June 6, 2024

Bridging Worlds – Communication Mastery with Meric Ipek

Bridging Worlds – Communication Mastery with Meric Ipek

Bridging Communication Gaps in Scientific Environments. Melinda Lee introduces the episode, sharing her excitement about today's guest, Ipek Meric, a trailblazer in scientific communication.

1: From Labs to Clinical Research: Meric's journey in science.

- Merec shares her transition from working with animals and tissues in the lab to engaging in clinical research.

- She discusses the critical role of effective communication in scientific settings, ensuring clarity and precision to avoid misunderstandings and errors.

2. Adapting Communication Styles for Different Personalities: Tailoring communication strategies at Roche Diagnostics.

- Ipek delves into the use of personality tests to understand team dynamics.

- She explains how these tests help in crafting communication strategies that resonate with different team members, particularly introverts and analytical thinkers.

- Practical tips on adjusting communication styles to enhance collaboration and productivity.

3: Navigating Cultural Differences in Communication: Communicating across cultures

- Drawing from her personal experiences, Merec offers insights into managing cultural differences.

- She talks about her multicultural marriage and living in various countries, emphasizing the importance of being aware of cultural nuances.

- Strategies for fostering an inclusive environment where diverse voices are heard and valued.

4: The Importance of Preparation in Effective Communication: Preparation is key.

- Ipek stresses the significance of thorough preparation for important discussions and presentations.

- She shares tips on how to prepare effectively, especially when addressing diverse audiences with varying communication preferences.

- Real-life examples of how preparation has led to successful outcomes in her career.

5: Building Strong Relationships through Curiosity and Respect: Leadership through connection.

- Merec's leadership philosophy centers on spending personal time with team members, showing genuine interest in their lives.

- She discusses how fostering a culture of respect and gratitude can build strong, cohesive teams.

- The importance of curiosity in understanding and valuing each team member's unique perspective.

About the guest: Meric, a native of the beautiful Mediterranean, is a very curious person. Her curiosity took her to many places around the world. Meric lived in Istanbul, Boston, Berlin, Dusseldorf, and Basel. Meric moved to San Francisco in Feb 2014 with her job. Since then, Meric calls San Francisco her new home. Meric loves spending time reading, traveling, hiking, listening podcasts and eating delicious food.

Website/social handles: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ipekmerickutlu

Fun facts: I have strong intuition. Magic happens once I tap into it.

About Melinda:

Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.

Website: https://speakinflow.com/

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Instagram: https://instagram.com/speakinflow

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mpowerall

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Melinda Lee:

Hello dear listeners, welcome to This Week

Melinda Lee:

in flow podcast where we share unique experiences to help you

Melinda Lee:

unleash your leadership voice. Today we have an amazing leader

Melinda Lee:

Marish could loop she is at from a scientific background at Roush

Melinda Lee:

diagnostic. Hi, Merec. Hi, good to see you. Thanks for being

Melinda Lee:


Merec Ipek:

Thank you so much good to be here, too.

Melinda Lee:

Like I mentioned, you have a scientific

Melinda Lee:

background, and I want to hear what you do and how you know,

Melinda Lee:

it's great because we can relate it to communication. As you

Melinda Lee:

know, science is difficult to translate into communication. So

Melinda Lee:

I'm, I'm happy to dive into your perspective around this.

Merec Ipek:

Yeah, that is so true, because I started my

Merec Ipek:

studies back in Boston, and I worked in lab right after that.

Merec Ipek:

But what hit me hard was like working with animals and tissue

Merec Ipek:

was making me feel less of a human at least I'm the chatty

Merec Ipek:

type. And that helped me to get into science in a more chatty

Merec Ipek:

environment. Because one of my good friends from college, she,

Merec Ipek:

she said, Hey, there's clinical research. And since then, it's

Merec Ipek:

been it's going to sound like I'm a really old lady, but

Merec Ipek:

still, I'm a great looking old lady. So I've been doing great

Merec Ipek:

for more than 20 years. I'm in clinical research, I just

Merec Ipek:

diverted from human studies to instruments. That's why I'm in

Merec Ipek:

Roche diagnostics, because I I witnessed a lot of things

Merec Ipek:

throughout my career and when you work with humans, when you

Merec Ipek:

do research, you have so much risk. So what I do basically now

Merec Ipek:

we are qualifying qualifying instruments, medical devices,

Merec Ipek:

for for human use, like could be a you know, like a glucose

Merec Ipek:

metre, which is very popular right now. Everybody's checking

Merec Ipek:

their glucose correct. And for future everything is becoming

Merec Ipek:

more hobbies a personalised perhaps you heard that before.

