March 28, 2024

Welcome to The Experiential Podcast

Welcome to The Experiential Podcast

Join host, Nicole Lohse, as she she shares with you what The Experiential Podcast is about and how by tuning into our experience of ourselves, by recognizing and entangling from our patterning and conditioning, by reconnecting and remembering how to listen to our impulses, instincts, intuition and deeper knowing, we can reconnect with our internal and collective wisdom.

Nicole Lohse:

Being human can be challenging, complex, fascinating and really quite profound. The more we take the time to pause and notice, the more we'll discover that we've all learned to navigate life in our own unique yet often similar ways based on our history, our trauma, the burdens we carry, the patterns and the conditioning are caught in. And the deep seated systems we play into the ways we've learned to adapt to survive in this world is pretty incredible, yet our genuine expression of ourselves has often been dampened. Instead, we tend to feel disconnected, alone in life lost and confused, not feeling safe enough or even knowing how to be ourselves. Lucky for us, our brain is adaptable and the way that our brain and body communicate through our nervous system can change. We just have to learn how to tune in, explore our experiences, and integrate the parts of ourselves that are entangled and stuck in survival. At the core, we haven't forgotten who we are and what we're capable of as human beings, we just need the opportunity to reconnect. And remember, my name is Nicole and the human experience has fascinated me for decades. And my intention with the experiential podcast is to reconnect us with both our internal and collective wisdom. And for us to remember the gifts of being human. By tuning into our experience of ourselves by recognizing and entangling from our patterning and conditioning. by reconnecting and remembering how to listen to our impulses, instincts, intuition and deeper knowing, we will collectively return back to ourselves back into connection with each other and with this planet. And I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not saying that you won't find yourself still caught in your patterns and entangled in systems. But you'll discover that there's nothing actually wrong with you, and that your whole sovereign being with agency and choice, and that it's possible to move through life with more spaciousness, more of a sense of grace. And with the ability to pause, notice and bring awareness and curiosity into what you're experiencing and to what else is possible. I'm so excited to share this journey with you. So let's dive in.