June 20, 2024

Overcoming Perfectionism: Jay Sondhi’s Journey to Launching Loan Bae

Overcoming Perfectionism: Jay Sondhi’s Journey to Launching Loan Bae

Welcome to another dynamic episode of the **Speak and Flow Podcast**! This week, our delightful host Melinda Lee chats with the inspiring Jay Sondhi, creator of the popular YouTube channel, Loan Bae. Jay shares his mission to empower homebuyers with essential mortgage knowledge and his personal journey of overcoming perfectionism. Tune in for an engaging discussion on alignment, authenticity, and stepping out of your comfort zone to pursue your passions.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

1. Purpose of Loan Bae: Discover how Jay Sondhi created Loan Bae to provide valuable information about the mortgage process. Learn how his channel aims to answer frequently asked questions and empower potential homebuyers with crucial knowledge.

2. Empowering Homebuyers: Understand how addressing common queries and concerns regarding mortgages can help individuals make informed decisions about their home purchases. Jay emphasizes that knowledge breeds confidence, essential for navigating the complexities of the housing market. 3. Overcoming Perfectionism: Jay candidly shares his journey of overcoming perfectionism and self-doubt when starting Loan Bae. Despite initial hesitations and feelings of inadequacy, he highlights the importance of taking action and embracing imperfection. 4. The Power of Alignment: Melinda discusses the significance of aligning mind, body, and soul in pursuing goals. When intentions and actions are congruent, it creates a state of flow, enhancing authenticity and connection with others. 5. Future Goals: Explore Jay’s aspirations beyond Loan Bae, including his interest in stand-up comedy and facilitating classes. He emphasizes the value of stepping out of one’s comfort zone and pursuing passions, even if it means facing fears of judgment or failure.

Memorable Quotes:

- "Knowledge is the key to confidence in the homebuyingjourney." - Jay Sondhi

- "Embrace imperfection and take action towards your goals." - Melinda Lee

Fun Segments:

Rapid Fire Questions: Jay reveals his favorite way tounwind, his go-to motivational quote, and his biggest inspiration.

-Listener Questions: Melinda and Jay tackle insightful questions from our audience about overcoming self-doubt and finding alignmentin life.

Resources Mentioned:

- Loan Bae YouTube Channel: [Loan Bae] (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjlnQG43nURwyA5gq3dpI3Q)

- Recommended Book: *"The Confidence Code"* by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

- Melinda’s Alignment Checklist: Download at [www.speakandflow.com/resources](http://www.speakandflow.com/resources)


Connect with Jay Sondhi:

 - Instagram: [@loanbae](https://www.instagram.com/loanbae)

 - LinkedIn: [Jay Sondhi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaysondhi)

Join the Conversation:

What did you love about this episode? Share your thoughts

and stories about navigating the mortgage process and overcoming perfectionism

using #SpeakAndFlow on social media. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Thanks for tuning in! Empower yourself with knowledge,

embrace imperfection, and pursue your passions. Catch you in the next episode! 🎧✨

About the Guest: Jay Shondi

Website: www.jaysondhi.com.

Social handles or YouTube Channel @jaysondh, @loanbae, www.youtube.com/@loanbae5038

Bio: I started working in the mortgage business in 2001 as a wholesale mortgage banker. Between 2001 and 2008, I trained hundreds of mortgage industry professionals in the SF Bay Area to underwrite and package their loans for banks. In 2008, my bank went bankrupt, and I moved to the retail-side of the business with a company called Guarantee Mortgage. I started my business specializing in FHA loans and found my clients online. After spending 10 years working as a top producing agent at Guaranteed Rate, I took my current position at U.S. Bank. I am excited to offer a great mix of price, product, and service available here to my clients.

Fun-facts: Played baseball in high school and grew up in Southern California. I was the mascot in high school and won homecoming King “as the mascot”. My first job was working in the character department at Disneyland as Pluto, Eeyore, Gepetto, Rafiki to name a few.

About Melinda:

Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.

Website: https://speakinflow.com/

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/speakinflow

Instagram: https://instagram.com/speakinflow

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mpowerall

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Melinda Lee:

Welcome, dear listeners to the Speak In Flow

Melinda Lee:

Podcast. I'm so excited to have a dear friend and amazing

Melinda Lee:

mortgage loan officer Jay Sondhi with US Bank. Welcome, Jay.

