Gabrielle’s $1.2M Masterclass Story | CCS2 - 55

In this inspiring episode, Eileen welcomes Gabrielle Brosche co-founder of The Purpose Company, an accomplished entrepreneur and author, to discuss her journey of purpose, success, and the power of mentorship.
Listen in as she recounts her remarkable success story, generating over $1.2 million in revenue, and encourages you the listener to take your businesses seriously, embrace mentorship, and follow a proven system to achieve growth and impact for yourself.
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Hey, what's up everybody? Great to see you here in the group. If you're watching the replay, I want to introduce you to somebody that you really need to know, especially inside the entrepreneur space speaking space. This is Gabrielle Brochet. Now, if you haven't met Gab, maybe seen her ads, maybe you've seen her best selling book or she's spoken on TEDx stages. I believe, gab. Was it Brian Tracy, who was like, You need to get this book? Yes. The name of the book is called The purpose factor. And Gabrielle and her husband, Brian, they own a company called the purpose company. A few other brands that they have experts school, right. Is this where it is? Right? Yes, yeah. So they teach people how to like, become experts packaged up their expertise and crush it and with speaking and building their business. So yeah, thanks for joining me today. First off, and we're just gonna jam for a couple minutes talk about your experience working with us diving into our system. And first of all, you just tell people a little bit about you, and about your amazing work. And I would like to embellish
Gabrielle Bosche:you that well. What's up? Hey, everybody, Eileen, thank you so much for having me on. It is such an absolute honor. And guys, I don't know if you're ever in those, those seasons of your life where you like, get to the top of a mountain and you turn around and you realize that you did not get to the top of the mountain alone. You were like, oh, yeah, a lot of people said, don't turn left, or you know, turn your second right or like stop or go faster. That is what Eileen is for myself, and Brian and our entire team. So I'm so incredibly thankful to jump on and just kind of share more about what it's like getting to work alongside her. But yeah, so we founded the purpose company, really, because we realized that we needed to create an avenue for people to use their purpose. And so for us to find your purpose is one thing, I think a lot of us kind of know, in general, our purpose is to help people but to get very specific about who you're supposed to help, how you're supposed to help them. And I mean, can I get an amen? How to make money at it, right? Because I think a lot of times, like if you guys are like me, I was like a professional volunteer, I was like, Sure, I'd love to help. Or like I had a lot of people who wanted to like pick my brain, right, and I and it really took a series of systems and one of those systems is one that we learned from Eileen to be able to put it in a package that really did help people. Because for us, it's not all about the money. Like we're the purpose company, for crying out loud, we really care about helping people with their purpose. But what we learned is if you give something away for free, they really don't value it. And so like Eileen, and so many folks like Russell, say like those who pay pay attention. And so we really needed to learn a system to be able to put things in the right order to sequence things. So that way we can actually get to the place where you're helping the people we are called to help.
Eileen Wilder:So great, amazing. So just for everybody listening, I really love for you to take notes of what Gavin her husband, Brian have created as they've created offers and programs and high ticket offers are round people discovering their purpose, which is so crazy cool, right? You think about how invaluable would it be to discover your purpose? Like, that's pretty huge. And then to build a business off it. So amazing. So, Gary, oh, thank you for what you do and creating the purpose company, we will you talk a little bit about where your business was kind of like when we first met. And then we met for Brian Regan and your friend Reagan. We like she introduced us. And she you talked about where you were and then we're Where are you looking to go?
