Jan. 5, 2022

The PERFECT Way to Start Your New Year!!

The PERFECT Way to Start Your New Year!!

"Who will I be at the END of 2022?"

"Who will I help my kids become by the end of 2022?"

Your 365 days of 2022 started when the ball dropped and every day counts... even the restorative couch days because those are needed too!

What can we do?

1.     Go and grab the NEW YEAR FAMILY CHECK-IN at: www.nellieharden.com/happynewyear

2.     Now it is time to step in and build the habits that will make that happen with the 6570 FAMILY CHALLENGE!  www.nellieharden.com/challenge

These two small yeses (that are 100% free by the way) will change the course of your year and possibly (even probably) your life!  

Don’t miss out and grab them asap!

About the Host: (bio, personal links, resource links)

Nellie Harden is a wife of 20+ years, mom to 4 teen/tween daughters, dreamer, adventurer, servant, multipreneur, forever student, and a devoted teacher, but her ride-or-die passion is her work as a Family Life Coach & Mentor.  

Coming from a career background in marine mammal sciences, behavioral work, and a host of big life experiences, both great and not some not so great, she decided that designing a life of purpose and freedom was how she and her husband, along with their 4 daughters, wanted to live.  

Her work and passions exist in the realms of family and parent mentorship because she believes that a family filled with creativity, fun, laughter, challenge, adventure, problem-solving, hugs, good food, and learning can not only change a person’s life but is the best chance at positively changing the world.  

She helps families build Self-Led Discipline™ & Leadership Into their homes, sets their children up for a wildly successful life on their terms, and elevates the family experience with big joy, palpable peace, and everyday growth!

With a lifelong passion and curiosity in thought, choice, behavior, and growth she has found incredible joy in helping families shift perspective, find answers, and a path forward.

(Nellie has been coaching families for over 10 years and has degrees in Biology, Animal Behavior, and Psychology. )  


Family Success Vault- https://www.nellieharden.com/vault 

Website- https://www.nellieharden.com

Online Community- https://www.facebook.com/groups/the6570project

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/nellieharden/    

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/nellie.harden/

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Nellie Harden:

Hello and welcome to the 6570 family project

Nellie Harden:

podcast. If you are a parent of a tween teen or somewhere on the

Nellie Harden:

way, this is exactly the place for you. This is the playground

Nellie Harden:

for parents who want to raise their kids with intention,

Nellie Harden:

strength and joy. Come in here all the discussions, get all the

Nellie Harden:

tactics and have lots of laughs along the way. We will dive into

Nellie Harden:

the real challenges in raising kids today how to show up as

Nellie Harden:

parents and teach your kids how to show up as members of the

Nellie Harden:

family and individuals of the world. My name is Mellie Hardin,

Nellie Harden:

big city girl turn small town sipping iced tea on the front

Nellie Harden:

porch mama, who loves igniting transformation in the hearts and

Nellie Harden:

minds of families by helping them build self love, discipline

Nellie Harden:

and leadership that elevates the family experience. And sets the

Nellie Harden:

kids up with a rock solid foundation. They can launch

Nellie Harden:

their life on all before they ever leave home. This is the

Nellie Harden:

6570 family project. Let's go

Nellie Harden:

Hello, hello, everybody in the 6570 family project world how

Nellie Harden:

are you? I hope you are doing so. So well. If you are

Nellie Harden:

listening to this near or close to the release date, Happy New

Nellie Harden:

Year, you guys. I can't believe it is 2022. I I don't even know

Nellie Harden:

honestly, I still feel like it's you know, back in 1999. Turning

Nellie Harden:

into 2000 y2k world, right? High five to you. If you even were

Nellie Harden:

alive during that time or know what I'm talking about. I was

Nellie Harden:

talking to a friend of mine recently. And they were like,

Nellie Harden:

oh, yeah, that happened before I was born. I was like, Oh, my

Nellie Harden:

goodness, I was graduating college then. So that's cool.

Nellie Harden:

That's fine. So anyway, Happy New Year. You guys. I'm so

Nellie Harden:

excited for these this upcoming year. All that it has new year's

Nellie Harden:

always gets me super jazzed. And it gets me asking questions

Nellie Harden:

like, Who will I be by the end of 2022? Right? I have come so

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far as a person we've come so far as a family. So many things

Nellie Harden:

have happened in the world all these things in 2021. I want to

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know who am I going to be at the end of 2022? Right? I'm always

Nellie Harden:

constantly building just like you guys are too. And a bigger

Nellie Harden:

question is Who am I going to help my kids be by the end of

Nellie Harden:

2022? Right kids, especially within the 6570. That's the

Nellie Harden:

first 18 years of their lives. That 6570 days for anyone that

Nellie Harden:

is new to this podcast, and welcome, by the way, my name is

Nellie Harden:

Nelly harden. I love coming to you every single week with talks

Nellie Harden:

about what we can do in building our families and our kids toward

Nellie Harden:

leadership and self led discipline so that we can build

Nellie Harden:

that foundation for them to launch the rest of their life

Nellie Harden:

with and have a heck of a great time along the way, by the way.