Jay Sondhi:

Hi. Alright.

Melinda Lee:

Hello. Glad you're here. You've been doing mortgage

Melinda Lee:

for 23 years. That's a long time to be doing one thing.

Jay Sondhi:

How's it been a long time? It doesn't take a long

Jay Sondhi:

time. Time flies when you're having fun. That's awesome. Yes.

Melinda Lee:

And you're the go to expert. People go to you.

Melinda Lee:

You're having fun, share. And now you're sharing knowledge.

Melinda Lee:

You've taken all that knowledge, 23 years of your knowledge in

Melinda Lee:

the loan industry. And you put you're putting it into a YouTube

Melinda Lee:

channel, and that's why you're here today.

Jay Sondhi:

That's the idea. Yeah, it's

Melinda Lee:

awesome. And

Jay Sondhi:

with your help.

Melinda Lee:

Ah, and it's called loan Bay, right? Loan Bay? Yeah.

Melinda Lee:

Loan Bay. So creative. And what is it that you want from this

Melinda Lee:

channel? Like, what is your vision? And what are you sharing

Melinda Lee:

on this, this channel? Because

Jay Sondhi:

the idea was to have a channel that has all of the

Jay Sondhi:

questions that are asked during the mortgage process. So that,

Jay Sondhi:

you know, a lot of times I get calls from people after hours,

Jay Sondhi:

right? So six o'clock, seven o'clock, nine. And because I

Jay Sondhi:

understand everybody else has the job to write, they're

Jay Sondhi:

working eight to 12 hours a day, and they may not have the time

Jay Sondhi:

to get into the research of their future home purchase until

Jay Sondhi:

after they're done with their work day. Right. So ideally,

Jay Sondhi:

this is to have little snippets of all the frequently asked

Jay Sondhi:

questions during the mortgage process. So that if somebody

Jay Sondhi:

reached out to me and said, Hey, Jay, I want to schedule some

Jay Sondhi:

time. Let's talk about mortgages, I can say, Okay,

Jay Sondhi:

here's my scheduling link, we can schedule some time to chat.

Jay Sondhi:

But if you have time, which I know, you're probably in the

Jay Sondhi:

middle of doing all this research and finding a lot of

Jay Sondhi:

bad information online, once you go to my YouTube channel, you

Jay Sondhi:

can pre approve your own loan in five minutes. And you can have a

Jay Sondhi:

bunch of the questions answered for yourself. Like, what's the

Jay Sondhi:

appraisal? What, how do I search for house? What Why is

Jay Sondhi:

everything going for over asking you all these little questions?

Jay Sondhi:

We'll all be there. So that that's the idea is that all

Jay Sondhi:

these little questions that are in your head, I know what they

Jay Sondhi:

are, because I get them every day. And I will just require

Jay Sondhi:


Melinda Lee:

Right? Do you think people get because it's a big

Melinda Lee:

purchase? And so do you think listening to these videos and

Melinda Lee:

getting knowledge will help them too, because I get buyer's

Melinda Lee:

remorse after a small thing? Like, how would this be helpful

Melinda Lee:

for to reduce the level of buyer's remorse? Who do all get

Melinda Lee:

all this upfront knowledge first beforehand? Or what do you think

Melinda Lee:

about that? That's, that's the idea

Jay Sondhi:

that the whole concept is what I learned in the

Jay Sondhi:

Army is this concept of knowledge breeds competence.

Jay Sondhi:

That training that you get in the army, they say, it's going

Jay Sondhi:

to breed the competence that you need to be successful on the

Jay Sondhi:

battlefield, right? Like, I never want the army. But I took

Jay Sondhi:

that to heart, it was one of the one of the best things I ever

Jay Sondhi:

learned in college, wasn't even in college, right? Knowledge

Jay Sondhi:

breeds confidence. And I think that if you're a home buyer

Jay Sondhi:

looking to go buy a house, they really need to be confident in

Jay Sondhi:

what you're doing. So that I want my clients to be confident

Jay Sondhi:

in what they're doing. I don't want to be party to, you know,

Jay Sondhi:

I'm putting people into debt every day. And I don't want to

Jay Sondhi:

give somebody the largest amount of debt that they might have in

Jay Sondhi:

their whole life and feel bad about it the next day. Right?