Gabrielle Bosche:Yeah, absolutely. So when we first kind of started off with Eileen, we were with a company where as a company, we're doing pretty well, you know, some some months, we do really great. Like some months, we'd be like, awesome, we're making like 300k or like, oh my gosh, 500k like, like, oh my gosh, that's amazing. And then you know, other months, it was like not so consistent. And so when we first started working with Eileen, we're like, we just want consistency. Like for us as a business. We're like, you know, we really want to be able to like get consistent. So that way we can create a great, you know, income stream and revenue stream for our company, but also to for our team. We've got a team of about 11 people. And so for us, it's super important that we create a great company in a great culture. So yeah, it was really inconsistent. And so when we first started working with Eileen, we were like, Hey, let's, let's try this thing out. Like one of our mutual friend was like, Hey, have you tried to challenge model? I was like, uh, what? Like, I don't even know what that is. I was like, I don't even know like how to spell it. What, like, what's going on? And so she connected us and I was like, wait, what, like, this is incredible. Like, this makes so much sense. Like, I love doing events. I love speaking at events I teach other people how to speak of at events and like, Oh, really, like I just take these two parts of my business and put them together like crazy because combination is usually such a big part of Revelation is like there's two things you're already doing and you just need to make that connection. And and so yeah, we started working together. So for our first challenge, I will tell you guys I like my expectations. Were Low. I was like, if I make like, 200k I'd be so happy. You know, and islands like what? No, like, you're gonna do amazing. I'm like, I don't know, you know, like, I like to keep my expectations real low. And it was going into it. Having a plan and a blueprint makes everything so easy because you can look at it from the outside and say, Oh, I see what they're doing. But y'all when I tell you, you have no idea because I am like a bootstrap girl like I you know, I was like poor on poor. I used to like steal toilet paper from Starbucks. So I know what it's like to like, figure your way out as a business owner. I've been doing this for 12 years. But I was scrappy. Okay, I was scrappy. But I was like, you know, I am tired of being scrappy. I'm tired of treating my business. Like, you know, like a lifestyle business. Like some people are like, Yeah, I just, you know, it's fine. You know, I just kind of like lifestyle, like, make money, whatever. Like, honestly, I want to, I want to really dedicate the time and the effort necessary to create something truly of impact, and something that's truly a legacy because that's something so important for us. So. So I was like, You know what, I'm just tired of trying to like nitpick. I'm tired of like the, the swipe files, I'm tired of stalking and buying other people's products to figure out what they're doing. I'm like, can someone just tell me the thing? Like, tell me what I'm actually supposed to do? And so yes, that's exactly like, I was blown away by everything that you guys give away. I'm like, we get this, like, we get that oh my gosh, like, you're just like, so open handed with everything that you're doing and everything that you're learning, which, like, I'll tell you guys, because this is what we tell our clients being mentored by someone who's actually doing it as well in real time, because a lot of times you sign up for a mentor who's like, like, they're sweet. And but sometimes they're like, this is not their prime. Like they're kind of like, they did this many like, like they did it, they learned. But But Eileen and her team, like they're doing it in real time. They're like, hey, we did this last week, here's what's working, or here's the trend. And when I tell you guys the value of real time mentoring, I can't even tell you like it is absolutely incredible. So yeah, we jumped in. I was like, I don't know, cross my fingers, like praying to God, like, I hope this thing works out and I'm not embarrassed. And our first challenge we walked away with 660,000 in revenue in five days, like five days, what in the heck, like, I was shocked. And I was like shaking. And I was like, Oh my gosh, it worked. Like, it worked in it. And it wasn't, um, it wasn't sleazy. It wasn't hard. It was just like, No, it was just talking like it was literally just talking and giving value and having an opportunity for people to go further. And if it felt right to them, they said yes. And, and it was incredible. So so far, I'm with with you guys. We made over a million dollars. We made $1.2 million. Working with you guys. I know I'm so freakin thankful. With a system that I didn't know existed. I didn't know how it worked. I didn't know if it would work for me or my clients, right? Because I don't know if any of you guys like it won't work for me. Like our clients are like our smarty pants like reverse returnees. We work with doctors, we work with CEOs like we work with celebrity chefs, we really people. So if you're thinking, Oh, this won't work for my clients, like y'all it like I got an analog astronaut, okay, she like tests out toilets before they go to Mars, like, our people are super smart. And, and they said yes, using the system.