Merec Ipek:

So it's for the betterment of everyone, you can go to the lab

Merec Ipek:

or you can have your own lab at home. So I'm in that line of

Merec Ipek:

work, and it is true, I think scientific people like to read,

Merec Ipek:

and most of the personalities are introverted, which I didn't

Merec Ipek:

know before. I mean, I am a little bit introverted, but I'm

Merec Ipek:

most extroverted. So,

Melinda Lee:

communicate Yeah. How do you bridge that gap with

Melinda Lee:

communicating to more than introverts?

Merec Ipek:

So we usually do personality tests. And Roche is

Merec Ipek:

very big in that. So you know, your group got it, I ususally

Melinda Lee:

Or did you do the insights?

Melinda Lee:

work with blue people

Merec Ipek:

Rouche rolled it out. So I don't know the name.

Merec Ipek:

But we like colours.

Melinda Lee:

But yeah, that's insights. Yeah. Yeah, blue is

Melinda Lee:

more of the analytical structure, logical. And then

Melinda Lee:

yellow, I imagine you're more red, you definitely have a lot

Melinda Lee:

of red, which is direct, demanding. result oriented.

Merec Ipek:

Believe it or not, I'm yellow, then red, yellow,

Merec Ipek:

green. Yeah, green, because I love to entertain people.

Melinda Lee:

So yellow for the audience, yellow energy. So

Melinda Lee:

there's four distinct colour energies and different and they

Melinda Lee:

say they're all have different communication preferences. And

Melinda Lee:

it's not that you're one or the other. But it's where you lean

Melinda Lee:

more toward your communication preferences. And so it's helpful

Melinda Lee:

for you to know what yours is, and also helpful for your

Melinda Lee:

audience to know what your audience is. So in this case,

Melinda Lee:

you work with a lot of people that are more introverted, and

Melinda Lee:

analytical and you have the yellow Sunshine Yellow energy,

Melinda Lee:

which is entertaining, I like to have parties, social events

Melinda Lee:

communicate, and then they may not want to on the opposite

Melinda Lee:

side, and you also have the directing the commanding, and

Melinda Lee:

then green, which is the nurturing, which we'll talk

Melinda Lee:

about a little bit later, which is like your husband, which is

Melinda Lee:

more probably more of the green energy, more emotions, if so,

Melinda Lee:

share with us how you change and the different hats that you have

Melinda Lee:

to wear. So

Merec Ipek:

I made a lot of mistakes, but I'm such a curious

Merec Ipek:

person, which probably keeps me doing my job and stay alive. I

Merec Ipek:

love to learn. I have good friends and my husband has

Merec Ipek:

actually a blue first and a green later. Okay, so I do get

Merec Ipek:

along with blue because I love data myself, but I have a way of

Merec Ipek:

expressing myself as opposed to blue. Right? I told as I learned

Merec Ipek:

like I just do the brainstorming like you would see in a normal

Merec Ipek:

like I'm so creative, creatively this part of my life so like

Merec Ipek:

music, and theatre. So with them if I'm commanding to an

Merec Ipek:

audience, which is going to be mostly blue because it's not

Merec Ipek:

always like that. I literally just sit down and prepare for

Merec Ipek:

half an hour prepare my bullet points and I just don't make so

Merec Ipek:

many jokes because they really don't enjoy that. So it becomes

Merec Ipek:

very dry information. And at the end I'm like any questions and

Merec Ipek:

usually thank God if you did good job there no questions

Merec Ipek:

because they are very good in catching details, right? And I

Merec Ipek:

would say this a good group, if you want to roll something to a

Merec Ipek:

bigger audience, right, roll it to the blue audience first,

Merec Ipek:

because they will catch your deficiency. So,

Melinda Lee:

so true. Yeah, yeah, I,

Merec Ipek:

I learned by making many mistakes. So I always liked

Merec Ipek:

my field, but I struggled a lot to get the respect because blues

Merec Ipek:

are very easy to read you off. If they don't like what you

Merec Ipek:

said, because I work with a very strong blue manager recently.

