June 19, 2024

How To Generate High-Earning Revenue Months With A Tiny Audience

How To Generate High-Earning Revenue Months With A Tiny Audience

If you've ever found yourself believing that you need a massive following to achieve your revenue goals and create a lasting impact, get ready to challenge those limiting beliefs. 

In this episode, I share four powerful shifts you can embrace to make more money and impact, even if you have a small following. I challenge the common belief that you need a large audience to create high-earning months and give you a roadmap for growing your business faster without the fluff.

If you're ready to take your business to the next level and experience more joy and abundance along the way, tune in to this episode and discover the power of playing big with your tiny audience.

Key Takeaways: 

  • The hidden trap that sabotages the majority of the industry and how to avoid it.
  • A revolutionary approach to building quality relationships that will skyrocket your success.
  • How to identify and solve the highest-level problems for your premium clients.
  • The surprising mindset shift that will open you up to more joy and abundance as you grow your business.

Resources Mentioned:

Apple Podcast | Spotify 

Connect With Kinsey Machos: 

Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook 

About the Host

Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, practitioners, and professionals who desire to help more people with their unique expertise. 

Kinsey's mission is to help women transform their unique brilliance into a profitable coaching business where they can experience true time and financial freedom while changing the world one human at a time.


Kinsey Machos:

I'm Kinsey Machos, your host and founder of the category Queen. Welcome to the podcast for coaches, consultants, and course creators who don't just want to dominate their niche, but they desire to play in their own league. My mission is to help you unlock the power of your unique brilliance and use it as a vehicle to gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money. Not too long ago, I took a bold leap, leaving behind a six figure corporate salary with nothing more than a used MacBook and a burning desire for more freedom. Today, our brand has become globally recognized, helping thousands of female founders to become industry leading experts. Join us each week as we go on a journey together to discuss mindset, marketing and money, and more importantly, the real life discussions about balancing success with motherhood and marriage.

Kinsey Machos:

Because we're a community of women who build and scale impact driven businesses, but do it without sacrificing the things that matter most to us. Welcome to the category queen show. Hello my fellow category queens. So good to be here with you today. I want to talk to you about getting maximum results with your tiny audience, and I want to offer you four shifts you can embrace to really make more money, make more impact, even if you have a small following. Now, what's interesting about this topic is that some of you might be thinking that you're one in a million, right? It's sort of like I'm the only one that has a small audience, or I have more of that mentality of believing that you have to have a certain size audience in order to create high earning months.

Kinsey Machos:

But that is just not the case. And in fact, I'm willing to bet that about 99% of you listening to this do have a small audience. And so really how this message is altered is how do you have high earning months with what you have? And what does that roadmap look like? And really what you need to be keeping in mind if you want to grow faster without all the fluffy, because your strategy, if you want to help more people make more money and you don't want to have to work 40 plus hours a week, you have to get really clear of what that strategy looks like and that roadmap, because you should not be spending all your time trying to, quote unquote, grow a following.

Kinsey Machos:

I have so many different episodes about this that really hits sort of these, this idea of focusing on making an impact, because as a byproduct, if you are speaking to your category of one, you are targeting a premium client and you are delivering results as a byproduct of doing all those things, your audience will grow. But it won't just grow, it's going to grow with the perfect people. If you spend time thinking you need a bigger audience, you will 100% stay broke or worse, you won't get to help people. You will not achieve your full potential. This is one of the biggest mindset traps I feel like really wipes out the majority of the industry when people believe they need more followers or more of anything really, right. More testimonials. I need more experience. I need a bigger audience in order to x, right?

Kinsey Machos:

Insert whatever you're after, because that means that you don't have full control over getting, really the results that you want. And I'm here to tell you can. You can get what you want with what you have. Now, from an identity perspective, there is going to be some things that you'll need to let go of. There's going to be some shifts that you will want to think about in order to really change your self concept and develop the behaviors and the habits of the person that creates the result you want to create. And part of that is starting to think differently. And so what I want to offer you is those shifts so that you can get out of this trap of feeling like you need more of anything to hit the results and really, really, truly max your results in less time.

