Oct. 3, 2023

Growing To 10K Months Working Part-Time Hours, Never Giving Up with Carol Trotter

Growing To 10K Months Working Part-Time Hours, Never Giving Up with Carol Trotter

Carol Trotter, Health Coach for Peri and Post-menopausal Women, shares her journey as an entrepreneur going from almost “giving up” after being at it for five years to experiencing her first 5-figure month just 18 months later…

She was able to achieve these results in part-time hours, with a small following, and one simple system that she was able to rinse & repeat month and month for reliable results. 

Key takeaways: 

  • The importance of a unique niche, an irresistible offer, and messaging that converts. 
  • The momentum that Carol gained through the consistency and mastery of one simple marketing machine that reliability creates red-hot leads and clients. 
  • The steps she took to move out of overwhelm and frustration and into abundance, joy, and service. 

You can follow Carol Trotter on her Instagram @caroltrotterperimenopausecoach.

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[FREE] LIVE Scalable Offers Masterclass: How To Rethink Group Coaching Programs and Create Offers That Attract Top-Tier Clients Effortlessly: www.kinseymachos.com/innovate

[FREE] Download: The Revolutionary Content Kit: A 7-pillar method to creating unique content that sells + connects at the same time: www.kinseymachos.com/revolutionary

Ready to discover your unique category, streamline your services, and organically launch your scalable offer to 20K+ months with more harmony and rhythm? Don’t sacrifice the quality of your services as you scale. See if you’re a good fit for our signature experience, Launch Like A Queen: www.kinseymachos.com/launchqueen

Book A Call With Our Team To Discover What’s Next For You: www.kinseymachos.com/nextsteps 

Do not miss these highlights: 

01:00 This week has been incredibly remarkable as we commence our very first evergreen launch experience.

01:35 There are additional fresh concepts, methods, and effective approaches for implementing strategies in businesses to foster sustainability and long-term success.

02:57 Successful marketing campaigns and building reliability require a straightforward system to depend on, and understanding what to prioritize in perfecting that system is the key.

05:32 For anything to be effective, whether you're considering reliability, consistency, or revenue, it's not solely about the systems; it's also about ensuring you have a profitable unique niche and an irresistible offer. 

08:08 The initial step is to ensure that your organic content is converting and attracting new leads and clients. If it isn't, that's where we begin, as we aim to avoid building on an unstable foundation. 

09:50 Let's listen to or watch this clip featuring Carol Trotter as she shares her story about the strategies she implemented since joining us in Launch Like A Queen. 

11:30 She holds certification as a Holistic Nutritionist with a specialization in women's health and serves as a coach for peri- and postmenopausal individuals.

12:17 Carol shares her entrepreneurial journey, which, while a bit messy, is a beautiful one that many women may find relatable. 

13:58 Kinsey entering her world and offering to work with her was the best business decision she ever made. It took her from contemplating quitting to now achieving five-figure monthly earnings.

18:48 Carol enrolled in the Launch Like A Queen program, which assisted her in honing her message and establishing a system for consistency and reliability. 

29:19 For Carol, it involves taking small steps to plan and acting as the CEO version of herself in her business. She stands as a prominent figure in her field, assisting women with their specific challenges.

About the Host

Kinsey Machos, a Marketing Strategist, is also a recovering people pleaser, self-sabotager, and corporate hustler. She helps entrepreneurs create and execute magnetic marketing and build expert brands so that they can get known, seen, and heard online.

She believes that creating a business that’s 100% in alignment with SELF is one of the most important things that we can do as women — because there’s an inner magic that we all have if we commit to an infinite pursuit of discovering (and re-discovering) that.

As a wife and a mom of three, the family takes priority. And having a business that’s run AROUND her lifestyle is a daily intention of hers.


Instagram: @kinseymachos

Facebook: @kinsmachos 

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Kinsey Machos:

Welcome to Captivate and Close. I'm Kinsey Machos, business consultant and marketing strategist. And I'm going to show you how to attract and enroll high paying clients using my break through online marketing strategies, all without having to rely on complicated funnels, disingenuous clickbait, or spammy sales tactics. These are the messaging marketing and selling secrets that virtually no one is talking about. So let's dive in.