Nellie Harden:

So that's what we're doing here. But I just want to ask myself,

Nellie Harden:

where in the world are they going to be? Because they change

Nellie Harden:

so fast, right? They change so fast. With COVID world and

Nellie Harden:

everything happening? You know, we live very far away from any

Nellie Harden:

extended family that we have, the closest family we have is

Nellie Harden:

literally 1000 miles away. And so when we see them, you know,

Nellie Harden:

once twice a year, there there's a lot of change that's happened

Nellie Harden:

in my kids since that time, of course I see them every single

Nellie Harden:

day. So I'm like a little bit of change, but they see them I'm

Nellie Harden:

like, Oh yeah, they really have changed in the last six months,

Nellie Harden:

you know? So where are your kids going to be? How are you going

Nellie Harden:

to help them grow in 2022 And just like the personal and

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family growth journey starts the day your kids were born, you

Nellie Harden:

know, day one of 6570 starts the day they were born. Really the

Nellie Harden:

six, the six, I'm sorry, the 365 days of 2022 started when that

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cute little crystal ball dropped and Every Day Counts Every Day

Nellie Harden:

Counts, even the ones you've already already had this year so

Nellie Harden:

far. And even those restorative couch days because those are

Nellie Harden:

definitely needed to you guys. If any of you follow me you know

Nellie Harden:

I am a peloton, girl. I put it on a back burner for so long.

Nellie Harden:

And then finally I was like you know it seems kind of cool. So I

Nellie Harden:

got it. Last April we invested in it. It's definitely an

Nellie Harden:

investment. And all we invested in it not for me not for my

Nellie Harden:

husband. We invested in it as a family because moving is so

Nellie Harden:

important. And so We thought that this would be a good family

Nellie Harden:

investment. And we did. And all six of us are on that darn thing

Nellie Harden:

every single day in one way, shape or form. But what I'm

Nellie Harden:

getting at is when I do when I have my yoga days, there are

Nellie Harden:

some restorative days in there, that you just literally lay on

Nellie Harden:

the floor with a blanket over you. And you just you think, and

Nellie Harden:

the music is going and you just zone out and you're stretching,

Nellie Harden:

maybe a little bit in there. But it's this restorative day. And

Nellie Harden:

you know what those are really, really important, just like

Nellie Harden:

every day of your 365 days of 2022 cannot be going like

Nellie Harden:

gangbusters, right? We need those restorative days, too. So

Nellie Harden:

I just want to put that caveat in there. Because when I say

Nellie Harden:

wake up with intention every day, I don't mean that you are

Nellie Harden:

running at max effort every single day, your intention for

Nellie Harden:

that day might be restorative. And that is a okay. And much

Nellie Harden:

needed. So anyway, we are already into that 365 Day Count,

Nellie Harden:

right, a new year's past us and we are already past that. And

Nellie Harden:

hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully you have filled out

Nellie Harden:

your New Year's family check in and if you haven't, it is still

Nellie Harden:

available, it will be available for just a little while longer.

Nellie Harden:

So go and grab it. It is over at Nellie Hardin comm slash Happy

Nellie Harden:

New Year. And so that's an E ll ie H AR D n.com/happy. New Year,

Nellie Harden:

no spaces in there. And what is this going to do for you it is

Nellie Harden:

going to help you reflect on the past year and really build

Nellie Harden:

forward in the year to come right you have goals and you

Nellie Harden:

have vision for what you want. And you've put all the pieces

Nellie Harden:

out on the table, you have prioritize you have organized,

Nellie Harden:

you have strategize, and no, this does not take all day. In

Nellie Harden:

fact, this New Year's family check in is only a 15 minute

Nellie Harden:

exercise and it is so needed and warranted for especially in New

Nellie Harden:

year coming up. Every day you guys every day you wake up New

Nellie Harden:

Year's are not Monday or not whatever that is, is a new day

Nellie Harden:

to make a change and be more intentional. But the new year

Nellie Harden:

like it or not, is always this turning of the page turning of a

Nellie Harden:

chapter really. And that's such a great opportunity to do these

Nellie Harden:

family check ins. And I've been doing these for years now. And I

Nellie Harden:

do I've done so many different people's versions of this. But

Nellie Harden:

honestly, so many of them are entrepreneurship based, which is

Nellie Harden:

cool. I'm an entrepreneur, you know, I've been doing business

Nellie Harden:

and entrepreneurship for 2922 years now. But and many of them

Nellie Harden:

are also like really like deep self development work,

Nellie Harden:

especially made for adults, and I wanted to make one for you.

