Aug. 30, 2023

Discover The Wisdom Of Prioritizing Time And Activities Through Purposeful Choice, With Linda Shively

Discover The Wisdom Of Prioritizing Time And Activities Through Purposeful Choice, With Linda Shively

Welcome, dear listeners, to another enlightening episode of Speak In Flow, where we delve deep into the currents of personal growth and empowerment. I'm your host, Melinda, and today we're embarking on a transformative journey, exploring the profound art of rewriting our stories and embracing empowerment over limitations.

Picture this: a tapestry woven with the threads of our experiences, beliefs, and aspirations. Often, within this intricate weave, we find narratives that hold us back, like anchors in the sea of our potential. But fear not, for we are here to illuminate the path to reclaiming your inner power. Yes, we're diving into the realm of rewriting those narratives, reshaping them into beacons of strength that guide us toward empowerment.

Join me as we unravel the tapestry, thread by thread, and discover the invaluable wisdom that lies within prioritizing time and activities. Cultivating joy is an art, a delicate dance that requires us to choose wisely where we invest our precious moments. Through purposeful choices, we can nurture our happiness and soul, allowing joy to bloom and flourish in the garden of our lives.

Ah, the power of joy! Have you ever wondered about its transformative impact on our well-being? Today, we explore this very essence, the elixir that enriches our existence. Imagine the ripple effect, a cascade of positivity that emanates from the core of your being, touching every facet of your life and the lives of those around you. As we delve into the wellspring of joy, prepare to be astonished by its profound influence on overall life satisfaction.

But wait, my friends, there's a key element we must address. In the cacophony of voices that surround us, both external and internal, lies a hidden truth. The authenticity that resides within us, the voice that yearns to be heard amidst the noise of modern life. Together, we shall embark on a quest to silence the clamor, to peel away the layers of stress and overwhelm, and to reveal your authentic voice in its resplendent glory.

So, my dear seekers of wisdom, let us embark on this illuminating journey of self-discovery and transformation. As we explore the realms of rewriting our stories, prioritizing joy, and embracing our authentic voices, remember that you hold the pen to your narrative. Let's set sail on this voyage of empowerment together, embracing the currents of change and riding the waves of possibility.

Thank you for tuning in to Speak In Flow. Until next time, may you find the courage to rewrite your story, nurture your joy, and let your authentic voice reverberate through the tapestry of existence. Stay empowered, stay in flow.

Linda Shively has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, is a best-selling author, award-winning speaker, and neuroscience and mindset expert. She has presented across the country at the Harvard Club of Boston, the New York City Bar Association, Walmart, and Carnegie Hall.

Linda has been a multiple-time guest and a host on television, featured in a feature-film with Winona Ryder and Jeff Daniels, and even performed at the Rose Bowl for over 90,000 people.

After healing from an abusive marriage, and navigating the diagnosis and eventual death of her 3-year-old daughter, Linda found her way to bounce back and reclaim her joy in life. Today she helps successful women defeat the dragons in their life and elevate their joy to new levels.

Linda has studied brain and mind function for over 30 years, earning a psychobiology degree from UCLA, is a certified Master Life and Executive Coach, a Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), a Master Hypnotherapist, and a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader.

Social Media:

• Facebook profile: @LindaAShively

• Facebook Business @LindaShivelySpeaker

5. Buzz worthy facts:

• New book "Getting to Joy"

• True Joy Life Retreats

• Quiz

About Melinda:

Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.





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Melinda Lee:

Welcome to the speak in flow Podcast. Today I

Melinda Lee:

have an amazing expert who helps professionals with a growth

Melinda Lee:

minded perspective that has overwhelmed and stress to bring

Melinda Lee:

more joy into their lives. It's Linda Shively, welcome, Linda.

Linda Shively:

Thank you. I'm excited to be here. Melinda,

Melinda Lee:

yay, you are a special friend. You are you're

Melinda Lee:

doing so many things you have been on Wall Street Journal,

Melinda Lee:

your best selling author, your award winning speaker all over

Melinda Lee:

the nation globally. You're a neuroscience expert, mindset

Melinda Lee:

expert. And you help people bring joy into their life.