Eileen Wilder:That's awesome. Wow, let's give it up for Gabriel, Brian, and helping people discover their purpose amazing and, and gosh, and one of the things I love about you guys is, is no pressure sales. One of the things that I love about you guys this is our philosophy too is like if it's, if it's right for you, and it's the right next step for you then here's an invitation but there's no pitch, there's no pressure, there's no it's just really about serving and then at the same time recognizing that one of the ways we can serve people as entrepreneurs is to take the right people if it's the right time to their next right step you know people in our program so I just love that about you guys. I felt such an alignment with y'all like because that how do you guys know there are people who teach it can you know, like hard, hard pressure, guilt and you know, all kinds of stuff, you know? But you never have to do that. If you're serving people at the highest level, in your challenge in your masterclass as long as you're doing that, like it's it's sales by demonstration, you're showing that you're qualified and then know what's up and as 100% If you ever have the privilege of watching Brian and get teach on whether challenges you will see there's nobody doing it better than them. And it's clear. So so this is why for those of you listening and watching who are thinking about our actual class or thinking about our challenge is like, you can just do you and like share your stuff and then the right people will know We'll take that next step if it is for them. So, yeah, so Gab, any any, um, I guess words of advice or wisdom for people who are thinking about, you know, thinking about a challenge or thinking about a master class or thinking about layering in a new high ticket offer. Some of our friends are kind of at a new step for them. It's like maybe that next 10k, that next 30k 50k 100k offer, and it kind of Yes, words of encouragement for them.
Gabrielle Bosche:Yeah, I think I think the big thing is, I think when you're starting, whenever you're looking at a new season, I think you're looking at what do I need to learn to get to the new season, I think a lot of us who are growth minded or consider us growth minded, we're really good at dreaming about affirmations, we're like, I can do it, I'll do like the Tony Robbins jump, or whatever, right? Like, you get yourself in the mindset. But mindset alone will take you to the next step without their systems. So good. And that's what I learned is I had a, I had a belief system that, you know, we'd hit 500k, and then it'd be like, 200k. And so this is revenue, right? So, you know, then we'd be like, you know, cash collected and be inconsistent it was, it got to a place where, you know, we'd have really big month, and we get super excited. And then you know, we'd get exhausted the next month and then big month and then exhausted and, and it became really fatiguing. And so for me, I would say, if you were in the place that we were in, which was we were ready to take it seriously, that we were tired of leaving our purpose to chance that we were tired of playing small, like our our tic, our highest ticket was 6800. Now our highest ticket is 100k. Y'all 100k. Okay, like, I remember when that was like, um, oh, my gosh, I made 100k In a year, let alone making 100k in a day, it just completely changed the mindset. And so I think, also too, mentorship, by proximity really makes a big difference is, if you're like most folks, like you feel like it's lonely at the top, you know, like, you're at the top of your friends circle, your family's like, what do you do for a living? Like, maybe your family is like, you know, I don't really like that, you know, like, what, who do you think you are thinking you're a coach or doing, you're doing that? It gets really lonely? And so finding people who have paved the way not just for themselves, but for other people and have a proven track record? I would say if that's like, Yes, I know, I'm so tired of playing small, I'm so tired of living my purpose to chance. I'm tired of treating this thing, kind of like a lifestyle business of like, you know, I you know, I hope it kind of works. I'm telling you, you can't, you can't mess up. But you really can't like, I'm not kidding. Like, I was like, I don't know, I feel like you guys are taking a chance on us. But you know, if you can, like bake a cake from a box, you guys can do this program truly, like it's just following the steps and doing things in the right order. And you know, Eileen will just be like, say this, and you're like, really, and you're like, just say this, and she looks at this and they're like, Oh my God. I know, I've been doing this for a while. So I would just really encourage you that if you know like that heartbeat is like, I'm tired of playing small. I know. There's more people I can help. I'm ready to create generational wealth. I'm tired of just crossing my fingers and hoping that you know, a Facebook ad here or there is going to make a difference. And you're ready to really take this thing seriously, that there's no better person to learn from then Eileen and the rest of her team.
Eileen Wilder:Thank you. Yeah, that's so that's so heartwarming. And guys, let's just give it up for gab and her and her husband, Brian, and congrats on all the success that's 100% you're doing and I'm thinking about all the clients that you're gonna serve, and they're gonna get results. And it's just like a crazy ripple effect. It's such a privilege that we get to live in this day. And we get to be coaches, be consultants be entrepreneurs in a time like that. So thank you again, gab for your time and burden sharing from your heart today. And we just appreciate you Harrison. I just appreciate you so much. It's so you're such a great friend. So thank you. Thank you for coming on today. All righty. Well, let's give it a one more time for Gabrielle Bushman and I'll see you guys in the Facebook group.