Melinda Lee:

Right. And I

Jay Sondhi:

want them to understand, right? I want them

Jay Sondhi:

to understand what they're doing. Because in this day,

Jay Sondhi:

where it's competitive in the Bay Area, things move so fast

Jay Sondhi:

that a lot of times you can be out looking at an open house one

Jay Sondhi:

weekend, and then 17 days later, you have a house and a mortgage

Jay Sondhi:

if you're not careful. That's why you like this repository of,

Jay Sondhi:

of information in my information, not not just

Jay Sondhi:

internet information should be in one spot so that you can pick

Jay Sondhi:

my brain whenever you want.

Melinda Lee:

Right. I mean, this is a good analogy, because like

Melinda Lee:

you said in the military, they're going to battle I mean,

Melinda Lee:

when you get out there, you're probably like feeling like

Melinda Lee:

you're going to battle with all these other competitors. And it

Melinda Lee:

can just go so fast. And you're not really Yeah. I just want I

Melinda Lee:

just want and then you think back you're like, oh my gosh,

Melinda Lee:

did I really want it? Yeah, so it's like yeah, like you said,

Melinda Lee:

like doing all that upfront research. is taking your time

Melinda Lee:

getting, you know, looking at your videos and asking the right

Melinda Lee:

questions, getting all those details before you go out to the

Melinda Lee:

battle go out to the battlefield, because you may not

Melinda Lee:

have the time to think through things, because you're in the

Melinda Lee:

middle of the emotion of it. All. Right, that's awesome.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, that makes so much sense. And I never really thought about

Melinda Lee:

it that way with home buying, because I sometimes I think, oh,

Melinda Lee:

we have so much time or why don't we take our time with it,

Melinda Lee:

but you can't if it's especially if it's a good

Jay Sondhi:

house. Oh, everybody says that. I really look. Yeah.

Jay Sondhi:

Later. Yeah, open houses. I felt like I want to buy right now.

Jay Sondhi:

It's like, that's just right. And that's the reason why you

Jay Sondhi:

need to get a pre approval as soon as you start thinking about

Jay Sondhi:

looking right is that you can't go hunting without a weapon and

Jay Sondhi:

the pre approval letter, it's your weapon you need to have

Jay Sondhi:

Yeah, you need to be able to take the game with you. Right?

Jay Sondhi:

The minute you can't be like, Oh, hold on, let me go get my

Jay Sondhi:

pre approval right now on Sunday, when other people offer,

Jay Sondhi:

so you really have to get going on things quick. And you need to

Jay Sondhi:

know what you're doing. That's, that's the thing that always

Jay Sondhi:

makes me nervous about it is I want to make sure everybody

Jay Sondhi:

understands what they're doing. And there's so many little

Jay Sondhi:

pieces that you need to be understanding right. From

Melinda Lee:

your mind me you have a video, you have a video

Melinda Lee:

on it. Yeah,

Jay Sondhi:

yeah. Like one little very, like in snippets,

Jay Sondhi:

like minute long, hopefully one to two minutes. Because you want

Jay Sondhi:

to you don't know what your property taxes are going to be.

Jay Sondhi:

It's not you can go online and look it up in the counties. It's

Jay Sondhi:

not accurate. So you have to look at the property tax bill of

Jay Sondhi:

the house that you're going to buy and do the math backwards.

Jay Sondhi:

Because you need to do manual math. There's no, not

Jay Sondhi:

everything's available online, as you think and hope not even

Jay Sondhi:

AI, but you

Melinda Lee:

and one of your videos has a whole sheet on how

Melinda Lee:

to do that. Right. Yeah, manually for years for

Melinda Lee:


Jay Sondhi:

Correct. Yeah. And a little bit, yeah, the little

Jay Sondhi:

tools that I use, it's just like, let's look under the hood

Jay Sondhi:

of the mortgage company. Let's make it as transparent as

Jay Sondhi:

possible, so that you have all the knowledge that I do. Because

Jay Sondhi:

it's really not rocket science, what we do, but it's not taught

Jay Sondhi:

in schools either. So that's right. This is my class. right

Jay Sondhi:

with you. Yeah.