Melinda Lee:

You've been on television shows. And so I'm so glad you're here

Melinda Lee:

today to share your expertise with us. Thank you. I'm excited

Melinda Lee:

to be here. Before we go into what joy means and how this can

Melinda Lee:

help people bring abundance help people really improve their

Melinda Lee:

health of their lives. I wanted to I know you have a personal

Melinda Lee:

story of how you have gotten here. And so would you mind

Melinda Lee:

sharing that with the audience.

Linda Shively:

Back in 2005, I had to make a difficult

Linda Shively:

decision. I had to decide how to get out of an abusive marriage

Linda Shively:

with my severely handicapped three year old daughter Jessica.

Linda Shively:

Jessica, bright eyed happy little girl who love to go to

Linda Shively:

preschool love to read loved her toys and stickers. In her

Linda Shively:

animated eyes, I cannot move my eyebrows like she can move her

Linda Shively:

eyebrows. And she brought me so much joy. She also had a

Linda Shively:

condition called spinal muscular atrophy, which affected her

Linda Shively:

ability to crawl, walk, swallow and breathe. And with the

Linda Shively:

strength of her little index fingers, she would zoom around

Linda Shively:

in a power chair to get wherever she wanted to go and express

Linda Shively:

herself with her communication device. And in contrast, my

Linda Shively:

marriage kept me on high alert. Yeah, I was always feeling like

Linda Shively:

I was walking on eggshells. I never knew. I thought I would do

Linda Shively:

the right thing. And I'd still get yelled at everything was

Linda Shively:

just on edge. And it wasn't a healthy environment. For me, it

Linda Shively:

wasn't a healthy environment for her. And I didn't know how to

Linda Shively:

get out. I was like, What do I do? I mean, this kid needs

Linda Shively:

everything. And after a lot of planning, I figured out how to

Linda Shively:

attempt to make that happen. And to create a preschool one

Linda Shively:

Tuesday, when she got home. I looked at her nurse and I said

Linda Shively:

do you pack all of her medical equipment. I'm gonna pack all

Linda Shively:

her clothes on her toys. And as soon as Jessica wakes up from

Linda Shively:

her nap, we're going to escape. And we had this flurry of

Linda Shively:

activity. And as soon as Jessica woke up, we left. And exactly

Linda Shively:

two weeks after that. I held Jessica in my arms as she took

Linda Shively:

her last breath and died.

Linda Shively:

I was so devastated. What remained though, was a numbness

Linda Shively:

and that numbness lasted for years. But I realised that

Linda Shively:

Jessica's Joy was still inside me. And somehow I had to figure

Linda Shively:

out how to get it back and somehow had to be able to

Linda Shively:

transform everything that had happened. And that joy is really

Linda Shively:

the essence of everything. And once I was able to tap back into

Linda Shively:

it, I've been able to share it with other people and even write

Linda Shively:

a book about it called getting the joy. Yes, because it's not

Linda Shively:

easy to have happiness after something like that happens. And

Linda Shively:

you're right. So that's, that's how Joy continues to be a part

Linda Shively:

of my life. And that's how I continue to keep Jessica sharing

Linda Shively:

her joy with other people.

Melinda Lee:

Oh, that is so beautiful. How special is that?

Melinda Lee:

Like she's here. She She may be physically not here. But she is

Melinda Lee:

her joy is present with us. And this also brings me back to my

Melinda Lee:

mom who had passed away 2016 It's like I love that you're

Melinda Lee:

able to carry her legacy on for for many years after that, and

Melinda Lee:

then now spread it to others. And so with that, you know

Melinda Lee:

horrific experience that transformed you that change you

Melinda Lee:

now you're You're helping others with so many with this

Melinda Lee:

inspiration with this this process. So tell me about what

Melinda Lee:

joy having gone through that with joy means to you. And why

Melinda Lee:

is it important for people?