Kinsey Machos:

So if you have a small audience, less than 10,000 followers, less than 5000 followers, less than 1000 followers or less than 1000 email subscribers, whatever you want to really consider as your audience, if you have anything that you consider small, this message is made for you. I'm going to show you what it takes in order to hit your revenue goals without feeling like you need a bigger audience. So let's talk about shift number one, quality over quantity. You have to, have to, and I rarely say have to, you have to shift your focus to really obsessing over high quality relationships versus vanity. Vanity, right. So quality over quantity is going to look like building quality relationships with the audience you already have, versus trying to grow a bigger audience and ignore the people that are in your audience.

Kinsey Machos:

Now, quality over quantity might look like offering a low ticket offer and trying to reach more people with it, versus offering a high ticket offer and reaching less people with it, or transferring, making sure it's aligned with the perfect person. We're going to talk about that here in a minute. But there's different iterations of what quality over quantity looks like. But it really is about making sure that you're not ignoring what's right in front of you and doubling down on that versus chasing things that are either a shiny object or something that is out of your control. When you really shift this thinking of quality over quantity, you're going to see opportunities pop up out of nowhere. You're going to realize that you have premium clients in your audience right now and you're just ignoring them because you're focused on, again, growing bigger, following.

Kinsey Machos:

You're going to start to invest your time and energy into building those relationships with the people in your audience. You're going to create content differently because if you know that they're in there, if you know that they're sitting in your audience, then your content is going to speak directly to them. So you have quality content, which means you don't have to post as often. This is also going to look like your conversate, the conversations that you're having. If you really allow yourself to go deeper in your sales conversations versus trying to, you know, pump people through your quote unquote funnel, that is going to also serve you. You have to really prioritize quality over quantity. If you have a smaller audience and if you want to grow to high revenue months.

Kinsey Machos:

Now, what's interesting is most of you, again, do not have a large audience. Most of us don't start with that. In fact, I still have a tiny, tiny audience compared to a lot of my peers who have larger followings and are, you know, hitting similar revenue numbers as I am. But here's a couple things to consider also is that a lot of people actually buy their following. So we're comparing apples to oranges, right? When you start comparing your audience size to other people's audiences and or also people have just been in the game for a long time. And as you start to gain your authority and you start to get in front of more audiences, obviously that builds over time. But what I'm trying to say here is that we all start from zero.

Kinsey Machos:

And so if we can maximize quality over quantity and stop worrying about volume and shift to value, everything else will drastically shift for you. Again, the quality of your content, your conversations and clients will drastically increase because volume does not translate to revenue, volume does not translate to results. And so if you continue thinking that if you have more followers that is going to lead to more clients, then you're never going to actually learn how to convert the following you have into clients, right? So it's like we have to really get to the root of the problem or the root of the challenge, if you will. And when we start solving for the right problems, you will start to see those results. And over time, that habit and that pattern of solving for the right problems will just completely quantum leap itself.

Kinsey Machos:

And so then as your following grows, so will your revenue. But it doesn't happen the other way around. So quality over quantity, how would this apply to you? Can you go deeper in your content knowing that your premium clients are in your audience right now? What would that mean for you to add more powerful calls to actions? What would that mean for you to actually connect with the people that decided to follow you for your expertise? What would that mean to double down even on the quality of your brilliance? Maybe some of you are halfway in, right, because you're getting kind of caught up into I need more in order for to be successful. And so it's preventing you from going all in.

Kinsey Machos:

And oftentimes what I find it is a protection mechanism because that means if I just wait to have more followers to be successful, that means that I don't have to do the things that I need to do, which is hard to hear, I totally understand, but it is the truth. And sometimes we just need to give ourselves that truth to like move into that next level. So quality over quantity and decide what that means for you. How can you shift your focus to volume or, sorry, value over volume, quality over quantity, and see that through the lens of everything you do? Secondly, I want to talk to you about premium positioning. This is so important.