Merec Ipek:

She and I get along, but she really didn't like some people.

Merec Ipek:

And I was listening to her. I'm like, boy, they're off. Like,

Merec Ipek:

they can really demand more. And if they don't get it, like,

Merec Ipek:

you're off the list, and that's very dangerous when you're a

Merec Ipek:

manager, because then that person is not going to follow

Merec Ipek:

you anymore, that they're not your team anymore.

Melinda Lee:

so, that happened before? Where? Yes,

Merec Ipek:

yes, it happened to me. And I had, let's say six

Merec Ipek:

people, and two of them, they don't agree with me, and it's

Merec Ipek:

okay. I am not looking for a fan club. I'm a pretty confident

Merec Ipek:

person. I'm not looking for people to follow me. But my

Merec Ipek:

manager was someone I always lean on. And I said, What can I

Merec Ipek:

do to get there buy it helped me because I was aware. I mean, I

Merec Ipek:

think a manager should be someone very confident about

Merec Ipek:

themselves. And I'm not here to preach everyone. I'm not a you

Merec Ipek:

know, Pastor. So I wanted to understand what was I missing as

Merec Ipek:

she coached me. So you know, you have to find your ways to work

Merec Ipek:

things out. And I think I have a keen eye for that I can read the

Merec Ipek:

audience very well, which probably, you know, when when I

Merec Ipek:

got my training with Lynn, that is also very important, right?

Merec Ipek:

Like, you have to read the people well, so I got the buying

Merec Ipek:

of those two, the one leader, but the one still didn't buy now

Merec Ipek:

she left the group. So it is true. If you don't like her

Merec Ipek:

manager, you live the group. But I mean, I didn't mind because I

Merec Ipek:

still have five people. And so that was an experience. I mean,

Merec Ipek:

I had a group where, you know, two of my people didn't

Merec Ipek:

completely agree with me, one of them start to agree with me

Merec Ipek:

later. And then the other one is,

Melinda Lee:

how did you do that? Just more conversations.

Merec Ipek:

I got to know her. Yeah. And because sometimes we

Merec Ipek:

have this facade, that we go to the meetings, I'm actually

Merec Ipek:

extremely deep person spiritually. And

Merec Ipek:

philosophically, I read a lot, but you don't show that at work.

Merec Ipek:

It's very superficial, I think. And I spent so much time with

Merec Ipek:

her. I invited her to lunch, I got to know her and people will

Merec Ipek:

always respond. Someone being compassionate that always pays

Merec Ipek:

off. And I asked her, What do you want? Like, I'm very

Merec Ipek:

responsive to that, because that's how I progress in my

Merec Ipek:

life. And I gave her everything she wanted, I got her promoted.

Merec Ipek:

Because she was good. I mean, not that I want some if, you

Merec Ipek:

know, thumbs up, but she was my best one. Like, she was really

Merec Ipek:

good. I mean, she was a blue. So blues are if you get them,

Merec Ipek:

they're good workers, but you have to really get their

Merec Ipek:

attention. So I got her promoted. And I mean, my

Merec Ipek:

manager, and I agreed that you know, she's our superstar. So

Merec Ipek:

that was easy. That was easy. But that was one of my intimate

Merec Ipek:

interactions with a blue. And later on, it came so easy,

Merec Ipek:

because this experience was my first leadership experience

Merec Ipek:

hands on. Because you shadow leaders, but when you do it,

Merec Ipek:

it's different. It's very hard. Yeah. So yeah, I, I learned that

Merec Ipek:

you will fail very, very badly. So I just said, Okay, so this is

Merec Ipek:

how it feels. Because I'm a very accomplished, kid. You know, I

Merec Ipek:

was always such a nerd, you know, pimples, braces, I had it

Merec Ipek:

all, you know, and I said, Wow, okay, so this is what it's like

Merec Ipek:

to do it on your own because I feel that school too. But this

Merec Ipek:

is different. Like when you fail with people, at least you feel

Merec Ipek:

like that. You really have to just let it go. Yeah, let it go.

Merec Ipek:

But coming back to communication style, you just change your

Merec Ipek:

style. Yeah, blues don't care. You talk too much. They just

Merec Ipek:

want to get the information right away. Right. Don't waste

Merec Ipek:

their time because they have so many things to

Melinda Lee:

do. Right details. Right? The right details. Yeah.