Melinda Lee:

And it's really easy to listen to watch, I mean,

Melinda Lee:

and then push your stuff just so you're engaging dot j, like you,

Melinda Lee:

you have an engaging style, your videos are different. And so I'm

Melinda Lee:

excited that they're out there, you started to probably you

Melinda Lee:

started to record them. And so let's go back a bit about when

Melinda Lee:

you had this idea, and, and it wasn't out You didn't even

Melinda Lee:

record yet. What was that? Like when you tried to record it? And

Melinda Lee:

are you had this vision of recording it? How many years

Melinda Lee:

ago? Was it that you're thinking about doing this?

Jay Sondhi:

It must have been over five years ago? I can't

Jay Sondhi:

remember exactly. But I know. around when I bought my house,

Jay Sondhi:

so yeah, five years ago? Probably six or seven? Maybe

Jay Sondhi:

five or six? Five or six? Yeah.

Melinda Lee:

And then so you, you knew you want to do it. And

Melinda Lee:

then what happened?

Jay Sondhi:

Well, I first of all, got my channel setup.

Jay Sondhi:

Right? I got Oh, YouTube, there's loan bay there. I could

Jay Sondhi:

get loan Bay. I got it. I got the Instagram channel, loan Bay.

Jay Sondhi:

Right. Great. Then the next step was I gonna make a little avatar

Jay Sondhi:

because I'm not really supposed to do it for US Bank, you know,

Jay Sondhi:

they don't really want us doing this stuff. And that's the

Jay Sondhi:

reason why the strategy and so it's not me working as an

Jay Sondhi:

employee of the bank making these videos, because they're my

Jay Sondhi:

personal thoughts. They're not It's not financial advice. This

Jay Sondhi:

is my own opinions. And that's why right with that idea that

Jay Sondhi:

alone Bay is that it's just a little cartoon character. So I

Jay Sondhi:

had went to Fiverr I had somebody make me a an avatar.

Jay Sondhi:

And I got those channels all set up. And then it was I don't know

Jay Sondhi:

what to do now

Melinda Lee:

and then stalled for a while.

Jay Sondhi:

Could you go back? Yeah, and I didn't even I just

Jay Sondhi:

paralysed right. Yeah, had an idea what I want. Want to do. I

Jay Sondhi:

was uh, I don't want to have my my face online. I had a lot of

Jay Sondhi:

reasons. Yeah. About that. To be most informative, but not about

Jay Sondhi:

me. So I would just forget about it for a while. And then think

Jay Sondhi:

about it, but don't do anything just paralysed with the

Jay Sondhi:

perfection, right. And not knowing like, there's just a

Jay Sondhi:

baby step to take.

Melinda Lee:

Because you wanted to probably because of the

Melinda Lee:

perfectionism coming into place, you wanted to have all the A

Melinda Lee:

through Z, planned planned out. Yeah, yeah, but knowing that

Jay Sondhi:

it's gonna be and then yeah, don't understand

Jay Sondhi:

that. It's, it's got to just get started on it, and you're going

Jay Sondhi:

to make mistakes, and it's not going to come out perfect. But I

Jay Sondhi:

think you get I got wrapped up in the perfection of it that it

Jay Sondhi:

just never got started. And so I knowing that maybe, before

Jay Sondhi:

pandemic, so probably like in 2018, or 19, I think it was

Jay Sondhi:

2019, the beginning of I took a class down in LA with a great

Jay Sondhi:

lady who was teaching a class about how to be camera ready,

Jay Sondhi:

how to go on camera and be, you know, have you present and feel

Jay Sondhi:

good about yourself? And it was really deep and fluffy, you

Jay Sondhi:

know, at the end of it, yeah, who go do that? I'll make a film

Jay Sondhi:

and not didn't do it.