Kinsey Machos:

And when you start to really allow yourself to not only position yourself more strongly, but amplify your authority, this is also a huge benefit to having a small audience when you're trying to grow to multiple six or seven figures. So I talk a lot about speaking to the top 1% of your audience. A lot of you have really vague positioning. And in the context of positioning here, what I'm talking about is your category of one positioning. What is so unique about you that there's nobody else like you doing what you're doing now? There's hundreds, thousands of health coaches, hundreds, thousands of life coaches, relationship coaches. There's a lot of coaches likely doing what you're doing, or service providers. And so it might feel like it's hard to stand out, but you just haven't really discovered that category of one niche yet.

Kinsey Machos:

Obviously, that's something that we help you do. But if you are trying to mold to all these different avatars, all these different problems, all these different solutions, you're not going to have premium positioning, which means you're going to have a hard time, really standing out. And so having a small audience does really hurt you. A different way to think about premium positioning is the specialist versus the generalist. Are you specializing in the one thing, or are you trying to be a people pleaser and help everybody? And four or five years ago, when even when I was just getting started, I think even a generalist could get away a little bit more with something like, I help women lose weight, but these days, that is 100%. That is not a specialty. That is a very general niche. That's a general problem.

Kinsey Machos:

Solution specializing means really doubling down on your unique brilliance and aligning to that top 1% of your audience. It's not about helping everybody, even though you know you could. It's about operating at your highest level of brilliance and matching that to your premium clients. I talk a lot about this in the category of one series, which we'll link up in the show notes. But I want to give you an example here, even through the lens of a service provider when it comes to specialty versus general. And I was having a conversation with a woman, a neighbor, and she's a hairdresser. And one of the things that I was talking to her about is how I noticed that some hairstylists can get people in and out really fast, even though they're providing the same color treatment.

Kinsey Machos:

And I noticed that other people, like, I was talking to my girlfriend, and she spends three and a half hours in the chair, and I'm like, man, I don't spend that much time in the chair, but yet we're kind of getting the same color treatment. And when I was talking to my neighbor about this, who is also a hairstylist, she was like, well, you can actually, the way that you apply the bleach or the color and some of these other technical terms that she used, you can actually speed up the rate that your hair takes or absorbs the color. But what happens is it actually damages your hair if you do it too fast. And so when we started to unpack this, I was like, oh, my gosh.

Kinsey Machos:

So does that mean if my hairstylist is going faster, you know, in, does that mean that my hair is a little bit more accurate risk? And is it being damaged? And sure enough, like, I'm looking at it, and there's some, definitely some, you know, noticeable changes. But when I was also asking her about her clients and who she works with, I just noticed that she does have a specialty for this type of color treatment, and she's going to do it in a way that does not completely fry your hair. Now, can she fit in more clients in a day if she did it faster? Yes. And this is why most people are doing it this way, because in their minds, they can make more money. But if she's not willing to do that, then that means she needs to increase her prices.

Kinsey Machos:

You know, really ensure that this becomes a part of her specialty as a hairstylist to attract the right people. Because here's the thing. I will pay more to preserve my hair and get the right color treatment than to pay less and get it in and out. Now, is that for everybody? No. Right. Some people would prefer to get in and out and would don't necessarily want to pay the extra money to them. That's not a value. But I 100% know there's several. There's several people like me, or not just several, like loads of people like me, who want a premium service, a quality service, and are willing to sit there longer and pay more. Knowing the payoff, again, you have to communicate the payoff. And I was talking to her about this. I was like, I hope that you share that in your marketing.

Kinsey Machos:

I hope that you're really bringing that to your messaging when you talk about your services. Because, again, if she's not priced right, is she getting a hit on her revenue? Yes. Right. Because she can't get as many people in, but it will actually serve her right by increasing her prices above the norm and starting to specialize in this type of hair treatment, if you will, knowing that she is protecting women's hair. Okay. That's another example of premium positioning and really specializing within that niche. So she's not just a hairstylist. She's starting to weave in. What's different about her? What does she prioritize, and how can she align that to the people that, but also value what she values in her service? And so right there, you have such a powerful positioning, and she becomes that category of one. She is not for everybody.