Linda Shively:

Well, I think we, as a culture have this idea of,

Linda Shively:

oh, let's just be happy everything he and you know,

Linda Shively:

plaster on this smile and like fake it, fake it till you make

Linda Shively:

it, right? Yeah, that happiness is often external, like, oh,

Linda Shively:

when this happens, you're like when I get the job or when I

Linda Shively:

meet the person or when this event happened, then I can be

Linda Shively:

happy. But that doesn't work. We're out of control with that.

Linda Shively:

And so to take ownership of it and actually internalise it.

Linda Shively:

That is the joy that the joy kind of comes from within. And I

Linda Shively:

talked about true joy, like that essence of who we are deeper

Linda Shively:

than that superficial level of like, okay, yeah, I'm, I'm

Linda Shively:

feeling happy. I'm feeling joyful, but no, like, really,

Linda Shively:

and it can combine with the hard things in life, you can still

Linda Shively:

have the joy even if something bad happens.

Melinda Lee:

I mean, can I have to write I mean, because life is

Melinda Lee:

hard. And whether it's a small things such as someone just cut

Melinda Lee:

us off on the road or something big traumatic just happened,

Melinda Lee:

you're talking about still having true joy, in the midst of

Melinda Lee:

all the challenges that we face? And and what does that feel

Melinda Lee:


Linda Shively:

Well, sometimes it can be difficult. And

Linda Shively:

sometimes we can forget that. And there are all sorts of

Linda Shively:

obstacles that can come up. And I I've kind of coined terms for

Linda Shively:

them, and I call them my joy stealing dragons, right? Because

Linda Shively:

we find ways to get in our own way to keep the joy from being

Linda Shively:

present, then there are ways to navigate and tame those dragons

Linda Shively:

so that you can deal with them. But are there key ones that take

Linda Shively:

away or joy? Well, the the ones that I talked about are second

Linda Shively:

guessing Sally, who like makes you second guess every decision

Linda Shively:

that you have? No good Nancy, who makes you believe that?

Linda Shively:

You're not good enough. But no matter what you do, it's like,

Linda Shively:

no, you can't do it. Even if you do it. Right. I could have done

Linda Shively:

it better and No, just that constant negativity. And then

Linda Shively:

the the perfectionist, you know, perfect, Paula, who wants

Linda Shively:

everything to happen exactly the right way. And if it doesn't

Linda Shively:

happen, then you know, forget it. And judging Jenny who is

Linda Shively:

like judging you judging other people, and that constant

Linda Shively:

criticism or comparing and feeling like, well, they can

Linda Shively:

have everything but I can't have everything, you know, it just it

Linda Shively:

doesn't work well. And then oh, overwhelmed Ophelia. She She

Linda Shively:

wants you to have your schedule packed and your to do list

Linda Shively:

that's like a mile long, and you can never get everything done.

Linda Shively:

And that need to feel busy that so many people have, like, Oh,

Linda Shively:

I'm busy. Like it's a badge of honour, like, Oh, I'm so

Linda Shively:

special, because I'm busy. And, you know, and all of those work

Linda Shively:

against us?

Melinda Lee:


Linda Shively:

and figuring out like, what do you do about it to

Linda Shively:

not have them be in control and actually figure out how to

Linda Shively:

control? You know, how to manage them. Right? Before we go into

Linda Shively:

how to manage them? How have you seen if people don't manage it?

Linda Shively:

And it just keeps on going? What usually ends up happening? The

Linda Shively:

joy is taken, what are what other? Yeah, symptoms, I mean,

Linda Shively:

then their joy is taken, they tend to find problems, wherever

Linda Shively:

they look, they're not feeling resourceful. They don't have

Linda Shively:

ways to maybe they're struggling financially and they can't see

Linda Shively:

ways to get out of it. Right? Their relationships aren't

Linda Shively:

working the way that they want them to or they're not taking

Linda Shively:

care of their health are themselves and you know, so it's

Linda Shively:

like whether eating poorly not exercising, you know, all of the

Linda Shively:

things that we do to solve it, oh, I'll just have that extra

Linda Shively:

doughnut or all just, you know, stay up really late and I get

Linda Shively:

the sleep I need and it becomes a vicious cycle.