Melinda Lee:

And then it is what was going on your head at that

Melinda Lee:

time. Were just like, like, no, like, I something just stopped

Melinda Lee:


Jay Sondhi:

I can't say didn't help I? I did. I did learn some

Jay Sondhi:

things. But right. I didn't. I didn't get going. And I think

Jay Sondhi:

there was deeper in there that I think you helped me with on

Jay Sondhi:

that. And

Melinda Lee:

oh, well. And so what? We don't have to say what

Melinda Lee:

I mean, it's up to you. So you will want it. We went a little

Melinda Lee:


Jay Sondhi:

Yeah, day one. And I think that happens with a lot of

Jay Sondhi:

friends after the years and years of like, it had been

Jay Sondhi:

another few years, right? Because I reached out to you in

Jay Sondhi:

earlier this year. So it was like 2023. So it was like five

Jay Sondhi:

or more years. So it took a long time that we got put on the back

Jay Sondhi:

end, I find myself talking to people Oh yeah. Someday I'll

Jay Sondhi:

make some videos. And it's like, this year, is this kind of

Jay Sondhi:

ridiculous. Like it's New Years. And I'm thinking geez, honour

Jay Sondhi:

this project? Geez, I haven't I haven't I haven't done that yet.

Jay Sondhi:

Or what are we doing here? And I remember seeing your LinkedIn

Jay Sondhi:

and said, Oh, our friend is flow speaking flow. I should reach

Jay Sondhi:

out about this because I keep seeing it. And I've never

Jay Sondhi:

reached out there was like, oh, let's have a little conversation

Jay Sondhi:

and have a conversation. And then you got me going on the

Jay Sondhi:

first day because you just told me, why don't you just start do

Jay Sondhi:

it, record it. See what happens. Okay. Interesting idea. Right.

Jay Sondhi:

So and then we got started on that. And then on our first

Jay Sondhi:

session, it was a lot deeper than I thought but it really

Jay Sondhi:

helped uncover some of the I mean, some of the like, I think

Jay Sondhi:

most of the resistance to why wasn't making moves on this.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, and that happens.

Jay Sondhi:

How I wasn't making moves on a lot of things, you

Jay Sondhi:

know, if you really think about God,

Melinda Lee:

yeah, yeah. Yeah. And so once that was removed

Melinda Lee:

once you found that we let go the block it was like, then you

Melinda Lee:

were able to create another video. Yeah, yeah. Well, making

Jay Sondhi:

more videos and being there's there was it's

Jay Sondhi:

what do you want to call it? It's somatic, right? It's a

Jay Sondhi:

brain brain, a brain and body connection. I think there's a

Jay Sondhi:

physical piece to it. And that's what I didn't realise about your

Jay Sondhi:

class is that I didn't realise I was how somatically inclined it

Jay Sondhi:

was. I thought we were going to be doing like voice exercises

Jay Sondhi:

Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, You

Jay Sondhi:

know what I mean? Right? In some kind of class, and it ends up

Jay Sondhi:

being weighed deeper in way more was more effective than what I

Jay Sondhi:

was expecting.

Melinda Lee:

I think the truth is at because if I we tackle it

Melinda Lee:

from Hey, doing voice doing hand gestures, it's like you said

Melinda Lee:

it's not connecting your mind and your body your soul is not

Melinda Lee:

connecting your body is like saying no, even though you

Melinda Lee:

logically I really want to do this, my brains like let's go do

Melinda Lee:

it. If your subconscious, which is your body is saying, No, I'm

Melinda Lee:

not on board with this, you're gonna paralyse yourself. It's

Melinda Lee:

just not, you won't go, it slows you down.

Jay Sondhi:

The authenticity won't be there, right? If you're

Jay Sondhi:

if you're right. And I feel like that's really the root of what,

Jay Sondhi:

what you're doing with your course. Right?

Melinda Lee:

Thank you. Thank you. And then once you started

Melinda Lee:

going, it was amazing to have you say, You know what, it was

Melinda Lee:

not perfect. I'm still working through it. But then you

Melinda Lee:

started, there was a click a moment where you're like, it's

Melinda Lee:

actually easier than what you had your mind had put it out to

Melinda Lee:

be. Right, you'd made it more complicated. It was actually,

Melinda Lee:

you actually flew through, like recording a whole day, and it

Melinda Lee:

flew by, and you're hot. And you're like, I even had fun,

Melinda Lee:

which I

Jay Sondhi:

know, it gets fun. It gets fun after that block

Jay Sondhi:

gets there anymore. Right? Right. Once your body is not

Jay Sondhi:

fighting, or you're not fighting your body, and vice versa, it's,

Jay Sondhi:

you're slowing, right?