Kinsey Machos:

And will people complain about her increased prices? Yes, but those are not the people for her. The people for her will not balk at the price because to them, the value is healthy hair. So I want you to make sure that you're really aligning to that top 1% and you are not settling for less. Knowing that, yes, you will have people tell you no, but that's okay. That is okay. You have to align to those premium buyers. And this is why people with smaller audiences can grow to multiple seven figures, because they are specialized. They don't need a lot. They don't need a lot to really create traction in their industry. All right, let's talk about shift number three. And this is having high value offerings so similar to premium positioning and really starting to sink into your unique specialty.

Kinsey Machos:

We want to make sure that the offering in alignment to that is high value. So if you are trying to really stand out and become a specialized expert in something specific, then we want to obviously ensure that our offering is really in line with that and the messaging around that is articulating the value of that premium offer. Now you can call this a high ticket offer, premium offer, whatever, but I like to really think about high value offers because what it is what is the biggest, what is the most value that I could provide somebody? And how do I communicate that transformation to my premium clients? So I was just having a brainstorming session with a potential client. And her specialty is websites for chiropractors. And she a premium positioning, right category of one.

Kinsey Machos:

So she's specializing, she can build websites for anybody, any service provider, even any wellness practitioner. But when she specializes in chiropractors, her content, her messaging, her sales is going to be so dialed in that she's going to have chiropractors flooding to her. And she already does with very little effort. And so she has the premium positioning. She's also prioritizing quality over quantity because she doesn't need to serve all the people, especially for done for you service. When you're delivering on a service like that, building people's websites, it requires a team to help with that. Otherwise you're doing a lot of that work. And so would she rather help 100 people build their website in a month at three k or cut that a fraction of that, let's say 30 people for eight or nine k.

Kinsey Machos:

But she's able to do that because she has a specialty. She can absolutely deliver results with the service that she provides and she has the proof to show it to prove the ROI of that investment and the high value offering to match. So I'm not going to be like, raise your prices, right? Like charge more, charge what you're worth. That is not what this is about. This is about making sure that the offering is in alignment with the transformation you provide and it's appropriately priced to really align with that premium client. So if you think about it, when I asked this woman what type of results her clients get from their website, she's like, oh, easy.

Kinsey Machos:

You know, if they price their care packages at this price point, they only need to get four patients in a month to, you know, get an ROI on that website investment, but then every month after that, it's just a continual return on investment. And so I've heard the saying that when you're pricing yourself, if you feel confident in ten x ing that result, and it doesn't necessarily be like a direct financial result, it can also come at the calculation of the cost of all these other things. So, for instance, if you're a relationship coach and you help marriages, you know, heal their trauma so they can never get a divorce, if the results of that is saving their marriage, then I think you can absolutely start to attribute prices to, you know, therapy, divorce costs, the spiraling of the impact on the kids.

Kinsey Machos:

I mean, right? It's just like the ripple effect. You can absolutely start to really see the cost both financially and also emotionally, physically, relationally. But if you feel confident that you can ten x that investment in the price that you've put on the table, then that's great. And there's no doubt that even in the context of this website designer, that she can ten x that result, that she can ensure that the website is created so that it brings in consistent patients for their clinics, which is like an infinite return. And so if we go back to these other shifts that we've also been talking about, and she knows that she can give that return, then why not continue to prioritize for quality, really ensure that she's really just specializing in chiropractic websites.

Kinsey Machos:

Because as a result of that, all these chiropractors are just going to continue to refer her to other chiropractors. And her content so dialed in just for chiropractors, and she has a high value offering to match that. That's like, oh my gosh, that is literally the perfect storm of the most amazing quantum results. This just goes along the lines of ten xing is easier than two xing. If you want to get to that next level, it's going to require you to let go of a lot of what you're doing and believing right now, which means some of that comfortability. And so when it comes to your high value offering, it's not just about like increasing your price, it's also about solving the highest level problem you can solve. And so through the lens of this website designer, she can build a website for everybody.