Melinda Lee:

Wow. I can see and I can see how just having just

Melinda Lee:

understanding the pure understanding of those Joy

Melinda Lee:

stealing dragons. I could see it. I have had that I felt that

Melinda Lee:

before I felt the judging, I felt that perfectionism but just

Melinda Lee:

knowing those and having just being more aware is so powerful.

Linda Shively:

Yeah, because the awareness is the first step,

Linda Shively:

right? If you're, if you don't have any awareness of it, you

Linda Shively:

can't do anything.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah. And then you'll keep going. You're like,

Melinda Lee:

why am I eating another donor? And why am I keep on? You know,

Melinda Lee:

doing the self sabotage? Yeah.

Linda Shively:

Why do I keep arguing with this person? Right?

Linda Shively:

Why do we keep having the same discussion? You know, it's like,

Linda Shively:

Oh, yeah.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah. I mean, brings me back to a moment that

Melinda Lee:

you did help me you helped me with some things. And it was

Melinda Lee:

very helpful to be able to overcome, I had a bad habit, you

Melinda Lee:

know, I didn't want to drink as much I didn't want to, I was

Melinda Lee:

wanting to cut down on my drinking. You don't need to see

Melinda Lee:

that pattern. And it does all right to see when am I going

Melinda Lee:

into spiralling into some, some negativity, some perfectionism,

Melinda Lee:

and then the overwhelm of feeling that I needed to be

Melinda Lee:

perfect all the time. You know, created this, okay, I need to

Melinda Lee:

just relax, okay, it's just a weekend, let me drink another

Melinda Lee:

year and have another drink or another glass. And now it's

Melinda Lee:

like, I think need to do that I feel so much more balanced. I

Melinda Lee:

feel I have connected back to the joy. And, and so it's really

Melinda Lee:

helpful. It was really helpful to get my life back. And I feel

Melinda Lee:

more energised.

Linda Shively:

That's great. I thank you for sharing that.

Linda Shively:

Because it's like, once, once you're not at the effect of

Linda Shively:

everything that's happening, and you're taking that ownership of,

Linda Shively:

you know, it's like, oh, well, I can control this I can be at

Linda Shively:

cause for what it is that's happening in my life. And, you

Linda Shively:

know, it's not to say that you can't relax and enjoy some wine

Linda Shively:

or whatever. But it's not that you have to, right. Yes, yes.

Linda Shively:

And to get help when I needed it. Exactly. I mean, oh, my

Linda Shively:

goodness, you know, it's like recognising that, like, I can't

Linda Shively:

do it on my own everybody. Oh, well, Linda, you, you figure

Linda Shively:

this all out on your own. I was like, really? You know, I need

Linda Shively:

to get to where I am today,

Melinda Lee:

having the accountability on things like

Melinda Lee:

this, right? And so what are the strategies that that you can

Melinda Lee:

share or man or techniques that you can share to help the

Melinda Lee:


Linda Shively:

Well, one of the the first one is to live a

Linda Shively:

better story. And what do I mean by that is our story, a story

Linda Shively:

has meaning. And the meaning is what we make it. And so often in

Linda Shively:

our, like, an event happens. But what do we define that event to

Linda Shively:

mean in our lives? And sometimes, it's, you know, we

Linda Shively:

make it mean something awful, or sometimes we make it mean

Linda Shively:

something amazing, you know, it's like, okay, for example,

Linda Shively:

somebody loses a job, is that a good thing is that a bad thing?

Linda Shively:

Is a, you know, somebody breaks their leg is that a good thing?