Merec Ipek:

And when people ask you that, so know your business?

Merec Ipek:

Well, like no, it's so well, because I liked the way they

Merec Ipek:

asked stuff about, let's say we do protocols, it's kind of a

Merec Ipek:

recipe. So they will ask stuff about the protocol. And I'm

Merec Ipek:

like, okay, you know what, I was very honest, in that group, I

Merec Ipek:

would say, Hey, I don't know I stopped doing that. You cannot

Merec Ipek:

be too honest with your team because they want to see someone

Merec Ipek:

who knows everything. I just say I'm gonna come back to you

Merec Ipek:

later. I don't really speak my heart because I you know, I told

Merec Ipek:

you I'm very upfront. I speak my heart. I'm a Mediterranean

Merec Ipek:

person, you know, everything I do is from my heart. So I said,

Merec Ipek:

Oh, okay, this is business maybe a little bit hard but a little

Merec Ipek:

bit brain you know, just combine both. So yeah, that was pretty

Merec Ipek:

much it very hard, but very rewarding experience. I'm still

Merec Ipek:

still benefiting from that experience tremendously.

Melinda Lee:

I love that the idea the concept of people

Melinda Lee:

teaching us things right they you know, we we get to

Melinda Lee:

opportunity to lean into what can what can we do to learn

Melinda Lee:

what's hear if somebody is annoying me or somebody is doing

Melinda Lee:

something like what can we do and taking the opportunity,

Melinda Lee:

because sometimes people might avoid it, they may avoid the

Melinda Lee:

conversation. But if you like you, you kept on going at it

Melinda Lee:

getting curious learning about the other person. And then now

Melinda Lee:

you know how to relate to them. So you didn't avoid it. But now

Melinda Lee:

that taught you something, a different skill set, because

Melinda Lee:

that's not generally your communication preference. But

Melinda Lee:

now you get it. And now you know how to speak to them more about

Melinda Lee:

it. So

Merec Ipek:

and I'm this kind of person, I have so many ideas. So

Merec Ipek:

I have so much desire to communicate across. So a good

Merec Ipek:

friend of mine back in college, she told me, Oh, my God, it was

Merec Ipek:

so hard to talk to you when you were younger, because you would

Merec Ipek:

stop me. So blues also teach you that you have to listen to them,

Merec Ipek:

because introverted people are not going to be like, hey, stop,

Merec Ipek:

I'm gonna say this. So you have to really give them the space as

Merec Ipek:

well. And listen them like you should see me and my mom

Merec Ipek:

talking, because we are both talking. I don't know how we

Merec Ipek:

understand each other. I just was on the phone with her. I

Merec Ipek:

haven't. Oh, funny. She and I are very similar. So it's like,

Merec Ipek:

I'm looking at my older version. And she's looking at our younger

Merec Ipek:

version. And we talk at the same time and we understand each

Merec Ipek:

other. Yeah,

Melinda Lee:

I love that. I love that. That's awesome. Like, what

Melinda Lee:

about the like the vibe, right? I can, I can almost imagine you

Melinda Lee:

and your mom talking. It's like just a fun and energetic vibe.

Melinda Lee:


Merec Ipek:

know, the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding. That's

Merec Ipek:

how complicated. There's so much drama and so much joy. Yeah.

Melinda Lee:

That's the end. And then what about you and your

Melinda Lee:

husband? Can you share you mind sharing a little bit about that?

Melinda Lee:


Merec Ipek:

yeah, sure. He's, so my husband is American. He's

Merec Ipek:

from San Francisco, just to give a brief background. And so being

Merec Ipek:

a Turkish and I lived in many countries, by the way, so it

Merec Ipek:

changes you I lived in Switzerland for a while it was

Merec Ipek:

like five years, it changed me a lot. Because you have to get

Merec Ipek:

away from your comfort zone and adapt to a new culture that was

Merec Ipek:

substantially different for me. And that country is very

Merec Ipek:

introverted. Like we say California, you know, San

Merec Ipek:

Francisco could be very introverted, in a sense, because

Merec Ipek:

we have engineers and you know, all these quarters and stuff.