Kinsey Machos:

But the highest value problem she can solve is actually for chiropractics that are struggling to get patients and get known. And so she's going to solve that problem. If you think about even specialization, right? This is what it means to solve for a higher level problem. And I just heard somebody on Instagram the other day talk about, you know, the more specialized the problem, the more people that invest for it, or the more people that will, the more money that people will invest for it. Right. Would you rather go to a cardiologist to get your heart fixed or would you go to a general practitioner to do that? Right. And within those two things, who is charging more? Who is making more money? Definitely the cardiologist. When we have problems, especially premium buyers, we go and find solutions for it. Right.

Kinsey Machos:

I think about when I was training for a half marathon, I found someone that could help me run a half marathon. She literally says, I help women run half marathons. When were having problems with our youngest, sleeping at night or sleeping through the night, went and hired a sleep specialist that primarily worked with toddlers. When were growing in our businesses, both of our businesses, and were starting to get kind of complicated tax structures, went to somebody, a financial expert that could support multifamily entrepreneurial ventures that specializes in more higher profile clients. Right. So again, think about people buying solutions for their specialized problems. You want to be who they think of and it feels constricting. I understand that, but I promise there's so much momentum on the other side of that. So that's really about that high value offering.

Kinsey Machos:

What's the biggest problem, most valuable problem you can solve? And how could you package price and position that to align with the people that are looking for that problem? When you have that, again, you do not need a large audience. And then lastly, biggest shift here, really from a mindset perspective, around collaboration over competition. We hear this all the time, but I think it's really important. It goes back to even comparison. If you're constantly comparing yourself to other people and thinking about what you don't have and what you think you need in order to get results, it's going to keep you in the gap forever. And when you're in the gap versus the gain, all you see is what is not working, what you don't have, and it's going to leave you feeling lack, luster.

Kinsey Machos:

Lack is going to leave you feeling in lack and unfulfilled. And part of that, what I see all the time is people getting in that chasing environment, thinking that the next milestone is going to bring them happiness, when in fact it never does. And so we just continue to grind thinking our happiness is on the other side of something. And so when you start to just embrace collaboration, even if it means in your mind you're really just rooting people on and you're building your own self trust, believing that you are just as capable as anybody else out there, you will really allow yourself to stay focused. This is where most of the distraction occurs, because we start to do things out of fomo or we don't do things out of doubt.

Kinsey Machos:

So when you start to drop into abundance and you don't see people as better, you don't see people further along than you. You don't see people having more than you'll start to really experience more abundance. And when you know you have everything you need right now to get the results you want, you will act differently, you will behave differently, and you will do things differently, which are the very things that require you to really get you to that next level. So this is going to completely expand you, not just externally, but internally, and open you up to more joy and happiness as you grow. Your business. Is every day fun? Is every day, like, easy? No. But when you simplify and you get into that emotion of joy and excitement and abundance, it makes things so much easier.

Kinsey Machos:

So there you have it, my friends. The four big shifts to really start maximizing your results with your tiny audiences. Okay? Quality over quantity, premium positioning, which within that we talked about specializing versus generalizing, high value offerings, and collaboration over competition, really drop into that best version of you and start becoming someone that actually achieves the results that you desire. Because when you start seeing that it's only you that needs to grow in order to get to that next level, and you don't need anything else outside of you. Oh my gosh, girlfriend, that's just where the magic happens. All right, my friend, I hope you enjoyed this episode and I'll see you next time.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, if you're ready to stand out online and get paying clients consistently without having to fumble your way through tech run ads or create complicated funnels, I want to invite you to join us in the category queen school, where you're going to learn my simple, proven formula for getting clients online. It's risk free. You either make your money back or we'll give you a refund. Just head over to kinseymachos.com/theCQschool and join today to get instant access. We'll see you inside.