Linda Shively:

Or is a bad thing, you know, they're, it's part of it may be

Linda Shively:

good part of it may be bad, you know, it's like, okay, if you're

Linda Shively:

going constantly, and you never take a break, and then, you

Linda Shively:

know, our body sometimes makes us sick. And then when we have

Linda Shively:

that opportunity, we actually get rest. You know, and so it's,

Linda Shively:

it's like, there is a, but how you tell your story. And like

Linda Shively:

how I tell my story, I used to let my story tell me and kind of

Linda Shively:

get sucked into the victim part of it. And now I tell my story

Linda Shively:

in an empowered way. And everyone has that opportunity,

Linda Shively:

you get to define your story, you get to tell it, and live it

Linda Shively:

the way you want it to be. And as you do that, things start to

Linda Shively:

change. And not to be at the mercy of it. The next one is to

Linda Shively:

tell time what to do. And what I mean by that is not to just be,

Linda Shively:

you know, subject to your schedule, and figuring out you

Linda Shively:

know, it's like, oh, I don't need to do that. Now. I'll get

Linda Shively:

to it later. And then, you know, decisions that you're like, Oh,

Linda Shively:

I'll put off that decision. It could be putting off a decision.

Linda Shively:

Oh, like, maybe your roof is leaking. And you're like, Yeah,

Linda Shively:

I'll deal with it later. And then there's a huge storm that

Linda Shively:

comes in the roof caves in you know, and that is like your way

Linda Shively:

of making that decision that okay, I really now have to deal

Linda Shively:

with the roof. Instead of doing it It preventatively or, you

Linda Shively:

know, as women, sometimes people are like, well, we'll all wait

Linda Shively:

to have kids. And then time makes the decision of like,

Linda Shively:

well, biological clock stops ticking. And, you know, that

Linda Shively:

isn't an option in that way. And being empowered with how you use

Linda Shively:

your time. So that if you're saying, Oh, well, I never have

Linda Shively:

time to do what is most important. Well, who was who was

Linda Shively:

making that decision for you? And what can you do differently?

Linda Shively:

To look at it? Because maybe there is something you can take

Linda Shively:

out? Maybe you're spending time doing something that is a waste?

Linda Shively:

And, you know, or maybe everything is important? Well,

Linda Shively:

really, what? How do you prioritise and then choose your

Linda Shively:

voices? We have all the external voices around us that are

Linda Shively:

saying, oh, yeah, Melinda, you need to do this, or you need to

Linda Shively:

do that. And oh, pay attention to me over here. And, and then

Linda Shively:

we have these voices in our head. Nobody likes to talk about

Linda Shively:

the voices in your head. But we all have them. And depending on

Linda Shively:

how loud they are, or they might not even be yours. Yeah, it

Linda Shively:

might be like a parent's, they might be a teacher from like,

Linda Shively:

grade school, maybe a class bully, you know, like, they

Linda Shively:

might not be the nice voices that are stuck there. And not to

Linda Shively:

say that your parents aren't nice, but you know, like, but if

Linda Shively:

you have somebody that was negative in your life, that's

Linda Shively:

just like, oh, you need to do this, and blah, blah, blah,

Linda Shively:

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That doesn't help. And so you

Linda Shively:

get to choose which voices to listen to? And how much time to

Linda Shively:

spend on them and change the narrative. We we tend to be so

Linda Shively:

hard on ourselves. And what what would it be like if we actually

Linda Shively:

talk to ourselves, the way we talk to a beloved friend of a

Linda Shively:

beloved, intimate partner, a child, you know, we're going to

Linda Shively:

talk in a more caring manner. What would that be? Like, if you

Linda Shively:

did that for yourself?

Melinda Lee:

Right? I'm thinking about that right now.

Linda Shively:

And it's like, Huh, what was a lot of stuff I

Linda Shively:

said that, you know, it's like, So just being aware that you

Linda Shively:

have choices in the voices, that you literally, you know, are

Linda Shively:

listening to, or the ones that are spinning around in your

Linda Shively:

head, and even how you speak. And so it's like shifting those

Linda Shively:

things can help. significantly. Yeah, I can see how each piece

Linda Shively:

builds upon each other, right, like listening and

Linda Shively:

understanding, first of your stories. How do you see those

Linda Shively:

experiences? And how, what story are you playing in your head

Linda Shively:

about those experiences? And then I love how you're bringing

Linda Shively:

in time and because time is confined, we only have certain

Linda Shively:

amount. And so where I love that you're bringing joy, how do you

Linda Shively:

bring joy? Because joy, you we don't have that much time. So

Linda Shively:

with everything that you do, I don't think people really think

Linda Shively:

through each other actions. And does that bring them joy? Right?