Nellie Harden:

That is family centered. Because this is what your kids are doing

Nellie Harden:

for the first 6570 days of their lives. Right you are their world

Nellie Harden:

and you are developing their world and I wanted to make one

Nellie Harden:

for you. So definitely go there and pick that up again.

Nellie Harden:

Milliarden comm slash Happy New Year. Okay, so now that you have

Nellie Harden:

filled that out, I'm pretending you already have if you haven't,

Nellie Harden:

just pretend you already have go get it and do it tonight. Do it

Nellie Harden:

tomorrow, this week sometime. But after you're done with that,

Nellie Harden:

it is time to really step in and carry you through or carry

Nellie Harden:

through these first few months of the year, first two, three

Nellie Harden:

months of the year. Because let's face it, so many people

Nellie Harden:

make goals and everything and then they drop them. Right. I've

Nellie Harden:

done it. I'm sure you've done it. Your neighbors done it. Your

Nellie Harden:

sister's done it, everyone's done it. You may have all these

Nellie Harden:

grand visions for what you want for the upcoming year. And

Nellie Harden:

you're like yes, yes, yes. And then there's no one there to be

Nellie Harden:

your cheerleader. There's no one there to give you

Nellie Harden:

accountability. And then you're like and that it died. Right?

Nellie Harden:

Okay, so these first 70 days in particular, are pretty vital.

Nellie Harden:

There is a huge study that was done. And it looked at habit

Nellie Harden:

forming from all these different angles. And some people take

Nellie Harden:

longer, some people take shorter and everything, but the average

Nellie Harden:

was 66 days. And so I happen to love that because what are we

Nellie Harden:

where the 6570 66 is right in between there. If you break up

Nellie Harden:

the numbers, obviously. And so this is a 70 day Family

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Challenge, you guys, it's a 17 day Family Challenge, my gift to

Nellie Harden:

you to really amp up what you want to get done in this

Nellie Harden:

upcoming year. Right. It's so easy to say we're going to do

Nellie Harden:

something time slips away, and then we're like, Oh, oops, okay,

Nellie Harden:

well, I'll try again next year. No, we can absolutely do it. And

Nellie Harden:

I want to see your goals become a reality. Last year I do a word

Nellie Harden:

Every year and last year, my word was a line, I actually have

Nellie Harden:

it right here on my desk in a rock. So every year for the past

Nellie Harden:

several years now, I have had my word etched into a rock because

Nellie Harden:

I wanted it quote unquote, written in stone. And so I just

Nellie Harden:

go on Etsy, there's some wonderful people on there that

Nellie Harden:

take river rocks, and they etched them. And so, and then at

Nellie Harden:

the end of the year, I have tray and all of my rocks are in

Nellie Harden:

there. And it's kind of a history of all of my goals and

Nellie Harden:

focuses over the last it's a little rock garden with all of

Nellie Harden:

these words on it. Well, last year, my word was align. And I

Nellie Harden:

looked at that, because I keep whatever current one is on my

Nellie Harden:

desk. And I looked at that, and just really kind of took it my

Nellie Harden:

hands on December 3 last year and said, Yes, I did that.

Nellie Harden:

1,000,000%. Yes, it was awesome. It was celebrated. And you guys,

Nellie Harden:

I want you to experience that too. And I have words for

Nellie Harden:

myself, we have words for our family. And yes, both of them

Nellie Harden:

are written in stone or family one is downstairs in this one is

Nellie Harden:

up on my desk. And so I want you to experience that not just in

Nellie Harden:

2022, but year after year after year, I want to see you be able

Nellie Harden:

to put an intention down and nail it. Right. Why? Because

Nellie Harden:

what is if we're growing forward, right, we have these

Nellie Harden:

intentions, we have these ideas, and we want to be able to get

Nellie Harden:

there. And in the bigger picture. I know that you have

Nellie Harden:

these goals and intentions and amazing dreams for your kids to

Nellie Harden:

have at the end of the 6570. And I want you to get there too. And

Nellie Harden:

so the first step was the family check in. And the next step you

Nellie Harden:

guys is the challenge. So this is the 70 Day Challenge. And

Nellie Harden:

you're like, Well, why? Tell me tell me why I should do this?