Merec Ipek:

But Switzerland was a different level. Like at least the town I

Merec Ipek:

lived was on Northwest and I learned so much about, you know,

Merec Ipek:

patience and communication there. But coming to my husband,

Merec Ipek:

he's a little bit like Switzerland. So, Mike, that's

Merec Ipek:

the name. I hope he doesn't mind. You guys not gonna come

Merec Ipek:

and find me at home. But

Melinda Lee:

how long have you been married now?

Merec Ipek:

Oh, seven years. But we dated a long time because you

Merec Ipek:

know, he's a blue he wants to make sure he accumulated his

Merec Ipek:

data to make sure that I'm married double.

Melinda Lee:

So I'm asking that because it shows all the the

Melinda Lee:

dedication of you both being together. So talking about

Melinda Lee:

something difficult right now, the communication challenges,

Melinda Lee:

you've obviously shown that you work through a lot together? Oh,

Merec Ipek:

I think it's the hardest companionship is

Merec Ipek:

marriage, because we are we are different cultures as well. And

Merec Ipek:

he struggled a lot with the Turkish culture, because we are

Merec Ipek:

very dramatic. As opposed to him. When you check his

Merec Ipek:

heritage, he's he's, you know, Irish, Swedish. He's from the

Merec Ipek:

very cold part of the world where these people don't really

Merec Ipek:

talk with their eyes, you know, they don't even open their

Merec Ipek:

mouth. So he really learned to talk and defend himself when he

Merec Ipek:

was with me and with my family. So how I talk with him is, so he

Merec Ipek:

enjoys food. So you have to be strategic. If I have something I

Merec Ipek:

want from him, there's always food in that discussion. So I

Merec Ipek:

always offer him food, because I know he's gonna say yes, because

Merec Ipek:

I'm a good cook. But, you know, if there's nothing that I need

Merec Ipek:

to worry about, you know, you can just casually ask him, he'll

Merec Ipek:

say yes or no, because I go with the, you know, you always have

Merec Ipek:

to go everywhere with a plan in your mind. Yeah. So that's my

Merec Ipek:

plan. If it's very important, they're really good food, you

Merec Ipek:

have to cook and just make you feel comfortable. He's very

Merec Ipek:

relaxed. Get into the point, because you know, he's a blue,

Merec Ipek:

he doesn't want you to do well around so longer on the bushes,

Merec Ipek:

right? Hey, I want to, you know, do this. Let's go there. You

Merec Ipek:

know, let's travel this place. I'm just making it. So usually

Merec Ipek:

it goes well, but you know, I think he's a really good

Merec Ipek:

communicator. I like his style. I actually learned from him more

Merec Ipek:

than I am actually achieving things because shadowing him

Merec Ipek:

taught me how he prepares for, you know, he prepares at least

Merec Ipek:

three months if he wants something from me, he's a great

Merec Ipek:

prepare, and I was going to tell you that too at work. If

Merec Ipek:

something is very substantially important for me, I spent so

Merec Ipek:

much time preparing because we underestimate preparation.

Merec Ipek:

Preparation can actually make you wince so many discussions,

Merec Ipek:

especially heat at once. There you have to get something let's

Merec Ipek:

say promotion or something, you have to prepare very well. So

Merec Ipek:

he's the kind of who prepares for months, because he knows me

Merec Ipek:

so well. Usually I'm very tight. Write in kind of Money Matters.

Merec Ipek:

I'm very, very, like the things he likes I don't like and the

Merec Ipek:

things I like he doesn't like. So we always say no to each

Merec Ipek:

other. Let's say he's going to buy something for his car. I

Merec Ipek:

always say no. Because I'm like, why we need that? You know,

Merec Ipek:

like, why? And of course, I want something for the house and he's

Merec Ipek:

gonna say no to that. So we do our own preparations, but to be

Merec Ipek:

fair, preparation and like making the environment

Merec Ipek:

comfortable, I think are the key for our relationship to work.

Merec Ipek:

We, we know each other and we show the respect and the

Merec Ipek:

kindness I think that wins the relationship you always get a

Merec Ipek:

good answer for that. He's not spontaneous, though. I think

Merec Ipek:

that's what I'm trying to say. You cannot be spontaneous with

Merec Ipek:

this person. You have to be very, give some clues. Like

Merec Ipek:

you're, you give treats to a dog, you know, you just give

Merec Ipek:

little little treats. Yes, just drop the crumbs. Finally go what

Merec Ipek:

you want, like very slowly, strength steadily.