Kinsey Machos:

Hello, my friends, so good to be here today. The time of this recording, it's Friday, we don't normally record on Fridays. But we had to shift some things around on my schedule. This week, we have had such an incredible week we ran our first ever evergreen launch experience, it was a five day event where we helped women really see the variations of what quote unquote evergreen funnels look and feel like in order to create more consistency and controlled cash flow in their business. And this is a lot of it is you know, content that I have already taught but free packaged in a way to really meet people where they're at. And also some of it was a little bit newer, just bringing new concepts and methods to our audience so that they can see a bigger, better way of potentially, you know, installing things in their business to create that sustainability and longevity. So it was really fun. It was a really fun experience. I always love really seeing how newer content hits, and what's resonating what might not be resonating. I always get my you know, my lab coat on and really put on that observer hat of, you know, just that experimentation. That's really what marketing and selling is. It's it's experimenting, right? Yes, we want to have things in our business that we know work. But in order to take things to the next level. Sometimes that means testing, tweaking, adjusting. And so I always love pairing what we already know works with new iterations of that and or completely different topics or angles. So this has been really eye opening for me and the breakthroughs that women have been having have been really incredible. I know that this is something that I want to bring more to the market because of how much it opened up for women mostly from from the perspective of this is simple. I think that we are taught that these marketing campaigns and creating reliability is not about, you know, installing 76 Page funnels or upsells and down cells, it's really about having a simple system to rely on. And knowing what to focus on to perfect that system that is the key. This is going to look and feel differently for everybody. And depending on your niche and what your business is what your business model is right what you're selling. But in that week, what we did was we brought on one of our clients to share what this looks like for her. So we've spent all week talking about this idea of evergreen. Evergreen funnels right and evergreen, we talked about this from the sense of like enrollment, it you know, enrolling client like an evergreen program means you can always take on clients, or you have programs set up so that you can always enroll clients. Well, this was from the perspective of marketing, right? Are you consistently bringing in leads and clients and a lot of times in our industry, there's this idea of evergreen funnels being sold as these super complex automated recorded systems. So like we had a lot of people ask for, like I have a recorded webinar, and I'm sending an audience to that. But it's not converting, right. That's an example of how evergreen is being used. And also, in my opinion misconstrued, right? And evergreen is really about that consistency, I see it as a machine that's working for you without it needing a lot of you. Now, if you want those higher conversions, and you want to really have that control in the cash flow in your business, you will have to have some elements of that. I think there is a time and a place for a fully traditional recorded evergreen funnel, right? I think that there's a time and a place for that. But a lot of you aren't aren't nearly ready for that and you and you don't need it. And I wanted to show different iterations of what this looks like not forgetting that the core idea is to have something in your systems that is reliable, it's a reliable thing that you can turn on. And you know, it's going to create results for you, right in leads and clients. And so we went over the different iterations. And one of the things I did was I brought a client on to show how she has set this up in her business. And what we've been working on together in launch IQ queen, this is a lot of the work we do together, when you come into launch, like a queen is deciding what your systems are going to look like. But in order for anything to work, when you think of reliability, and consistency and or revenue, it's not just about the systems, it's about knowing that you have a profitable niche, and that you have an irresistible offer. And that is not to be overlooked. Because a lot of people just skip right to, right, the systems of like creating the content, or doing the webinar or building out the funnel, right? Without really evaluating Do I have a niche that's profitable? And do I have a button offer that they will buy. And so that's the first steps to this. And we've talked a lot about this in the experience. But this is where we do the work together first, right? Because we can't have converting launches, or even converting content without those two things. And a lot of times, it means even just shifting your niche a little bit, we find that a lot of clients come to us and they're really sitting in more of these broad, very vanilla niches. And when we start to hear what they do, it's like, there's so much specificity there. And when you have specificity, you attract a sophisticated client. And this is the key. So we really want to make sure you have that unique niche that's aligned to your unique brilliance first, then looking at your offer, whether you have a one to one offer, or a group offer or a service offer. And really think about what is that journey look like? Do we start with what you already have? Does it mean, maybe you're ready for that scalable offer. But either way, what we're preparing you for is the scalable structure, and it comes in sequence. And everybody starts differently, right. And this is why it's important to link arms with, you know, a mentor that that can give you that real time feedback, because it's not cookie cutter. So all that to say I wanted to give the audience a chance at seeing what this looks like from a real person. Right? Instead of me just talking about what's possible, and what it looks like and drawing awful, you know, maps on my remarkable, I'm such a terrible artist, I even practiced ahead of time on a piece of paper, so that my my, my drawings weren't so terrible, and it didn't even work. But I was drawing out these different iterations of consistency, what consistency looks like. And the first thing is making sure that your content is converting is your organic content, bringing new leads and clients. If it's not, that's where we start, okay? Because we don't want to build things on a janky Foundation, okay. And you can get a lot out of just having your organic content convert. Right, so good. But then we started to move into what does a live launch model look like in more of an evergreen system, where you can turn it on, and it's working for you. And it might mean you just showing up live for that experience. And so I brought on a client to showcase what this has looked like for her, and how she has created such incredible results, working part time hours, okay, she grew to 10, she had her first five figure month, I think three months after joining launch cycle queen. And she shares her journey in with us, which I'm going to share that clip here because it's so powerful. But what I love is she shares actually where she was at before, and what how long she had been added before she finally found the right mentor, she came into our world. And her story is so powerful. And what I love that she demonstrates is the simplicity of what she's doing. Because I want I think it's hard to believe sometimes when I'm just up here and I'm like, it's simple, right? This is all you need. You can have credible results with a small audience. And these are the only steps right. And I think it can be really hard to break that limitation because people reject that reject simplicity. And so the more that I can prove that in our client case studies and our client testimonials in these interviews the butter, and so what I want to do is share that that clip from her because it's so beautiful she took she shares her story and she talks about what she's implemented since launch IQ queen, how it's been working for her and how powerful for that machine has been to really starting to move the needle to her grander vision of her business. So I hope you enjoy. It is so good. Hello.