Melinda Lee:

You're slowing, it's this flow, there's flow

Melinda Lee:

between the mind and the body and the spirit and the words and

Melinda Lee:

the energy around it. And that's what's going to attract you to

Melinda Lee:

your clients, right when you have your energy. Because if

Melinda Lee:

your body and your subconscious is not on board, like you said,

Melinda Lee:

it's inauthentic, they may be saying the right words, but the

Melinda Lee:

energy behind the words is not there, because their whole

Melinda Lee:

system is not in alignment. So when you are in alignment with

Melinda Lee:

your mind and body and soul, the energy that flows through it is

Melinda Lee:

what is connecting you to your clients and attracting because

Melinda Lee:

you're you're having fun, like we talked about how energy is

Melinda Lee:

contagious and your work and when you are in the session

Melinda Lee:

about what you're doing, and having joy and fun and

Melinda Lee:

confidence around your your videos like it's going to come

Melinda Lee:

across? Because Jay, you are such an like an enthusiastic,

Melinda Lee:

dynamic person. Thank you. And yes. And I think that the people

Melinda Lee:

that watch your, your YouTube channel will see it.

Jay Sondhi:

Thanks. I really hope so. They laugh and they

Jay Sondhi:

learn a lot.

Melinda Lee:

Right? I think that's you can do that. Because

Melinda Lee:

you're j you you're not just like the boring years, all the

Melinda Lee:

data stacks. is not like that. It's a completely because it's

Melinda Lee:

called lone Bay. I mean, just if you can't tell what's about

Melinda Lee:

like, it's already fun from the title. Right? Yeah. And so

Melinda Lee:

you're learning and having fun. I

Jay Sondhi:

didn't want to make it like, like, Hey, I'm at the

Jay Sondhi:

whiteboard, it'd be teach you something right here.

Melinda Lee:

Exactly. Exactly.

Jay Sondhi:

You know, what the bad suit and all that it's like

Jay Sondhi:

the normal mortgage broker thing, like how I always like

Jay Sondhi:

never wanted to be, I think that I was so focused on that. That

Jay Sondhi:

part of the thing, right, like you get wrapped up in your whole

Jay Sondhi:

Yeah, image of perfection, right? That's what it is, is the

Jay Sondhi:

image of perfection or, and then you get locked. I get locked

Jay Sondhi:

down on that. If it's not like many people, it's not going out.

Jay Sondhi:

Right? It's okay. To write have perfect.

Melinda Lee:

Right? And it evolves, it's going to evolve.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, and you have editors,

Jay Sondhi:

how about that? Mm hmm. That's what I'm working on

Jay Sondhi:

right now.

Melinda Lee:

Any any editors out there? We need an editor. Oh, my

Melinda Lee:

goodness. I'm so excited for you. I'm happy that there it's

Melinda Lee:

out there and people can connect you on watch your videos. What's

Melinda Lee:

the what's the next step for it?

Jay Sondhi:

For the videos, it's really about I think, I think

Jay Sondhi:

editing. But then also I, you know, one of the other goals is

Jay Sondhi:

to try a stand up comedy. Oh, yeah. You know, right. Yeah. And

Jay Sondhi:

I'm working on that too. And I think that's, this is the thing,

Jay Sondhi:

right is most of my friends would, they're surprised that I

Jay Sondhi:

have to go, I have to go to speaking coach, right? Because,

Jay Sondhi:

oh, you're an extrovert. What are you talking about yours? You

Jay Sondhi:

can along people? It's not true. I'm having a tough, I'm very shy

Jay Sondhi:

with new people. I have a tough time meeting new people, right?