Linda Shively:

Like that old thing that they just published. Sometimes

Linda Shively:

there's just surviving. Exactly. So really being intentional

Linda Shively:

about bringing in the activities, that we only have a

Linda Shively:

certain amount, 24 hours to do of time and bringing those

Linda Shively:

activities to fill in and bring you joy. Right? I can see how

Linda Shively:

this all translates into our work and into our thoughts into

Linda Shively:

like, people are telling us to do things and we also have our

Linda Shively:

own thoughts. But then if we're really intentional about what

Linda Shively:

brings us joy, we can start to communicate express in a way

Linda Shively:

that is more positive versus everybody's telling me to do

Linda Shively:

this and I'm negative. And is that how that goes? Exactly. I

Linda Shively:

mean, very basic. But yeah, I mean, it's a very high level.

Linda Shively:

Yeah. High level. Yeah, level. That's amazing. Right. And I

Linda Shively:

love how you mentioned, you know, are we talking to

Linda Shively:

ourselves like we would talk to our kid our child's? Yeah.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, I don't think I do that.

Linda Shively:

You're not alone.

Melinda Lee:

Do that. That's great. And, and so yeah, were

Melinda Lee:

you gonna say something?

Linda Shively:

Well, I was just gonna say, you're being

Linda Shively:

intentional. You know, we get to choose how we show up and what

Linda Shively:

we think about and we think, Oh, but I can't choose that. It's

Linda Shively:

just happening. You know, start being aware of what you can make

Linda Shively:

a choice. It's I mean, you gave the example for yourself. It's

Linda Shively:

like, how do you choose to relax? How do you choose to show

Linda Shively:

up in the world? And what a difference that choice makes?

Linda Shively:

Yeah. What do you think out of this whole, you know, high level

Linda Shively:

process that you walk your clients through? What do you

Linda Shively:

think is the most challenging for clients? Realising that,

Linda Shively:

just because you make a change, at one point, doesn't mean it's

Linda Shively:

forever, you know, it can be that shift. So the paradigm

Linda Shively:

shifts so that you never go back to the way you thought before.

Linda Shively:

Yet it continues to take practice. You know, it's just

Linda Shively:

like, every day, we get hungry, and we need to eat, you know,

Linda Shively:

every day, we need to be intentional about how we're

Linda Shively:

living. So it's not like you can just forget to pay attention to

Linda Shively:

life, and have everything work the way you want it to, you

Linda Shively:

still need to put in that intention. And that this is

Linda Shively:

where all of your tools in your toolkit, your NLP, neuroscience,

Linda Shively:

yoga practice yoga, laughter yoga practitioner, all of your

Linda Shively:

tools, you're bringing them on, like, Okay, what problem? What

Linda Shively:

obstacles are you facing? And then you bring them on to help

Linda Shively:

and support your clients. Exactly, exactly. I can see

Linda Shively:

that. I mean, it's, it's a it's a, it's a journey. It's a

Linda Shively:

journey. It's a transformational journey. And so can you share a

Linda Shively:

client's test a story where we're, she's one way, and then

Linda Shively:

working with you has helped her to bring more joy in? Well, so I

Linda Shively:

have a client who she came to me at a place in her life where she

Linda Shively:

lost a spouse, she was a caregiver, and had been for

Linda Shively:

years. And so everything was focused about everyone else. And

Linda Shively:

she basically forgotten herself. And as we've worked together,

Linda Shively:

she's recognised, like how to retell that story and live it in

Linda Shively:

a better way. And so that, and manage her time in a way that

Linda Shively:

works for her, and letting go of some of the negativity that had

Linda Shively:

been there, so that she can enjoy her life. And now, she's

Linda Shively:

vibrant and healthy and thoroughly enjoying who she is,

Linda Shively:

she's figured out who she is, and is really loving it. And

Linda Shively:

being able to make decisions for her career and make decisions

Linda Shively:

about relationships. And, you know, all of that has been part

Linda Shively:

of the work that we've done together. And, you know, it's,

Linda Shively:

it's just amazing to witness Yes, and see that that shift,

Linda Shively:

and that that joy that comes from within, that other people

Linda Shively:

are starting to notice and react to. That's amazing. That's so

Linda Shively:

beautiful. I mean, how many of us, either are giving away

Linda Shively:

ourselves to work or to family to other relationships and, and

Linda Shively:

connecting back to ourselves again, to find the joy and how

Linda Shively:

we want to live and decide that for ourselves. And so

Linda Shively:

congratulations to you and to her. That brings me joy to

Linda Shively:

listen to that story. Operational? Oh, my goodness.

