People often host an event where they try to manipulate others into buying. RUN! From this tactic ... ...and instead find out what they want and then teach them how to do it. Don't be manipulative, cute or clever ...just be c...
Have you ever felt a burden for your students? You really want them to get results, but sometimes they're not getting the results that you think they should be getting. Join me today in this episode and let me help set yourse...
You've got to sell at the level of your conviction. Now, what does that mean? It means when you know, this is worth this much, buy or don't buy you won't feel the need waiver on your chosen price. When you have conviction, yo...
People don't want you they want results. Are you giving them the results they want in the shortest time possible? Listen in as Eileen delivers THE tip that took her 2.5 years and multiple programs to learn about time leveragi...
How a Barber took our program and I applied it to barbers and stylists. He had 170 - 180 people at his 2 day event and closed 31 people at $19,000 each on how to open a barber cosmetology school. He made $600k in one day! Con...
Don't believe the lie that Hollywood and society would tell you that; all communicators are evil, or people who have business ideas are wrong. Sales people who have goodwill and good intent are going to make your life better....
Today we are joined by photography marketing teacher, author of New York Times best-seller ”Worth Every Penny”, founder of "Joy Marketing", and highly-acclaimed marketing speaker, Sarah Petty. Sarah believes it takes more tha...
This episode is crazy-pants! In this episode, you'll discover: the #1 way all the greats create a high-ticket offer in less than a day the secret strategy that working like bananas for all of Eileen's clients (that will guara...
Eileen here, I have a quick question for you. Does this sound like you? Do you want to charge premium prices for your services because you know your worth it, but you're afraid that no one will pay it? Do you see other people...
How would you like to make more in a day than you did all last month? That would feel pretty good, right? In this episode, I'm gonna challenge you a little bit. I want you to charge what you're worth! I want you to level up, ...
Hello, new friends! My name is Eileen Wilder. I’m a business coach, bestselling author and mom of three. We're the creators of something called One Day Cash Machine™, which shows you how to have 6-Figure days. I've been able ...