Jay Sondhi:

Or this is the narrative that I would tell myself is I'm not

Jay Sondhi:

good with meeting new people and, of course has helped to get

Jay Sondhi:

away from that. Or to get into the feeling of the body, why

Jay Sondhi:

that's happening and how to overcome it. So that it's easier

Jay Sondhi:

to speak in front of strangers is tough for me. So speaking of

Jay Sondhi:

strangers speaking in front of camera, and then I get to go try

Jay Sondhi:

the new goal, which is to do open mic and go try, like five

Jay Sondhi:

minutes of comedy, which I've always wanted to do, is making

Jay Sondhi:

jokes in front of friends is easy. Like going out to into a

Jay Sondhi:

bar and trying to spit five minutes of jokes. Makes me

Jay Sondhi:

nervous to think.

Melinda Lee:

But the thing the thing is, it's so interesting

Melinda Lee:

that because when I know you and me knowing you, yeah, you can do

Melinda Lee:

it with just your friends. And if you could just allow yourself

Melinda Lee:

to do it with other people, it is we get afraid of the

Melinda Lee:

judgement. But it's fascinating that when you can give yourself

Melinda Lee:

permission to just put yourself out there. You know, because you

Melinda Lee:

are holding back like we're missing out on Jay. Because,

Melinda Lee:

yeah, we're missing out. So it's actually to the detriment of us.

Melinda Lee:

So I want to let you know, like we're a little the whole world

Melinda Lee:

is the CRJ. And same thing with a lot of the leaders out there

Melinda Lee:

who think, Okay, I can't say this, I can't because it has to

Melinda Lee:

be perfect. So but the thing is, you're already enough. You

Melinda Lee:

already have it within you. So it's a matter of getting out

Melinda Lee:

there, one step at a time, it may not be perfect, but the more

Melinda Lee:

comfortable you get, the more you could just be yourself,

Melinda Lee:

allowing yourself to just be yourself on a large stage. It's

Melinda Lee:

great, and then you make that connection with the people and

Melinda Lee:

not everybody is going to like you and that's okay, but you're

Melinda Lee:

with the people that do like you and do like your jokes and your

Melinda Lee:

comedy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I've always

Melinda Lee:

I've always wanted to do comedy, but I don't think I'm gonna do

Melinda Lee:

it. I'm just gonna cheer you on. I'm gonna practice on the side.

Melinda Lee:

But I'm never gonna I don't think I'm gonna do open mic, but

Melinda Lee:

I will take all the skills and tools and use it in my classes.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, that'd be cool. I somebody the first step. So and then Jay,

Melinda Lee:

hopefully, maybe Jay, you and I are going to be doing some

Melinda Lee:

classes together too, which will be fun. Facilitating some cool.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, we're

Jay Sondhi:

looking forward to that.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, yeah. Awesome. So is there anything

Melinda Lee:

you want to say to clients in this industry right now, if

Melinda Lee:

they're looking for a house like what what could you share with

Melinda Lee:

them? What is a tip? One or two?

Jay Sondhi:

Thank you should look at my YouTube channel and

Jay Sondhi:

check it out and leave a comment like and follow and share. You

Jay Sondhi:

know, see, Lone Bay on Instagram. I think we're gonna

Jay Sondhi:

do YouTube first. But yeah, check it out. And let me know

Jay Sondhi:

what you think. I think it's it's informative stuff. And

Jay Sondhi:

yeah, reach out to me if you need some help.

Melinda Lee:

Totally. I mean, you've got all the expertise.

Melinda Lee:

You're you got integrity, you're genuine and authentic. And yeah,

Melinda Lee:

Jay will help you out. Still take care of you. So check out

Melinda Lee:

it. Okay.

Jay Sondhi:

Nobody will care more than me about Yeah,

Melinda Lee:

it's so true. It's so true. Totally. And this is

Melinda Lee:

one of the biggest purchase of the real life. So get someone

Melinda Lee:

that cares. Correct. 100%. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you so much, Jay.

Melinda Lee:

It was so nice. It was wonderful to catch up with you. Thank you

Melinda Lee:

for sharing your expertise with us and also your journey with

Melinda Lee:

developing and getting your YouTube channel out there. I

Melinda Lee:

know that the audience is going to take away a lot from today.

Melinda Lee:

So thank you.

Jay Sondhi:

No, thank you. You're the one that made it

Jay Sondhi:


Melinda Lee:

Ah, thank you. Thanks. Take care. Bye bye.