Carol Trotter:

I'm here

Kinsey Machos:

so beautiful today. Thank you. There you are. Okay, I needed to make sure your show your face was showing in the Facebook group. Okay, we're good. I think we're good on tech you guys. Um, if you could take a minute and give Carol some love here, and welcome Carol, so they don't know you yet. Although some some of these women do. These girls do know me. Yes. And so, um, I want I just want to like shower you with love right now. Thank you, I love you so much. And our community is so lucky to just have you and, and like, be able to really experience your energy and hear your personal story. I think this is so powerful. I shared earlier that like a mock me and my story and or me just up here as a talking head saying all the things only go so far. And obviously what I love most about what I do is is the work that you guys do. And so weaving that in more is so important to me. So, Carol, welcome. I would love for you to just quickly introduce yourself, tell tell our beautiful humans, who you are and what you do.

Carol Trotter:

Okay, well, as you can see, my name is Carol. I am a certified holistic nutritionist. But I specialize in women's health. So I am a Peri and post menopause coach. And it is my goal to help women so that they can have vitality, energy and confidence in some of the most turbulent times in their life. But I want menopause to be the best time of their life. So that is what I do is I help empower women and help get everything in line so that their hormones are just singing the way they're supposed to. And they feel amazing.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh my gosh, so good. And you embody that so much. If you guys are already following Carol, Carol, you need to go do that. Alicia, if you're still on if you could drop Harold handle Instagram handle on the chat right here, that'd be amazing. So Carol, what I would love for you is to share where just explain your journey and entrepreneurship because I know it's been a beautiful one and a messy one. But I think a lot of women could potentially see themselves in that journey. So give us a snapshot as far as like, what was the moment for you as far as having that awareness of the fact that you wanted to become a business owner? And and what were sort of what was the basically like the the what followed that decision? Oh, wow,

Carol Trotter:

that's a big one. So I'm just gonna dive in. So I I'm an accountant, gals. I am a CPA and I entered perimenopause, not knowing that's what I was going through. And I lost sight of who I was. And it ended up that I left my corporate job and actually went to work at a small health food store, which ended up me being a certified holistic nutritionist. I always had this passion for entrepreneurship since a little girl I knew. So my goal was to own that health food store I did for two years and said, I don't want this. But then I started still diving into my perimenopause and seeing that there was a big void there that I started to go into that. And like Kinsey was saying earlier that she went to this room, this mastermind I had invested in the course, the messy part that didn't give me what I wanted to and I was on the brink of quitting. I was sitting at the table with my husband one night, literally in tears and saying, I can't do this. This is just sucking the life out of me. I want to be happy and it's not. And then Kinsey came into my world and offered to work with me. And there was this guarantee attached to it like like, Well, what do I have to lose? And it's the best decision that I ever met that I ever made because I went from you know what not thinking I was going to make this that I had this little wee hobby going on to now making five figure months and it's like, it's just like, without your help, I couldn't have done that I had grabbed onto that SEO title, but we don't know we don't know either. Right. So being able to have that guidance on what that next step kind of looks like a little bit of hand holding but a little bit of tough love in a good way like this is what you need to do. You can do it just go out and it's the best thing I've seen myself grow so much in the last year and a half that I've been working with you that I say I went from being a hobby and just Watch no money down the drain to now making five figure months. So

