Dec. 12, 2020

Losing her job, 2 concussions and some perfectly timed myronies, Melissa Deally finds her true calling in helping people in their healing journeys

Losing her job, 2 concussions and some perfectly timed myronies, Melissa Deally finds her true calling in helping people in their healing journeys

After the door from the security of Melissa Deally’s corporate job closed due to being let go, it ended up being a wonderful gift because it led Melissa to learn about brain supplementation which was a huge help after both her daughters received concussions within two months of each other!! Ouch!! Now that’s painful myrony!! Melissa shares how the first concussion was a blessing in disguise for her one daughter but the second one was maybe a message for her because she didn’t pay attention to following this path with the first concussion and sometimes it takes a couple of times before we get the hint. So sorry to Melissa’s younger daughter for going through the injury but thank you for being the catalyst because it wasn’t until after Melissa saw the myrony of a specific license plate that she felt truly was a sign guiding her that helped her continue her path to be an Integrative Health Practitioner and Registered Health Coach. Hear also the beautiful story of her sister’s wedding day and also how Melissa recognizes her dad’s presence during special events after losing him at a young age. In this episode you are going to hear some wonderful myronies while also learning more about integrative health and in the spirit of the holidays in 2020, Melissa has a wonderful gift for all of us so make sure to scroll further to see the links!!    

About the Guest:

 Melissa Deally was in the Corporate world until 5 years ago, when she found herself let go after 24 years with 1 company. This was the kick in the pants she needed to move into an entirely different field, where she could actually help people lead better lives.

Melissa has since gone back to school to become a Registered Health Coach and then Integrative Health Practitioner, and has found her true calling. She loves to help people get to the root cause of their health issue instead of only being given options of masking symptoms with drugs, or worse, being told there is nothing wrong with you, when you know there is! Too many people are struggling with low energy, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, menopausal symptoms, bloating, gas and digestive struggles and not getting the help they need. Melissa specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing, so that you don’t have to try and figure it all out on your own. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then offers a personalized wellness protocol to support your deficiencies using natural herbs and supplements. Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures, but helps bring your body back into balance by helping you discover your “toxic load” and then removing toxicities as well as supporting deficiencies, so your body can begin to heal itself, as it does a cut finger or broken arm.

Melissa has also pursued another passion and that is to start a non-profit organization to help educate girls in developing countries. She feels that doing so can have great impact on breaking the global poverty cycle. If India could educate just 1% more girls, they could grow their GDP by $5.5 billion! It’s a simple solution, but not easy. Girls Matter has funded 11 girls since March 2016 to finish High School in Uganda, as well as one girl graduated from University in 2019, and another started University in 2020, but there are still many more who need financial help.

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12 Days of Christmas program:

With 2020 coming to an end, and health on our minds more than ever before, what are your 2021 plans to stay healthy and boost your immune system? If you don’t have any yet, you might want to consider this 2021 Health Kickstart & Detox program that my friend Melissa is offering.

You will get:

✔ 4 week program with 90 minute weekly workshops.

✔ Guided through a 21 day functional medicine liver detox program and feel amazing within a week!

✔ Guidance on how to eat for your unique body

✔ Bust up nutritional myths, let’s get to the truth!

✔ Discover where sugar is sneaking into your diet and how to get it back out.

✔ Lots of time for Q&A for questions specific to you.

Sign up before Dec 28th to get 20% off using coupon code: EARLYBIRD!!  Make 2021 the year you look after YOU! 


About the Host:

Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower! 

Alysha’s life was fairly normal until she got into a car accident that triggered fibromyalgia at the age of 18 and had to deal with that very painful chronic condition along with many other life challenges including loss of both parents, marriage, divorce, severe depression, suicidal thoughts & attempt, alcohol/prescription drug abuse and a full hysterectomy by the time she was 35. Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through those very dark days that lead into years at times. Later she realized the reason she went through those trying times was so she could help others struggling with life’s challenges and share the understanding of how to move forward.

She now lives in San Jose, CA but still considers herself an East Coast girl at heart after growing up in Northern New Jersey and living in Delaware, Maryland and DC area for her entire life until she moved to California in 2012 in 6 days which is a part of her myronic journey that helped create the shift to tap into her super power that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense” & wants to show you how to do the same!

She is extremely excited to now be following her calling in life by sharing myrony with the world & also helping others through her spiritual coaching business “My Myrony” Mentoring where she uses her psychic gift of “knowing” also known as claircognizance to help her clients through personalized intuitive readings along with her “Unlock Your Blocks” Program to release what they need to move forward and create the life they truly desire all with a little myrony! 

So if you are feeling stuck & would like to have a FREE 30 minute intuitive call so Alysha can uncover some of your blocks & maybe even discover the name for your inner superpower then please click the link to schedule a call!

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