. But it's, so I don't do a lot of kind of technical aspects. But But you're absolutely right about the algorithms, you know, Google and the social platforms, Facebook, and you know, as an example, there are things that you can do to help, you know, work with the algorithm, you can't beat the algorithm. No, you need to be Google to do that. Right. But but there are things you can do to work in that framework, so that you can get, you can get organic traffic and things like that. But But what's really interesting, what you said was about mindset. And that, that came to me through the backdoor, about coaching people. Because I'm very tactical. So I can teach you how to write a blog or what the structure of email newsletter or auto responders or you know, what a social post should look like. But a lot of people struggle with, you know what to write about, or I don't know, enough, you know, there's that impostor syndrome that rises. And they don't think that they've got the knowledge to write about or do videos. There's just a there's a confidence piece that's missing there. So, so much of what I do is about mindset coaching, you know how to how to raise them up on their own pedestal. So that was kind of an eye opener for me.

Tammy Gross:

I like that because that I think that's at the core of most successful coaching programs is that is that that's what we need. We need. We need the shift in mindset then We need that accountability that a coach can bring to us and, and making sure that we stay on track. And that it sounds like what you're doing is working. And it's making a big difference. So now I know that listeners, myself included, especially since you didn't think of yourself as a writer, but I obviously, you know, love writers that I'm a writer and I and I love anything that has to do with writing and you have a client attracting writing tip sheet for us, I think is what it is. And so that's something that I think all of us could probably use. Is there anything that we should know about that going into that? Because I'm going to drop a link so that everybody can get that for free from you, which is very generous. I appreciate that. But is there anything that we should know about that? Because there's different kinds of writing tips, and how should we approach that?

Bonnie Chomica:

Yeah, absolutely. Well, first of all, it's a 22 page ebook.

Tammy Gross:

No, it's an ebook. Okay. So yeah, I don't know why I was thinking sheet. But yes, that's,

Bonnie Chomica:

yeah, it's an e book with nine client attracting writing tips. And it's not a grammar lesson. It's not copywriting. It's not content writing. It's really about kind of general everyday writing how how to make things simpler, how to connect through emotion, making it making your writing, easy to consume. We are such a fast paced, busy society where we're scanning newsfeeds. inboxes. And it's not. So you have to make it easy for people to get to capture that information. You know, you don't want to be too clever. You don't want to use language or jargon that people aren't going to understand. So there's, there's the tips with lots of examples. And you can start using them right away.

Tammy Gross:

I love that. And then if they have any questions or anything, they can just go to what Bonnie to Yes, that's perfect. Okay. And that's how they can contact you. That is, that's great. Well, I thank you so much, this is actually been really good. And, and I love hearing about how it's about the writing is really about connecting and communicating, not just the mechanics of writing. So that's exactly what we need. That's exactly what it should be for all of our writing, and it will help us in our daily thing. So I'm looking forward to downloading that myself. As soon as we're done. I'm going to be doing that. But I have I have a final question. And that is, if money were not an issue for you? What is your big, fat hairy, audacious goal in life? And or what would be the legacy you want to leave? Wow. That's Betty Well,

Bonnie Chomica:

yeah, money was no object. Well, I think I would have you know, a team of people to help me with a training platform, I think that's, that's where I see myself headed. The one on one coaching, I love it. And it's still great. And I'm pretty sure I would continue to do that, because I love that relationship building. But But what I've been doing a lot of master classes, and, and I've done training in the past, and I really think that's my forte, and I think if I can build a platform and have, you know, easily consumable content through through training, that that would be my legacy is something that can, you know, be used over and over. As evergreen content, you know, instead of trying to keep up with the algorithms or changing tech, it's still back to the basics of of that content, how to create content.

Tammy Gross:

It's a very human thing. And that is so great that I love that your big goal is others centered. So that's, that's really neat. Thank you so much. This has been really wonderful getting to know you this way. And and there's even more than I'd love to ask you, but we always have a limited time and everything. But I want to make sure that I give you the last word. Is there any final thought that you want to leave with us?

Bonnie Chomica:

Oh, wow. You know, I say this in a lot of my marketing. And it's about stop being invisible. And I mentioned that earlier, people aren't going to find you unless you're putting some kind of content out there to determine what that content is for you and how it's going to serve you and serve your your audience.

Tammy Gross:

I love it. Stop being invisible. Perfect. Thank you so much, Bonnie.

Bonnie Chomica:

Thank you, Tammy.