Kinsey Machos:

staying girl, I love it like you are amazing. Well, thank you for saying I think that there's definitely you just giving your yourself that celebration, that compassion because you you did the work right? We got to guide you in that, but you have been putting in the work. But I want to go back how long were you? How long had it been that you were working at your business? That right before you were about to give up? Uh, probably close to five years? Oh my gosh, yeah. Oh my gosh, how many of you guys can relate to that? Whether it's five or two, or maybe even one? And you've ever had that moment where you're like, Would it be easier? If? Would it be easier? If I went got a job? Would it be easier? Like, is this for me? What were some of the questions? Or what were some of the thoughts that popped up for you in that moment?

Carol Trotter:

It definitely was like, I mean, am I meant to do this? Can I do this? Is this what's right for my family? Because like it was like, all of a sudden, going, I'm trying to support and give a better life to them. And all I'm doing is actually watching you get worse. So it was like, Yeah, can I do this? Can I not do this. And I had tried some entrepreneurship before too, that weren't successful. So it's like, I'm not meant to do this. It was all about limiting beliefs that was in my head that I just had to clear out, you know, your parents in their head going well, you need to work hard to earn money, you have to work for somebody else. Right? And but there was that small piece of that spark in me that going no, no, there's more. I just need that right fit.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh, my gosh, Carol is so good. And I think that it's important to know that that will come up, I think people will have I think will always wonder, or you know, will, I think 90% of the time I'm so thankful I'm an entrepreneurship, or I'm on I own my own business, right? And then we have this freedom. And then there's 10% of the time, and I'm like, Why was I cursed with this gene? I think it's a gene, I literally think that it's it's in some people it's in, it's not in others. And it can feel you just that 10% Right. There's those days, and you're going to question certain things, you're going to doubt it. And it's about okay, what are we going to believe? Do we want to believe that? Do we want to believe that it's not for us? Or do we want to continue to maintain the belief that this is exactly where I need to be. And it might just be right that I need to get the right support, or I need to shift or whatever that looks like. And so I'm so glad you didn't give up. And I love the timing of how we got to come into your world. So let's fast forward into what you've been doing lately. Because and I love how you said it's been a year and a half. Because I also don't want to, I think it's important that like this didn't happen in a microwave. Right? So you had been at it for five years, and then almost gave up and then we got to partner with you. And over the last year and a half, you've seen incredible success. But all if you think about again, I think it's it would be really super sexy. If we came on here and said man, just a few years ago, Carol, you know she making no money and and now 12 Days Later making five figures, right? That would be super sexy. is right, I think it was really it's this journey that you've been on. And again, I'm so glad we got to cross paths when we did so we can help you accelerate that. But over the last year and and a half what we've been doing is really are what you've been doing. And what we've been helping you do is really mastering your message and really, really starting to build that machine for consistency and reliability. And what it's been so fun in launch like a queen is really seen your consistency come through. And I would love and in the spirit of what we've been talking about this week, and this idea of evergreen, which is really perceived or sold as this idea of like turning everything on autopilot. When actually what I what I want others to see is that we can create these machines that create control. And there's reliability behind it right with elements of the these layers and elements. That of course you're still you're still there, you're still live, you're still right, you're still putting in the work, but it's on top of right that controlled machine allowing you to feel like you have right you can kind of restrict or consider constrict or open right in accordance to what you want to see come in. So I would love for you to share what you've been working on over the last even six months and how and what your experience has been on that.

Carol Trotter:

Yeah, so like what you're saying there Kinsey is like Making those containers almost that I can rinse and repeat. Right? So over the last six months, oh, I didn't even look at my stats, I think I've had four or five different launches in those six months. And it's just using what I have already created and moving forward with it, and just getting better and tweaking and honing in on that message even more. So my first launch was like, Yeah, I did. Okay, you know, I think I got a little bit here and a little bit there. But it's been this last like, I just finished a launch. Wednesday, I don't even know it's Friday, right? Like,

Kinsey Machos:

what day is it today? Yeah,

Carol Trotter:

we do use it. Yeah. So I just finished another launch. And the number of women that are new into my life that I'm helping that I'm giving them the tools, I'm giving them that opportunity to make menopause of that the best time of their life. Because I've built the systems behind. It's not like I have to start at scratch every single time. I have a great foundation. And it's just a matter of tweaking.