Nellie Harden:

Well, because it will keep you accountable to the underlying

Nellie Harden:

tasks needed to do what you said you wanted to do. And then I

Nellie Harden:

would ask this, if if you are out there, you're you're

Nellie Harden:

probably asking, so I know I would. How do you know this

Nellie Harden:

challenge will help with what I want to do because you have no

Nellie Harden:

idea what I want to do Nellie? Oh, but I do because the daily

Nellie Harden:

and weekly tasks in this challenge are the blocks to

Nellie Harden:

making everything else work in the family. Right? We go through

Nellie Harden:

time for family time for you. Fun, gratitude, new adventures

Nellie Harden:

connecting, really having time to sit eyeball to eyeball

Nellie Harden:

exploring, using respect, right, all of it is formulated into

Nellie Harden:

this daily and weekly, very, very, very doable task list that

Nellie Harden:

was created to help you develop the habits to actually get

Nellie Harden:

things done. Everything that you want to get done, every

Nellie Harden:

intention and goal that you have for your family is going to be

Nellie Harden:

able to be magnified in such an awesome way with this challenge.

Nellie Harden:

And I'm telling you things connection, communication,

Nellie Harden:

clarity, thriving positivity, right, all of those things in

Nellie Harden:

here. And you're not just living out the 6570, right, you're not

Nellie Harden:

just sitting there in front of a clock I'm looking around. Yep,

Nellie Harden:

my clocks right in front of me. You're not just sitting around,

Nellie Harden:

watching these seconds tick down, right? You are there to

Nellie Harden:

thrive as a parent and help your kids thrive as kids and honestly

Nellie Harden:

the young adults that they are right, they're getting closer

Nellie Harden:

and closer to their own launch date. And setting them up for a

Nellie Harden:

future because of the foundation that you are giving them is

Nellie Harden:

vital. So you guys, this challenge takes your family

Nellie Harden:

through 70 days that will honestly change the course of

Nellie Harden:

your year. And maybe even I might go as far as to say

Nellie Harden:

probably even change the course of their 6570 and their lives.

Nellie Harden:

Yep, I am making that claim right here right now. So

Nellie Harden:

parenting is a journey and this is the next step to help you

Nellie Harden:

accomplish everything you are looking for in your unique

Nellie Harden:

family story. Every family is different. I say it all the time

Nellie Harden:

your family has a different fingerprint than any other

Nellie Harden:

family. Not only right now but ever in existence and I want to

Nellie Harden:

see whatever your family potential is that you want to

Nellie Harden:

bring out and set out into the world I want to see that happen

Nellie Harden:

for you. So do the family check in if you haven't already and

Nellie Harden:

then move on over to the challenge and that is over at

Nellie Harden:

Milliarden comm slash challenge Nelly herten.com/challenge and

Nellie Harden:

get started today you guys as soon as you're done with that

Nellie Harden:

family check in. You get everything on the table. You

Nellie Harden:

know what you want to do for the year you Now you're going to get

Nellie Harden:

the start to develop the habits in order to get that done. Okay,

Nellie Harden:

you guys,

Nellie Harden:

I can't wait to see what is happening out of here. I can't

Nellie Harden:

wait to see what goals that you have, and how you are going to

Nellie Harden:

be moving the world with your incredible family and what you

Nellie Harden:

do out there. Okay, you guys have a wonderful beginning of

Nellie Harden:

2022. And, as always, Happy building you guys. Alright, bye

Nellie Harden:

bye. Thank you so much for listening today. And I hope

Nellie Harden:

you're able to take something from our discussion that you can

Nellie Harden:

use to build the foundation of self love leadership in your own

Nellie Harden:

family. If you are a parent with children, 17 or younger, and

Nellie Harden:

especially those around nine and up, I would love to extend an

Nellie Harden:

invitation to you to the best club in town. The family

Nellie Harden:

architects Club is a private club where intentional parents

Nellie Harden:

go that want to love support, connect or reconnect and really

Nellie Harden:

truly help guide their kids and teach them how to self lead in

Nellie Harden:

discipline and leadership. This is an online community and you

Nellie Harden:

are welcome to it. Parenting is a project and you are the

Nellie Harden:

architect of this one. You plan you design and oversee the

Nellie Harden:

construction of the beginning of someone else's life. And that's

Nellie Harden:

what goes into these first 6570 days. And it will be the

Nellie Harden:

foundation for the rest of their lives. So come join the club.

Nellie Harden:

You can find your invitation on the front page of my website

Nellie Harden:

Nelly hardin.com. That is N E ll ie H AR D n.com. Thank you again

Nellie Harden:

for being a part of this conversation today. And if

Nellie Harden:

something really resonated with you, or if you have a question,

Nellie Harden:

please don't hesitate to connect with me. You can find me on

Nellie Harden:

Instagram at Nelly hardens. And lastly, if you love the

Nellie Harden:

information, please please leave a five star review and a comment

Nellie Harden:

so more and more families can be impacted by harnessing the

Nellie Harden:

strength of these ideas and tools in their own families. So

Nellie Harden:

thank you so much. Happy building you guys and I'll see