Melinda Lee:

Right, right. Oh, I did she very good strategy. I

Melinda Lee:

mean, because it's a part of Yeah, so it's not a such a

Melinda Lee:

shock, right. And then and then, like you said, you're preparing

Melinda Lee:

already, it's not like, you're just going to go drop a bomb on

Melinda Lee:

them. So you mentally prepare, you have all using you prepare

Melinda Lee:

her. And then you also set up the environment. All right, and

Melinda Lee:

so that the person feels comfortable, they feel relaxed,

Melinda Lee:

the more you feel relaxed, and and you've already dropped a

Melinda Lee:

little bit of breadcrumbs already. So it's not such a big

Melinda Lee:

deal, as most

Merec Ipek:

blue people don't like change. Their heart

Merec Ipek:

convince in that sense. So I learned that art way I'm I love

Merec Ipek:

change changes my life. When somebody look at my astrological

Merec Ipek:

chart, they were like, Ooh, you had a life. I'm like, Yeah,

Merec Ipek:

bring it on. Like, the more complicated things comes to my

Merec Ipek:

way. I'm like, yes, it's just I have it. Drive for like,

Merec Ipek:

unknown. Yeah, my curiosity. But for some people that stress

Merec Ipek:

Right, right. So of course, I stress myself a lot too. But for

Merec Ipek:

my husband, I can see that like, I couldn't move him from the

Merec Ipek:

house he lived Can you believe it? So many houses? I am 46.

Merec Ipek:

Right now, I lived in many places, I did so many things.

Merec Ipek:

Because that's what I live for yellow. Like, I can't wait to

Merec Ipek:

meet different people everywhere. Because for me,

Merec Ipek:

that's excitement. You know, I love that. But when you start to

Merec Ipek:

work with blue, and all the I mean, I enjoy the, you know,

Merec Ipek:

flavour, they bring the quality, but you have to appreciate that

Merec Ipek:

they just don't want anything that different. They respect

Merec Ipek:

that things go as planned, because their key word is, is am

Merec Ipek:

I prepared for this? And am I going to deliver very well

Merec Ipek:

quality, because they're very high quality people to which was

Merec Ipek:

very, you know, joyful for me to learn. I have huge respect, like

Merec Ipek:

tremely, a lot of respect, I have my key people actually,

Merec Ipek:

every function that I go in as ask, and they're mostly blue.

Merec Ipek:

And I'm like, I'm going to do this. What do you think like,

Merec Ipek:

these are the people I would go and really depend on as well,

Merec Ipek:

just to say, My husband is one of them. Like in certain things,

Merec Ipek:

I really depend on him. Right? Because he's very reliable. I

Merec Ipek:

think reliability brings the stability with them, they have

Melinda Lee:

And I think that's where you are able to even

Melinda Lee:

to have stability.

Melinda Lee:

though you have different communication preferences,

Melinda Lee:

whether it was through their husband or someone with your

Melinda Lee:

staff, I think when you go in there with the respect, like the

Melinda Lee:

high respect for even though the different perspective, you still

Melinda Lee:

respect it, I think that's what helps them you both to all see

Melinda Lee:

eye to eye and things like how do we find, you know,

Melinda Lee:

commonality even though we because you respect each other?

Melinda Lee:

And so eventually, some time or some way you will find an

Melinda Lee:

answer? Yeah, yeah. That's beautiful.

Merec Ipek:

I hope they feel it. Because now that we have zoom

Merec Ipek:

meetings everyday, it's so hard to share your mood.

Melinda Lee:

I thought it I thought that because you pause

Melinda Lee:

and you said, you know, they do all you know, they don't change.

Melinda Lee:

But I have high respect for their quality and no down. So

Melinda Lee:

they felt that I felt that so thank

Merec Ipek:

thank you, to you. It's

Melinda Lee:

it is hard, but that's what's your secret to

Melinda Lee:

successes. And that's how you're able to build these

Melinda Lee:

relationships and build a good team. It's all a team, a

Melinda Lee:

successful marriage, even with people that have different

Melinda Lee:

communication preferences. It's a teamwork,

Merec Ipek:

it's two. I always say that and I love Arnold

Merec Ipek:

Schwarzenegger and that like this funny Austrian guy, right?