Kinsey Machos:

Yes. And I love I've been really loving watching that. And I think what's because a lot of people believe they need more of something more audience more subscribers, right. And you've been such a good example of what it looks like to be a better steward of what you already have. Right? And really, because you don't have a huge audience, and you're not getting hundreds of people signing up for your launch events, right? You're just really stewarding the people that do show up and you know how to move them from right, a lead to a client and really watching you master that has been really incredible. So you've been running the same masterclass maybe four or five times and then this last time, you switched it up and you did a multi day event? Yes, I did. And what was your experience in switching it up? And did you feel like you still had the foundations behind that to have that rhythm.

Carol Trotter:

Definitely like to go from a one day a one hour event to go to a multi day event was the foundations were all the same. So the message was the same throughout, it's just how are presented instead of being all condensed in one and just booboo. Over the three days. It was amazing. And just being multiple days to seeing the different women come in that couldn't make it this day or couldn't make it that day. And you know, at the end of the day, having people pop on my calendar, I want to talk to you, I want to talk to you. So I've got the sales calls all lined up and ready to go. And as you say, like, I've been really lucky and blessed at my ability to convert my viewers I didn't have I don't have lots of viewers. But those ones that I have, I'm talking to directly to them because I know them. I have been them. I still am them. I'm just a little bit ahead of them. But I can convert them into my program fairly easily now.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah, you haven't been you haven't been lucky you have been this is the work you've been doing. Don't even don't even take that that oh my gosh, you're so funny. You This is the work you've been perfecting. And this is why you're seeing those conversions that you're seeing because I think on average, how many people would you say sign up for your master classes or even the last event? So

Carol Trotter:

the master classes I was seeing between 12 to 15 people this last time I had 40 to sign up. But out of those 12 to 15 people when I was running that regular masterclass, I was getting 10 to 11 of them showing up. And that was converting three or four of them.

Kinsey Machos:

So good, right. And I walked people through this yesterday, I think or maybe the day before. And like you don't need more of anything, right? Let's just really if you've got 20 people, if you got 10 people showing up for you, there's a reason, right? Especially because you have positioned your masterclass and your events so well, you're so dialed in with your offer. If you have that and you pull in the right people, like they're ready. It's just about converting them.

Carol Trotter:

Yeah, my message is pretty bang on like, I mean, if you go to my socials, you know who I'm talking to. But that's also with your guidance, your your feedback. You know, I was really, although I was marketing those people, they didn't know if they went on my Facebook on my Instagram page, they would have no that's who I was talking to. Now they

Kinsey Machos:

do. That's so good. And I think the other I think one of the things that I know some people are thinking is, will can I do the same thing over and over again. And I think that was even a question you had Should I repeat it right? Am I just going to sound boring? Can you talk about how that's been a benefit to you and how you've used that to And or how you've been creating content to consistently feel that every month, even though it's the same topic.

Carol Trotter:

Yeah, I remember asking you to do the same thing again, like it just did it. And it just seems like why. But no, it's been so powerful to redo it time and time again, because I'm drawing on more people. Because number one, maybe not all of them saw my socials before that. I'm growing my email list. So now I have more people, those people that were in the first time are now telling their friends and everybody else they need to come and they're bringing everybody oh my gosh, so. So doing it over and over again, just makes my message stronger, makes me more confident. And even when I went from the master class to the multi day event, my stuff within it didn't change. I had, it was all the same things just broken down into three days. So it wasn't anything new messaging I use came out of different ways. But they all got the same messages. Yeah.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh my gosh, I love this. And again, it's all it's been, I guess I won't say easy, but simple. Like these things that you had been leveraging. It's keeping your business simple. And really leaning on those foundations and the mastery of your marketing the mastery of your offer and the mastery of selling which you've you are you embody the selling like you are such a service, like a service lead leader like you embody that so well. And Carol, it's just been so fun. It's been so fun to really watch you step into not just a CEO, like really, the head of your business, but also this leader, this really impactful leader within your industry.

Kinsey Machos:

I love it. You're like beaming

Kinsey Machos:

right now.

