May 28, 2024

Recognizing Financial Abuse: Practical Tips For Divorcing Women

Recognizing Financial Abuse: Practical Tips For Divorcing Women

This is a great episode for anyone struggling with financial issues before,

during, and after divorce. Shaelene McInnis, an expert in financial matters and

author of "Divorce Self Defense for Women” highlights the reality of

financial abuse, managing taxes, and how to avoid common mistakes during the

divorce process. Shaelene shares practical tips for safeguarding your finances

during divorce or turbulent relationships. From the impact of COVID-19 on

women's financial stability to crucial advice on handling joint finances, this

episode is packed with valuable information to empower women to make the best

decisions possible in a difficult time.

Some of the key takeaways from this episode include:

🔍 Takeaway 1: Financial independence is vital.

Ensure you have your own bank account and access to your financial information

to protect yourself in case of unforeseen circumstances.

🔍 Takeaway 2: Recognize red flags in

relationships. Be wary of partners seeking financial control or pushing you to

sign financial agreements that could harm you in the future.

🔍 Takeaway 3: Educate yourself and your loved

ones about finances. Understanding financial basics and having open

conversations about money can empower you to make informed decisions and

maintain a healthy relationship.

About the Guest:

Shaelene left the corporate world in 2008 to start her own business. She is the trusted advisor

to thousands of businesses in Ontario. Shaelene and her team of fabulous

employees have been helping business owners thrive through a systematic process

of education and practical advice. She is also a published author with many

books about mistakes that businesses make in different industries and women

going through or thinking of divorce. The divorce book was written because of

COVID. Spouses were separating or divorcing leaving many women unprepared for

their financial future. She advocates for financial equality in any

relationship and basic financial knowledge in everyone’s life.

To connect with Shaelene:


Facebook: BooksInLineBookkeeping

Instagram: booksinline


Twitter: @bil_bookkeeping

Shaelene also offers a private divorce group for women on Facebook. To apply for membership in the group, go


About the Host:

Mardi Winder-Adams is an ICF and BCC Executive and Leadership Coach, Certified Divorce Transition Coach, Certified Divorce Specialist (CDS®) and a Credentialed Distinguished Mediator in Texas. She has worked with women in executive, entrepreneur, and leadership roles, navigating personal, life, and professional transitions. She is the founder of Positive Communication Systems, LLC, and host of Real Divorce Talks, a quarterly series designed to provide education and inspiration to women at all stages of divorce.

Are you interested in learning more about your divorce priorities? Take

the quiz "The Divorce Stress Test".

Connect with Mardi on Social Media:





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