Linda Shively:

And so what do you have going on? How would clients or how

Linda Shively:

people, how would people get to know you or want to if they want

Linda Shively:

to reach out to you what's the best way? Well, so what we were

Linda Shively:

talking about earlier about the joy ceiling dragons, I have a

Linda Shively:

quiz that you can take to find out like which of those dragons

Linda Shively:

is most active in your life right now today and what to do

Linda Shively:

about it, some specific tips that you can use to do that, and

Linda Shively:

that you can find joy stealing And if you want

Linda Shively:

more information about me, you can go to lynda And

Linda Shively:

there are events that are coming up. I have a retreat coming up

Linda Shively:

in September, which it's a fabulous way to get away from

Linda Shively:

everyday life and reconnect to yourself and be in the community

Linda Shively:

and have an incredible restart to your life. And I do those

Linda Shively:

throughout the year. So if whenever you're listening to

Linda Shively:

this, if it happens, check and see what my next one is.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, if you're in the middle of overwhelm and

Melinda Lee:

stress like this is the retreat to go to to read. I've seen some

Melinda Lee:

of the testimonials I've seen. It's pure magic. There is pure

Melinda Lee:

magic. And it's important that we give ourselves this and so so

Melinda Lee:

that we could be for others. Right. It's gonna break down

Melinda Lee:

and, and so I really appreciate thanks I'm sharing the

Melinda Lee:

assessment. I think that I'm going to take that too, because

Melinda Lee:

I feel like I have all four.

Linda Shively:

Yeah. And then if I want help figuring out like,

Linda Shively:

well, now what do I do now that I know that this dragon Yeah,

Linda Shively:

station about that?

Melinda Lee:

Right. Right. Right. And and so I really

Melinda Lee:

appreciate that what is the one? What is some advice or one key

Melinda Lee:

advice that you would give leaders who may be struggling

Melinda Lee:

with their voice, what is what is an advice that you can get to

Melinda Lee:

help them unleash that voice inside,

Linda Shively:

when you connect to yourself and your joy, then

Linda Shively:

you have that base, then you can share it with others. And even

Linda Shively:

in a corporate setting, you can still have joy, you can still

Linda Shively:

you know, people react to how you are being. And so if you can

Linda Shively:

connect to that positivity within yourself, and knowing and

Linda Shively:

showing up as you are, then others have the permission to

Linda Shively:

show up as they are. It's powerful.

Melinda Lee:

It's so powerful, because I know corporate people

Melinda Lee:

are overworked, they're tired, they're overwhelmed. And you

Melinda Lee:

could be that person, that inspiration of joy that they see

Melinda Lee:

in and therefore you become someone that they want to talk

Melinda Lee:

to someone they want to work with someone that has more opportunities.

Linda Shively:

Exactly, exactly. Because people talk about, they

Linda Shively:

stay at jobs for the people, and they leave jobs because of the

Linda Shively:

people. And so being the best version of yourself, and help,

Linda Shively:

everyone. That's

Melinda Lee:

right. I love that. Thank you, Linda. Thanks for all

Melinda Lee:

you do, and your experiences and all the work that you put into

Melinda Lee:

to create this amazing business that not just just a business,

Melinda Lee:

but it really does support people to bring more joy into

Melinda Lee:

their lives and to the community and to help make more positive

Melinda Lee:

difference in the world and really appreciate you thank you

Melinda Lee:

so much for being on the show.

Linda Shively:

Well, thank you so much for having me, Melinda.

Melinda Lee:

We'll do it again.