Carol Trotter:

It's like, ah, but I think another thing that's really important for these ladies to listen to here too, is ladies, I work a part time job. I am doing this only two days a week. Yes. So it's doable, you know, and that's the thing, if you don't get on the calls Live, which they're the best to get on live, but there's the replays, there's so much learning to be had just listening to the other women in the group because I know guests with you can see Alicia with the other women and launch like a queen hole. Oh my god. Like I've learned so much from them to write. We just grow together. It's amazing.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh my gosh, Carol, I love that so much. I would love for you to share before we wrap up, what is the vision of your business? Where do you see yourself going? And what is sort of that big reach for you?

Carol Trotter:

Yeah, oh, my goodness. And you know, it's some days I have that really dialed in. And some days, it's a little scary boy, what am I doing. But my goal is it the next year that I want to personally help a minimum of 100 women transition in menopause in a way that gives them that power. But my goal is to make my business just continue to watch it grow and grow. And to be able to build a team so that I can be of service not only to those women but to my family too. And to keep going right so I that's part of my why my grandkids are my why. Yes. And I want to be that cool grandma, well, I really am that cool grandma, grandma, grandma, but I want to be able to spend time with them doing things and to help embody for them so they can see what it means to follow your passion. Because this is my passion.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. Yeah. And you are you everything about you says that and I fully I feel that so much for you. And I think what's cool is, I think you your vision is so big sometimes I think it scares you.

Carol Trotter:

Well, it does. And I hit those walls. And it's like, I will hit that wall and that limiting belief every once in awhile like going, I can't do this. Yes, I can. And it's just taking a step taking that breath. And just it's one step at a time. I don't have to do it all today. I want to but I don't it's small little steps and planning it out and acting as that version of me already right that I am the CEO. I am a brilliant woman in my field, helping these women. If I stand up and be that woman now that's who I am.

Kinsey Machos:

Yeah. I love that. And I love that you said that you are doing this in part time hours. And I know the next step and this is I don't know if we mentioned this but Carol's signature offer right now is a one to one offer. And I know in the fall ish, we're kind of out fall, but I know that one of the things on the docket is to start mapping out your scalable offer. Yeah, but I'm so glad one of the things that I love most is like you have been very Patient in that and not trying to rush to that. And I know that the work that you're putting in here and really mastering this is going to literally blow you. It's it's going to pay payout tenfold. When you pivot over to a scalable offer, oh, it'd be so fun to design together. And

Carol Trotter:

exactly, I can't wait to do that with you. And it's happening in the background already. So my

Kinsey Machos:

gosh, so good, Carol. Okay, Carol, I want to obviously honor your time. But I am I know, we are so blessed with your energy today and your gifts and you're just sharing your story. And I know that it's going to give so many women that encouragement, that breadth of inspo, right, that activation, I know that hearing stories just like yours when I was working full time, or when I wanted, when I desired, so bad to have the things that I want, but they felt a little bit out of reach. You know, I would listen to stories like yours, and they gave me so much life. And it kept me going. And I know that that's exactly what your story is doing right now for others. So I just really thank you so much for being here with us today. Thank you, you just are the most I just love you so much. And I just have really, I don't take for granted the trust that you put in to myself and my team. And it's been just so fun. It's been so fun to watch you explode.

Carol Trotter:

Well, thank you for having me Kinsey, it's just it's been my pleasure to speak to these other women too, and just give them my feedback. It's the best decision I ever made in my life.

Kinsey Machos:

Oh my gosh, you're the best. All right, girls, if you could give Carol some more love. Let her know. I would love to know what your biggest takeaway here was today from Carol. Let us know in the chat. Um, Cassidy says thank you. And that will also I think it's so important when you think about even Carol, for you to see that, like the takeaways that women are having. I think that's really powerful. So as they share those below, if you need right if you're this will be fun. A couple days from now, when you're in the entrepreneurial valley of death, right? You can go look at those comments. But um, you guys, thanks again, Carol. Thanks again. I'm going to try to remove you here. There we go. I see the Remove button. Again. Thank you, I love you go watch as people drop their takeaways go see those. Because again, you are such a gift. And I never want you to forget that you're such a gift. So thank you. So I just see you today. Hey, you, thank you so much for listening. It's an honor to be able to pour into the hearts and minds of like minded entrepreneurs all over the world. But my most favorite part is being able to connect with you in real life. If you love what you heard here, head over to the community where thousands of female CEOs, just like you are changing the world one human at a time. We go deeper into the topics you discuss here. And giveaway tangible roadmaps help you crush your revenue goals to join this high caliber free community head over to kinseymachos.com/community. I'll see you there