Merec Ipek:

He always has huge respect for everything he achieved in his

Merec Ipek:

life. And of course, he worked so hard, right? But as an

Merec Ipek:

immigrant, I really take him as like my mentor. Funny enough. If

Merec Ipek:

you don't have that gratitude for every single thing you do,

Merec Ipek:

there were so many people helping you to get there. Same

Merec Ipek:

for work. I mean, even the bus driver has something for you to

Merec Ipek:

do to go to the work because he drove the bus. It's as little as

Merec Ipek:

that if we if we delivered that gratitude because sometimes I

Merec Ipek:

feel like some leaders just get very disconnected with your

Merec Ipek:

team, where you see the results because the team gets

Merec Ipek:

disconnected with the leader as well. I wanted to stay grounded

Merec Ipek:

I saw from my dad from many stories I read That was my cue

Merec Ipek:

word. I have a lot of gratitude. I always feel very blessed. And

Merec Ipek:

I love that English word blessed because in Turkish, we have so

Merec Ipek:

many words for this because I guess we've been through a lot.

Merec Ipek:

So we just throw so many words in the language because we're

Merec Ipek:

like, Well, you know, we're alive again. Thank God. So, you

Merec Ipek:

know, the language gets richer and richer, and we were very

Merec Ipek:

blessed people. So I am blessed is the exact feeling I have

Merec Ipek:

every day I wake up, I'm healthy. Same in my

Merec Ipek:

relationships. Same at work. I'm so blessed. I work at restaurant

Merec Ipek:

Roche diagnostics, I say to everybody, and I'm blessed. I

Merec Ipek:

work with very qualified very smart people, too. And sometimes

Merec Ipek:

you need to remind this to the people you work because they're

Merec Ipek:

just so qualified, they forget that. You're like, You guys are

Merec Ipek:

the best of the best. Like, you know, there's nothing better

Merec Ipek:

than you guys like you are really the best in the market.

Merec Ipek:

So sometimes it's really like I said, teamwork. It's, yeah, it's

Merec Ipek:


Melinda Lee:

Yeah. Well, would you give? What tips final tips

Melinda Lee:

would you give to the leaders out there who are working with

Melinda Lee:

different? Yeah, different communication preferences? So if

Melinda Lee:

you're the team leader, what would you give them? What team

Melinda Lee:

would advice you have

Merec Ipek:

to spend personal time with your team, I was very

Merec Ipek:

surprised because I had a really good Swiss manager back in

Merec Ipek:

Switzerland before I moved here. I have huge respect for him,

Merec Ipek:

because he, he gave me a hand. And I have few leaders that I

Merec Ipek:

really think they gave me so much that I can never forget

Merec Ipek:

about them. He's one of them. And he spent so much time with

Merec Ipek:

me because I was the first Turkish person he was managing,

Merec Ipek:

but he got to know me and my culture. And he gave me this

Merec Ipek:

tip, I'm just sharing is like a, you know, friendly think,

Merec Ipek:

because I'm that kind of a person. So everybody knows, he's

Merec Ipek:

like, when you're sailing, you said, and this is your life. Try

Merec Ipek:

to get in line with the vent. Don't change the wind, because I

Merec Ipek:

am such a forceful. And so in love with everything in my life,

Merec Ipek:

I want to change everything around me to make it work for

Merec Ipek:

me, because I was so young by them, you know, you think

Merec Ipek:

everything's working for you. But for the leaders that I see

Merec Ipek:

right now, especially with the new generation, and I love them,

Merec Ipek:

they're kicking so much as I love I love the new generation,

Merec Ipek:

there's so much, you know, you know, bed repetition for them,

Merec Ipek:

but boy, I love them. So get to know your people, especially in

Merec Ipek:

this period of time where everything is from a camera.

Merec Ipek:

People talk too much, but they don't ask very specific

Merec Ipek:

questions to their team, like, what do you like to eat? Right?

Merec Ipek:

What is joy for you? Is family important for you like very

Merec Ipek:

personal stuff? Because people will follow you, when you make

Merec Ipek:

them seen? See them? They don't see their people? Because I

Merec Ipek:

mean, I get it leaders are busy about their, you know, you know,

Merec Ipek:

their milestones, but they're going to achieve, right asked me

Merec Ipek:

when you see people because most people have so much trauma. And

Merec Ipek:

you know, we did some work on this when I was doing the

Merec Ipek:

communication thing, which I was very excited. And I learned so

Merec Ipek:

much about my life. We all have I'm not good enough. We all do.

Merec Ipek:

I would be very surprised if somebody said no, I don't have

Merec Ipek:

it. No, we all do it. Right? If you make someone visible with

Merec Ipek:

something, they know they're good enough, right? You got them

Merec Ipek:

like see, or people just just show them the care, maybe they

Merec Ipek:

don't have that courage to show to themselves because everybody

Merec Ipek:

has some talent. Yeah. And your job as a leader, you got to make

Merec Ipek:

sure you see those people. You're getting paid for that.

Merec Ipek:

Sorry to save. So I think that will be my first thing because I

Merec Ipek:

had many leaders so far here, I think the stress has so much in

Merec Ipek:

us. And there's so many responsibility for one human,

Merec Ipek:

then you would say, well, they should have I or two people. But

Merec Ipek:

you know, we have just one person doing that. So that time

Merec Ipek:

is skipped. But that is actually a very critical time. Because if

Merec Ipek:

you buy your people, if you buy their hearts, in a gentle way,

Merec Ipek:

if you if you flourish their hearts, you don't buy hearts, I

Merec Ipek:

mean, that's very harsh. You flourish their hearts, you see

Merec Ipek:

them, you have a team that's gonna say, hey, I want to do

Merec Ipek:

that for you. That's my number one. Number two, maybe you know,

Merec Ipek:

don't be unrealistic about the things you ask for people,

Merec Ipek:

because sometimes leaders are usually read, right? And I had a

Merec Ipek:

read leader and I said, Oh my God, I feel like I'm running a

Merec Ipek:

marathon everyday, they expect so much from you, you have to

Merec Ipek:

know the personalities to like, I'm not going to expect weird

Merec Ipek:

things from a person who's very slow, you know, I'm going to

Merec Ipek:

expect quality from that person. Right? So you got to know your

Merec Ipek:

people. So I usually like to do this, you know, personality test

Merec Ipek:

is I joined a new group, I would say very rare. If it's possible.

Merec Ipek:

I mean, not every time it's possible, but because you cannot

Merec Ipek:

immediately start spending time with them. Because let's say you

Merec Ipek:

have 15 people, I mean, you're busy. So you can maybe do lunch

Merec Ipek:

and stuff, but it will take some time. So sometimes time has to

Merec Ipek:

be by yourself. So try to roll up personality tests, try to get

Merec Ipek:

their feeling and spend time with them. And the job is easy.

Merec Ipek:

I mean, these people are there to do the job obviously for a

Merec Ipek:

reason they are qualified but to give the exam Mission to give

Merec Ipek:

the power to the people. They need to believe in you. So be

Merec Ipek:

that believable person, don't put that facade and say, Oh,

Merec Ipek:

we're doing great. I mean, nobody believes you. And I have

Merec Ipek:

so many leaders like that. I said, Oh my God, why do I hate

Merec Ipek:

this guy? Oh my god, I just don't believe in him.

Melinda Lee:

Right, right. Because then you don't know

Melinda Lee:

what's real. What isn't? Oh, my goodness, that those are so

Melinda Lee:

great. Those are great, fabulous tips. I think they're so true.

Melinda Lee:

And I think that it especially like you said, we're all we have

Melinda Lee:

so much going on. But really, they slow it down really get to

Melinda Lee:

know their people help their people be seen be heard. Like

Melinda Lee:

bring out their strengths and really get to know them. Like

Melinda Lee:

you said, it's I think that that then they're not climbing the

Melinda Lee:

mountain top on them by themselves. You have a team, you

Melinda Lee:

have people with you doing it with you together, and it's so

Melinda Lee:

much more fulfilling. Yeah, it does require extra communication

Melinda Lee:

skills. So listen, which includes listening. Right? And

Melinda Lee:

presence. Yeah. So thank you marriage. That was so good. I

Melinda Lee:

really appreciate that. And I really appreciate your time. And

Melinda Lee:

thank you for saying yes to being on the podcast. It's

Melinda Lee:

really fun. Your energy and I'm I'm trusting that the audience

Melinda Lee:

also really took a lot out of today. So thank you. Thank you.

Melinda Lee:

Thank you. Blessings to you more blessings. Yeah. Bye.

Merec Ipek:

Bye bye.